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Jungkook's POV

It takes her around thirty minutes to open the door.

I quickly stand up from my sat position on the floor to stand in front of her and when I take a look at her face, at her red puffy eyes, her tear-stained cheeks, the avoidance in her posture as she stares at the floor, I can't help but wonder with a broken heart.

What happened in there?

"Sorry about that, I'm just... I'm tired, that's why I cried. We can go now, I'll be fine after resting at home" she murmurs but I don't buy it, not when she still hasn't looked at me, she's just trying to run away.

I push out my scent to wrap around her, pheromones filling the space surrounding her until it's all she can smell and I step forward, a hand on her shoulder to keep her from avoiding me, she looks ready to flee and I can't have that happen, not without trying to understand.

"Y/N, I know you're not tired, you were smiling and laughing earlier so what happened? Why won't you look at me?" I ask her, feel the way she tenses under my fingers, her eyes uncomfortable as she continues to avoid mine.

"You wouldn't understand" she murmurs so softly that I would barely hear her were I human.

"Try me" I insist, I don't want to walk out of here without digging out the real problem, I don't want to drive her home and have her lock herself alone in this state, who knows what kind of destructive thoughts she's currently having in that pretty head of hers?

"Is it because of me? Because it's not just Jimin and Yoongi? Because they didn't tell you from the very beginning that we're a big pack?" I try but she shakes her head, her flowy hair used to hide her face, I hate that, I hate not being able to see her, why is she hiding?

"I'm not mad at them for not telling me sooner, Jungkook, it's not like they met me with the purpose of lying... I'm mad at myself for being so weak" she answers before turning her head so that I really can't see her face anymore.

"I can't do this, Jungkook. Tell Yoongi and Jimin that I'm sorry but I can't do this. I'm not- Just look at me, how can I even think of being with people like you? It makes no sense, I can't" she blabbers out and a feeling of panic starts rising in me, no, no she can't do that.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're beautiful, Y/N, what- what the hell? Are you saying that you can't be with us because you think you don't fit in physically?" I let out with a frown, did I screw things up so quickly? Is it because of me? Is it my fault?

Fuck, should I have kept my distance after all? Should I have listened to Jimin and Yoongi?

She flinches at my words and clenches her fists before looking up at me with tears already gathering at her eyes.

"But that's a lie, Jungkook! I know what I look like and I- I hate everything about it, there's nothing beautiful about me, I'm just a pitiful omega and you're all great and I don't fit in with you" she exclaims with a wobbling chin.

Her scent pushes through mine and I swallow in a gag reflex when it reaches my nose in a more potent version of itself, it's like opening a bottle of milk that's been on the counter for too long, is that reflective of how she feels? Of how she sees herself?

I growl at her words, an anger that quickly bubbles up within me at the lie that she's made herself believe, is that all coming from her time in the bathroom? She had a look at herself and decided that the time she's spent with us had to be fake?

I turn her back against the wall and corner her between my arms to stare down at her with a glare, she cried alone for thirty minutes in the bathroom because she thinks she's not good enough for us? Because she feels inferior?

"You've barely known me for a full day, Jungkook, none of you have, why are you so insistent on keeping me close?" she cries out before trying to push me away but I don't move a muscle, her body trapped in my hold, why does she have to bring herself so much pain?

Or is it to avoid hurting even more in case we would be the ones to reject her one day? Does she think we'd throw her aside one day after having had our share of her? Does she think we're looking at her and thinking... meh, we'll see where this goes but I doubt we're keeping her?

"You want to know why, Y/N? You want to know why Jimin and Yoongi quickly took to you, why they took care of you and pampered you yesterday, why they offered you to be part of our pack even though we've barely known each other, why I felt that urge to infiltrate the company to work with you because I was freaked out of my mind that you would disappear before we could let you know that we're not just two but seven wolves, you want to know the reason why?" I let out while pushing closer to her to let her feel my warmth, I'm not disgusted by her, none of us are, why can't she see that?

"Yes! Tell me, Jungkook, tell me why because it makes no sense to me!" she pleads with tears running down her cheeks and neck, her quivering lips letting out a trembling breath, I can't tell if I'm the one scaring her right now or if it's the whole situation that does.

"Second chance mates" I say in a whisper, words that have her stilling, confused eyes staring up at me in disbelief. "W-what?".

"We're second chance mates, Y/N. First with Jimin, then with Yoongi, then with the both of them, yesterday only solidified the forming bond with them. Their caring for you was never out of pity, it was sincere from the very beginning because they care about you, Y/N, from the bottom of their heart, they truly do and I do too.

Every moments that we spend with you only serve to strengthen the bond, not just for us but for the whole pack, that's how second chance mate bonds work" I reveal before softening my stance, I cup her cheek with one hand to wipe those tears away as she continues staring up at me in shock.

"You say you're not beautiful, but you are, Y/N, you are beautiful. You say you're a pitiful omega but you're not, you are strong, capable and amazing" I tell her, watch as her defenses go down slightly, the sight of more tears falling to replace those I wiped continually forming holes in my soul, those aren't tears of joy, they make me feel like I failed her.

I bring my other hand to push her hair behind her ears, the wet strands stick to her skin to hide her from me and I hate that, she looks so beautiful when she ties her hair up.

"Your job is hard, so very hard yet you did it with a smile on your face all day. People look down on you and you still offer them your help, you assisted lost employees on their first day earlier and I could see it on their face, how thankful they were for falling on someone like you because they knew that anyone else would've looked down on them. You made them leave with a smile, Y/N. What you do for a job, that doesn't impact your worth, what impacts it is how you behave around others, it's how you carry yourself and I can assure you, you are not pitiful, far from it".

Her lips form a wobbly pout and I hold her face between my hands to keep her from looking away from me.

"You are not insignificant. You are not unworthy of my pack. You are worthy of the attention you are given and you deserve all the love in the world so please don't run away, please, that's exactly what we were scared of. Jimin and Yoongi are scared to tell you about the bigger pack because they don't want you to feel like you were lied to, they don't want to overwhelm you and scare you away because they care about you, can't you see at least that much?" I plead softly, eyes searching within her own for an anchor, anything to keep her from slipping out of my hold.

She sniffles and tries to look anywhere but at me, her brow muscles working constantly as she tries to process the real truth, the one that we wanted to wait before telling her because it's such a big shock to hear, seven mates when she's still recovering from the damage her previous one did to her?

"You don't have to accept this yet, we had planned to give you time to get used to this slowly and that's what we'll do, Y/N, but please, don't refuse the bond, we all want to make this work, even those who have yet to meet you. If the Moon Goddess decided to put you in our care, then we will gladly take the charge, you are not a burden to us" I continue in my attempt to convince her, I don't want to bring her home until this is resolved.

"But... you'd be getting someone broken, I come with issues and-" I stop her with a thumb to her lips, a gentle hush to keep her worries from taking too much place in her heart.

"Who doesn't? Tell me, who doesn't come with issues? Who doesn't come with broken parts, hm?" I ask her and her shoulders droop a little as she comes to process that it's true, no one is really free of trauma. She's not alone struggling to trust others after having been hurt, she's not the only one to have been betrayed by fate, to have been betrayed by a mate.

"Have you ever been part of a pack, Y/N?" I ask her, wondering if she at least had a family pack when younger but when she shakes her head softly, my heart weeps some more for her.

"Then let me tell you this, okay? The Moon Goddess chooses mates for wolves who can handle their hearts' burdens. A wolf who can't handle much will not get wolves with heavy trauma while a wolf who can handle it will have more chances of having one, it's all about balance, so that no wolves go forgotten or rejected. Take those wolves who can handle a lot and put them in the same pack, what do you end up with?" I ask her and she hesitantly meets my gaze, unsure of the answer.

"A safe environment for wolves who need a lot of love, a safe haven for wolves who need a lot of healing. That's what we can offer you, Y/N, a place of understanding, somewhere where you don't have to fear anything, a place where your voice is heard and respected. Does that sound scary to you?".

She purses her lips before nodding her head slowly. "A little... it sounds like your pack is coming right out of a fairy tale, those don't exist" she murmurs and I smile before wiping her cheeks again.

"They exist, sweet pup, you just need to find the one made for you. The Moon Goddess sent us to you for a reason, don't you think? From that first time Jimin saw you in the street to finding out that Yoongi is your boss, doesn't that sound like it was meant to be? Because to me, it feels like it was, I can't see that as anything else but fate" I tell her, the weight on my soul getting lighter when her scent recovers its sweet creamy texture.

"It's hard" she admits weakly and I hum softly. "I know it is. Being vulnerable is painful, it's scary and we don't like those things" I start and she nods her head as I speak, "but don't you want to feel the peace that comes after having been vulnerable with the right people, like right now?".

Another nod of the head from her and I kiss her forehead before taking her in for a much needed hug.

"We'll do our best to follow your pace, okay? One mate at a time, we'll give you time between each one, if you need a break, we give you a break, if you're scared, we stay by your side until you feel better, anything you need, we'll do so can you give us a chance?".

She stays silent for a moment before wrapping her arms shyly around me, not fully a hug but not unresponsive to it either. "Don't make me regret it... please".

I hug her softness closer to me, nose rubbing against her cheek as I heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, sweet pup, you won't regret it, I promise".

Your POV

"Are you willing to trust me blindly?" Jungkook asks once the both of us sat in his car, a - oh surprise - fancy car just like Jimin and Yoongi's, that's something I feel I should expect from all of them.

I eye him before frowning a little. "It depends on what the blindly refers to in this situation".

He chuckles. "That was just to sound more dramatic, I had in mind a friendly face, one you already know. So?".

My frown disappears instantly as I can only see Jimin, Yoongi is still here so it has to be him, right?

"We can go" I chirp lightly, I want to see the alpha, it strangely feels as if I hadn't seen him in forever because I could smell his scent all night long at home.

The candles are clearly good quality because the smell sticks to everything and it smells just like him, closing my eyes made me feel as if he were right besides me in bed, it was comforting, though I could never admit this aloud.

Jungkook's smile widens and he turns on the engine that then rumbles loudly in the silence, the vibrations are so strong that I feel them more than I feel my own heart, my eyes are wide open as he does the same trick Jimin had done last Friday, a folding roof that allows the wind in my hair, I could never get used to this.

"Are you buckled up? We're going to go fast!" he exclaims and I instinctively hold onto my belt, what?

"Let's go!" he chirps before pressing on the accelerator and holy shit this is-

"Too faaaaaaaaaast!".


I step out of the car a little wobbly on my feet, a hand to my heart where it's beating wildly, I can still feel the rumbling of the car, have I died?

Jungkook giggles as he comes to join my side and stabilizes me with a grin, hands going to comb my messy hair that must look like a bird nest right now, I nearly had a heart attack too many times with him, he shouldn't be driving.

"I'm telling Jimin to take away your driving license" I mumble shakily, am I ever going to recover from this outing?

The alpha chuckles and shrugs. "Jimin is the one who taught me how to drive like this".


"I'm sure there's another one in your pack who would take my side, you guys are dangerous on the road" I continue and he smirks as he takes a look at my hair after stepping back.

"Yeah, there's one of us with a family van, that's about it, another one doesn't drive but he sometimes like to ask us to go faster, yeah there are maybe... two wolves who would take your side".

Two in a pack of seven? I smell danger.

"Have you made a deal with the police? I can't believe your driving licenses weren't revoked" I complain as he starts leading the way to a beautiful shop, I've never seen it before.

"Well... yeah, it's possible that a deal has been made, we have an officer in the pack so we do get some free passes sometimes. As long as we don't do anything careless, some speed doesn't come to bite us in the ass later" he admits and I gasp.

"Jungkook! That's not legal!".

He bursts into laughter before pulling me into the building with him and upon entering what appears to be a colourful wonderland, my eyes fall on a lady walking over with a bright smile at seeing Jungkook.

"Hey! Jimin didn't tell me you would come over" she muses as she stops in front of us with a confidence that I wonder if I could ever own, the shocking truth being that our bodies resemble each other, she looks beautiful and powerful, the complete opposite of me.

"Maggie, don't be so loud! He doesn't know, it's a surprise so shhhh" the alpha stops her from turning around with a cute frown and she smiles with a chuckle before giving her attention to me, which has me stilling and looking like a lost squirrel.

"Hey there doll, I don't think we've met before, have we? Looks like it's your first time here so allow me to introduce myself first, I'm Maggie and welcome to CuddleMe, a heaven for comfort, what's your name?".

I blush at the bold nickname she gave me straight from the beginning and stutter out my name bashfully, goodness, she really looks amazing. "Y-Y/N, it's n-nice to meet you".

She grins at my shy behaviour and winks at me before pointing in a direction. "The guy's in his studio working on some new collection right now, you can find him there" she says and Jungkook nods happily before pulling my blushing self with him to the back of the shop while I follow in complete shock, I've never been shy in front of a woman before!

"Maggie works for Jimin, she's been here from day one and she's amazing, she's the one who chose the clothes Jimin gave you last week" he chirps as we enter a quieter hallway that opens to a studio filled with clothes and accessories, there's a really expensive looking sewing machine but no Jimin in sight.

Oh, really? Is CuddleMe his shop then? The name somehow suits the alpha, everything about this place suits him, it's so bright and welcoming.

Jungkook motions for me to stay quiet and together, we quietly walk through some rows of hanged clothes to find Jimin frowning at a plus size mannequin, the shirt over it elegant but also joyful, it looks amazing.

He muffles a giggle upon seeing the alpha unaware of our presence and then pushes a finger on his lips to make sure we're quiet before tiptoeing behind the alpha and then...


Jimin has his eyes closed with a hand over his heart when I walk over while trying to keep in my laughter, but Jungkook is not shying away from showing how proud of himself he is at scaring his mate, it lets me see a bit of the chemistry between them.

So far, what I've seen from Jimin and Yoongi were them caring about me, and I can say half of having met Jungkook has been the same, I've been such a mess that we didn't really get to have these moments of laughter yet.

"What the heck are you doing here? I thought you were-" Jimin starts before falling silent when his eyes fall on me, orbs widening before panic fills his orbs, because clearly, as far as he knows, I'm not aware of them knowing each other yet, I don't know about the seven wolves pack.

"Surprise..." I mumble softly, an awkward smile on my face, how do I let him know that he doesn't have to freak out about the truth anymore?

Jungkook wraps an arm over my shoulders and Jimin's eyes zoom in on the way I remain calm with jealousy, is that the power of working with me? He wants a taste of it too, maybe he should start cleaning at Yoongi's company too.

"So... don't be scared, hyung, but Y/N knows everything. Things led to one another and the truth is out, about our pack having seven alphas and about us being her second chance mates, it's all good now" he assures the older wolf whose eyes widen almost comically, his jaw falls to the ground in shock, his scent of cedarwood turns ashy and I purse my lips guiltily.

"Yeah, well... I had an anxiety attack earlier and almost ran away from the whole thing but Jungkook handled me well so... here I am" I let out sheepishly. "It's war at work and Yoongi is in a battlefield, he gave us a paid leave for the week so Jungkook offered to come here to see you so... here we are" I add in the hopes of helping the shocked alpha process this a little better, which obviously only does the opposite.

"W-wait, wait a minute, what? You- what? War? Give me a second there, I need to sit down for this one" he mumbles before stumbling his way over to a chair and I follow behind in worry, a glance at Jungkook sharing my concern, maybe we should've eased him into it?

Jungkook kneels in front of Jimin once he's seated and takes his hands in his bigger ones while I watch from the side, teeth biting on my lips, he looks really taken aback, was letting me know about them being my second chance mates such a big deal for him?

I mean, it's not like it would've killed me, right? Had it happened any other way than the way it went today, I might have made a run for it but...

I was kind of eased into it softly even though it was all compressed into a single day. The nerves from the situation with the office workers kept me from freaking out right away so I had enough time to process before getting another layer of information added to the lot.

I would NOT recommend to have this method used on me for everything but... well, it's done and out of the way now so there's that, can't hurt more than it already has.

"Me working at Yoongi's company with Y/N revealed some abuse that I reported to him earlier this morning, he acted quickly because we were asked to leave the building while he cleans the place up, people are getting fired so I think he's going to be busy for a while, he didn't seem nervous though, I think he's got everything under control" Jungkook informs Jimin and the latter nods before looking up to where I am, he's assessing my state.

"As for Y/N, well Yoongi called when we were in the elevator after I asked him what was going on, she and her friends obviously heard everything so... I had to lay out the truth, hyung, I think it went well for the most part" he adds before smiling at me and I smile back lightly, how nice of him to say that when less than an hour ago, I was talking about ending everything right away.

"But you said you almost ran away, that doesn't sound very good to me" Jimin mumbles as he ushers me over with a free hand so he can grab my own, he needs to see himself that I'm not going to disappear when they least expect it.

This revelation was far quicker than he and Yoongi had anticipated and the truth didn't even come from them.

Who would've known that Jungkook would be the one handling all of this mess and saving this forming bond when they were the ones pretending to know the best path to take? Jimin feels like a fool, he should've had more faith in us both.

I let him squeeze my hand and feel my warmth while I purse my lips.

"I can only blame myself for that part, I... don't really want to go into the details but I think you can thank Jungkook, he helped me through my anxiety and said some arguments that really spoke to me... as long as you don't throw four new alphas at me in one go, I should be fine" I explain softly and he nods at my words, eyes glancing at me some more before he brings my hand to his face to hide into, his heart almost gave up on him earlier.

"Thank goodness" he murmurs before bringing Jungkook's hands to his lips to kiss, he really was scared about the possibility of losing me, is that the power of a healthy bond? Isn't it just starting? How much stronger will it be when it fully takes roots?

"Does Yoongi know?" he asks us but we both shake our head, none of us talked to Yoongi after that phone call in the elevator so if the alpha knows... he has super powers he hasn't told anyone about.

"Okay... I... gosh, I don't know how to tell him about this, he was so worried last night that he didn't sleep at all, we were all convinced that we'd lose you no matter how we went at it so this is taking me right off my rails, you have no idea" the alpha chuckles dryly and I press my lips into a fine line at his words, am I really that bad?

"Come on hyung, don't say that, Y/N's not a baby pup, she took the initial shock better than I expected, she even joked a little after" Jungkook tells him with a ruffle to Jimin's hair but I duck my head a little bit at that.

"I think it was mostly because of all that was going on, Jungkook... if you had me in a regular day and out of an elevator... I might have made a run for it. Dal and In-yeop did make me feel more in control too, otherwise... yeah, I'm not really sure how I would've reacted" I mumble and the alphas pause before glancing at me.

"So we really dodged a bullet there, didn't we?".

I nod. "Yeah, I think we did".

We all fall silent at that and Jimin takes a moment to pay more attention to my face now that I'm closer, he can see that I cried a lot, the sad lines creased into my puffy skin, he wishes I could tell him what made me want to flee because he wants to heal the very source of my fear, but he knows that patience will be his best friend with me, they still have to be careful even if the truth is out.

Feeling a little awkward at the newfound silence, I bring my gaze back to the shirt he was working on when we arrived and that gets his attention on it as well.

"It looks really great, Jimin, did you make it?" I ask him as I remember that Maggie had said he was working on a new collection, are all the clothes in this store made by him? Does that mean he made the clothes he gave me?

Jimin smiles and nods his head. "I guess I never told you about my job, did I?" he asks and I shake my head, I can't say we've really talked a lot outside of my own life, we should change that, I want to get to know them better too, one at a time.

He hums. "I'm a designer who specializes in plus size fashion so I create a lot of clothes that will fit each seasons, though I only make the initial prototype with a chart for the different sizes. When I'm sure of what I've come up with, I send everything to my subsidiary company which will then take charge of making more of the clothes before sending them here so we can fill the shop, it saves me a lot of time that way" he explains as I keep staring at the piece of clothing, it really looks pretty.

"Why plus size fashion exactly?" I can't help but ask him, it's something that I can't seem to wrap my head around, why the particular interest when everyone seems more interested in making clothes for the wider majority of the population?

He stands up and invites me to come with him to a section of the studio filled with a large variety of cute clothes that I've always only ever seen made for thin people, they look cute but with an elegant touch to them.

I used to dream of wearing such clothes when I was younger but it was an impossibility for me, even before I really started gaining weight and with the money I was given for buying clothes during my marriage, well... let's say I could not afford anything pretty. A lot of what I own was given to me by older people of his family.

Jimin grabs one pair of jean pants and smiles as he takes it in, it looks lovely, made to embellish a bigger body instead of making it look fatter, he turns to me with a glint that I can only register as pride, he looks so proud of what he does and it warms my heart.

"Ever since I was young, I used to love going window shopping all by myself after school, I loved looking at the feminine clothes in the windows and would often imagine that I was the one behind their creation" he giggles cutely when he says that and I smile with him, it seems he's achieved that part, he never really took the time to realize that before today.

"I believed fashion was a way to include everyone, a way for people to express themselves but one day, for the first time in my life, I saw a woman walk out of a store with tears in her eyes. She was beautiful and curvy, but her face screamed rejection and when I walked into the shop to understand what had happened, it was to overhear the employees talking and laughing, how could she even think she would fit in our clothes? She should lose weight if she wants to look pretty, until then... it's impossible for her".

I watch as his face morphs into dislike as he says those words. "I found her pretty, I couldn't see anything wrong with her, was there an obligatory body size to be able to buy clothes?" he asks without seeking an answer, but it still hits home to me.

"I learned at fifteen years old that the fashion world was unfair and superficial, it still is and will probably always be. I had hoped that at least this beautiful part of my world would be more sincere but I was proven wrong that day and it broke my heart. So I made myself a promise that year, I would create clothes, but only in plus size.

I want the people wearing my clothes to be proud that they get to wear something so beautiful, something that the thinner population can't. Maybe that's not the right mindset to have, but they have thousands of shops to choose from while the rest have to choose from scraps, I wanted to change that, hence where CuddleMe comes from".

So the shop's backstory is kind of a vengeance against the fashion world's mentality? You didn't help that poor lady so I'll take care of her while you stare from afar, see how it feels to not be included.

I smile at the thought, that does explain why Jimin didn't find my size repulsive and why he had guessed my size so easily, he's even more impressive than I had thought, such a gentle heart he has.

"Well, I think you did good, Jimin, these clothes are beautiful. I never thought I'd see this style in my size one day, that knowledge alone makes me feel better" I admit softly as I caress a lovely dress, is everything he makes as soft as the clothes I carefully stored at home?

Maybe that's why he chose CuddleMe, the clothes he creates are made for cuddles.

He tilts his head as he observes me taking in every pieces of clothing, eyes creasing lightly as his lips curve upwards. "Y/N, darling" he starts, waits until I turn my head to stare at him to continue.

"I would love very much to see you wearing these clothes, could you please indulge this selfish alpha for a moment?".

I feel myself blush instantly at his request, he can't be serious right? He wants me to wear these beautiful items?

My first instinct is to refuse, but remembering how wearing his clothes made me feel last week, I purse my lips in hesitation.

"Oh, please! I want to see you wearing his clothes, Y/N, please!" Jungkook pleads while rubbing his hands in front of him as he joins us and I bashfully look at the floor before nodding my head, I can tell there's no running away from this moment, might as well try to enjoy it.

He must just need someone to try them on to see if they fit well on a body like mine so if I get to help him that way... then sure, I can do it for him.

"Oh wonderful, I was hoping you would say yes" Jimin muses happily before leading me to a curtain that he slides open to reveal a changing room.

"Make yourself comfortable while I gather different outfits for you, okay? There's a hook you can use to hang your bag on the wall to your right" he lets me know as he rushes to the clothes he had shown me to select many items, are they even going to be my size? Is he not going to make sure of that first?

I stare at him with a worried heart because the last thing I want is to have to tell him that the clothes he made me try are too small, but when he comes back to hang them on the different hooks by the mirror and sees my expression in the reflective glass, he pauses.

"Can I tell you the truth, Y/N?".

I meet his gaze and frown a little, did he not want me to try them on after all? He chuckles at my worried grimace and finishes arranging the different outfits to make it easier for me to wear them as intended before turning to face me.

"Ever since I saw you wearing my clothes last week, I haven't been able to stop thinking about what other pieces of my collections you could wear. Yesterday, I felt that urge to get you every clothes we had in your size to fill your room but thought it would be too much considering we had literally changed everything in your home.

I thought I could wait but today, I've made no progress at all because all I could do was get this section together for you, I kept wondering what you would like, what would look good on you. With that said... it would make me extremely happy if you would accept to bring them home with you after you've tried them on".

I stare at him in shock, then turn my gaze to Jungkook to see him nodding his head excitedly, body jumping in place because he can't wait to see me wearing his hyung's clothes, he wants to see me looking confident in his pretty clothes.

"But Jimin, they must cost a fortune" I mumble but the alpha tuts at me with a waving finger in front of him.

"No, none of that nonsense with me, sweetheart, these clothes need a body and I have decided that yours is the perfect one for them, they will look lovely on you and that is enough for me. What I want is you looking happy and comfortable in them, if you really don't like something, then don't take it, but if you do like what you try on, I would be delighted to see you wear them in your daily life".

"Just accept the offer, pup, Jimin will drop the bags in front of your door in the middle of the night otherwise and that would be creepier than you accepting them now" Jungkook muses with a grin as he sits down nearby and Jimin blushes a little, he would do that, wouldn't he?

Yeah, he definitely would.

I sigh and relent. "Okay then... first the furniture, now the clothes... what a way to make me feel like a sugar baby" I whisper before pushing him out of the cabin to get started with changing into the first outfit in front of me.

Jungkook giggles when Jimin almost trips at my words.

"Are you calling us your sugar daddies?".

Fire and ice collude within my soul to make me burst from the inside and I let out an awkward and most definitely fake laugh to get myself out of this situation. "No, of course not-"

"Well you better start calling us your sugar daddies from now on because I love it!" Jimin exclaims before sharing a high-five with Jungkook and I exhale deeply, my soul out of my body in an instant as I give up on keeping sane.

"Aw man, all this sugar is making me want to eat donuts" Jungkook blurts out next and Jimin agrees easily, the matter already forgotten as they start thinking about what shop sells the best donuts in the area.

I stare at the floor in a moment of powerlessness, if I wasn't tired earlier, now I am because these two are just so random. I get a completely different vibe from Jimin when he's with Jungkook than when he's with Yoongi, it makes me wonder what other facets he has when he's with his other mates.

"What kind of donuts do you like, Y/N? The simple ones or the Instagram worthy ones?" Jungkook asks and I purse my lips as I stare at the pretty dress in my hands, do they want me to wear these clothes only once?

"Ah, we'll have a look later babe, we don't even know if she wants any. We should pay attention to her for now, you have to show us everything you wear, darling, okay? I want to see how they look on you, maybe I can adjust a few things while we're here if needed" Jimin stops him, to my biggest relief and I nod my head.

"Sure, Jimin, but only if I feel comfortable, I've never worn clothes like these before so I don't know what they'll look on me" I admit and the alpha hums softly. "It's okay, Y/N, show us what you're comfortable showing us".

"And then we get the donutsss" Jungkook whispers in the silence and I can't resist a giggle from leaving me, this silly alpha, what am I going to become with them?

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