CHAPTER FOUR, the spellingg bee

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Desiree was working at the coin shop and today it was a somewhat slow day. There wasn't much people coming in to sell or buy, so she took this time to clean the place up. As she was sweeping the floor, she heard a familiar voice call out to her.

"What do you want, Shawn?" She sighed, not even bothering to look up.

"Wow. I'm hurt. Why do you think I always want something from you when I come to see you?" 

Desiree paused in her sweeping, glancing up to see Shawn leaning casually against the door frame, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at his response.

"Because you do. Now, what is it?" She retorted, a hint of amusement lacing her voice despite her attempt to sound exasperated. 

"Well, since you're asking." He shrugs. "We got another case."

That gets Desiree's attention, causing her to stand up straighter and raise her eyebrows at him. "Really?"

"Hmm-hmm." Shawn hums in response, walking around the shop, glancing at some of the items. Desiree swats his hand away when he goes to touch something. "Ow." He winces, holding his hand up in mock pain. "Rude."

Desiree scoffs, but there's a fondness in her eyes as she watches him. She smiles slightly, shaking her head. "You know better than to mess with the merchandise, Shawn."

He chuckles, rubbing his hand lightly. "I know, I know. I just can't resist."

"So, tell me about this case." She spoke while continuing to sweep. 

"It's about the spelling bee. This kid just suddenly passed out. He was using his inhaler, but I think he was sabotaged." Shawn explains, stopping in front of one of the glass tables in the store, leaning against it as she swept by him. "Gus is waiting for us in the car."

"Shawnie, do you really expect me to close up shop each time you get a case and expect me to help you out each time?" Desiree asked him, stopping to stare at him with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't annoyed, just curious. She knew Shawn wouldn't mind if she refused. He would respect her decision, but she had a feeling he would appreciate the help. Plus, it's not like she had anything else planned. It had been a slow day so she had plenty of time.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? Besides, I don't just come here to bother you. You know you're my favorite girl." He smirks at her, walking up closer to her. Desiree chuckles, but she rolled her eyes again and hitting his arm with the broom. "Ow! Stop hitting me!" Shawn whined, rubbing his arm. 

"Then stop saying things like that! What are we, five?" Desiree sighed and picked up the stuff she swept. She then walked behind the counter to throw away the stuff she swept in the trash can.

"You're so mean to me." He muttered, pouting playfully as he followed her behind the counter.

"It's my way of showing how I care about you." She teased, grinning as she tossed the debris into the trash can.

"Is that why you shoved me off the bench that one time in high school during gym?" He asked her, looking at her suspiciously.

"In my defense, you were hogging the entire bench. I was barely on it!" She argued. 

"I was not!" He protested, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Yes, you were! Don't deny it." She countered, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips

"Okay, maybe I was hogging it a little bit," Shawn admits with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "But it's not my fault I'm taller than you. I need more space."  

"But seriously, can you go with us? I did put your name on the lease for the Psych building so technically you are a part of the agency. So, you should be there. We need you." Shawn spoke with sincerity in his voice. 

He didn't want her to feel pressured, but he would appreciate it if she came along. She was his best friend and he valued her opinion. Not only that, she was smart and resourceful, and had a knack for solving cases. She also had an impressive amount of knowledge about various topics, such as history and mythology, which could come in handy when they needed to find clues. Plus she had watched many shows and movies about detectives and had read many mystery novels. She could be very helpful in cases and Shawn was sure he could make her a great detective. She was already pretty good at it. Of course, he would never force her to do anything, but he could always ask. He always loved spending time with her and having her with him made things better. She always seemed to know exactly what to say or do to help him get his thoughts together. Or just cheer him up. She had a way of doing that too.

Desiree was surprised and touched by what he admitted. She thought it was sweet he added her to the Psych business, though she hadn't thought it was necessary. She thought she was only helping him out with that one case. Still, she was glad he thought she would be useful and that he clearly wanted her to be a part of the agency. She was flattered, and couldn't help the small smile that crossed her lips. She could tell he was being genuine and she knew he meant every word. She felt honored and touched. She was happy he thought so highly of her. And it was nice to know that he wanted her to be involved. 

She was more than willing to help out with the business, and she was always up for a good mystery. Besides, she enjoyed spending time with Shawn, and the fact that he trusted her enough to involve her in the agency meant a lot. So, she couldn't help but agree to join them. It would be a lot of fun. And besides, Shawn looked so cute and hopeful right now. She couldn't resist those puppy eyes. And he knew that. He knew exactly what to say and do to make her melt. Desiree didn't have it in her to say no. She hoped she wouldn't regret this later to agreeing. But right now, it just felt right.

She sighs heavily, placing the broom in the corner. "Fine, I'll go." She said, feigning annoyance. She couldn't help but grin when he did a fist pump and shouted, "yes!" It was always cute when he did that. "Just give me a minute, let me lock up and grab my stuff." Desiree told him.

"Alright, I'll meet you in the car. Don't take too long, you know Gus is not a patient person. I'm not really either, Desi." Shawn replied, grinning at her. Desiree rolled her eyes but agreed to be quick as she bit back a smile. She followed him to the door, locking it once he was out. It took her a bit to put everything up, she had a routine every time with closing up. Once she was done, she went and grabbed her stuff from the back and locked the door before leaving.

"Let's get this show on the road, we got a case to solve!" Gus grinned.

"Why are you so excited about this one?" Desiree asks in confusion as she gets in the back seat. "Is it because of your weird obsession with spelling bees?" She closed the door behind her, setting her purse by her and then buckled herself in.

"I think he's still upset he lost his when we were kids." Shawn responded, causing her to giggle. His smile widened at hearing her giggle, it was such a beautiful sound.

"You know, it's not funny." Gus sassily said as he looked at Desiree through the rear view mirror.

"Right, sorry." Desiree apologizes, sheepishly smiling at him. She pauses before adding, "But it is kinda funny." She then laughed softly, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I hate both of you." Gus grumbled when Shawn joined in with laughing with Desiree and agreed with her.

"Aww, don't be like that. You love us." Desiree smiled innocently, patting his shoulder. She couldn't help but laugh a bit when he swatted her hand away.

"I do, but sometimes you both drive me crazy. I wish I could hate you." Gus stated, glancing over at Shawn who had a smirk on his face. He knew Gus didn't mean it. They both knew that. It was an ongoing joke between the three of them. He would say he hated them, but they knew he was lying.

"You wouldn't know what to do without us." Shawn chuckled, causing Desiree to grin and nod her head in agreement.

"Yeah, you'd be so bored and lonely." She agreed.

"That's true. I would be, wouldn't I?" Gus chuckled, glancing at her and smiling.

"D*** straight." Desiree smiles. "But so would I if I didn't have you guys as my best friends." She admits, causing them to both smile at her. She then turns to look at Shawn curiously. "So, fill me in on the details." She asked him, wanting to know more about the case.

Shawn proceeded to tell her about the case. She listened intently, asking a few questions here and there. He was impressed by how quickly she seemed to understand what was going on. He was used to her being interested in these things, but it never ceased to amaze him how sharp her mind was. She could always pick up on the smallest details and come up with theories that no one else would have thought of. It was one of the things he admired about her.

Desiree continued to listen to Shawn talk about the case, taking in all the information he gave her. She had to admit, it was pretty interesting. She could tell there was a lot more to this case than met the eye. And she couldn't help but feel excited to figure out the mystery behind it. She loved a good mystery, and she was determined to get to the bottom of this one.  


They make it to the building where the spelling bee is being held. They run into Chief Vick and she explained how they needed to talk to all the contestants and their parents by five today. So now the trio were walking inside the building quietly and went to find a seat. There was a girl at the mic, spelling a word that Desiree wasn't paying much attention to.

"This thing has been sold out for weeks." Gus commented. Desiree noticed there were quite a few people here. She didn't expect it to be so popular. "I can see why. It moves so fast." Shawn sarcastically said. "It's like hockey with words."

Desiree chuckles. "Never thought I would hear spelling bee being compared to hockey."

"That's Elvin Cavanaugh," Gus points out to a man on the balcony reading off the words. "The greatest spell champion, he's been the spellmaster for fourteen years. He's a legend."

"If he is, how come I never heard of him?" Desiree wondered, sitting besides Shawn and Gus. She leaned in closer, curious about the situation unfolding before her.

"You wouldn't. Because you're uncultured." Gus replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "But trust me, in the spelling bee community, he's a big deal."

Desiree rolls her eyes, looking at him with offense and amusement. "Uncultured? Excuse me, Mr. Gus, but I'll have you know I am a connoisseur of many things, just not spelling bees." She grinned, teasing him lightly. 

Shawn chuckles, nudging her playfully. "Don't mind him, Des. He's just jealous that he never made it past the second round in his spelling bee days."

Desiree smirks, enjoying the playful banter. "Oh, is that so, Gus? Couldn't handle the pressure of the spotlight on stage, huh?"

Gus shakes his head, feigning offense. "You two are impossible.

"It's true." Gus shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever." She scoffed and crossed her arms, pouting slightly. Shawn laughed at the two, and he wrapped an arm around Desiree, pulling her closer. Desiree smiled a little and leaned into him, not noticing the way he glanced at her with a soft smile and how his arm tightened a bit.

"Anyway, that guy sits up there all by himself in that fancy box? What is he, the Phantom of the Opera?" Shawn inquired, earning a chuckle from Desiree.

"You watch too much movies, Shawn." Desiree told him, poking his side.

"I do not." He mumbled and poked her back, causing her to let out a small giggle.

"He's a huge celebrity. He can't just sit in the crowd." Gus spoke.

Desiree raises her eyebrows at him. "A celebrity? For spelling? That's a thing?" Gus sends her a glare, causing her to hold her hands up in defense. "Sorry."

"Oh, come on, dude." Shawn groans in annoyance. "You're not bored at all?" 

"I'm getting bored." Desiree admitted, causing him to look at her and grin.

"See? Desi is bored." He pointed out. 

"So? Do you know how to spell any of these words?" Gus questioned, raising his eyebrows at him. 

"Proudly, I've never heard of any of these words." Shawn answers. "I file these words under 'things to say when I want to be ridiculed or kicked out of bed'." Desiree snickered at his answer. She was definitely filing those words under 'fun ways to annoy Shawn'. She could already picture the annoyed look on his face.

"See, the problem is that 'butyraceous' is clearly a round one word." Gus pointed out.

"Why do you know that?" Desiree sighed, shaking her head. She really didn't get the appeal of these spelling bees.

"Stop talking." Shawn pleads, looking at Gus in annoyance. "I'd like to pretend we still have things in common, Gus."

"Well, instead of sitting here, maybe we should get to work." Gus suggested.

"Good idea." Desiree nodded and she got up along with Shawn to follow Gus out the side door that a security guard opened for them.


"Try not to break anything." A woman guided the trio to back stage.

"Wow." Gus gasps, staring in awe. "So this is what it looks like."

"What?" Shawn asked in confusion. 

"The comfort room. This is where you go to deal with a missing word." Gus explained.

"Oh, yeah? Here do they take you to deal with missing your entire childhood?" Shawn questioned and Desiree couldn't help but chuckle a little. She knew he was joking. Mostly. She was glad to see she was right when he grinned at her and winked. She rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head.

"Shawn, this misplaced malevolence you have with the spelling bee is getting monotonous." Gus said. "Stop hating on the bee."

"Stop saying complicated words. It's getting annoying." Desiree whined. She didn't like that Gus kept using words she didn't know.

Gus ignores her comment, glancing at Ms.Foote, the woman who had guided them back here. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I do apologize for their inappropriate virulence."

"Why are you using all these big-a** words all of a sudden?" Shawn asks. "Like Desi said, it is getting annoying." He added, making her smile. She was glad to know he felt the same way.

"You guys are such children." Gus shakes his head, rolling his eyes. He glances at Ms. Foote with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry for their egregious behavior." Desiree stares at him with confusion, mouthing the word 'egregious'. She had never heard the word before and she shared a confused look with Shawn, who looked equally as confused. "I was in the spelling bee myself. I almost won." Gus added.

Shawn sighs in annoyance. "Dude, are you still on that?"

"Yes, Gus, it's been years ago since that happened." Desiree commented with a heavy sigh. She understood he was upset about it, but she thought he was overreacting a little.

"Of course I'm still on it." Gus defensively said. "I knew it wasn't 'o'." 

"You may have five minutes with each contestant, no more." Ms. Foote speaks up. "If the room is needed, you will be asked to vacate. I'll begin with the eliminated contestants."

"Um, actually," Shawn chimes in, stopping Ms. Foote from leaving. "We'd only like to speak with the ones that were still in the competition when the accident occurred...Ms...Foote..." He said slowly as he saw the name tag she wore. "And, uh...Let's start with the shifty-eyed ones, shall we?" Ms. Foote rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.


The next few minutes, the trio talked with the contestants who were in the competition when the accident occurred. "And you were there the whole time?" Shawn asked the boy they were currently talking to. The boy was number 22 and his mother was with him as well.

"I was." The boy quietly said.

"'Assimilation.'" His mother told him.

"A-S-S-I-M-I-L-A-T-I-O-N." The boy spelled correctly. Both Desiree and Shawn were confused with why they were doing this, but Gus just gave them a pointed look. Desiree rolled her eyes and continued to watch them, feeling a little awkward. She thought it was weird how the boy's mother just randomly told him to spell a word. She didn't know if it was normal, but she didn't think so. It seemed strange to her.


"My son, no one expect him to come this far." The father of the next boy they talked to had a Czech accent. "But he surprise everyone." Desiree noticed this boy's number was 56 and he held an inhaler. He was quiet, keeping his gaze on his lap. 

"You watch him win." His father continued.

"Oh, I don't know. Are they running odds on this thing now? Because I got some cash I'd like to lay down on the really, really tall girl with the bulldog underbite. What, is she on stilts?" Shawn chuckled. Gus joined him, but it was fake and he sent him a glare afterwards. Desiree just rolled her eyes at them and glanced at the man when he spoke again.

"You do not understand. This contest, it is money for scholarship. It is entry into any school in the future."

"Yeah, Shawn." Gus agrees. "The winner of this competition can just about choose his university."

"Your friend is right." The man nodded.

"And it teaches grace under pressure. Poise, dignity..." Gus added.

"All things you can get at a hot dog eating competition. Plus..." Shawn points at the boy with a smile and the for the first time since they had talked with him and his father, he looked up at Shawn. "Hot dogs." Shawn finished and the boy smiled slightly. Desiree couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head at his comment. Shawn always did know how to make people smile. Even if it was the most random thing, it usually worked.


"Still studying, huh?" Shawn inquired. The next contestant they were talking to was a girl who was number 12 and she had a book on her lap she was reading. Her mother was by her and Desiree had to admit, she looked intimidating.

"Oh, she loves it. Won't put that thing down." The mother smiled.

"Well, kudos on the child-rearing. Let me know how the therapy goes." Shawn muttered, earning a smack to the arm from Desiree. Desiree agreed with him, but she wouldn't say something like that out loud in this situation. Shawn grimaced a little at the hit, rubbing his arm and he glared at her, his look turning into a pout when she reached over to grab some popcorn out of the bag he had gotten. 

"Huh?" The mother asked, looking at Shawn with confusion as the girl kept her gaze on the book. Desiree grimaced. The mother seemed controlling. Desiree wouldn't be surprised if the girl had been forced to come to this thing.

"Uh, it's just a joke." Desiree quickly lies. "My friend here likes to make jokes." She gestures to Shawn, giving him a pointed look. "It's his way of trying to lighten the mood a bit." She added, sending a reassuring smile to the girl and her mother. The mother just raised her eyebrows at her and she sighed. She could tell the woman wasn't amused, but at least she wasn't angry. 


Desiree followed the guys into the auditorium after the spelling bee was over. People were leaving as they had walked in. They went over to a TV that was on a table near the stage. There were two men who had been explaining they're going to keep rolling because of the request they got from Elvin Cavanaugh who is a behind the scenes guy. He was supposed to give a press conference here at this auditorium. Desiree glanced up at the private box where Elvin was, Gus and Shawn followed her gaze as well, the three of them curious. Desiree furrowed her eyebrows though when she saw he was coughing. He also held onto his stomach, gripping the railing with his other hand. 

"I think he's having difficulty breathing." A guy on the TV spoke, gaining her attention. 

"He does look under duress, bud." The other guy agreed. 

Desiree couldn't help the gasp that left her lips, eyes widening as Elvin fell over the railing and onto the some of the seats. Screams and gasps filled the room as people immediately rush over to him. Desiree was frozen in her spot, her heart pounding against her chest. "O-Okay, not to belittle this guy's life," Shawn stutters, a look of disbelief on his face. "But this just got more interesting than the woodcarving finals."

A/N desiree & shawn >>>>

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