27. The real you in you!

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"Time decides everything darling! Let's see" He smirked outside but was gloomy inside.

"Time can decide your' but not mine! My life my choice!" She said boldly.

"Okay! It's your life right? So, now can you stop the time! Can you pause your growing age?" He asked with a neutral face.

She was silent, she couldn't answer him.

"Tell me can you?" This time raised his voice.

"No! But I don't like you, I don't wanna marry you" She yelled at his face.

"Oh! You don't like me?" He said and moved towards her.

She just took two steps and her back hit the wall. He grabbed her elbow and pulled her. She fell on him, her hands on his chest he just tucked her hair which was dangling in her face.

A chill shiver crossed all over the body.

She closed her eyes in anticipation of something.

2minutes passed...

She opened her eyes, he was standing there crossing his arms over his chest.

She felt ashamed of her.

He gave her a mocking smirk.

"So you don't like me? Only your words say that but see your body says otherwise" He said trying to go near her but she pushed him already knowing the consequence of her tardiness.

"Not! It's just hormones, not you! Not because you, all will react the same in this circumstance" She said.

"So you are saying that you will react the same way whoever it is?" He asked with some intention.

"Yes!" She said and dug her own grave.

"You say you stay alike whoever it is, you won't slap or at least you push him. Huh?" He asked, smirking.

" Uh? Noo!" She was out of mind now, she didn't presume him to twist her words like this.

But now she wants to defend herself so replied,

"Whatever! I have work, I've to go" She tried escaping.

But he caught her.

"Here! I came to give this to you" He gave her phone which left it back at home.

She snatched it from him and started to walk.

"Darling! Remember I love you, I won't give up on you!" He said, she just stopped her steps but proceeded after a minute.

He smiled like a mad man left from there.

He directly went to his college and applied for resignation.

He was full of dreams, full of her dreams.

He reached Yuvi's office room in his house.

He knocked onto his door.

"Come in!" Yuvi's voice came.

He entered humming a love song.

"Bro you called me?" Sid asked Yuvi's who was on his laptop.

"Good afternoon to you too bro," He said sarcastically.

"I don't have time for your sarcasm! Tell me what you called me for!" He said like a busy man.

"Yeah! I will tell Deepu not to marry you" He said without letting any emotions expressed in his voice.

"Bro! Why?" He raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay! Now serious!" His face reflected his words.

"Yes!" Sid knows What he's gonna ask but remained quiet.

"What's happening?" He asked not facing Sid.

"What's happening? Don't ask without head and tail" He asked him.

"Don't you know? Don't play dumb sid! What's happening with Pari?" He asked, turning to him.

"Why are you asking me? How would I know?" He shrugged.

"I know Sid! You know everything. Please tell me what's happening?" He asked again.

"Bro seriously? How would I know this...." He was abruptly stopped by yuvi.

"I can't see her like that bro! I can't!" He exclaimed his voice almost broke.

" I understand Yuvi but it's not my place to tell you, I'm really sorry man. I can't help you with this. Maybe you could ask her directly" He consoled him patting his shoulders.

"She won't! She won't tell me, Sid! I don't know why but she is hiding it from me, she said that she is hiding something from me and asked whether I will take her wrong if I find that. I said I won't take it wrong. I waited for her to tell, but she isn't telling me? Why is she not telling me?" He sat on the couch laid there and buried his face in his palms.

He was frustrated as hell, he didn't have the gut of seeing his love getting hurt.

Sid sighed.

"Yuvi I understand but it's not my place to tell you not even Karthick will let you know!" He said and sat beside him keeping his hands on his shoulder.

"But at least let me know, why is she hiding something? What's the need of hiding it?" He asked, raising his head.

"Because..cause" Sid tried saying her reason.

"You know the reason?" He asked Sid who already moved front, his back facing Yuvi.

He didn't say anything. There was icy silence the air filled with

Yuvi moved towards Sid and turned him towards him.

"Say at least whether it is professional or personal?" He asked him but Sid was in deep thoughts.

"Sid!" He called him again.

"Yuvi! If this was the reason you called me then Sorry! I don't have anything to say to you" He started to move out.

He was still contemplating things, he was confused, stressed, scared, and all other negative emotions.

He has never seen Sid in such a serious mode.

Sid went until the door and turned towards Yuvi and said,

"It's time to bring out the real you in, you!" He said left without saying anymore further.

"The real me in me!" He chuckled bitterly.

"It's been buried deep inside years ago, no one could bring it back"

A lot of emotions were swirling in him, he didn't know whom to listen, his heart? or brain?

Everyone was in their own trance,

Yuvi didn't know what to do, to relieve his love from all the problems!

But the thing is he didn't have, even a clue in what's happening around him.

The question that was constantly buzzing in his head was,

Why is she not telling me?

Did I make any mistakes?

Did I fail to gain my angel's trust?

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