Chapter 4 - Love You...Love You Not? ✅

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 4 - Love You...Love You Not?

"Sanskar please! She's my best friend!"

"Swara, I know that. But you're not completely healed yet."

"But I'm not that injured. I can go for her marriage. Please Sanskar! I can't miss it."

"I get it that you are well enough to go there. But I also know how obnoxious you are. The moment you get there, you'll start dancing and jumping around! What if you open your stitches!? Or if you fall down. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Why are you so paranoid Sanskar!?" Swara screamed, frustrated.

"I'm not paranoid. I'm being rational!" he retorted.

"She's my best friend. If I don't go to her marriage, Anita will never talk to me again. Is that what you want!? Don't you care about my happiness? My well-being?!" Swara screamed in anger.

"I almost lost you! Do you know what it felt like? I just...I don't want to lose you Swara." Sanskar said in a soft tone.

Swara's anger disappeared. She couldn't beleive that she accused Sanskar of not valuing her happiness, when all he thought about was her safety and well-being. She went near him and hugged him.

"I... I'm sorry Sanky. I'm really sorry."

He smiled at her. "It's okay Swara. I know you didn't mean it and it was your anger talking."

"Yeah, I'm sorry still."

"It's okay. I love you."

"But Sanky, Anita would really be upset if I didn't go."

Sanskar's eyebrow twitched as she rebegan the argument. "Swara, no."

"I promise to be careful."

"Swara, I. Said. No!"

"I'll sit at one place like a good girl." she spoke with an sweet smile, blinking her eyes at him innocently.

Sanskar sighed for the unkempt time. "I said no Swara!"

"I'll take Nikita with me."

"Swara... No mea-Eh?"

"Nikita can look after me there. You said it yourself that she was a great nurse. I'll take her with me. She will make sure I don't take any risks."

"Swara, why won't you listen to me?" he asked with a pout.

"Sanky please! Please? Please, oh please?!"

"Swara, for the hundredth time! No!"

"Please, please?"

"Swara!" Sanky whined in frustration. He was getting fed up of her nagging.

"Please Sanky!" pleaded Swara, making puppy-dog eyes at him. She knew he couldn't resist that look of hers.

"Hey! That's not fair. Don't give me that look."

"Please Sanky?"

"Ugh! But I can't take you there. I have to leave for Pune today and won't be back till tomorrow afternoon."

"I'll ask the driver then."


Swara added a pout to the puppy-dog face she was making to convince Sanskar.

"This isn't fair! You're using that look as a weapon, whereas I'm weaponless."

"You really won't let me go Sanky?" Swara asked, with fake tears in her eyes.

"Ugh! Fine! Go! But you have to take Nikita and Lucky with you!"

"Laksh too?"

"Yes, because I know that you will just brush away Nikita's warnings. But I'm sure Lucky will be able to make you listen somehow."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Swara gave a kiss on Sanskar's cheek.

"Just in the cheek?"

"You made me beg for your permission and hurt my female pride. Be happy you at least got a kiss." Swara smirked. "I'll go inform Nikita. You inform Laksh okay. Bye." Swara rushed out of the room.

"Aaaiishhh. Such a dramabaaz!" Sanky looked at her go with irritation.

#Next Day#

"Ready bhabi?" Laksh asked from the car. Soon, Swara came out, followed by Ragini.

'What? Why is she coming!?' Laksh wondered.

"Um.... Swara bhabi. You're bringing Nikita with you?"

Ragini adverted her eyes from him. She refused to look at him.

"Your brother wouldn't let me go without her. Nikita, please open the back door."

Nikita did as she was told. Swara sat down "Thanks Nikita. You should go sit in the front seat, or else Lucky would look like our driver instead of my brother-in-law."

"But....but why don't you sit in the front bhabi?"

"I just painted my nails. I don't want to spoil it!"

Ragini didn't know what to do. She didn't want to sit in the front with Laksh. But if she tells Swara, she would ask for the reason.

What was she supposed to say? That she was afraid of falling in love with Laksh?

"Nikita? Nikita, we'll be late. Go and sit already!"

Ragini went and sat beside Laksh. However, she still didn't look towards him as Laksh started the car.

#On the road#

Laksh felt awkward.

With any other girl, he would have started flirting, but he didn't know his own feelings regarding Nikita. Nikita made his heart beat faster. But he couldn't let himself fall for her. He had to find Rag. He just concentrated on driving to distract himself.

Swara was watching the scenery. 'Oops! Sanskar told me to text him when I leave home. Damn, I forgot!' she looked around her for her phone. 'O that's right. My bag was with Ragini!'

She was about to ask for her phone from Ragini, when she saw Ragini sneak a glance at Laksh.

'Eh? What's going on here? I better observe' Swara thought.

Ragini looked at Laksh, when she was sure that Laksh wasn't looking her way. She tried to resist looking at him, but she just couldn't. She didn't know what, but something...something kept pulling her towards him. She should stay away from him as she knew he was nothing but a flirt. But her heart kept longing for him. Something about him kept her pulling towards him. She felt like she knew him from somewhere. 'No.... I can't let myself fall for him. I need to find Lak.'

Ragini looked out of the window with her thoughts creating turmoil in her mind.

This time, Laksh turned towards her. Swara noticed this.

'Oh! Young love. Once me and Sanskar were like that. *sigh* Good memories. wo v kya din the...I guess Laksh is finally falling for someone. Hahaha...! my shameless flirty brother-in-law, finally your heart got stolen by Ragini. Ragini is a great girl and I know she will keep you happy.'

She saw Laksh look away, looking distressed.

'Hmm...I guess they don't know how the other feels. Time to play match-maker.' Swara decided. "Mwhahahaha!" Swara didn't notice that she was cackling out loud.

"Swara bhabi, are you alright?" Laksh asked, turning to her.

"Wha? Oh yes, yes. I'm fine! What are you looking back for? Keep driving."

"Swara, we already reached your friend's house. What were you thinking so hard that you didn't notice?" asked Ragini.

"We did? Lets go inside. Why didn't you tell me so!?" Swara rushed inside to escape their questions.

#Time Skip#

Swara had a great time at her friend's marriage. Laksh and Ragini tried to stop her from over-exerting herself, but she danced to every song. She was uncontrollable.

During the time they spent there, Swara tried her hardest to bring Ragini and Laksh closer. She made excuses to leave them with each other, made them dance with each other and now she planned to play her last card.

"Oh! I'm soooo tired. I feel like I can sleep for a month!" Swara said as she leaned on Ragini as they were walking towards their car. She put all her weight on Ragini which made her stumble and fall towards Laksh. Laksh caught her before she could fall, but her lips brushed against his cheek. They both looked at each other shocked. It was as if the world disappeared for them and only they remained.

Laksh looked into Ragini's brown eyes...they seemed to see through his soul. Ragini felt like she could get lost in his eyes. Their trance was broken by a loud squeal from Swara. Immediately they broke apart.

"I'm...I'm sorry."

"No, its okay Nikita. Its not your fault. I'll...I'll bring the car from the parking lot."

Laksh rushed towards the car, blushing.

'Stupid Swara! Ughhh! How could I act so stupid! If I didn't squeal like a banshee, they might have kissed! It was sooooo romantic! But I had to ruin it! Uggghhhhh...I hate myself right now!' Swara thought to herself.

#At Home#

"Had a good time?" asked Sanskar, as they entered the house.

"Sanky! I wish you were there! Anita wanted you to come too."

"Hmm... and you didn't do something you weren't supposed to do right?"

"Oho Sanky! You worry too much. I'm still in one piece, see?"

Sanskar shook his head at her antics and looked at Laksh and Nikita. Maybe he was imagining things, but they looked like they were trying not to look towards each other. 'I think I'll have to ask Swara if something happened between these two. I hope Lucky didn't upset Nikita with his flirting. Damn kid, never listens to me! One is Swara, who always does things her way and one is Lucky, who never listens to me. Its like I am superfluous to them!'

"Sanky, why are you pouting?"

"Swara, its bec-"

"Later Sanky! I need to talk to Nikita about something important. Lets go Nikita." with that, Swara pulled Ragini towards Ragini's room.

'See! She did that again. *sigh* I really do turn powerless in front of her. The great Sanskar Maheshwari, turned to a fly in front of his wife.'

"Bhai, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Lucky. About what?" Sanskar looked at Laksh and he was surprised to see him look distraught.

"Not here. Lets go to my room bhai." Sanskar just nodded.

#Ragini's room#

"Alright Ragini, tell the truth. You like Lucky, no?"

Ragini looked at her, shocked, "Wha-What? N-n-no. I-I d-do-on't!" she stuttered out.

"Don't lie to me Ragini. I saw you in the car and observed you throughout the day."


"You're stuttering. This proves I'm right!"

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am!"


"Then what's the truth?"

"I....I don't know Swara." Ragini got up "My heart beats faster when I'm near him, I feel safe with him... When he held me today, it felt felt like I belong in his arms."

"Then its obvious you like him!"

#Laksh's room#

"Sanky, what do I do. I think I'm falling for Nikita. I.... I have never felt anything like that for any girl other than Rag. But... even her memory isn't able to make me stay away from Nikita."

"Then why don't you just go and admit your feelings to her. Try to date her. Maybe you will realize if this is just a phase you're going through or if you really love her."

"But...but bhai what about Rag? I...I can't betray her!"

#Ragini's room#

"You don't understand Swara. All my life...all my life I've only thought about one person. One person whom I swore to find again. No matter where he is."

"Have you met him in these years?" asked Swara

"No. "

"Oh? When did you last see him?"

"I...I only met him once, when I was a child. And the only recognition of him I have is a handkerchief."


"You see..." Ragini started to tell Swara about Lak.

#Laksh's Room#

"How long Lucky. How long will you be waiting for her? Someone whom you met just once, that too when you were only a child. You don't even know if she is married or unmarried, or if she is in the country or not. You don't even know if she is alive or de-"


Sanskar flinched at his shout. "I...I'm sorry Lucky. But what I want to say is that you can't hang on to that past." Sanskar picked up the music box that Lucky has treasured since his childhood. "Lucky, I have always wanted you to be happy. To find a girl who loves you for who you are and not because of our family's money. Someone who accepts all your faults and talents, someone who can also keep the family happy, and...I think Nikita would be a good choice."

"But bhai I...I have longed for Rag for so long. How can I just let her go she never meant anything to me? Like sh-"

Sanskar laid a hand on his shoulder and handed him the music box. "If fate wanted you two to meet, you two would have met long ago. I think...I think Rag wasn't meant for you. Its time to let go Lucky. Its time to let go."

Laksh looked up with tears in his eyes and took the box. Sanskar held his brother close. "Let it all out Lucky. Don't be afraid to cry. Cry your heart out, let all the pain, longing go. Let Rag go. Its time to look forward, not in the past. Rag was your past, but Nikita is your future now."

Laksh cried bitterly. He cried for his long lost love, he cried that he could never find her, he cried that he had to give her up. Sanky just held him silently and let him mourn. He knew it was the only way Laksh would be able to let go of his past.

#Ragini's room#

By the time Ragini finished her story, Swara's eyes looked like they would come out.

"I know...Its...its quite shocking and irrational, isn't it? To wait so many years for someone whom I only met for a few hours. I understand if you think I'm being ridiculous." Ragini said, wiping her tears.

Swara remained silent, with her eyes still wide.


Swara remained unmoved.

Ragini shook her "Swara!"

Swara broke out of trance and immediately grabbed Ragini by the shoulders and started shaking her.

"You!? You are Rag?! Lucky kept waiting! You must go! Not out, but to him! This is great! Ragini go! Go to Laksh! Now!"

Ragini couldn't understand what Swara was saying "Swara, I can't understand you. What do yo-"

"Ragini! RAGINI! Did you leave a music box behind when you left that boy?"

"I...I had a music box with me when I had been kidnapped, but I never found it again." Ragini tried to recall. "But how did you know?"

"That's because Laksh brought it with him!"

Ragini's eyes widened. "Laksh...What? How?" Ragini was slowly understanding what Swara was getting at. But she still couldn't believe what she was hearing.


Ragini felt numb. All she could do was stare.

She didn't know what to feel. She...she waited so long to find Lak. All this time...all this time he was right in front of her eyes? She couldn't express what she felt. It was as if, as if she found a missing part of her heart, as if she was whole again. She felt like she was in Heaven. She broke out into tears, tears of happiness.

"Really Swara?"

"Yes Ragini! Stupid you! Lak is short for Laksh. Didn't you ever try to think of that?"

"I...I didn't...I never thought about it. I was such a fool! How could I have over-looked such an important detail!?"

"And you kept Laksh miserable too!"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Ragini, Laksh has been trying to find his Rag all his life. He flirts with every girl, but its all fake. He only has love for Rag." Swara said. She too was crying. Finally Laksh and Ragini have found each other. After so long, two hearts have finally found each other.

Ragini was speechless. She didn't know if she should cry or laugh. All her emotions were astray.

"Ragini, don't delay anymore. Go tell Lucky. Go!"

Ragini nodded and moved towards the door. She stopped and looked back at Swara.

"What happened Ragini?"

Ragini went back and gave Swara a tight hug. "Thank you, Swara. Thanks a lot!"

Swara smiled and hugged her back.

#Laksh's Room#

Laksh wiped the last of his tears. "Bhai I...I need some time alone. Could you pl-"

"I understand Laksh. Take care." with that Sanskar moved out.

Laksh looked at the music box and played it.

"🎶 Sunshine. You are my sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You've never noticed, how much I loved you
Please don't take my sunshine away...
Please don't take my sunshine away...
Please don-"

Laksh stopped the song and looked at it. He slowly spoke. "I waited for you all my life Rag. I'm sorry I couldn't find you. I tried Rag, I tried my hardest... But I guess bhai is right. Maybe we are not made for each other. Maybe we weren't meant to be together."

He wiped his tears. "Bhai says that..that I should let you go. I...I think he is right. Its about time I let you go Rag. I...I've foound someone Rag. I never thought I could love anyone other than you. But I have found someone Rag, and I think...I think she is the one I am meant to be with. She makes me feel like she belongs with me, that she was meant for me. So I...I guess this is goodbye Rag. I'm sorry. I'm really very sorry!" Laksh said, crying his heart out. He slowly wiped his tears and opened the window "Goodbye Rag. I hope you be happy where ever you are. I set you free." with that, he slowly let the music box fall out of the window, unaware of the fact that Ragini was watching everything from the door.

Ragini had come to his room when she heard him tell his brother to go out. She hid behind the pillar and waited for Sanskar to pass. However, as she was about to enter, she heard Laksh talking to the music box. She heard everything. She heard him cry out his heart, she heard him say that he had found someone else, she heard him say that he was letting her go and finally...she saw him throw away the music box.

Every second of it broke Ragini's heart into pieces. With every word of Laksh, she felt that a part of her heart was breaking. She couldn't bear it anymore and ran into her room. She locked her room from the inside and fell to her knees. It was like her heart was being ripped apart. After waiting so long, she found her love... But she was too late. Laksh had already found someone. He waited for so long. But he finally gave up. He finally let his past go. He said that he didn't think that she was meant for him. Hearing that felt like she was being killed slowly. 'Even death would have been merciful than hearing those words from Laksh's mouth. My Lak, if only....if only I had found you earlier, if only I had tried harder. But I have to live all my life with these 'if only's as I lost you to someone else.' Ragini cried bitterly. She felt like the ground had disappeared form beneath her knees. She felt so broken that her heart hurt physically. She clutched her heart and cried harder.


To be continued...

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