Just Ragini

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Heya guys 🙋

I am here with the next update 🤗


Ragini's Pov

I was serving few people's when restaurant's bell rang. My heartbeat became faster as my hands trembled to find the man, who crush my heart into pieces, standing there.

His eyes searching for someone for a moment then landed on me. My breath hitched at the intensity of his eyes. His face contained the biggest scowl I have ever remember. I think, it's because I cut the call last night without listening him. He stormed towards me and all I want to do is to run from there, but don't know why my foots refused to do so.

" Who the hell, do you think you are...?? " he roared grabbing me from arm and yanking towards him.

All the dishes from my hands landed on him. He gave a look at it and for a mere second, I think he thought of the same day when we met like this. But that softness disappeared as soon as it comes on his face.

He dragged me out of the restaurant in spite of my loud protests. " How dare you to cut my call...?? "

I chuckled in spite of being annoyed" You came here to shout on me for that..? " The scowl on his face grew more. " I completed my part of deal " he uttered arrogantly and all I want to do to hit him on the face.

" I don't need your Money" I hissed and snatched my arm from his hold. I switched off my phone after his call last night,that's why I didn't get any message from bank, I think.

He chuckled humorlessly " Don't need to pretend, Because I know , All you need is my money " My eyes stings listening him but there is no way I am going to cry in front of this man.

" Think whatever you want " I said in my most strong voice and his eyes softened. That's when I felt the wetness on my  cheek, a traitor tear rolled down without my permission.

I wiped it furiously and stormed away from him. I remember the day when all this is starts.


" She is fired " He announced making my eyes widened.

He removed his coat and throw it in my direction and stormed outside. I rushed behind him " I am so sorry Sir, Please don't fire me " I pleaded.

He shooed me away and about to sit in his car when I grabbed his wrist. " You can't fire me just like that, I said I am sorry " I said little annoyed.

He raised his brow in my direction and then looked at my hand which was holding him. I had the determined face and it somewhat amused him. He thought for a second then nodded.

" I am giving you the job back " I smiled " But not this one " And it turned into a frown. " Meet me in my office tomorrow morning at sharp 8. " he handed me a card and left from there leaving me confused and dumbfounded.

" Is he really going to give me a job " I thought out loud in wonder.

Next day, I was standing in front of the building " Maheshwari Venture " I took a deep breath and headed inside. After asking for his cabin, I rushed to the elevator. I was surprised when Riya,his receptionist told me that she already knew I was coming. Guess he mentioned his staff about me. But why..?


Sound of elevator's gate opening made me come out of my thoughts. A girl, whom I assumed his PA showed me the way to his cabin.

Really all his staff is girls or what..?? But I shrugged that thought and knocked on the door.

" Come In " his deep voice came from the other side and I gulped inwardly.

And there he was, sitting like a Model, giving pose to the new magazine. I shivered at the intensity his eyes pouring on me.

" Sit "

I sat on the chair in front of his table while fidgeting with my fingers. " So, As I said I am going to give a job, let's do this interview thing " I nodded. " Tell me about yourself "

I cleared my throat, Don't know why but his gaze was kind of intimidating me. " I...I am Ragini and I-"

" Ragini -?" he raised his brow to complete my name and I sigh. I don't like this part of my interviews ever.

" Just Ragini. I am an orphan. I haven't seen my parents from birth,Or you can say I don't even know them. That's why I don't belong to any Surname " I took a shallow breath then continued. " I am studying Business management, It's my first year -"

He cut me in the middle " So why were you working  at Restaurant, when you are studying ? "

" I think, Colleges needs to be paid for studying there. That's why I was there. I got scholarship for my half fee, but I need to pay other half, It's as simple as that " I said it confidently and like it's not a big deal to working to pay their college fee.

He nodded, then turned few pages of the file which was placed on his desk. There was silence for at least 5 minutes when I broke the ice " Ehmm.. If you don't mind, I may be ask, for what post I am giving interview of..? "

He ignored me and fixed his eyes on that stupid file. He was turning page one by one and my patience was draining out as the time passing by.

" Are you going to say something or not .!! " I snapped irritated and his lips curled into an amused smile.

He looked into my eyes then raised his eyebrow " Do you realize that you are here for an interview, and I am the Boss. " I slumped on my seat and nodded.

" How much do you need this job..? " he asked and I though How much I need this. O I need it badly, Because If I'll not be able to pay my fees and the rent of the apartment, then I am going to thrown out from both of them. And I can't stand with the thought of not going to college.

" I need this job, as much as I need the air. I need to pay my dues and it will only work out if work somewhere. So as long as you are giving me my job back. I am cloud on 9 "

" I told you, I am not giving you the same job back."

" Then..? "

" I have something better for you " He said and my brows knitted together. Why am I getting a bad feeling about it..?

" And What's that..? "  I looked at him and he smirked.

" I have a deal for you "


The ringing sound of my phone brought me back to the present.

" Yes..? Ragini's here " I said without looking at the caller id.

" Ragu.."

I froze and my eyelids got heavy as a pure rush of emotion ran through me listening her voice. My voice broke as I shut my eye to keep me under control. " M..mom"

" Bachha, How are you..?? Where are you..?? You didn't even meet us before leaving. What happened between you two, Ragu..?? Please tell me ..." his mom said in a pleading voice and my heart crushed.

" I am sorry mom, but you knew why I had to leave. I wasn't able to see in your eyes when all I did was lie to you. I am s..sorry Mo..mom "

" We don't think it's your fault, Ragu. Why are you punishing yourself..??" her voice laced with pain and I drown more into guilt.

" I just couldn't handle it, Mom. I wasn't  good enough for what he want"

" Rubbish..!! All he wants is you Ragu..! " she exclaimed and I have a sad smile on my lips.

Only if you know Mom, Only If you know

" Btw, how did you get my number..?? " I asked trying to change the topic.

She sighed. " He came drunk at midnight blabbering your name. That how much he loved you and all- " My breath quickened at that but I know it's just he was not in his sense that time.

" I panicked when he started throwing things here and there. I thought to call Abhay, as he can only calm him down. But I found his last call on 'Princess's ' number and no doubt I know it's none other that yours. "

She completed and I let out the deep breath, I don't even know I was holding.

Why are you doing this..? When you already told me that I meant nothing to you, then why are you doing this to yourself.

Why am I feeling it is my fault that you are hurting yourself.  And how much I deny that I don't care but I know that it hurts to see you hurting.

I need to get my answers that why are you doing this to me, to you...And why did you do this to us..!!


I know it's confusing when you guys don't know what actually happened. But just be patience with me.

And please tap on the star button if you like it.

#Love #Ragika

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