Chapter 3 - Oh My! I can't Fall for You!

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Funny thing..... I already have thought of the ending, but in a fix about how to get there. lol

Anyways Onwards!!!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 3 - Oh My! I can't Fall for You!

Ragini and Laksh - 27 years

Swara - 28 years

Sanskar - 29 years

#Maheshwari Mansion#

"This is you room Nikita. You will be staying here till Swara recovers." Sanskar showed Ragini her room.

Ragini looked around. The room had yellow walls and everything was oraganized well.

"The servants had prepared the room since I had told them you were coming. I hope you are comfortable here."

"Thank you. Its really nice."

"Let me take you to Swara"

Sanskar moved ahead. Ragini placed her luggage in the room and followed Sanskar.

#Sanskar and Swara's room#

"Swara? Swara? Su, wake up." Sanskar shook Swara's shoulder lightly to wake her up.

"Nghhh..... Sanky! I'm injured. Let the patient sleep!"

"Su... wake up please, don't be so childish"

"Suu can't hear you right now. She's asleep" said Swara, without opening her eyes.

"But you're talking to me Swara." 😑

"Swara isn't. I am her antar-atma"

"Su...don't be so lazy. You'll embarrass me in front of Nikita." 😓

"Nikita?" Swara opened her eyes and saw a girl standing near the door, giggling at their antics.

"Hehe..hi there. I'm Nikita Bedi. I'll be taking care of you from now." Ragini said with a smile.

"Hi Nikita. Well, I don't need that much care since I've healed from most of my injuries, but your boss, Sanskar thinks that I'm a little girl who can't take care of herself" Swara said, pinching Sanskar's cheeks.

"Swara! At least let me keep some of my pride in front of Nikita"

"Bhai, I think she already knows that you are a slave to your wife." Laksh said as he came to stand beside Ragini.

'Laksh Maheshwari, the flirt. Huh! shameless guy, breaking other's hearts. I bet he is a coward from within, nothing but an over-grown chicken' thought Ragini.

"Hello" Laksh greeted Ragini with a smile.

Ragini didn't want to talk to him, but that would be rude. " Hello."

"Eh? Is something wrong?"


"You were talking nicely to me that day. Something happened?"

'Yes, I came to know the real you. You over-grown chicken!' Ragini wanted to say. Instead she smiled at him "Nothing, I was just thinking of something important."

"Okay. Anyway, this house is really big. Do you want me to give you a tour of the Mansion so that you don't get lost?" asked Laksh, hoping that she would say yes 'It would give me more time to make her fall for me'

"Um....Its ok. I won't be moving through out the Mansion. I'll just be with Swara mam and then retire to my room when she doesn't need me. You don't need to bother with giving me a tour" Ragini said politely. To say the truth, she did want to explore the Maheshwari Mansion. It seemed so beautiful. But she didn't want to spend time with Laksh.

"Mam? Don't call me mam please. It makes me sound old. I'm only 28! You can call me Swara" said Swara cheerfully. She was quite happy that Nikita would be with her, not because she would take care of her, but because she would get someone to gossip with.

"Nikita, you don't need to be afraid or shy around here. You are like a guest to us, and besides our private rooms, you are free to go wherever you like in the Mansion. Lucky doesn't mind showing you around. I'm sure it won't be a burden to him." Sanskar said. Laksh nodded.

Ragini didn't want to be rude to Sanskar, so she just nodded.

Sanskar looked at his watch "I should be leaving for work. See you Swara, Nikita. Laksh, lets go."

"Bye Sanky! Love you!" Swara shouted behind him. Sanskar blushed.

"Isn't it supposed to be the girl who blushes?" Laksh teased.

"Shut up Lucky" Sanskar hit him playfully, as they both left.

"Finally alone. So lets chat Nikita.... Or shall I say Ragini?" Swara asked with a smirk.

Ragini was about to enter the room, when she froze in her tracks

"H-ho-w-w?" She stuttered out.

"How do I know your name is Ragini? I used to be your senior at college. I'm not surprised that you don't know me.Its probably because I was an introvert at college, always liked to be in the shadows rather then gain spotlight. But you became famous in the college right in your 1st semester. You sang so beautifully at the teacher's day celebrations!"

Ragini didn't know if she should be happy at Swara's compliment, or scared of the fact that Swara knows her identity.

"Arre.... Why do you look so scared? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Ragini sighed in relief.

"On one condition. You have to tell me why you are pretending to be Nikita"

Ragini was in a fix. On one hand, Swara was still a stranger to her, and she didn't want to disclose her past to someone she just met. On the other hand, if she didn't tell Swara, then she would lose her job. Sanskar might tell the hospital about her fake identity and they would surely fire her. Besides, Swara looked like someone she could trust. She also didn't reveal her identity in front of Laksh and her husband, Sanskar.

Ragini decided to tell Swara. She sat down beside her on the bed and told her everything, about Purab, about them moving to Delhi...everything.

"Unbelievable! How could that guy do that to you! Love is about giving each other happiness, about keeping the other happy, even if it meant letting them go. And that Purab,he tried to kill you because you didn't love him? If I ever get my hands on him, I'm going to break his face!" Swara fumed.

Ragini smiled "I'm sure you will. But for that you need to recover first, and take these medicines." Ragini said, handing Swara a red pill.

Swara made a face. "Do I have to?"


"Ugh...ok, hand me the water"

#Maheshwari Mansion, 5pm#

#In Sanskar and Swara's room#

Ragini and Swara were busy talking, when Laksh arrived. "Hello pretty ladies."

"Lucky! You're home early. Where's your brother?"

"He will be late Swara bhabi. Something came up."

"I see"

"If you are free, I can show you around the house now Nikita."

'Go away chicken' Ragini thought. She was about to make some excuse about being busy, but Swara answered for her "Yes, she's free. I don't need anything right now. You can go R-Nikita" Swara corrected her slip in time. She almost said 'Ragini'

"Cool! Let me freshen up"

After Laksh freshened up, he showed Ragini/Nikita the different places, rooms in the Mansion. Laksh tried to impress her the entire time, but Ragini was too busy admiring the Mansion. At last they went to the terrace.

"Look there Nikita. The sunset is beautiful no? I always come here to watch the sunset at this time"

"Wow. Its really beautiful"

"Yea, and romantic too no?" Laksh gave Ragini one of his irresistible smiles.

Ragini didn't look at him. She was deep in thought looking at the sunset. The sunset reminded her of her music box and Lak. 'I wonder if he is looking at the sunset somewhere. Where are you Lak? Please come to me. Please Lak!'

'She didn't even look at me. Aishhhhh! She sure is a tough one' Laksh tried to get her attention "Hey Niki-" Laksh stopped mid-sentence and placed a hand over his heart. He felt a pain in his if something hit him on the chest, although nothing really did. He also felt someone call out to him and he looked around, but found no one other then them standing there. 'I... I swear I heard someone say come to me...'

"Yes Laksh?"


"You were about to say something to me." Ragini pointed out

"O... I-I guess I forgot."

"What were you looking around for by the way?"

"Nothing. I just thought I heard someone. I know there is no one else here besides us, but I just had to see for myself. You probably think I'm crazy. Haha" Laksh said embarrassed, trying to laugh it off.

"Don't worry Laksh. I won't make fun of you. In fact, I know what its like to seek something that isn't there." Ragini smiled at him.

"You..... You do?"

Ragini nodded. She looked up towards the sunset. "Ever feel like there was something missing in your life? Ever feel like there was something incomplete in your life? Or someone?"

"I... I'm not sure. What about you?"

"There is someone. Someone I met by fate. Someone who I desperately search for. Someone.....who I don't even know if he remembers me" Ragini said sadly.

Laksh looked at her eyes and could see a desperate longing in them. He was about to put a hand on Ragini's shoulder for comfort, when she abruptly turned to face him with wide eyes.

'What have I done! I've opened my heart to him! I got so lost in thoughts that... that I almost shared my most treasured memories with him! I never get so lost in thoughts, then what happened now? Why did I say these things in front of him' thought Ragini.

"I.... I'm sorry I- I-" Ragini couldn't continue. She ran away from him down the stairs.

Laksh stood there speechless. He had thought that he would show her the sunset, talk a little and make some progress in making her like him But instead, he now got himself confused. He didn't know why but he felt upset that Nikita was searching for someone. That she had a boy in her mind.

'But why does it bother me? I shouldn't care. After all, she is nothing but another girl whom I have to seduce. Then..... then why do I feel uncomfortable thinking about her being with someone else. Why? Why......Do I like her? Am I falling for her?'

His eyes widened 'No Laksh! remember your goal! Only Rag is your first and true love! Not Nikita. Liking her would be betraying Rag. But how is it betrayal when I don't even know if Rag likes me or not? What if she already has found someone and got married? ...... No! I can't think like that. My heart says she is still there, waiting for me! Nikita is a distraction. It would be better if I stay away from her.'

Laksh nodded to himself. He would stay away from Nikita from now on.


To be continued...

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