Chapter 67

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"What's this Neil?" As soon as Neil ushered Avni through the door inside she squealed at the breathtaking sight in front of her.

"Food" Neil simply replied locking the entrance door of his apartment behind. His hand holding Avni's, cupping her palm. Her fingers are soft and warm beneath his touch.

"Yes I can see that. But for who? are you expecting a visiter?" Avni asked causiously walking down the hall to the dinning table where the food are all nicely placed over the glass surface. She scooted a step ahead Neil.

There are fruits of different kinds like apple, banana, pomegranate, kiwi, guava mangoes, a bowl of berry, green and black grapes. A jar of lemonade. Avni took away Neil's hold and rested them clutching over the chair-head both sides,she eyed the food being a little taken aback.

"Yes and it's you. For you I bought the fruits and made pasta and chicken salad" Neil replied to her previous statement and in response her eyes tore off the loaded table and they landed on him in curious.

"I had lunch Neil, a heavy lunch to be exact" she let out a nervous smile stating.

"Ofcourse you had. But it is half past evening and you hardly had any food in your stomach I'm sure since long. You are looking pale Avni" Neil moved forward, hugged her from behind and rested his hands over her stomach. This is the most adorable body parts of her he is loving lately. And the reason is known to her.

"Do I?" She softly replied holding humour in her tone to dismiss his concern. Avni reached for his hands over her belly. His soft touch creating her hormones on high alert. Her stomach churned at the thought she actually wanted a moment with him, Just to get distracted by the tension that she is having now days.  She missed him, this closeness, his touch, his comforting words that everything gonna be just fine, perfect, as he always do to her discombobulated heart placating down it.

"Yes you are!" His voice gentle, raspy close to her ear yet stern. He lifted her top and slides his hand inside, came direct contact to her skin. Goosebumps are visible, he is well aware the effect. He couldn't help but his lips lifted upward curving a smirk at the thought of the effect he has on her.

Avni closed her eyes, leaned to him giving him more access to hold her close. How soothing it is when his hand caressed her stomach _Her body lost all the control itself. A small moan blew out of her parted lips. Breathing in her Neil pressed his lips on her cheek that close to his mouth, peppered kisses all over her cheek, neck. It's been long he had her this close, some alone time with her he has finally got to steal. He was craving to have her in his arms since like ages.

"It's because...I'm a bit tense these days. May be that's why" her voice low, causious when she opened her eyes, breaking her dizzy state, when Neil turned her to face him. His hands have slipped away her stomach, they moved to her waist. He pulled her closer, to his chest.

"Today I'm going to tell mom about you.....that we are having baby" Neil said, her gaze upon him. There is a deep frown appeared around her glabella. She watched him silently.

"Would you?" She asked holding her breath. The previous tension is resurfacing.

"Yes. I have had enough thinking about me telling our family and how they are going to take the news.
I don't need anymore discussion or any thoughts on this. I just want to be with you. That's it." He said sealing the deal pressing his mouth over her forehead. And Avni sucked a deep breath under the anticipatory flash of upcomings. She glanced up to see him.

"Me too Neil know...." Her words left incomplete by his finger on her lips hushing her.

"Shhh....Don't stress out Avi. I already told you before,Jaan_ if they don't agree then we will get married and shift here." He stated matter of factly. Avni licked her lips being thoughtful.

"Now leave all your worries to me and think positive." His hands tightened pressing her head softly to his chest.

"I'm not that hopeful and I can't leave my parents just like that. It's not that simple" She meekly said, her voice too low, his hold tightened.

"I don't think our parents would throw much tantrums when they will know they are going to be grandparents soon." Neil said in a amused tone holding her chin, tilted her head up to look at him, tried lighten down the tension.

"Now let me feed you" he pulled away, held her hand before he drag backward a chair near by to make her sit in it and get feed her the food he prepared for her.

"No I can feed by myself" Avni shrugged off his proposition but took her seat, her eyes on the plate full of delicious fruits. She loves fruit like pomegranate, mangoes, berry and Neil knows it.

let me feed my baby" Neil insisted while serving some pasta on a square shaped plate.

"Don't go there. It is mine" Avni glared but a ghost of smile on her lips she is preventing not to lick.

"Really?" Neil grinned, eyes amused.

"I'm not at all famished, nor even peckish" Avni pestered avoiding Neil's playful gaze on her.

"I know" he said being lost, he is staring at how beautiful she is growing carrying his baby. The thought itself runs hundred bolts of electricity down her spine. He can't be more happy than this, his love made it for him.

"You won't listen, would you?" Avni pouted sulking.

"Okay I'll have some fruits" she agreed when Neil said nothing but smiled surreptitiously. Avni found it weird watching him staring at her. She concentrated on food unable to keep up with his stare.

"And pasta" gathering back his mind Neil added and shoved a spoon full in her mouth not leaving any ground for her to throw more tantrums on this meal thing. His grin brightened looking her chewing the food and enjoying it when her eyes widened admiring how scrumptious the pasta taste. He cooked it for her.

Coming up next

"God damn she is sick. Avni is sick. How?" Reyaansh squealed growing frantic on his seat next to the driver seat while Prakash holding the steering wheel driving as fast as he can following all the traffic rules under his frenzied state of mind.

"Come down she will be fine" Prakash said eyeing impatiently at the red light when it will turn to green. In his head He is as panicked as Reyaansh but he has to appear much calm, or his friend would go nuts if he does the same.

"I can't believe Neil is the guy. Never thought of him like that. Avni loves Neil? This is bullshit. And you are telling me now? Like seriously? you guys betrayed me.
And there Neela going all over me this evening gushing over me incited Kabir at our place purposefully, like I have done some fucking sin thinking of Kabir and Avni together.
God, you guys have made such a fool of me. I'm feeling so left out right now" Reyaansh ranted disappointed, irk laced in his voice and facade. If he knew the last person he is knowing it.

"None made a fool of you. We were just waiting for the best time that's it. And what about Neil? My son is a good guy okay! " Prakash replied. His face serious, tone clipped, eyes straight ahead on road.

"To hell with your fucking best time Prakash. Being my friend you ditched me, didn't you?
I'm not telling your Son is a bad guy, never meant it. This is something can't be happened between them two, Prakash. And you are well, already know the reason is why." Reyaansh glowered.

Neil can't be the guy in my daughter's life. It's not he is a bad guy or I don't like him. This is not happening. I'm in effing shock at the moment to think straight actually. Reyaansh ran his hand through his head breathing harshly. His head is in mess at the news Prakash blurted out at the drink table when Reyaansh was all  mad, distraught blaming Neela for being so onerous to him regarding his cause behind calling kabir.

"For god sake would you stop panicking Reyaansh. Our priority should be Avni now, nothing else. Let's not talk all this at this moment. This is not the right time to go all spiteful " Prakash reprimanded. However a guilt washed over him for keeping things from his friend, when he has every right to know not at the very beginning but before everything gets out of control.
But in most of the cases like this the fact is we just can't reveal the stuff when we know we have to wait for the right time. That's how Prakash put his friendship aside, choose Neil and Avni over anything.

"She is in God damn hospital Prakash my daughter is sick and I have no clue how" Reyaansh softly mewled, sighing heavily. Prakash is feeling sorry for him, his state at the moment.

"Reyaansh calm down. Everything will be fine. Neil was there, he has already taken her to the nearest clinic. Trust me nothing serious is there happened to her or I would have known it by my son's tone of speaking.
By the way Did you call Neelaji?" He enquired looking at Reyaansh who is clenching his jaws, then he darted his focus back ahead on the road. They have almost reached.

"Yes she said she is on the way, she must have reached by now I guess" Reyaansh shooted the reply scoffing his indignation.


Hardly two more chapters are left, then I'll be gone🤧

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