26. Don't feel guilty

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Pari was shocked hearing what Karthick said, it was out of her expectations and she couldn't believe it. How can it be? How?

There's no way this can happen?

But how did this happen?

Her brain was constantly rejecting the fact.

"Are you sure Karthick or is this an effect of the drug?" She asked still in disbelief.

"Believe me, Pari! Yeah, I accept I was intoxicated but I am damn sure about this! Even, I took this much time to accept the fact!" He said.

"Okay! Then let's wait for the forensic report but before that, we will run a blood test for you, you are ready right?" Pari asked without knowing his decision.

"Whether I am ready or not, I still have to do it right? Do I have a say in this?" He sighed.

"You don't have it but still I just asked to comfort you!" She patted his shoulder.

"Hmm!" He just hummed.

"Okay, then I'll go and schedule your tests," She said and he just nodded.

"There was a lot for her to ask him but she felt inappropriate to disturb him in this condition.

One the other side guilt was stabbing her heart.

With those thoughts, she walked without eyes on her path, she dashed onto someone.

"Sorry!" She just murmured a sorry and walked still not coming out of her thoughts.

She reached the lab and fixed a time for his tests, it was in the afternoon.

She was hungry so she went to the cafeteria and bought sandwiches and coffee for both of them.

"Karthick your breakfast" She gave him and sat on the couch that was placed opposite to the bed.

"Pari!" Karthick called her.

No response.

"Pari!" Still no response.

He stood from the bed and removed his IV tubes and moved near him.

"Pari!" He shook her by her shoulders.

"Haa! Did you call me?" She asked, he just smiled.

That's when the realization hit her.

" Hey! Why are you here? Why did you remove the IV line? Idiot!" She scolded him.

He grinned at her and put his hands around her shoulders.

" My sister was in her Lala land so I came to wake her from the dream" He chuckled at her, she slightly hit his shoulders.

"What were you thinking so deeply? What is bothering my dear sister?" He asked with concern and love dripping in his each and every word.

"Nothing serious!" She shrugged and munched a bite of her sandwich.

"Really nothing?" He asked her once again. she didn't dare to turn her face.

"Absolutely nothing Karthick! Don't worry! Eat now I'll call the nurse to put on the IV again after you finish your breakfast" She said still munching her sandwich.

"You little devil! Tell me what's bothering you. Look at me!" She didn't dare to look into his eyes. She was feeling guilty about everything that happened.

He understood the meaning of her silence.

He made her turn towards him and lifted her chin.

"Are you feeling guilty?" He went straight to the point.


"Come on! Sis, you are guilty about what happened? Tell me the truth" He asked her.


"Your silence approves my surmise!" He said sighed.

"Okay! Listen here!" He said and started the conversation.

"What are you guilty for?"

" Because I feel like I m the cause all these problems"

"It's not your fault baby girl. This is someone's fault! That bloody bastard Psyco fault"

"But I am the cause of everything!"

" No, you are not who said that to you?"

"Who said to you that? Did we?"

" No! But still, I couldn't protect my loved ones! I failed to! Because of me, you are hurt now! You don't deserve this! If it was not for me then you wouldn't have to suffer like this"

"Come on! Sis, you consider me as your brother, right?"

"Yess! You are my only brother" She said and gave him a side hug.

" No! you are lying"

"Nope! I love you a lot my brother" She said leaning against his chest.

"Then, hear this! You know I have been lonely since my childhood, each and every day will pass like hell! It was like a slow poison to me, I always craved for love and care.

Sometimes I got care, out of sympathy even love but I've never had a person who loves me and cares me without showing sympathy but when you entered my life, it was like I've got everything you were my family and you gave me a family a father, a sister, a family! I am always grateful to you.

Do you think everyone will be the same as you? Nope! No one will treat a boy good who doesn't have anything in his life except the sorrow and mountains of loneliness.

Everyone treated me well having sympathy for me but no one gave me a family. But! You gave! You gave me everything I needed in my life: Happiness, love, care, respect, family, relation, friendship, etc. I owe my life to you. But here you are feeling guilty?

Listen here, You are my first priority than anything in the world. I will be there for you whatever happens. Don't feel guilty, it makes me feel like I am an outsider. Whatever happens, I will be there for you! Treat me like your brother! Never feel guilty we'll face it together whatever happens! Okay? The next time you feel guilt you'll lose your brother!" He gave an emotional lecture.

"Don't say that I won't lose you and will not feel guilty forever!" She sobbed in his chest.


"I swear on my husband! You know how much I love my husband?"

"Yeah! Yeah! I know come let's eat now" He chuckled and started eating.

They started the discussion about their current case.


There was a knock on the door.

"Yes! Come in!" Came the brisk voice from the room.

"Good morning mam! Your would-be is here for you" Deepthi's junior officer informed her with a smile.

"My would-be?" She frowned on her statement.

"Yes, mam! your would-be!" She said with an awkward nod.

"Yeah! okay. Tell him to wait for me in the canteen" She returned her an awkward smile.

Deepthi stood up gritting her teeth to leave for the canteen.

That's when she remembered her mobile which she forgot in Pari's room after visiting the hospital.

She went to the canteen to see her monkey sitting there with two of her junior girls, for some reason she felt jealous.

She went and didn't say anything but dragged Sid out of there by his wrists.

She dragged him until she reached an isolated place.

She was wandering her eyes to check if anyone was there. Sid took it as a chance and locked her between the wall and him.

When she turned towards him, her breath hitched up. He was standing close, their nose tips were about to touch.

She started to get nervous, she came here well planned on negotiating with him, but now she didn't know how to speak with him!

He brushed her hair which was dangling in the air and pecked her forehead. She felt electrified with his touch, a cold shiver ran through her spine.

"Love you, darling! Don't make me wait more!" He pecked her nose.

All the blood rushed to her face. He was looking at her like looking at a soft flower. His eyes held love, adoration, admiration, and more which just cannot be defined in words.

Their eyes were locked, he was pouring his love through his eyes. But he didn't have any clue on whether it affected her or not.

His one hand above her head on the wall, another hand on her waist he pulled her to him. Her hands automatically went to his chest, they didn't break eye contact, he bought his lips near hers, they were about to touch.

Many things were going between their souls.

His eyes were pools of sedatives that will take you to ecstasy; the honey-brown eyes which were sweeter than the honey, which was purer than the honey.

She was lost in her trance and so was he! They were out of their mind but was doing what their heart said.

He tightened her grip around her and brought her more into him, he bent down to her lips, she clutched his ironed shirt very tightly, closed her eyes tightly, their lips almost touched.

"Nooo!" She yelled and backed a step. He closed her mouth with his hands, intending to lower her voice.

That's when they both realized what they were about to do!

She pushed him from her. And now she was burning with anger not only at him but also her, she didn't know how she lost her mind.

She felt ashamed of herself.

"Don't you ever dare to come near me! How dare you!" She yelled a whisper as there is a probability of being caught by others.

"See, sorry! For what happened just now but ever? Do you even remember we're gonna get married?" He questioned her.

As it was his fault he was silent but still, she could have stopped him in the beginning even but she didn't! Because she was also into it.

"In your dreams! Do you think I'll marry you? If so, don't build hopes! It will never ever happen and I'll never let it happen"

She said it with shallow determination.


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