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"What were you doing? That was the Chief of Police." Gus said to Shawn as the trio left the police station.

"Interim Chief." Shawn interjected.

"Yeah, but still a Chief." Desiree chimed in, earning an eye roll from Shawn.

"Have you considered that Camden McCallum may have been alive the first time we went to that cabin?" Shawn inquired.

"No." Gus replied and Desiree shook her head in agreement.

"Well, I have." Shawn continues. He spots McCallum senior, the older man he and Desiree talked to before at the house, talking to the detectives. he noticed his wrist is bandaged. "I need to talk to that guy." 

"Who?" Desiree asks, turning to look in the direction he was looking at. "Oh." She nodded realization when she saw the bandaged wrist.

"Woah, woah." Gus stops Shawn from heading to the room the man was in. "No."

"Come on, Gus." Shawn pleads. "Just for a second. The man is practically almost my father-in-law."

Desiree raises her eyebrows. "'Cause you went on one date with his daughter?" Shawn nodded in response. 

"Make no mistake, Shawn. I will kill you." Gus threatened, earning a surprise look from Shawn.

"Okay." Shawn nods. "I appreciate the fact that you think you can beat me up. But I think our last scuffle proves otherwise."

Gus points at him. "Are you talking about the Cinnamon Festival?"

"Yes!" Shawn nods. "You do remember."

Gus looks annoyed as he replies with, "Okay, first of all, I was six. And I had a cast!"

"Yeah, that wasn't a fair fight." Desiree cut in.

"Thank you." Gus smiled at her.

"But many would construe that as a clear advantage." Shawn said to Gus. "It's like having a weapon attached to your arm. Oh, great." He spoke in annoyance suddenly. "Now, the Chief is staring right at us."

"We're probably in trouble." Desiree sighed as she noticed the Chief talking to the others and pointing in their direction.

Lucinda walks out of the room in their direction. "Mr. McCallum!" Shawn shouted as he tried to get to the door before Lucinda closed it, but he was too late.

"Chief wants them left alone." Lucinda told him.

"Well, we all want to be left alone." Shawn commented.

"Yeah, some more than others." Lucinda agreed, referring to herself and the others.

"Harsh." Desiree mumbled.

"What's with his wrist?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, is it broken? Sprained?" Desiree questioned.

Lucinda raises her eyebrows. "You two don't give up, do you?"

"I don't." Desiree replies with a smile. She points at Shawn. "He does though."

"Dezi's right. I do give up. All the time." Shawn nods. "But not until the moment is right. Now come on, I know you don't think this adds up either."

Lucinda is quiet for a few moments, looking hesitant before she speaks. "Okay, the rumor is he tried to off himself."

"Off himself." Shawn repeats in disbelief. "The war hero? The man who's seen everything? No. That's not it. That's definitely not it." He glances at Desiree with raised eyebrows. "Desiree, you think that's it?"

"Nope." Desiree shook her head. It didn't make sense. Why would he want to kill himself all of a sudden?

"You guys know everything, don't you?" Lucinda inquired, crossing her arms.

"Yeah." Shawn nods with a smile. "It's scary, isn't it? Something is going on, and we're gonna find out what it is."

"No. You're not going anywhere near that man." Lassiter argued, walking over to the group. He wraps his arm around Shawn's shoulder, guiding him away. As Lucinda walked back in the room, Desiree and Gus follows Lassiter and Shawn. "In fact, I'm going to make certain you two never hear from the department again."

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine." Desiree sarcastically commented, earning an annoyed look from Lassiter.

"Woah." Shawn raises his hands, stepping away from Lassiter. "I'm getting strong vibrations that you might be wrong."

Lassiter stares at Shawn and Desiree with an intimidating glance. "I'm on to you two. You've got a source somewhere and I'm going to find it. You guys think this is some sort of game? I'm not going to let you two just waltz around here like some kid in a candy store."

"Let me be honest with you, detective. I used to work in a candy store and it's nothing like this." Shawn told him. Lassiter stared at him stoically as he's silent, watching the trio leave.

"You're in over your head, mystic." Lassiter called out. 


The next day the trio sit in Gus' car outside McCallum Textiles and Shawn was looking through binoculars'. "Why are we at the McCallum offices?" Gus questioned.

"What is the magnification on these thigns?" Shawn asked.

"2x." Gus replied.

"Okay, we need to stop at Walmart on the way home." Shawn suggested.

"Why don't you just take your big, loud motorcycle?" Gus inquired.

"Ooh, here we go. Here we go." Shawn spoke, avoiding Gus' question. 

"Wait, is that Katerina McCallum?" Desiree said with surprise as she watched the girl and a man walk out of the building.

"Oh h**l no." Gus says in annoyance. "You got us out of work so you could stalk a girl?"

Shawn curses. "What is he doing here?" He asked in a sad tone.

"She did say that she had a boyfriend, right?" Desiree said. "That might be him." 

"Dang it." Shawn muttered.

"I can't believe this!" Gus commented.

"What's up with his hair? It's horrible." Shawn continues. "I knew I should've had him picked up for questioning." The man kisses Katarina on the cheek before leaving. "That is not a way a grown man kisses a grown woman. We're-We're fine." Katarina then walks away alone, but Desiree notices her looking around nervously. "Why does she look so nervous?"

"Maybe she's sneaking around?" Desiree suggests. She raises her eyebrows at seeing the heavy duffle bag Katarina had. "Shawnie, you notice the bag?"

"Uh huh." Shawn replies. "Is it just me or does that bag look like it's filled with stacks of ransom money?"

"Give me that." Gus snatched the binoculars from him and looked through them, surprise at what he saw.

"Katarina." Shawn said sadly.

"It was her." Gus realizes. Katarina loads the bag in her car, still looking nervous as she gets in. "You're dating a murderer." Gus told Shawn.

"Not exclusively." Shawn defended himself.

"Wow." Gus shook his head. He laughed as he started the car and backed up.


"You see, I knew there was a reason she went for you so easily." Gus voiced while he drove in the city.

"She wasn't lying, Gus." Shawn speaks. "I know when people are lying."

"Oh, yeah?" Gus challenges. "Apparently not."

"Yeah, you'd think you'd be able to find out something like her having the ransom money." Desiree chimed in from the backseat.

"You just got played." Gus commented and laughed.

Sometime later, they park hidden in an alleyway after following Katarina. They see her walk out of a building, followed by a long-haired man. 

"Should we call the cops?" Gus suggested.

"Too late for that." Shawn replied.

"You could pretend you had a vision of a girl totally manipulating you." Gus spoke.

Desiree chuckles as Shawn rolls his eyes. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Desiree asked.

"Just a bit." Gus grinned.

"Would you stop?" Shawn demanded.

Katarina gives the bag to the long-haired man. Shawn hits Gus on the chest to get his attention. "What should we-What should we do?" Gus stammered.

"There's only one thing to do." Shawn spoke.

"Please don't mean what I think you mean." Desiree sighs in annoyance. She watches as he unbuckles and gets out of the car. "And you're doing exactly that." She muttered. 

Shawn ducked behind a dumpster to watch Katarina and the man. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Gus said in annoyance. He glances back at Desiree. "We gotta get a new friend." Desiree chuckled at his comment.

Shawn then suddenly sprints towards Katarina, grabbing the bag. He then bumps into Gus, dropping the bag on accident. "What are you doing?" Shawn asked in disbelief.

"Helping." Gus picked up the bag and ran to the car with Shawn.

"You're supposed to stay at the car!" Shawn tells him, noticing Desiree was still in the car. "Looks like Desiree made the smart decision."

"You didn't tell me!" Gus defended himself.

"Well, come on!" Shawn said and then he looks annoyed. "Gus, you looked the car?"

"It's a bad neighborhood!" Gus replied.

Desiree leans over and unlocks the car for the boys just as Katarina and the man walked over "What in the world's going on, Shawn?" Katarina inquired incredulously.

"I know what's in the bag." Shawn responds, holding the bag close to him. 

"You do?" Katarina said in surprise.

"You're good. Very good." Shawn nods. "I didn't consider who'd be the sole heir to the McCallum fortune if Camden was out of the picture."

The long-haired man steps forward to attack Shawn, who looks nervous, but Katarina stops the man. "Okay, okay. Wh-You think I want my family's money?"

"You don't need it, do you?" Shawn asks her. "Now that you've got..." He opens the bag, pulling out a colorful wool blanket. "This money!"

"That's not money." Desiree cringed.

Shawn rummages through the bag, finding a variety of clothes. He glances over at Gus sheepishly. "We've got to get better binoculars." Gus nodded and sneered.

The long-haired man snatches the bag from Shawn and Shawn reads his hat and jacket that read 'Carol's thrift store'. He mouthed 'oh' in realization. Desiree had noticed the title of the store on the man's hat when he first went over to the car so she knew ahead of time the bag wasn't money, but everything was happening so fast that she couldn't tell Shawn and Gus.

The long-haired man glares at Shawn before he walks away. Katarina shakes her head in disappointment and follows the man. "Katarina..." Shawn tries getting her attention, but it doesn't work. He turned to look at Gus. Gus shook his head and got in the car. 


The trio had been sitting in this alleyway for awhile now, watching the long-haired man. He walked inside the store with the bag. "Go buy the bag." Shawn spoke.

"What, you want a souvenir of your ineptitude?" Gus asked him.

"I need to get a better look inside that bag." Shawn nodded.

"I'm not going in there. That guy wants to kill us." Gus replied.

"Just you two. I haven't done anything." Desiree chimed in.

"Then you be the one to go get the bag." Gus told her.

"Oh, no. He scares me." Desiree quickly said, earning an eye roll from Gus.

"Guys, this guy works in a thrift store." Shawn comments, trying to reassure his friends. "Okay? He's a big, furry hearted, good Samaritan. Come on. I'll be right here. Go ahead."

Desiree and Gus decide on playing rock paper scissors to decide who would be going in the store and in the end Desiree lost. "Dang it." Desiree muttered and got out of the car.

Desiree walked into the thrift store, noticing it was somewhat busy. She had to admit this store looked cute. She noticed the long-haired man who was with Katarina was checking a clothing rack. She walked over to him, smiling politely. 

"Hi." She greeted.

He smiles friendly at her. "Hi, how can I help you?"

"Okay, this might sound weird, but the bag you had earlier, could I have it?" She awkwardly asked.

The man raises his eyebrows. "You serious?"

Desiree rolls her eyes when she noticed Shawn snuck inside the store. Shawn locks eyes with her, giving her two thumbs up. She figures he would get the bag so she kept distracting him. "Actually, forget that." Desiree tells the man with a sheepish smile. "Can you help me find something to get for my mom for her birthday?" 

"Of course." The man nods. "what did you have in mind?"

"My mom loves jewelry so maybe something like that?" Desiree suggested and followed the man as he guided her over to the jewelry. She then spotted Shawn looking at a blue and white flannel shirt. As the man was distracted, she threw a nearby pen that was left on the table at Shawn to get his attention. Shawn winced, rubbing the back of his neck and turned to look at her with a glare. Desiree then mouthed to him 'get the bag'.

Shawn nods, putting the flannel back and grabbing the bag before he ran out of the store. "This is where we keep all our jewlery." The man spoke, causing Desiree to turn her attention back to him. 

She smiles. "Thanks." She scans the table of jewelry. She knows she should buy something now, she would feel bad coming in the store and not going out with anything. "I think I'll take this." She said, pointing a rose necklace. Her mom loved roses and it wouldn't hurt to buy an early birthday gift for her to be prepared.

"Okay, if that's all then you can just head to the check out counter." The man smiled and began to go back to work. 

"Thanks for your help." Desiree told him. She started to walk to the check out counter with the rose necklace, but she stopped, pausing as she looked at the flannel Shawn looked at. She grabbed it, making sure it was his size before she went to the check out counter.

"What took you so long?" Shawn whined when she got back in the car.

"Shut up," Desiree playfully glares at him. "I had to buy something. I couldn't jsut leave empty handed. That's weird." She then pulls out the flannel she got for Shawn. "And stop the whining 'cause I got you this."

Shawn gasps as he takes it from her. "I love you." Desiree laughs and smiles. "Okay, all is forgiven for you taking forever." Shawn grinned.


The trio now stood in Gus' office that evening. Shawn opens the bag that sets on Gus' desk and inspects it. He sniffs the inside of the bag as well. He shakes his head. "Seems pretty clean."

"What, they didn't happen to leave a ransom note inside?" Gus raised his eyebrows, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Give me some money." Shawn spoke.

"Get your own money." Gus argued.

"Gus, I'll give it back." Shawn reassured him.

When Gus glanced at Desiree, she shakes her head and raises her hands. "It's your turn to do something now." Gus rolled his eyes and handed Shawn a few dollars.

Shawn looks through the money. "Seriously, this is all you carry?" Gus rolls his eyes and sits down at his desk. "Okay." Shawn clears his throat, laying out the money inside the bag. "So we've got five stacks going across. You figure four going long ways. Ten stacks in each pile based on the wear and the indentation....Depending on the demonization, uh, this could easily be five million dollars."

Gus stares at him in shock. "You're kidding."

"Wait," Desiree glances at Shawn with surprise. "You really think that the money was in there?"

"Yeah." Shawn nods. "Give or take."

"You got that from a groove on the side?" Gus asked.

"Come on, Gus." Shawn smiles ,putting his hands on his hips. "Any small child could've figured that out."

"So somebody a that house did pay a ransom." Gus said in realization.

"Mm-hmm." Shawn hums in agreement. "Or tried to."

"The real question is who though?" Desiree questioned. She didn't understand why anyone in the McCallum family would do this.

Shawn crosses his arms. "I don't know. We're gonna need more than mine and Dezi's psychic powers to figure this out."


The trio are at the McCallum Mansion the next day, standing in the foyer. "I'm telling you, there's no way Katarina's going to talk to you." Gus told Shawn.

"Yeah, well, I sort of lied about that part." Shawn admits. "We're not here to see Katarina."

Mr. McCallum walks down the stairs behind them. "Who we here to see?" Gus asked Shawn.

"This is highly inappropriate, Mr. Spencer." Mr. McCallum said. "The investigation is over."

"What if they got the wrong man?" Shawn inquired.

Mr. McCallum shakes his head, looking confused. "And then who would the right man be?"

"You." Shawn told him.

Mr. McCallum narrows his eyes at him and Gus gapes at Shawn. Desiree raises her eyebrows with surprise and Shawn side glances at his friends sheepishly. Mr. McCallum then led the trio to his den.

"Mr. McCallum, I didn't have anything to do with this." Gus commented as Mr. McCallum closed the door to his den.

"I killed my own son?" Mr. McCallum asks in disbelief. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think you meant to." Shawn replied.

"You're not a detective. You're not even a cop." Mr. McCallum spoke. 

"You're right." Shawn agrees. "I'm a psychic. And so is Desiree. We saw the whole thing." Shawn closes his eyes. "I see a ransom drop. You're doing everything they ask. You didn't call the police. You're thinking nothing but the security of your son." He opens his eyes, looking at Mr. McCallum. "After all, what's five million dollars to you? You're driving away, I can see it. Something strange happens. You recognize the car. You pass it on the hill. It's Malcolm Orso's. You've seen it hundreds of times at your house ever since high school. Maybe it confirms a suspicious that you already have. You know where they are. You know the cabin." 

Shawn points at Desiree. "Dezi, you getting anything?" 

Desiree nods, appreciating him letting her be included in this. "Yeah," She closes her eyes and pretends she's getting a vision like what Shawn did. "Your son is making coffee...But you didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident. You just wanted to scare him....Maybe even teach him a lesson."

"Exactly." Shawn nods in agreement. "But he falls to the floor. He slams his head on the oak table. He's dead. You know he's dead." Mr. McCallum looks between the trio sharply and turns away. "Orso walks in, finds you. He's got a half-a*** pistol. But he's no criminal. You know there's only one way to cover your tracks. You take care of him too."

"You decided to make it look like it was a suicide." Desiree continues. Mr. McCallum sits down in shock. "You go home after what you did, pretending as if you didn't just kill your own son and another person. You tell the police and then you wait."  She added.

"You wait for a ransom call that will never come." Shawn shakes his head. "Police eat it up. It's easy to look shaken after all you've done. You might even be willing to take your own life."

"You two have an overactive imagination." Mr. McCallum comments. "Perhaps a side effect of your gift."

"You think we have an overactive imagination?" Desiree raises her eyebrows, clicking her tongue. She shakes her head. "I think we're spot on about what happened."

"Guys, we need to go." Gus chimed in.

"Not yet." Shawn told him.

"I'm about to throw up on a Turkish carpet." Gus explained. 

Desiree shares a glance with Shawn. "Seriously?" Desiree asked with surprsie, glancing at Gus with concern.

"No, you're not." Shawn said.

"It's in my esophagus." Gus spoke.

"Second door on the left. Turn on the fan and flush." Shawn told him and Gus left the room.

"I will not have this incident rehashed over and over again!" Mr. McCallum demanded.

"We know what your relationship was with your son." Shawn informed him.

Mr. McCallum raises his eyebrows. "Oh, really."

"I have a father that I disappoint all the time." Shawn said, sitting on the armchair of a chair in front of Mr. McCallum while Desiree stood by him, leaning her elbow on his shoulder.

"I'm sure you do." Mr. McCallum nodded.

"I know how you feel. This was it. This was the straw that broke the camels back, wasn't it?" Shawn asks. "To think, eighteen months ago, he sat across from you, looked you right in the eye and said, 'dad, i'm going to clean up my act this time. this time I am going to change. I swear.' To know that he duped you and you fell for it all over again must've sent you into a state that even you can't believe."

Mr. McCallum stands, but Desiree blocks him, followed by Shawn. "Mr. Spencer, Miss O'Neal, I've been assured by the Lieutenant Governor that this case will cast a pall over my family. But I can assure you it's gonna cast one over yours."

Shawn shares a glance with Desiree. "Our very first case and we're already being threatened. Wow."

"Yeah, kinda wish we could've avoided that from happening." Desiree admitted.

Gus bursts back in the room. "Guys, let's go."

"Not finished quite yet." Shawn told him.

"We're going now." Gus ordered.

"We're almost done." Desiree argued.

"You two should listen to your friend." Mr. McCallum suggested.

Gus walks over to his two best friends, grabbing their arms and pulling them towards the door. Shawn stops by the door, making the others stop. Shawn points at Mr. McCallum. "We'll be back."

"No, you won't." Mr. McCallum shook his head.


At the entrance, the butler pushed the trio outside. "Okay, we're going." Shawn reassures him. "We're clearly going. Alright!" 

The trio walked down the steps to Gus' car. "Dude, what are you doing?" Shawn asks Gus. "We had him on the ropes."

"It wasn't the right tactic." Gus replied.

"No offense," Desiree sends him a small smile, raising her eyebrows. "But since when do you know about tactics?" 

"Yeah, so you're the expert now?" Shawn inquired.

"Consumine." Gus responded.

"Huh?" Desiree said in confusion.

"What?" Shawn furrowed his eyebrows.

"Consumine. It's for dog bites. I have some samples." Gus explained.

"Why is that important?" Desiree questioned.

Shawn nods in agreement. "Gus, what are you saying to us?"

"I'm saying, there was a bottle of it in his medicine cabinet." Gus responds. "Prescribed Wednesday. You wonder why he had that long sleeve shirt in the heat that first day?"

Desiree's eyes widen in surprise. "Oh-"

"My gosh." Shawn finishes her sentence, his eyes widening as well. "That dog did have blood on his teeth."

Gus nods. "I told you it wasn't snausages." 

The trio get back in Gus' car, Gus at the drivers seat, Shawn in the passenger seat and Desiree in the back. "We're never getting back in there." Gus pointed out.

"Probably not." Desiree agreed.

"I know." Shawn sighs. "Just give me a second." He closed his eyes, pressing his index fingers to his temple. 

Desiree shares a look with Gus before they both look back at Shawn. "What on Earth are you doing?" Desiree questioned.

"I'm thinking."

"You look ridiculous." Gus told him and Desiree nodded in agreement.

Shawn opens his eyes and he grabs his phone. "Now what are you doing?" Gus asked him.

"I'm calling the cops." Shawn answered.

Gus furrows his eyebrows. "For what? You heard the guy in there. They're never going to come."

"I'm not calling the cops on him. I'm calling the cops on us." Shawn explained.

"What?" Desiree's eyes widen. "Why are you doing that?"

 "Guys, we need this to play out in front of an audience with all the major players in place." Shawn told her.

Desiree sighs heavily, rolling her eyes along with Gus. Shawn then spoke in a deeper tone, explaining there was an intruder at the McCallum residence who won't leave. While Desiree stared at Shawn in amusement after Shawn ended the call, Gus stared sternly at Shawn.

Shawn ends the call with a sigh, glancing over at Gus. "Did you really vomit?" Gus rolled his eyes, shaking his head.


Now the trio were being escorted out of the building. "It's time like this I remember why I love my job so much." Lassiter admitted.

"Anytime, Shawn." Gus said.

"He's getting cocky, give it a sec." Shawn replied.

"Lassiter is always cocky though." Desiree commented, earning a small glare from him. 

"We're gonna be in a city jail in a sec." Gus told Shawn.

Desiree and Gus were guided to two the police car as Lassiter guided Shawn to another one. He then made Shawn bump his head on the side of the car on purpose before putting him in the car. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" Lassiter feigned concern while he looked at Shawn.

After his best friends gave him a look, Shawn calls out, "Ah, something's happening!" 

"Stop it!" Lassiter told him.

"Gus! Desiree!" Shawn shouts, his whole body shaking as he moves away from Lassiter, who was trying to stop him. "Something's happening!" Shawn dropped to the ground, still pretending to convulse. Another officer stepped forward to get him, but Lassiter stopped him. Everyone stared at Shawn on the ground. 

"The dog!" Shawn exclaimed.

"Shut up." Lassiter demanded.

"He's biting the intruder." Shawn continues. "He knows him! It's someone he knows! The dog knows him!"

Lassiter glares at him. "Stop talking."

"Ouch! Ow! The teeth are digging in!" Shawn yelled.

"Shut up." Lassiter pulled Shawn up to his feet.

"Oh, there's blood!" Shawn shouts. "Ah! Ah!" Lassiter had to pick Shawn up to bring him over to the car. "It's him! It's McCallum! I can see his face! The killer is McCallum! Check his wrist! Check his right wrist! The teeth marks will match up!"

Mr. McCallum steps forward with a glare. "Get him out of here!"

"Check the wrist!" Shawn yelled, continuing to struggle to get out of Lassiter's grasp.

"No one is checking any part of me." Mr. McCallum spoke.

"Why not?" Chief Vick shrugged.

Mr. McCallum turns to face her with confusion. "Huh?" Shawn stopped struggling, watching as Chief Vick spoke to Mr. McCallum.

"We could close this out immediately, discredit him right here. That's an awful wound you have bandaged there." She noticed.

"This is outrageous!" Mr. McCallum exclaims as Lassiter kept trying to get Shawn in the car but he kept protesting. "Do you really want to do this?"

Chief Vick crosses her arms, looking stern. "We could do this now...Or I could call in a warrant."

"I'll call my lawyer." Mr. McCallum told her.

Chief Vick nods. "I'll be right here." Mr. McCallum looked at her stunned.

"I see a doctor!" Shawn shouts. "I'm seeing a doctor. Dr. Bendali. And a word. Consumine. Yeah, it's for dog bites. The wound is fresh, check the wound! It's a fresh wound. It's still a fresh wound."

Mr. McCallum gulps, looking nervous. He turns to face Chief Vick, stammering. "I-It was an accident. I-I didn't-"

Lassiter stops forcing Shawn in the car, eyes widening in disbelief. "What?" 

Gus glances confidently at Lucinda, who stood behind him. "Sergeant." Chief Vick pointed at him and officers arrest Mr. McCallum. Lassiter groaned, letting go of Shawn. 

Desiree glances at the officer who held her with a polite smile. "Mind letting me go now?" He nodded in response, unlocking the handcuffs and she stepped to the side.

Gus raises his eyebrows at Lucinda. "You want to take these cuffs off of me, please?" Lucinda gets out of her state of shock and nods, unlocking the cuffs. "Thank you." Gus smiled.

Lassiter leans against the car, watching Mr. McCallum getting taken to a police car. "Seriously. How?" He asked Shawn.

"I wish I knew." Shawn responded.

Lassiter looked frustrated as he walked away with Lucinda and the officer who had uncuffed Desiree. Desiree and Gus stood by Shawn. The trio exchanged a smile.

"Do you think this ruins my chances with Katarina?"

Gus' smile falters and he rolls his eyes at Shawn. Desiree chuckles. "That's what you're thinking about right now?" She inquired.


Desiree is in the back of Gus' car as this time Shawn is the one to drive the trio on a ocean front road. He then parked in front of an office building that had 'psych. private psychic detective' on the front window. "Wait," Desiree's eyes lit up excitedly and she gets to the edg eof her seat, leaning her elbows on Shawn's and Gus' seat. "This is ours?"

"Yep!" Shawn grins. "Awesome right?"

"Yeah." Desiree grinned.

The trio then gets out of the parked car. Shawn throws his arms out excitedly. "Psych?" Gus said with confusion. "As in, 'got you'."

"Or as in 'psychic-ic'." Shawn added, walking to the front door with Desiree and Gus. Shawn unlocked the front door and walked in with them.

"You named your fake detective agency Psych?" Gus asked.

"I think it's a fitting name." Desiree smiled, glancing around the office curiously.

"See? She likes it." Shawn smiles widely, pointing at Desiree. "Get on board with the name, Gus."

"Why don't you just call it, 'hey, we're fooling you and the police department. hope we don't make a mistake and someone dies because of it.'" Gus commented, looking upset.

"Awful name." Desiree shook her head.

"I agree." Shawn nods. "First of all, Gus, that name is entirely too long. It would never fit on the window. And secondly, the best way to convince people you're not lying to them is to tell them you are."

Gus rolls his eyes. "Whatever, Shawn. It's your agency. Go for it."

Shawn sits down at the desk. "Actually...It's our agency." 

Desiree's eyes lit up and she raises her eyebrows. "Really?" 

Shawn nods, smiling at her as he moves a file to the front of the desk, wanting her and Gus to read it. Desiree exchanges a glance with Gus before they both walk over to the desk to look at the file. "I put both of your names on the lease as well. Tell me. Does that look anything like either of your signature?" Shawn asks. He smiles. "I gave it a shot."

"Close enough." Desiree shrugged with a smile.

While Desiree seemed happy about this, Gus wasn't. "This better be a joke."

"Don't worry. You won't have to do a thing." Shawn reassures him. "I have worked out every last detail."

"What's your dental plan?" Gus asked.

Shawn nods. "Don't get cavities." Desiree chuckled at his comment.

"Health plan?" Gus inquired.

"Same, but with Hepatitis and shingles." Shawn replies to Gus. 

"So Dez and I are supposed to quit our jobs, skip over, and do this for no guaranteed money." Gus said in disbelief.

"No guaranteed money, but all guaranteed fun!" Shawn smiled widely.

"Sounds good to me." Desiree admits. "I have enough employees at my shop I can have them work full time and just have the manager be in charge while I'm gone."

"So you're on board?" Shawn asked hopefully.

"Yep." Desiree grinned.

"Yes!" Shawn cheered, fist bumping the air out of excitement and Desiree giggled a bit, smiling at him in amusement. 

"No! No more cases, Shawn. It was fun for a few days." Gus shook his head.

"Well, it's gonna have to be fun for a minimum of six months or we'll have to pay a lease penalty. Which would be a blemish on your otherwise very impressive credit report." Shawn voiced.

Gus stares at him in disbelief. "You and Desiree solved one mystery and now you're renting office space?"

Shawn stands up. "Gus! I've solved a bunch of mysteries. For instance, the mystery of who kept stealing your newspaper. Answer: me!" He points at himself and smiles. "The mystery of what we're doing this weekend. Hint. It involves dragsters. And finally, the mystery that is the case the Chief just brought me in on."

"Wait, hold on." Desiree chimed in, eyes widening in surprise but then she looked excited.

Gus raises his eyebrows, looking intrigued and even excited. "You got another case already?"

Shawn leans forward slightly. "A car thief got poisoned by his boss. He used something over the counter. Phisidine. No. Phisadirble. No."

"Okay, you're making up names now." Desiree laughed a bit.

"Phisadrine?" Gus asked.

Shawn points at him and smiles. "That's it!"

"Wow." Gus said with surprise. "How'd he do that?"

"I'll tell you on the way." Shawn smiled.

The trio left the building and after Shawn locked it they walked to Gus' car. "Just for today, right?" Gus inquired.

"Absolutely." Shawn answered. He then locked eyes with Desiree when Gus wasn't looking, shaking his head and mouthing 'no' to her. Desiree chuckled and smiled at him, knowing that this wouldn't be the last time they would do this and she was okay with that. She was ready for this new journey with her two best friends. 

A/N finally done with episode one of season one!

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