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As Jimin expected, I end up being allowed to go home by the doctors pretty soon after my day with Taehyung.

Two days later, actually, and Jimin looks so desperate to be the one to bring me home when he learns the news - alone - that the pack ends up making up reasons as to why they can't come with us even though it's going to happen on Saturday and no work needs to be done on that day.

Jin talks about going grocery shopping with Yoongi, Namjoon apparently needs to look into the inventory of the decorations he owns for his job, Taehyung supposedly had promised Hoseok that they would watch a new movie at the cinema together and Jungkook utters about one of the new games at his company that needs his attention.

Seeing all of them go back home on Friday night to get ready for their made up tasks with a wink sent my way makes me smile, it's so obvious that they just want to make the alpha happy and it can only prove to me how much they love each other.

And so, when Saturday morning comes with the promise of a new life to be discovered, Jimin is the only one to show up to my hospital room with a bag of clothes for me to change into and a huge smile on his face, preening like he'd just won the lottery.

Seeing him like this, giddy with excitement as he closes the door behind him, his cedarwood giving off comfort as soon as he removes his patch of scent blocker, a scent that I feel particularly drawn to, it makes me feel good about today.

The alpha hands me the bag with sparkling eyes once he reaches the couch where I was reading a book of Namjoon's, and I get a hold of it with a slightly confused look on my face, because why does he look at me like this?

He keeps that expression for a moment longer before whispering a small "Oh" when he seems to realize that I am missing information. He scratches the back of his neck shyly at that observation, then points at the bag.

"I forgot that you forgot. Those clothes - I made them. I made your entire wardrobe, actually. You... really liked them, but if that is not true anymore, it's okay. I can make you new clothes in a style that fits you more, it's totally alright".

My eyes widen at that new knowledge, and I pull out the first piece of clothing from the bag to have a look at it under his nervous staring. It appears to be a very comfortable hoodie, but rather than being bare of any design, it's got this really cool linework pattern over it that gives it an edgy style, which I absolutely love.

The jeans that complete the outfit respect the fashion idea that Jimin had when he chose those pieces, and with the boots that stare back at me from the bottom of the bag, I can only think of one word - perfect.

This outfit is perfect. It gives me bold, powerful and confident and somehow makes me feel amazing despite not even wearing it yet.


He gulps and blinks at me as he awaits a verdict.

"You are a genius. A fashion master. How did you make something so... perfect like this? It's... wow! I'm going to love wearing this outfit, I just know it!" I praise him without pause for breathing, and I watch as his face breaks into pure joy as his eyes crinkle into thin moons, lips forming the first real smile that I've seen from him so far.

He giggles, then opens the door of the bathroom to beckon me inside, already looking much more excited about seeing me in those clothes than just a minute ago.

"Then get in there and try them on, beautiful. I really want to see you wearing them as soon as possible, I've been thinking about this moment all night and I don't think I can wait any longer. Let me know if something fits wrong, I'll fix it when you come out".

With a blush on my face from hearing him call me beautiful but otherwise excited about this, I quickly nod my head before entering the bathroom, then neatly settle the clothes on the table by the closed door. This is going to feel much better than the hospital pyjama I was given, that's for sure.

Jimin waits impatiently from the other side of the door as he hears me get undressed, then dressed into the new clothes.

If he wasn't able to keep himself from acting on his instincts, he would join me and make sure that everything fits perfectly, the designer in him silently praying that everything is perfect and to my exact size. Thankfully, he remains right where he is, though it costs him.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim out loud all of a sudden once I see myself in the mirror and Jimin tenses, hand almost on the doorknob before he stops himself in time.

"What? What's wrong? I-is it not right? Does it not fit well? Can I see?" he asks nervously, can he not see? Just a little peek so he can see what the problem is and-

I open the door with a large smile on my face, arms raised by my sides before I do a spin to show him the fit. "It's even better than I thought and so comfy! Look at me! I look so cool!" I blurt out, genuinely excited about the way that I currently feel about myself.

The alpha stares at me as if frozen in time, his mind drunk on the words I just spoke, is he hearing that right? Is he seeing me right? Is he seriously seeing his omega feeling good about herself right now? No insecurities getting in the way of my self-confidence?

I start slowing down when I notice him not reacting, and I make my way to him before pushing his cheeks into a pout with my hands to get his attention.

He lowers his gaze on me with stunned eyes, cedarwood strong and wrapped around me with more composure than he can show at the moment, how could he when it feels like he's in a dream? A very wonderful dream.

"Don't tell me you're finding imperfections in those clothes. Don't even think about it, do you hear me? Put that designer mindset aside for a moment and just take in how absolutely stunning this outfit is" I utter lowly before stepping back, and I strike a pause the very next second, soul turning pleased when he bursts into laughter.

He wipes his tears before pulling me into a tight hug, body still shaking with giggles that soon make me join him in his laughter, it feels like we're going to have a very good day so far, just as I thought.

"You're exceptional, do you know that? You never cease to surprise me" he muses with a long sigh and a kiss to my forehead, eyes relishing in the blush that slowly begins to coat my cheeks as I take in our close proximity.

"Your entire pack is exceptional, I just hope I can fit in well" I admit softly after another few seconds of smiling at each other, and he leans down to rub his nose against my own, something that melts my heart and almost gets a purr out of me.

I quickly push it down though.

"You already fit in well, sweetheart. You are our mate, this bond that links you to us exists for the sole reason that you belong. With us, all seven of us. You don't need to ever doubt that" Jimin murmurs as he pulls back a little to push the hair out of my face, the rest of our bodies still pressed against one another.

I release a soft breath before nodding my head, and he gently holds my hand before grabbing the last few things that were left behind for us - the pack took everything else with them when they went back home last night.

"Let's get you to your house now, shall we? I'm excited for you to see it, it's... very new. You were meant to move in not long after it was acquired, but then things happened and... maybe it's a good thing. This can mark a real new beginning for you" he settles for in the end, not willing to think about that day anymore, not now.

I tilt my head as he leads me out of the room and towards the elevator after making us wear scent blockers, only until we can make it outside. It's weird how I'll be seeing the world for the first time since I woke up, literally.

"Did I buy that house?" I can't help but ask, I didn't see anything about a mortgage in my bank account when I had a look a few days ago after we got me access to it again. I can't really afford much, to be honest, so how could I have gotten a house?

Jimin chuckles as we enter the empty elevator.

"No, darling. I bought it for you".

I stare at him in silence, he what?

"So... I'll be paying rent to you then" I speak matter-of-factly, that's the only thing that can make sense here, but he chuckles again and shakes his head, amusement all over his face as he observes me process everything.

He regretted not being able to see my reaction the first time so he can't believe that he's getting a second opportunity like this, it's almost word for word what Namjoon and Yoongi had told him had happened. This is gold.

"Well- I can't possibly live there for free, Jimin" I let out, even more confused as I try to make sense of things, which is very hard to do at the moment with him looking so smug.

"You certainly can, because that's exactly what will happen. You were very uncomfortable about that back then too, so Namjoon did come up with a deal that would make the whole thing more tolerable for you" he muses with a grin, one that can only grow when I pull on his arm with despair.

"What? What was the deal? Tell me, Jimin, what is it?" I ask him nervously, eyes round with a need for answers, none of this makes sense!

He licks his lips, then hums lightly, greatly enjoying the suspense when he doesn't answer right away. There's a weird glint that takes place in his dark gaze as he observes me, like I'm looking not only at him, but also at his wolf right now.

"It's just a little something that was meant to be simple. You were to invite the pack over once a week for a sleepover, it was... our way of getting you used to us, to our presence. It could be anything you wanted, game night, cuddle night, movies, cooking, as long as you had us inside your private space".

"That's... that's all?" I mumble as the doors open once we reach the main floor, and he smiles before pulling me with him so we can free up the elevator for those already waiting and exit the hospital, he's had enough of this place for a lifetime.

"That seemed enough at the time. You were very shy and struggled a lot to allow people into your life, you were protecting yourself in a way - that's why Namjoon came up with that idea of meeting up once a week, we didn't want to overdo it, though we ended up doing exactly that anyway".

I frown at his words as soon as he speaks them aloud, I hate when they speak like that. Was doing less supposed to help? It's not like we'll ever know, so I wish they would stop being so hard on themselves, all of them.

"Once a week..." I end up repeating quietly as the alpha guides me by the hand through the crowd.

It wasn't meant to be heard by him specifically, but Jimin hears me either way and briefly pauses our walk to stare at me with concern.

"Is it too much? Should we cancel the deal? We can come up with something else if you'd prefer, but we don't have to, that was only to help you accept my gift at the time. We can do things however you want them, we'll accept anything you decide, as long as it respects your own pace".

I quickly shake my head at his evident concern, then look up towards the doors leading outside in front of us, fingers clenching around Jimin's because all of this is making me feel nervous for some reason.

"It's rather the opposite honestly... you remained by my side everyday for the entire week. There was always someone with me during the day and then the whole pack would come back to spend the rest of the evening and night with me, I'm more... used to having you around than I am to being alone".

We reach the doors before stopping right in front of them, and he locks his gaze onto mine once more.

"What do you suggest then?".

His voice sounds deeper all of a sudden, and chills cover my entire body in a matter of a second. I gulp lightly before answering him, a bit intimidated by the way he stares at me, it's more intense this time.

"I mean... I like the idea of having my own home, a quiet place for whenever I'm overwhelmed, like a... a safe space. But my safe space is also being with my mates. I just... I guess I'd like it if I could keep seeing everyone everyday, maybe have some company during the night too. Not everyone has to sleep over, of course, but I got used to that routine and it feels wrong to lose it so abruptly".

He squeezes my hand tightly as he keeps taking me in, his eyes bright and understanding, satisfied.

"We can keep that going if that's what you want. It would mean a lot to all of us, in fact. It was hard for us too, to accept this distance, but we didn't want to overwhelm you again by going too fast".

Someone clears their throat to reach the doors that we're currently blocking and we hurry outside of the building before we create a traffic in the hospital's entrance. The first breeze that hits my skin feels surprisingly cold, and suddenly it makes sense why Jimin brought such a warm hoodie.

We eventually reach the garden facing the huge building and I lean down to smell the flowers, it's... instinctual, an old habit perhaps. The flowers smell so good, and a smile blooms onto my lips when I find a hint of Taehyung's scent amongst the others. It smells a whole lot like love.

I stand and turn around to stare at Jimin again, feeling pleased with what he'd said.

"Could we really? I don't think I'm ready to move into the pack house just yet, I really want to get to know everyone properly first, but I also don't think I can sleep that well on my own. Being alone last night... it felt very weird, unnatural, it took me hours before I could finally fall asleep. It was a bit scary".

Hearing that for the first time this morning makes his eyes widen at me, and he parts his lips as if to say something before he closes them again, then does it another time.

"I- we didn't know. We thought we were doing the right thing by giving you some space again. Staying with you at the hospital... we felt selfish about it, but we couldn't bear to be away from you when we already had so much work to do during the day. We thought we were being too much, I'm sorry, we shouldn't have left you alone without asking you first" he apologizes with a light frown, I can see that he truly feels bad that I had to feel that way last night.

I look down at our hands as I try to fit some pieces into the puzzle of my past. It seems like I was pretty wary before, distrustful and isolated. Them appearing in my life... it must have been like a shock to me, very different from the life I had grown used to.

It's crazy how some amnesia can make this into the complete opposite so easily.

I woke up with them at my side - they immediately became the norms to what I knew. To me, as long as they are by my side, then everything is well, and when I am alone... everything becomes silent and... scary.

I pull on the scent blocker when the itch starts to become uncomfortable and Jimin does the same, but before he can do anything else, I take it from him and then walk to the trash bin not too far from where we were standing so we don't litter, the alpha right on my heels as he needs to remain as close to me as possible.

"You didn't know because I didn't tell you, so you don't need to apologize, Jimin. I... I didn't want to seem too clingy, that's why I kept quiet" I finally admit as I walk in front of him, and he remains silent when I continue.

"Getting to know my mates is new for me, but to all of you... this is like a repeat of the past, or similar to that anyway. In that one week... it feels like so much had happened, and I keep wondering what it is that you were used to getting from me, or what the limits are for everyone now, what is appropriate to do as a pack and what isn't. It's... harder to figure out than I thought".

I stop in front of the bin to empty my hands before turning around to have a look at him. His face is very serious as he listens intently, his eyes flickering between my own as he tries to find a way to answer my concern in a way that reflects what the entire pack thinks.

"The first week that we got to know each other... a lot happened, you're right. You went from not wanting anything to do with me, to slowly accepting Yoongi and I. Then you met Jungkook after he infiltrated your work and he somehow, like a miracle, helped us to get your door wide open so you could meet everyone. We saw you go from quiet and wary to cuddly and shy in the blink of an eye, and that made us believe that everything was just perfect".

He sighs in displeasure, not quite at the past but at himself, so I slowly reach his side again to hug him tightly. His arms wrap around me, gentle and strong, and our scents intertwine softly, my weaker pheromones struggling a little to push out before they finally begin to soothe the tension in his body.

"We were so excited to fulfill the new bond that we only looked at what we would gain instead of making sure it would be done properly and at your pace. I guess we tried, in a way, but we were... selfish, we wanted absolutely everything you could give and that blinded us. You gave us your all, but when you suddenly broke down, when everything spiraled out of control, we were hit by reality".

He rubs his cheek over my head in a self-soothing softness that lets me know a bit of the pain he keeps in his heart. They're really taking the blame for everything, down to the smallest little detail, as if I wasn't a person able of thinking for myself prior to my amnesia.

"It was only a week, but we forced you to fit a month of work in it, as if that was going to go well. When you got here, at the hospital, it made us realize that we didn't really know much about you after all. You showed us a smile, but were you only doing it to hide your misery?

"Did we ever make you feel uncomfortable with our actions? Were you even aware that this was way too much for you before it was too late? We wondered a lot while you were in a coma, so many questions that filled our minds".

I bite on my bottom lip as I listen to his side of the story, it sounds like no one really knew what we were doing back then. We were just blindly going with the flow, we entered a castle that was build on sand, and a wave came crashing over us and took us all with it without pity.

"To answer your question... I'm not sure myself. What were we used to receive from you... if it was only your selflessness, then we terribly failed you as your second chance mates. You don't need to worry about our limits this time, focus entirely on yours.

"If you want a hug, take it, and if you want peace and quiet, take it too. Our pack is more simple than you think, as long as everyone's happy, then all is perfect, so take your time to figure out what you need from us and we'll go along, no more pushing you past your limits".

His body shakes a little as he keeps holding me tightly to him, and I inhale deeply as I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

I could hear a pain and a guilt so vivid in his voice as he spoke of the past, and the trembling that shook his words from time to time made my heart twist with such anguish that I found it hard to breath after a while.

They don't want to repeat the same mistakes, I get that, but what he's asking of me is to become selfish as well. To focus only on myself, just as he feels like they did before. I'm not sure if that's something I can do, or if I even want to.

"But what about your wishes?" I ask him after a few seconds of silence, and when he doesn't answer, I look up to find a deep sadness on his face, brows furrowed over his shiny wet eyes.

"It was our wishes that made you get hurt like this. We don't deserve to do as we want when that made us lose everything. No... it's not even about us losing anything, it's about you losing everything. Your life was hard, but you also had a time in your life that you seemed to look back to fondly. We took those memories from you".

Tears start spreading over his waterline at these words, and his chin wobbles when they fall down his cheeks the next moment. Seeing him like this makes my own eyes water, but I blink until the tears disappear. This isn't about my pain, it's about his. What a silly alpha.

"You... you guys are so hard on yourselves, all of you" I murmur as I smooth out the fabric of his coat over his shoulders. How do I comfort a pack who takes the blame for everything when I can't even remember the very thing that made us like this?

He keeps staring at me with a pout as I adjust his bag over his shoulder, scarf neatly lined around his neck and down along the coat's buttons. Even when he's crying, he looks absolutely beautiful. How unfair is that?

"Let's just repeat the past, why don't we? Last time happened because you guys did as you wanted, and to fix it all, you think it's better if I'm the one doing as I want now. That means you won't touch me unless I ask for it, you won't seek my attention unless I give you permission, won't stay close until I speak about feeling lonely. How are we meant to learn how to be good for one another if everything remains so ambiguous?".

I reach out for his face before wiping his cheeks with my thumbs.

"Do you know what is going to happen now, Jimin?" I finally ask with a determination that feels unknown to me, and when he shakes his head slowly, I smile at him before pushing the hair that falls over his face.

"What will happen from now on is that we will communicate more. Even you could see a bit of the kind of person I've become this week, right? I am not bound to the past like you are, I get to start over as a free omega who can be whoever she wants to be. That means I'm going to start right away by acquiring as many good habits as I can.

"If I used to ignore my needs in the past, then I'm going to respect them from now on. If I used to isolate myself instead of speaking to someone, then I'm going to make sure I find someone to talk to so we can see why I'm not feeling so good. If I'm feeling lonely, I'm going to find someone to cuddle with, and if I need to rest on my own, then I make sure to let everyone know so no misunderstandings happen".

I pat his cheeks softly when more tears begin to flow from his eyes again.

"I'm not a baby, Jimin, I never was. I might not know much about how I used to think before, or how I would even feel about what was going on, but I know for a fact that had I my whole memory right now, I would not blame any of you. What happened was horrible, but you were as much a victim in this as I was. The problem here is that you still hurt while I'm happy I get a fresh start".

I smile at the alpha, then pull him into another hug to comfort him. Just like with Taehyung, I'm currently holding a big man who currently feels like a big baby in my arms. How does all this pain even fit in their bodies when it's all muscles and bones?

"I wish I could give you an inkling of how I feel right now, or show you how hopeful I am about the future. There's not an ounce of me that regrets what happened, I just feel bad that you have to suffer so much when I get to feel carefree.

"I want all of us to be able to speak our mind to one another, and do the things that we want together, and say the words that we feel when we feel them. If we get a do over, then we need to make good use of it and create a strong, healthy foundation, don't you think?".

Jimin nods his head, lips pursed as he tries to calm down, his focus on my words and on my touch. There's a confidence that he can hear in my voice that wasn't there before my amnesia, and it helps him to see how sincere I am.

The pack has been regretting the past like it was something that was taken from me, but from the very beginning, I've been seeing this incident as a blessing for the exact same reason.

How embarrassing. He feels like they've turned into big babies during the past weeks while I instead took that opportunity to outgrow my cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly. How could they not see it sooner?

Taehyung's words make a lot of sense now, Jimin can see it too.

"Do you think we can make that happen? Or am I going to be working alone?" I ask again to make sure that we're on the same length, and he clears his throat before wiping his face on his own, making use of that little moment to compose himself again.

"We'll help you, we'll do this together. I... oh, if only the others were here to hear you speak, they would be crying too. It feels like we're showing you a very pitiful side of our pack right now" he mumbles bashfully, but I chuckle with a shake of the head.

"Not pitiful - alive. You have emotions and you live them, what's wrong with that? I lost my traumas but you all gained a new one, I'd be more concerned if you were perfectly fine, to be honest" I tease him with a grin, and he huffs a small laugh before smiling too.

"Yeah, I- I hadn't seen things that way but... I think you're right" he replies softly before staring around him with a newfound embarrassment. This wasn't part of what he had planned for today, but he's thankful that it happened either way. He feels a lot better now.

"We should leave before it gets too late... I want to let everyone know about what you said too, I think the others should be aware of what you see for the pack's future so we can grow together, instead of separately".

Pleased with what he said, I hum in answer before accepting the hand that he offers me.

"That's a good idea, I'm not sure I could do the same speech seven times. Do you think I'll have to comfort everyone like I did with you and Taehyung? Because I don't know if I can do the same with the older alphas... they make it a bit harder to be brave and... you know, soothing".

Jimin chuckles.

"Ah, I know what you mean. They don't get babied easily, I think... pretty much only Jin got to see everyone acting as the little spoon, and maybe Namjoon. You think you got them in your grasp and the next thing you know, you're melting in their arms. Your attempt to comfort them would probably bounce back onto you without you even knowing".

I pout a little at that. I can see that happening exactly as he said... damn it.

"How do I comfort them, then? You're all blaming yourselves for what happened and I don't like that".

Jimin stares at me and smiles, eyes a bit red and puffy but otherwise much happier now that he could speak with me.

"By using on them what you told me. Help them to take care of you, that'll make them feel more competent as your mate. That's actually accurate for all of us. If we can process that not everything we do for you ends up with a tragedy occurring, then we'll get over the past more easily".

"... it makes sense, I think I can do that".

"I'm sure you can, sweetheart. Now hop in the car, it's this one right there".

I freeze where I am as he keeps walking towards the vehicle nonchalantly.

"No. You're lying, right? This isn't- no. Jimin?".

I watch as he opens the door with a quirked eyebrow sent my way, and my jaw falls to the ground as I process something that should've been obvious after what I heard earlier. Of course they have to have ridiculously expensive cars.

He bought me a house, he can afford that kind of vehicle too, what was I thinking?

"You don't race when you drive, do you?".

"... not all the time".

Oh great, this is just... perfect.

"If I throw up, it's on you".

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