Chapter 2 - So Close, Yet So Far ✅

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Good morning! 🍫

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 2 - So Close, Yet So Far


"Run Ragu!" shouted Shekhar in desperation as he tried to wrestle the gun from the hands of another man.

"I will end you Ragini! If you can't be mine, I'll make sure you cannot go to another!" shouted the guy as he tried to break free of Shekhar and chase after Ragini.

Suddenly, he heard the police sirens. Fearing his arrest, he panicked. 'I have to get out of here.' He managed to kick Shekhar in the shin and ran away the opposite direction.

"Mr Gadodia!?"

"Inspector, over here! He ran that way!" Shekhar shouted, pointing at the direction the man ran away.

The police ran in that direction, but they were too late to catch him as he escaped on his bike. They started their vehicles to chase after him.

#2 hours later, Gagodia Residence#

"That man was Purab! I'm sure of it! Why are you not arresting him?!"

"We cannot arrest him until we have solid proof against him Mr. Gagodia."

"I am an eye-witness. Isn't that proof enough?"

The officer looked at the other constables and instructed them to move out. They did as they were told.

Once the other consgtables left, Shekhar addressed the officer. "Look Manish, you have been my friend since school. Can't you see my daugher's life is in danger? Why are you not arresting that bastard Purab?!"

Mansih sighed. "Look Shekhar. I'm your friend. But I'm also a police officer. My duty comes before my personal ties. I need proof to arrest Purab."

Shekhar glared. "What duty it is if you can't even arrest Ragini's harasser?!"

"She's like my own child too. Don't think I don't care about her Shekhar." Manish reasoned. "And even if I did arrest Purab, he would be free the next day. Do you really think without proof, we could jail him? It would cause more trouble than good."

"What?! Why?"

"Purab isn't just any lafanga. His father has connections with some of the most wealthy men in the city and also the leaders of the biggest gangs. Some also say, it was his father who helped the C.M gain power. So the authority would be wrapped around his finger you see." Manish explained. "So even if I arrest him, the higher authority is going to help him, not us. In fact, they might plot to get us fired and take the licence of our guns. Then we would be more at a disadvantage."

"So am I supposed to just sit here? Just sit and do nothing while he tries to hurt my Ragini!?"

Manish hesitated, wondering if he should say it or not. Making a decision, he laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Shekhar, I think it would be better if you left the city."

"What?!" Shekhar asked in bewilderment.

"Yes. Go away from Pune."

"And run away like a coward? Never!"


"No way Manish. Don't even suggest that! I'm no coward. I'm Shekhar Gadodia!"

Manish was miffed with his reply. He came and stood right in front of Shekhar, looking straight into his eyes. "Decide! Is your pride more precious to you, or your daughter's safety." Shekhar flinched at being rebuked. Manish continued without backing down. "There is no other way to protect Ragini other than leaving Pune. Believe me, it's the safest way. Go to another city, assume a new identity, and when everything here is settled, you can return back. I'll keep you updated."

"You don't understand Manish! It's not only about pride. Leaving this place mean leaving my company. Thanks company for which I have worked my whole life. It''s not easy as you make it sound. My company means more than my own life for me! You don't know how much I've worked to establish it."

Manish was about to speak when Shekhar continued. "But you're right."

Manish smiled at him. It looked like he was getting the point.

"Manish, after seeing my daughter at gun point, I've realized that my family matters more to me. Even more than my company. They are irreplaceable." he looked at Manish in determination. "Ready the tickets. Were leaving."

Manish nodded.

#Delhi, 2 years later#

Shekhar, after leaving Pune, began a new work in Delhi. With his sharp business skills, in two years, he had established a successful textile company.

He could have become number one, but he did not want to make headlines. It was safest to lay low. Although two years had passed, he did not want to take any chance of Purab finding out about Ragini.

Sumi, his wife, joined in as a school teacher in Delhi.

Ragini worked as a nurse. She didn't need to work, as her parents earned enough. The told her that, but she wanted to earn for the family. She wanted to be independent and give something back to them instead of simply receiving.

"God, today I have an important meeting with one of the most successful and richest man in all of Delhi. Please make sure that I do not mess this opportunity. Please, please, please!" prayed Ragini.

"Ragu you're being paranoid. Don't worry, I'm sure your meeting will go great!" assured Ragini's mother with a smile.

"But Ma, you know how clumsy I am. What if I stumble on the doormat when I enter? What if I spill water on him? What if I laugh out too loud?"

Sumi, Ragini's mother, held her by the shoulders and made her look into her eyes. "Ragini, you will be okay! Don't worry. I know that you will do great. Your father knows it too, right Shekhar?"

"Huh?" Shekhar looked up from his work. "Um.. Yes, what your mother said."

"Shekhar!" she chided her husband.

He raised his hands in surrender. "What!? What did I do? Don't give me that patronizing look. I was busy."

"Ragu needs us to boost her confidence! Can you please be a little more motivating?"

"Oh!" he looked at her and gave a thumbs up. "Don't worry Ragu. Your Papa is proud of you and I'm sure you'll do great beta!"

"Thanks papa!"

"Your welcome beta. Just don't get clumsy." he added.


"Shekhar! You're doing the exact opposite!"

He snickered. "But....but I was just being practical."

"Just keep doing what you were doing. It would have been better if I had never asked you anything!"

"Acha baba....sorry Sumi. Don't add mirchi to my food like last time."

'Hehe.... Ma and Baba always fight like children. But I know they love each other a lot. I hope I find true love like that someday.' Ragini thought with a smile.

"Ragini, let's eat. You need to leave in 30 minutes from here so that you could reach the Maheshwari house at 10 am. I have heard that Sanskar Maheshwari is very strict about time."


"And remember. You are Nikita Bedi, not Ragini for the world. And we are the Bedis. Not Gagodias."

"I'll keep it mind Baba."

#Maheshwari Mansion#

"Sanky I'm fine now. You worry too much!"

"I know Swara. I know. But seeing you like this. It's a torture for me." Sanskar spoke, looking distressed.

Sanskar could never forget how terrified he was when he received the call informing him of Swara's accident. Swara had been crossing the road when a car hit her. Fortunately, Swara was given proper medical care at the right time.

It had been two weeks since the incident. Swara had recovered from most of her injuries, although the severe ones were yet to heal completely.

Sanskar didn't leave Swara's side once while she was in the hospital. He only moved to go to the bathroom. Other then that, he sat whole day on a chair near Swara.

But his company needed him, and Swara was also urging him to continue his work. However, he didn't want to leave Swara alone like this. His father, little brother Laksh and he needed to go to the office, which left only Swara and his mother at home. He didn't want to burden his mother with the responsibilities of the house, as well as Swara. And although there were two servants in the house, he did not trust them to take proper care of Swara. That's why he had contacted the hospital and asked if there was any way they could provide a nurse to take care of Swara for a month or so.

They gave him the name of someone named Nikita. He had arranged meeting with that girl at 10. If she proves herself capable, he would hire her for Swara.

"Sanky? Sanky!? What are you thinking about?"asked Swara, turning his chin to face her.

"Nothing. Just thinking about how soon you will recover and I could then take you on a long vacation." Sanskar said kissing her hand.

"Wah! My husband is so romantic." teased Swara.

"And my wife is so ungrateful. She doesn't even thank her husband."

She chuckled. "Okay. Thank you Mr. Husband."

"That's it? You don't really mean it." he scoffed.

"Yes I do."

"If you really mean it than give me a kiss." smirked Sanskar.

"Wooowww! Love is in the air." shouted Laksh from the door of Sanskar and Swara's room.

"Aa gaya kabab mei haddi!" Sanskar snarled, rolling his eyes.

"Hahaha...! Hey Laksh, come inside." Swara spoke with a grin.

"How are you now bhabi? And I hope bhai isn't troubling you much."

Sanskar playfully punched him on the arm.

"Hehe... I'm getting better. Soon I'll be beating you at carrom again."

"Get better soon! I'll even let you win the first game."

"As if you could ever beat me Lucky." Swara boasted.

"I always do."

"In your dreams, devar ji."

"Alright you two. Enough talk." Sanskar interrupted. "Let's go Laksh. I have an important meeting to attend. See you later Swara."

"OK bhai. Bye bhabi!"

"Bye boys! Bring me some chocolate when you come home Sanky. And don't let Lucky eat them up!"


"So you are Nikita Bedi? Do you have enough experience in such matters?" Sanskar questioned.

At first, Ragini thought he was asking someone else. It took her a second to recall that she was Nikita for them. She nodded. "I have worked as a personal caretaker for many patients. None of them have any complaints against my services." Ragini answered with a smile.

Sanskar nodded, coming straight to the point. "Look, I'll pay you a good amount. But you need to take proper care of my wife. Be there when she needs something, go with her if she wants to go out, check her medications, and every little thing."

"I understand." Ragini replied sincerely. 'He really cares a lot about his wife.'

"Good. Because if you mess up, even a little, I will not spare you. I wil-"

"Quit being a big bad wolf. You're scaring her. You worry way to much!" exclaimed Sanskar's P.A coming inside.

"I'm just making sure she understands everything properly Anika. You can never be too careful." Sanky defended himself.

Anika rolled her eyes. "You still haven't told her the main thing."

Sanskar smacked himself for his mistake. "Oh right! Nikita, for this job, you have to stay at the Maheshwari Mansion. That's one condition of the job. Are you willing to take the job?"

"I didn't know she would need 24 hours care." Ragini spoke, genuinely surprised.

"She doesn't. But I want you to stay there, just in case she needs you. I don't trust the servants and Mom is the only other female at the house. I don't want to pressure her." Sanskar reasoned.

Nikita looked down in thought.
'Staying at the Maheshwari Mansion..... If I do my job properly, Mr. Sanskar will pay me a fortune. But staying with unfamiliar people.' she clutched her dupatta in determination. 'Come on Ragini! You're an adult! You need to be strong and independent! And this is a good opportunity.'

"I'll take the job."

"Great!" Sanskar seemed relieved. "Give me your address. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at 9 am sharp."

Ragini wrote down the address for him.

"You can leave now."

Ragini stood up "Thank you for the job. I promise I won't disappoint you." with that, Ragini went out the door, smiling to herself.

'I can't wait to tell Ma and Baba that I got the job!' Ragini was excited thinking about her parents'reactions. Deep in her imagination, she collided with a person as she turned the corner.

"Oooffhh!" Ragini fell down with nothing to hold on to. She rubbed the spot she hurt on her head from bumping onto the other person.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm so sorry." spoke the other person, extending a hand towards Ragini, helping her stand up.

"Yes, I'm okay. Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Its okay. Are you a new employee by the way? I haven't seen you here before. First day here?" asked the guy.

"She's your bhabi's new caretaker Laksh." Anika answered for her, as she came out of the room.

"Oh, I see!" Laksh extended his hand for a shake. "I'm Laksh Maheshwari. Sanskar's brother."

"I'm Ra-...Nikita, Nikita Bedi." Ragini shook his hand, stopping herself on time from revealing her name.

"I'm sure Swara bhabi will be glad to meet you Nikita."

"I hope so too. I'll be starting work from tomorrow."

"Ok. See you then." with that Laksh winked at her her and left.

Ragini blushed. Anika saw this and laughed. "Don't be fooled Nikita, Laksh is a flirt. He flirts with every girl he meets. In fact, the longest time he has remained with one girl is for two weeks I guess. Every month you can see a new girl with him." Anika told Ragini, shaking her head.
"He's also got the reputation of being a heartbreaker. So you better be careful."

"I see. I will remember it." Ragini said her goodbye and left. 'Breaking hearts for fun? How could he do that? I can't believe a person could do that to others! Such people do not deserve true love. I surely would never love such a guy.' thought Ragini in anger as she went out the entrance of the office.

#Sanskar's cabin#

"Bhai, you called?"

"Yes. Can you attend the meeting I had with the Singhs? I have some other work to do."

"Other work meaning that you need to go check on Swara bhabi." teased Laksh. Sanskar blushed, proving his point. "Hahaha...! No worries bhai. I'll handle it. Just remember you owe me one since I won't tell father you're slacking off."

"Thanks bro!" Sanskar got up to leave. "And one more thing. No flirting with Nikita."

"Eh? Why so?"

"She's Swara's caretaker. And I don't want you distracting her. Also, Nikita seems like a soft-hearted girl. I dont want you to play with her feelings."

"Hahaha...! Okay, okay." he smirked at his elder brother. "But bhai, I'm irresistable. I can't help if she falls for me herself." he wriggled his eyebrows at him.

Sanskar rolled his eyes. "She isn't like that. Infact..." Sanskar looked amused. "Infact, maybe she will be the one who will break your big ego and you will fall for her." Sanky said, smirking.

Laksh snorted, clearly ticked off. "No way bhai! You and I both know that my heart is only for one person. The person whom I swore to find, and will find her one day."

"Then why do you flirt with every girl if you know that you won't make any one of them your life partner?" Sanskar asked in irritation.

Laksh chuckled. "Because I'm Laksh Maheshwari and I need to look cool."

"Lucky, I hope Nikita breaks your socalled male-pride!" Sanskar laughed as he held the door open to leave.

"As if!" Laksh scoffed. "Is it a challenge bhai?"

"Hahaha...! No Lucky, leave it. I was joking." he stepped out. "And I mean it Laksh. Don't flirt with Nikita."

"Ok bhai." Laksh replied as he waved at Sanskar. However, in his mind, he was thinking something entirely different. 'An open challenge, eh? Sorry bhai, but now that I have taken it as a challenge, I will have to make Nikita fall for me and prove you wrong, even if you told me not to.'


To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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