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When the others wake up from their sleep, they all go through a process similar to Jungkook's.

They're first happy to see me awake, they hug me and even kiss my face, then they learn that I don't remember anything anymore and they cry before taking a time outside of my room to process and compose themselves.

Most of them recover fast though, or that's what they want me to believe, but one of them has a harder time doing the same, and in a desperate attempt to make things better, there comes a day when Taehyung is forced to stay alone with me while the others head to work.

It's been an hour now since we've been left on our own, and he hasn't looked at me even once, his eyes fixated on his hands as he sits on the couch in the corner farthest away from me, as if scared of what would happen if he came too close, or maybe he feels like he doesn't deserve to.

I play with my fingers for a while too as I glance at him from time to time, feeling a bit awkward about the atmosphere that sometimes takes over when it's silent for too long.

While I could get used to some of the other alphas during the last few days - mostly Namjoon and Yoongi since it was easier for them to skip days of work while the others had important meetings and appointments to attend - there's still some weird tension in the air whenever I notice them overthinking their words.

It's like they're not sure of what to say, as if they don't want to reminisce about things that I can't remember.

I can see it on their face that they struggle to put the past aside to create something new, they're attached to what happened before I forgot everything, no matter how short it was, and I get that. I wish I could remember for them, the good things, but my memory hasn't reacted to anything so far.

The doctors believe that it goes deeper than a simple amnesia, that perhaps my memory was entirely wiped out to protect me, but we can't know for sure so soon. We don't know if it might be triggered in the future, and I know that my mates are not ready to give that up so fast.

"Taehyung" I finally speak his name aloud when the silence becomes too uncomfortable, and the alpha startles into a straighter position, eyes still not rising to meet mine. It's already more reaction than he's shown all of us so far, but it's still unnerving to see.

I sigh.

"Do you regret meeting me, Taehyung? Before my amnesia, I mean".

His eyes widen and he finally looks at me for the first time since I woke up, disbelief on his face as if I just spoke the most nonsensical thing he ever heard. I'm honestly just glad that it finally made him see me.

"No! I could never regret knowing you, Y/N, never. I just... don't deserve you. You're in this state because of me, I carelessly let my emotions get the best of me that day and look where that brought us. If anything, you should be the one regretting to meet me, this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me" he utters the end with a bite in his tone, then shrinks back lifelessly on his seat.

I hum, then rest my head on my pillows to stare at the white ceiling.

"It's hard to say considering that I forgot everything. Maybe you're right and this is all your fault, who am I to say the opposite when I have no recollection of what happened?" I let out with a shrug, and I feel him shrink even more, clearly wounded by my words.

His smell of violets is weak, almost like dust. I turn my gaze back to his drooping form.

"But that's my lost memories' problem, isn't it? In those I have right now, and those I have yet to make, I want you to be part of them. Aren't we mates? Am I supposed to feel better if you always hide from me? Because to me, everything is new, so what you're doing just makes me feel like you don't want this with me".

He frowns at my observation, his emotions all mixed up as he makes sense of what I just said. It's nothing like he was ready to hear, and while it feels like a punch in his guts, damn, it makes sense, it really does.

"I... it's easier to say than to do. You don't remember, but I do. We all do" he mumbles, but his posture is getting looser, less curled and tensed.

"Sure you do, wouldn't work too well if we all had amnesia at the same time, would it?" I blurt out with another shrug, and a thin smile threatens to appear on his face before he resists against it.

"No, it wouldn't work too well, you're right" he echoes, relief heard in his voice, it eases some tension in my heart because my biggest worry was that our bond wouldn't be able to recover from the past, but maybe there's still a chance.

Silence comes back again, but it's lighter than earlier.

"Taehyung, can you look at me? Like... really look at me? I've seen you acting like a ghost for an entire week and it feels like I haven't gotten a proper look at you yet" I ask of him while patting the chair besides my bed, and I see him hesitate for many long seconds before he ultimately agrees to my request.

He slowly stands from the couch before taking a seat next to me, and he bites on his bottom lip before he can dare a look at me, his eyes wavering but holding on when our gazes meet head on, finally.

I take him in openly, eyes roaming over his features, and he's so pretty, a beautiful alpha with a soft vibe to him that makes me smile. Staring at him like this makes me wonder what it would feel like to cuddle with him, which is a first for me this week.

It lets me know that I'm slowly getting more comfortable with their pack, that I'm accepting the second bond - a second time. I know that things will take time, though, before they can get back what they had prior to my amnesia.

"Would you believe me if I told you that to me, starting over feels like a blessing?" I eventually let out as we both keep staring at one another, and his eyes fill with confusion at my admission. It's obvious that he can't see how this can be a good thing, and I chuckle at the sight of his adorable pout.

"I don't remember what hurt me in the past, no trauma or even fears that I know of. There's nothing holding me back now. From being who I want to be, I mean. Right now, I have this blank sheet in front of me, and I can write anything I want on it. Doesn't that sound like a blessing?" I explain with a light voice, hoping to move his focus onto something more positive.

I want him to see that to me, he is not a bad guy, I want him to know that I don't resent him for doing something that no one could control. Whatever went through my mind back then was my own fault, not anyone else's.

I might not know much at the moment, but I'm not stupid, I can see that they're all very good people, Taehyung included. It's just a pity that out first meeting had to be a source of trauma for him.

His brows are furrowed as he thinks about what I just said, and he makes a soft sound before nodding his head. "Seen like that... it does sound pretty nice. What... what would you want to write down first? On that blank paper?".

Not expecting him to ask me that kind of question, it takes me aback for a minute. What would I write down first?

"Hmm... Right on top of the list, I want to write... that I am a survivor. That I am strong, brave, loved. I have this feeling deep inside me that it's not who I thought I was before, but it's who I want to be. I want to be proud of myself for every little victories that come my way, and I want to make those victories happen for myself. That's what I'd write- no, that's what I'll write first".

It feels good saying that aloud for some reason, and I truly believe that this is who I can be now. There's nothing stopping me, so why shouldn't I?

A sniffle reaches my ears and I look at Taehyung in surprise when I find tears flowing from his eyes. He tries to hide his face by shifting to the side, but he can't hide from me, not when I can smell his scent so well since we were finally allowed to remove the scent blockers when in my room.

I carefully move my feet to the cold floor and then kneel in front of the alpha to cup his cheeks with my hands and catch his tears, what's that so suddenly?

"What's wrong, Taehyung? Why are you crying, hm?" I ask him softly, thumbs gentle as I wipe his tears away, and he leans into my touch as if he's been craving it forever, a hand of his immediately catching mine to keep it on his skin.

"How do you do that?" he asks with a quivering voice. "How are you so strong when you're in this state because of me?".

I smile at him, then gently pull him down so I can kiss his forehead.

"What if we changed that perspective of yours instead? What if I told you... that I got to be so strong thanks to you? Doesn't that sound much better?".

His body begins to shake with more teary sobs as he nods his head between our hands, it sounds so sad and weak that I can't resist pulling him into a tight embrace while he cries all of his pain onto my shoulder, which is a relief in itself.

Keeping all of that inside his heart must have been so painful.

I hush him softly while patting his back, and when he starts to calm down, he pulls back to wipe his face with his sleeves, snot and tears alike. I reach the table to get the box of tissues and then extend it in his direction so he can grab a few to blow his nose properly.

He looks embarrassed the more he processes what just happened, but I keep smiling as I wait for him to be ready to look at me again, there's no hurry considering just how much progress happened in one morning.

I grab a bottle of water for him from the small fridge, then another one for myself before sitting back on my bed, and I hand him one after uncapping it for him. He accepts it with a light frown on his face, his eyes on me as he seems to think deeply.

"I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you" he finally voices what seemed to be bothering him, and I find myself grinning in response before I take a few sips of the water to hydrate myself. I set the bottle aside before staring at him with a tilt of the head.

"So, an alpha can take care of an omega, but an omega can't take care of an alpha? That's what you think?".

Taehyung purses his lips at the way I rephrased his comment. "No, that's... I just... I feel like I should be the one taking care of you, but instead you're the one comforting me and making sure I'm fine. It's just like that day, you tried to comfort me back then too".

I hum. "I guess I didn't do too well".

He quickly shakes his head.

"No, it's not that. I mean, it didn't go well but it wasn't your fault. You'd just told us about your past, it was very sad and it... broke my heart, and when I heard your purr... my emotions got the best of me and I broke down. You tried to comfort me with it, as any omegas would've done, but I... didn't react well. You were hurt by my reaction and everything went downhill from there".

I look down at my thighs as he speaks. That fits with what I was told so far, but it's the first time I hear about what happened from Taehyung directly. I bring a hand to my chest, I've yet to purr since I woke up but the more I hear about it... the more scared I am to use it.

"It's really that bad, huh?" I murmur softly.

He looks down as well, fingers twisting together as he tries to not let his scent turn upset.

"It's... not a bad purr. It's just... your purr has not developed. You had a tough past and most likely didn't have the environment and sense of safety required to use it often, so it sounds broken. The others... they said it becomes endearing once you get used to it, but I wasn't prepared so my reaction was too emotional, as always. I'm such a big baby, I'm nothing like the others".

I lean over to grab his hands at his disappointment and anger that are directed towards himself, and I hold them tightly as I try to make sense of what I heard.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Taehyung. Your reaction wasn't your fault, everyone just... has different reactions to the same things - we were just unprepared, as you said. The both of us. It's part of the past now, I'm sure this won't happen the same way again".

He perks up a little at that, and he raises his eyes to stare at me seriously. "I won't make the same mistake again, I- I know what to expect now. So you don't have to be afraid of purring, I don't want you to be scared of it, it's part of you and it doesn't need to be changed".

I wince a little before avoiding his gaze, and his scent of daisies seeps out of him strongly to merge with his pheromones when he realizes that it's already too late. Guilt settles across his face and he squeezes my fingers.

"I know the stories you heard make it sound like your purr is terrible, but it's really not- you shouldn't- oh no, I shouldn't have told you about it, should I? I don't want to take that away from you, you were so unbothered by it before" he sounds so scared as he speaks that it makes me feel slightly anxious too.

It's hard to not expect the worst when I know that it was behind all of this chaos, and as I get to smell my own scent turning bad for the first time, nausea begins to rise the more rotten my whipped cream becomes.

Taehyung's eyes fill with panic as he notices that I'm starting to struggle with breathing, every inhale I take making my stomach churn more and more, to a point where I feel like I'm going to throw up soon if this continues, and since my scent works in sync with my emotions, I can't flee that fate for much longer.

I have enough time to stand from the bed and rush to the bathroom before the bile pushes through, and I slump over the toilet as my stomach empties itself violently, my half-digested breakfast painful as it forces its way upwards quickly.

The alpha follows behind and kneels besides me to gather my hair out of my face, and he does his best to cover my scent with his own while he pushes his pheromones onto me to help my wolf calm down, his touch gentle as he holds me to him while my body spasms with another onslaught of vomit.

The scent's bond isn't really one that he can control since it's not one he can smell on himself, and he regrets that because he feels like the firewood would've neutralized every other scents pretty well. His flowers can't really do much on their own, they're too soft.

"Oh, honey" he whispers sadly when my body isn't done throwing up yet, he feels so bad seeing me in this state when I was so hopeful earlier, he wishes one of our other mates were here right now so they could take over, this has never been his strong point.

It's one thing to be optimistic in the middle of a tragedy, but there are some things that can't be changed, and forgetting about the negative bits means that I need to learn about them all over again.

He makes sure to hug me tightly while periodically flushing the toilet whenever it's needed, and when he spots a first sign of a break, he helps me clean myself a little before washing my mouth with water, then gently pulls me away from the toilet.

He sits by the door before pulling me over him and cradling me against his chest so my nose can rest right against his neck's scent gland, a hand raised to caress my hair to help me relax while his other rests over my hip.

He had forgotten what it had felt like to have me in his arms and over his lap, and while the occasion is not exactly joyous, he knows that he won't be able to let go of me anytime soon, not unless I specifically ask him to release me.

Now that my every breaths are taken over by flowers, I find it easier to forget about my own scent and the state it put me in as I melt into his warmth, an odd sense of comfort found in Taehyung that I can't explain. It makes me feel... safe, loved.

We remain like this for at least a dozen minutes, until Taehyung knows for sure that I won't get sick again, and he sighs quietly when he feels me rub my nose softly against his skin. He's relieved to know that he was able to handle this situation on his own, it makes his alpha instincts feel accomplished.

"Let's get you in bed for now, hm?" I hear him murmur after a long while of silence, and I nod my head before wrapping my arms around his neck when he keeps me in his arms as he stands up effortlessly.

When we reach the small but comfortable bed, I expect him to settle me down before going back to the couch just like earlier, but instead get pleasantly surprised when he sits on the bed before carefully lying down against the propped pillows so I'm comfortably tucked in his strong embrace.

He gives me a chance to adjust my position so I can be more comfortable, then locks his arms around me when I appear to be done. "Is this alright?" he asks softly, and when I snuggle deeper into him instead of answering, he smiles before drawing the blanket over the two of us to keep us warm.

I never would've expected this outcome this morning when the pack decided that Taehyung would be the one to stay with me today, but while it was slightly nerve-wracking at first, now I'm so happy that things happened the way they did, minus the getting sick part.

"Thank you for staying with me today, Taehyung... it means a lot to me, I want you to know that" I whisper as I begin to doze off in exhaustion, and I feel a warm pressure over my forehead when he leans down to kiss it, just like I did to him earlier.

"It means a lot to me too... thank you for helping me to break out of my black hole. I... I'll treat you well this time, no more pain" he answers while resting his cheek over my hair, his arms tightening around me as if afraid that I might disappear suddenly, like a dream.

"No more pain" I repeat before falling asleep, the faint sound of purring and its vibrations lulling me into a restful state that feels like a cloud.

Jimin's POV

Feeling nervous about leaving Taehyung and Y/N to themselves all day when I know that he hasn't really been... present since the incident, it made sense to me that I would grab lunch and head to the hospital to eat with them.

To keep my sweet omega company, assuming that Taehyung didn't take over properly, which I might as well take as the norms for now, and also to make sure that my soft alpha wasn't being too hard on himself due to the both of them being too awkward and uncomfortable while alone.

Or maybe all of those thoughts were only due to my own stress and anxiety and reality is actually completely different from what I'm imagining, but that will only be confirmed once I see them with my own eyes.

I quickly tap the floor with one foot as the elevator goes up to the last floor where our room is, and when the doors open, I walk as fast as it's permitted to reach my two mates, bag of food rustling by my side with every steps I take.

I arrive just as a nurse closes the door after having a look inside for Y/N's daily check-up, and she smiles warmly when she notices me coming over before bowing and leaving the area.

Not thinking too much of her reaction, I open the door and close it behind me expecting to see both of them in their own separate corner, but what I end up seeing has me freezing in shock, a shock that quickly merges into intense relief.

I didn't think this was possible so quickly, but it seems that leaving them alone today was the best thing we could've done after all because here they are, cuddling on the bed and holding each other so tightly they might as well be only one body, the two of them asleep and resting soundly.

Did Y/N do that? Did she crack and pull him out of his tough shell in just one morning?

It takes all of my strength to not make a noise when I settle the bag on the floor before grabbing my phone, and once I open the camera, one picture quickly becomes ten, then thirty, all the way to exactly forty-three.

And then they're all sent to the group chat. There's no way I could miss that opportunity and not share it with the others, this is the first sign of hope that we've been granted so far and I cannot pretend as if it never happened.

It doesn't take too long before my mates start to reply to the adorable sight, and all share my relief as we process that this can only mean that they made up during our absence. I guess that's all they needed in the end - a chance to speak alone.

As silently as possible, I grab the bag of food again to move it to the table, aware that eating together won't be possible at this pace, but just as I'm about to head out of the room to leave them to their soft nap together, Taehyung's sleepy voice breaks the silence.

"Jiminie, you're here?".

I pause and turn around to smile at him, a lump of emotions settling comfortably in my throat at finally hearing him speak my name, it feels like forever ago when I last heard his voice.

"Taetae, I didn't mean to wake you up" I answer softly as I give up leaving the room to instead join them by the bed, a kiss dropped to his lips when he looks at me with so much love that my heart swells in contentment.

He closes his eyes with a hum, then opens them again to gaze at her with gentle warmth.

"It's fine. What time is it?" he asks with his deep voice, and I show him my phone so he can see for himself. "I didn't realize it got so late already... what are you doing here? I thought you were busy with work today".

I smile sheepishly before sitting on the chair.

"I was worried about you two so I got some food thinking that we could maybe eat together" I explain quietly as to not wake our omega up, she looks so peaceful right now and I don't want to take that away from either of them.

"Right... I would've been worried too if I'd left her with someone like me" he mumbles with a pout that I would kiss again and again if I could, why's he so cute right now?

He sighs, then stares at me again.

"We had a talk, after you all left. A much needed talk. She comforted me when I cried, then I told her more about what happened that day, but I realized that I was getting her scared of her purr. She had an anxiety attack and ended up throwing up soon after. I didn't know if I could help her on my own, but she fell asleep as soon as I lied us down on the bed" he speaks of what happened in a way that confuses me a little bit, but then I register the sick part.

"She threw up?" I repeat, concerned as I bring a hand to her skin to get a feel of her temperature, it's a bit warm but otherwise not worrying, thank goodness.

He nods slowly, a puppy look on his face. "Yeah... I think all this talk about her purr being the reason of my reaction is making her apprehensive of what it sounds like. She got anxious, which made her scent turn... you know. It kept getting worse from there, she ran to the bathroom before I could do anything to help".

I pinch my lips together before running a hand through his hair to reassure him and he closes his eyes to focus on my touch, a purr seeping out of him almost immediately. It was a few weeks ago after all since we could interact like this for the last time.

"You did your best, Taetae. As for her purr... it makes sense that she would apprehend hearing it for the first time after everything, we'll have to work on that. At her age... it's not like it can get better, she should at least learn to accept it as it is. It's not healthy to suppress it".

And it's such a shame too. She seemed completely unaware that her purr wasn't normal before her amnesia, so used to it being that way that it wasn't a problem to her. I don't know how long it'll take for her to feel that way about it again.

We fall silent at that, both of our gazes on her peaceful face.

"I'm glad that you're back with us, Tae. I missed you" I eventually admit, and his eyes look apologetic when they fall on me.

"I'm glad to be back too... and I'm sorry for worrying everyone like this. I was just... trapped, like I couldn't see the light anymore, but she made it bright again, gently held my hand and led me back into the real world. She's... different, Jiminie, stronger. If only you'd heard her, seen her, it's like... this is exactly who she was always meant to be, had her life always been good for her".

Hearing that makes me feel emotional all of a sudden, and I caress her soft cheek as I take in his words.

Namjoon and Yoongi said the same thing too since they got to spend the last few days with her while we were at work, but I've yet to experience what she's become for myself.

It makes me feel nervous, because I loved her adorable shyness. It was so endearing to me when a hug would make her blush and hide her face, but I also really want to get to know the real her, the Y/N who hasn't known trauma, who hasn't been carved by her terrible past.

Is it selfish of me to want both?

Was her shyness real? Or did it only exist because of her fears and doubts?

Y/N's eyes slowly blink open while I'm lost in thoughts, hand still caressing her face mindlessly as I ponder over whether I could afford taking a day off tomorrow to spend the day with her or not.

Won't she be allowed to leave the hospital soon? Her new home has been ready for her for three weeks now, she hasn't even seen it furnished yet and I would love to be there while she sets foot inside, but so would Namjoon since he took care of the decoration... should I wait some more?

I really miss her so much and when I do get to spend time with her... damn, I don't want to share her. I want to be selfish and have her all to myself so I can focus entirely on her, on who she's become. That Taehyung could cuddle with her means that everyone else will want a turn, and I want one too.


I blink at the sound of her sweet voice, then gaze down to see her staring at me with a kind smile, eyes creasing as she observes me from her cuddled spot in our soft, soft alpha's arms.

"What are you thinking about? You've been frowning for a couple of minutes now" she asks with a small chuckle, and I'm left speechless when she raises a hand to tenderly massage around my brows with her thumb to relax my face.

"I-" I mumble shortly, unable to say anything as I turn into putty under her touch, I don't even hear Taehyung's snort as my attention remains stolen by her confident eyes and her smile, as well as her warm touch.

I feel dumb, caught under a spell, but I can't deny the way that I feel.

As if I'm falling in love all over again.

"I was thinking about how beautiful you are" I finally manage to speak when my mind isn't buzzing with endless praises for her anymore, and her slow blinking accompanies a light pink to her round cheeks that I'd missed so dearly.

Maybe having both can be possible after all, or maybe this is going to be even better than what my mind can possibly conjure up.

"I was thinking about how I'd really like to cuddle with you too, and how I don't want to share you with anyone else when that happens" I continue, spurred on by her reaction, and seeing the blush gain in intensity while her scent fluffs up eases all of my fears.

"Do you think you could find it in you to entertain this selfish alpha? Maybe when you're finally allowed back home, I could keep you company there, make sure your bed smells like pack, that you have everything you need".

I anticipate her answer as if her saying no could break my heart in pieces, breath held in in suspense.

And then her face lights up with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen from her, and she nods her head with stars in her eyes, and it feels like I'm staring at an angel, one who shines so brightly that no shadows can exist around her.

"I would love that, Jimin, of course".

My heart pulses with strength in my chest as I hold her hand and bring it to my lips for a gentle kiss, eyes unable to look away from her face as I do so. I need to drink in the sight of her as much as possible before I leave back to work, else I will not be able to function at all.

"It's a promise then" I muse, a purr right there on the edge of bursting, just about to start rumbling with a loudness that can't be done often when I observe the way that she gazes at me with the same energy.

No looking away, no hiding from me, like she too needs to memorize every inch of me before I leave.

Oh, how I'm going to love getting to know her all over again.

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