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Here it is! This is going to be the last You belong update in a row, I hope you enjoyed having so much to read because I sure did!


Hoseok's POV

It's been two weeks since she fell unconscious in front of all of us, two weeks of silence, of anxious thoughts and many tears.

Two weeks of staring at her, of taking in her every breaths, and she hasn't woken up yet.

She's unmoving, still as a doll, the prettiest of all.

She's just... peacefully sleeping, unaware of the world that keeps moving around her, unaware of us.

Like she fully shut down.

When the ambulance took her to the hospital, it felt like our world was crumbling down at our feet.

Taehyung was urgently brought along with them because his side of the bond with her was the most at risk, staying close to her was the most effective way to keep it intact, else it would shatter and bring us all down with it, including her.

When Yoongi called and demanded that they save her at all cost, that money wasn't a problem and that he would gladly give everything he had in order to get her the best treatments, every doctors gathered together to have a look at her.

In the end, they all came up with similar verdicts - her heart and soul had contradicted each other so much that her system decided to put things on hold, the simplest method being to force her into a coma for an unknown amount of time.

They said it was most likely done to avoid a self-destruction, a deduction made from the brain scans that were done on her. That one did nothing to ease our fears and panicking wolves.

They couldn't tell us when she would wake up, or if she would ever wake up at all.

It is up to her and her alone to decide if she wants to give this life another try, and it's... very difficult to hear that all we can do in the meantime is wait and hope for the best, hope that she would come back to us.

Of course, Taehyung... he did not take it well at all.

He's become a shell of who he used to be, eyes distant and full of pain. He takes the blame for everything and no matter what we tell him, there's no changing his mindset. He's convinced that everything is his fault.

"It was stupid, really" he mumbled once as we were all seated in the private hospital room during the first day.

"Hearing her purr for the first time broke my heart. I didn't mean to cry like I did, but knowing why it was so... broken and premature, unformed, it just made my heart weep for her all the more. When she tried to comfort me using it... it got too much, I couldn't stand it at that moment. I was supposed to comfort her, yet there I was acting pitiful.

"The next thing I knew, her warmth was leaving me abruptly and it suddenly felt like I was thrown into a frightful storm of unstable emotions, like I'd lost my only light- I couldn't even make sense of anything anymore. All I knew was that I'd lost her".

"When I calmed down, I knew that I'd overreacted, but I didn't know that I'd lose her for real. I made us all lose her. It's all my fault".

He'd burst into tears after that, inconsolable, and he hasn't spoken a word since then.

When I was young, I had no clue what my worst nightmare would be. I always figured it'd be some... ridiculous ghost stories, or maybe some ugly fish in the sea, maybe it would be the sensation of being trapped in a small space, or being caught in a really bad car accident.

Now I know what it is.

It's losing my mates, it's this bond giving up on us, it's this delightful omega staying asleep forever while we keep visiting her everyday with the ghost of a hope long gone. It's losing all that we could be, of not being able to live as a happy and loving pack anymore.

Those things terrify me right now.

When those possibilities become too loud in my mind, I sit by her bed to clean her skin with a soft baby wipe, the only way I can keep myself sane when the others have no choice but to head to work for the day.

It's hard to leave her behind for something as mundane as a job, but we can't ignore our responsibilities either now that her state has stabilized, so we've made sure to always leave one of us behind to watch over her, though Taehyung tries to keep his distance as much as possible.

We work our way through our tasks with weary minds and dragging feet, then we all gather back here at the end of the day to recover by her side, and we stay until it's time to head to work the next day, again and again.

"What made you do that, my sweet bun, hm? What happened in your mind that day? What were we supposed to do?" I ask her sleeping form as I lie besides her on her bed, tired eyes feeling glassy as I cup her face softly, what should we have done that day?

Was there anything we could've done to keep that from happening? Or was it meant to happen no matter what we did?

I've been dreaming about that scene every night since then. It's like a loop that haunts me whenever it has the chance. I try to come up with different actions to keep her from falling, and I fail each times because it's never enough, never what she needs.

I was under the impression that we knew her, that we knew more than enough to love her like she needed, but this made me realize that we didn't know anything after all. We only knew what she let us know, what we could take from her reactions to what we'd do or say and that's... gosh... I hate that.

It was a very short time that we spent together but it felt like more than that, though it was only the bond lying to us.

Maybe we went too fast, pushed her to follow a pace that wasn't made for her. She followed along to the best of her abilities, without knowing herself that she was being pushed to her limit, all because she wanted to please us.

We thought that her acceptance of us was a success, that we'd avoided the worst case scenario, but we were fooling ourselves. We would've died with her if the bond had broken that day, our pack would've been gone without a sound and that would've been the end of our story.

I rest my forehead against her scentless neck to fight against the tears that threaten to burst free.

That stormy night... I wish I'd slept in instead of leaving so early for work. I wish I'd stayed long enough to feel her wake up within my arms. I wish I'd taken a day off to spend it with her, to cuddle more but I didn't, and now I regret it terribly.

My phone suddenly begins to ring and I look over my shoulder to find it on the bedside table, and a glance at the screen shows me that it's one of her friends calling me, the alpha named In-yeop, a real nice guy.

He's been calling everyday to get news of her state, and though it's flagrant in his voice that he could be desperate enough to beg for a visit, he hasn't even once, respectful of our protectiveness towards her to keep a distance.

"Hey, In-yeop" I greet him softly while resting my face back into the crook of her neck, my only comfort at the moment being the feeling of her warm skin, it's proof that she's still alive, still fighting, but for how long?

"Hoseok, am I bothering you? I can call later if now's a bad time" he says after a moment of silence, he must have noticed how tired I sound.

"No, no it's fine. I'm just... resting by her side right now, it's all I can do to keep myself from losing my mind. When I do nothing, I keep seeing her tears and it's... never mind that. She's doing fine, nothing changed, she's still as peaceful as usual" I let him know, voice trembling slightly despite my attempt to make it sound stable.

It's hard to lose her bright mind right as we were getting to know her. I spent one day with her, I fell in love with her right away, and then she was taken from me.

I don't blame Taehyung, that day was out of everyone's control, we don't even know what truly happened for her to feel like she was a failure, but it doesn't make it any easier to accept. If I could change the past - if any of us could, we would do it in a heartbeat, I know we would.

We would do anything for her, even if it meant defying the entire world.

"I see... I'll let Dal know, he called me earlier because he wanted to know how she was doing. Look, Hoseok... do you need anything? Clothes, food? I can bring some meals over for your pack if you want, Bora has been stress cooking these last few days and there's way too much for us, I think she would feel better if you guys took some as well".

I bite on my tongue at the wolf's offer.

Real meals... when did we last eat something? I don't even know if I had more than some snacks these last few days, it's all I could manage to eat without feeling sick, but we can't keep going like this, can we? It's not healthy.

"Honestly, In-yeop... that would be very kind of you. I don't think any of us have eaten anything substantial since the incident, I fear that we're all going to collapse at this pace".

He hums, and some noise can be heard in the background as he begins to move around. "I had a feeling. I'll help Bora in the kitchen and I'll call you when we're ready to come. Take it easy in the meantime, Hoseok. Y/N is strong, she'll be fine".

The call ends on that note, and I put my phone back on the table before taking my sweet omega's hand between mine to hold against my lips.

"You have such good friends, soft bun... if not for us... at least wake up for them... please".

Your POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I take what feels like a first breath into the world.

It's... weird, the way I'm overly aware of the air that fills my lungs, cold to my warmed body.

The sensations it brings almost a stranger to my senses.

All around me, it smells like strong cleaning products, a background smell that can only scream of how clean this room is, it's familiar to me for some reason, like I could name all of them by heart, but the words are missing me.

Where am I?

I try to open my eyes, the blur that greets me first uncomfortable, but as I push through to focus more on my surroundings, I gaze at the room I seem to be in with a lack of understanding of what I'm even seeing.

I can see... people sitting in a corner of the fancy room, and the sight of them makes me feel weird.

Warm, safe, as if I've known them all my life.

I turn my gaze to the other side of what seems to be a hospital room, but all I see is more dark coloured furniture that occupy each corners with tables and bags scattered around, and I then notice the computers and machines that appear to scan my vitals on each sides of the bed.

Why am I here?

I try to sit up, and it's painful when my muscles resist the movement, I feel like I've been laying down for too long.

Still, I continue even though my arms keep shaking because they're weak, my stomach sweaty between each rolls that I don't remember having, this body like a stranger to me no matter how much I try to remember about myself.

Who am I?

A knock on the door stirs one of the men awake, and unaware that I'm now conscious, he rises from the couch with an exhausted, hopeless stance to open the door.

A nurse stands on the other side, and the man steps aside to allow her in.

"I'm sorry to bother you in the middle of the night, sir, but I wanted to make sure that everything was well with her. Her vitals have been acting up a little and- oh, I see she's awake now, that explains why".

The man blinks at her like he didn't quite understand what she just said, and then he's glancing in my direction, clearly expecting to find me still sleeping, to have been lied to - only he sees instead that I am indeed not sleeping anymore when our eyes meet and he freezes.

His eyes widen, they fill with tears, and before I can do or say anything, he's running over to hug me as if I would suddenly disappear at any moment.

His scent... beneath the scent blockers, I can smell the weak scent of... hazelnuts? With the slightest hint of firewood. That seems to be it, it smells good and I could almost believe that I've already smelled that before, but that can't be true, right?

"Oh pup, my sweet pup, you're finally awake" he whispers into my hair, hands cradling my head like he can't believe it, and he really can't, it feels like forever ago when I last opened my eyes and brought my gaze upon him, he can't believe this.

I don't have the strength to move my arms as his own lock around me tightly, I feel heavy like a stone, as if I just woke up from an endless sleep, but it's strange, the way I willingly allow myself to melt into his hug even though it's my first time meeting this alpha.

"I'm sorry, sir, but if you could please step aside, I need to have a look at her first and ask some questions" the nurse speaks up softly, she looks like she feels bad to ask that of him but he wipes his eyes with the back of a hand before nodding, and he walks to the other side of the bed to remain by my side.

"Hi miss, it's good to see you finally awake after all this time. Can you tell me how are you feeling? Any strange feelings or pains that you can't explain?" the lady asks gently while smiling at me, but I stare up at her feeling even more confused.

"Uh... I'm not sure? I... I don't know what I'm doing here, if I'm honest, nor do I remember anything at all. Even this... body doesn't quite feel like my own, it's weird. What happened to me? Who are these people?" I ask back, wanting nothing more than to understand, but the man standing besides me gasps before turning me by the shoulders so I can look at him.

His eyes search into my own desperately, like he's trying to find out if I'm speaking the truth or just messing with him, and what he finds makes him wilt like a flower that outlived its time.

"You... don't remember me? Look carefully, do you really not remember any of us?" he utters weakly, he sounds scared of my answer but... even if it feels terrible to shatter his hope like this, I can't lie just to make him feel better.

"I'm sorry, I don't... I don't seem to recognize any of you" I speak honestly, and I watch as he sinks to the floor with an empty gaze before hiding his face in his hands, shoulders jumping lightly as he begins to cry silently.

"I- I'm sorry, truly" I murmur again, my heart twisting into knots at the sight that greets my eyes, it makes me feel terrible, like I just betrayed someone I could trust with my life, but I sincerely do not remember any of them, I couldn't possibly lie about that.

I stare at the group again, hoping for something to change in my memories, but instead I find someone else sitting still and staring at me with a serious look on his face, no emotions shown if not for a glint of pain in his eyes.

Why does he look at me like that? What's going on?

"Miss, can you tell me your name and the date you last remember? Is there anything that you can remember about yourself, no matter how little it may be?" the nurse's questions bring my attention back to her, and I try to think of something, I really do, but it's like my life's canvas is completely blank.

"There's nothing that comes to mind, I'm sorry. It's... empty, just empty".

I observe as she scribbles notes down on a notepad, her brows furrowed as she bites on her bottom lip.

"I see... it looks like you may have amnesia, it's possible it might be a result from the trauma your soul endured when the bond was strained to a very thin limit, to protect yourself and the bond itself. I'll have to inform Dr. Min of this, please rest in the meantime, I'll come back later".

She runs out of the room, and I release a small sigh before looking down to where the man is still sat, knees pulled to his chest and his head against the desk behind him to stare at the ceiling with wet eyes.

"It's our fault" he says with a voice drained of any energy.

"We handled things really badly that day. We tried but- no, we didn't do nearly enough, did we? We didn't know what was going on, it was just... very poor damage control back then. Taehyung was going to explain everything after he calmed down but it was too late, you were already laying on the floor, as if a light went off in your soul. All we could do was hold you and hope that you would not give up on life, on us".

I stare at my hands resting on my lap as he speaks, what did the nurse say already? She talked about a... bond? Do I have a mate bond with them? It does feel like it.

"What happened exactly?" I ask him after a moment of silence, what happened that made me forget everything like this?

"We're not sure ourselves" a deeper voice speaks up this time, and I stare at the other man who was observing us silently from one of the couches.

Petrichor, he smells like a forest, it smells... good, and for it to be so strong despite the scent blockers lets me know that he intended for me to smell his scent. That and firewood, again. Is that the bond's scent?

"What went through Taehyung's mind and what went through yours... there's no telling how different they were at the time. A lot of miscommunication and misunderstandings, I'll wager. All we managed to find out was that it all stemmed from him hearing your purr - it broke his heart and he cried, but you might have taken his reaction as a rejection. The bond... it was so new, so fragile... we certainly underestimated your fears, and it cost us a lot more than we would have ever thought".

I frown at his explanation, a hand brought to my chest as if doing so could expose the missing information. It was all because of my purr? How bad must it be that it caused the bond to almost break because of it?

Not to mention that I have no idea what fears he's referring to.

"I see" I let out in a small breath, it's not a fun feeling to hear about everything from an outside perspective without having any flashback to a situation where I was obviously in the center, but there's not much I can do to fix that.

My memory was locked under a very heavy lock, and I don't know where it's hiding.

"I'm sorry, it's not quite... right to speak of this so soon when you just woke up from a coma. My name is Kim Namjoon, I'm the pack alpha, and this is Jeon Jungkook, the youngest alpha of the pack. Your name... Seo Y/N, youngest wolf and only omega of the pack. We were still getting to know each other, second chance mates, that's what we were to you".

I nod my head slowly, everything I'm told being organized into my mind as I hear it, endless space available to me because every shelves are empty, as if my soul took everything and stored it somewhere out of reach.

So that's what this is then... they weren't my first mates. It makes sense to believe that my fears might have had a lot to do with the first bond I had, even if I can't remember any of it.

"Do you know anything about what happened to my first bond?".

Jungkook curses under his breath before standing up, and I watch with a confused heart as he exits the room with a hurried stride, like he can't tolerate hearing any of this any longer. He looked really hurt earlier.

Namjoon sighs before grabbing a chair so he can sit by my side, a respectful distance between us to leave me some time to process everything without being overwhelmed, his scent quickly becoming a secure and stable ground in this unknown that currently surrounds me.

"Don't worry about him, this situation is... he just needs some time. As for your question... your first bond was an abusive relationship" he begins, it shows on his face that he doesn't know much about it, but what he said is enough to give me an idea of what I must have gone through in the past.

"That was a few years before we met you. Apparently, he handled the separation well, but you ended up losing your sense of smell, not fully, but enough that you couldn't smell everything normally anymore. It came back after our bond formed though, that's what Yoongi said".

I let out a small sound at that. I can't tell where that information comes from, but I know as a fact that only wolves who don't love their mates survive the broken bond well. That must be why I wanted out of there.

Compared to the light disgust that fills my guts at the mention of that guy, the wolves currently sitting in the same room as me... they make me feel warm inside, something that makes me want to trust them. A second chance bond, that means they were good for me.

He points his nose towards the group of sleeping wolves, then motions for the one with the dark hair.

"The one sleeping in the seated position on the edge of the couch, that's Yoongi. Next to him is Seokjin, but he likes to go by Jin with the people he loves - you were granted that right as soon as you met. Then there's Jimin who met you first, Taehyung, and Hoseok. It was love at first sight, all of us. We adored you from the moment we saw you, we still do, always will".

It's so sudden, the way he blurts that out, that I tense and blush before quickly looking away to hide my embarrassment.

If I'd heard that from anyone else, I'm not sure I would've believed them, but Namjoon makes me feel like everything he says is worth trusting, and that means a lot to me for some reason.

Despite not remembering anything about myself... there are people out there who do, and they're not leaving me behind to deal with this on my own - they've been waiting for me to wake up again, to make amends and to let me know I'm still loved by them. It's comforting.

I clear my throat before looking back at my body. It doesn't feel like a body I can call my own, or is it more that I don't want to call it my own? It's confusing, but I feel... I don't want to hate who I am this time.

Maybe this amnesia - or whatever it is - can be a good thing for me.

A new beginning as I try to find out where I belong in this world.

We don't say anything after that, instead opting to bask in each other's presence while it's still peaceful and quiet.

I'll have a lot to deal with later, so I'll enjoy the now while it lasts.

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