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My face is rubbing against the window as I try to look outside as far as I can in both directions to see if any of my mates are coming over after Jimin and I told them that they could come anytime they wanted - it's been a good hour now and no one came by, not even to say hello.

Are they all too busy to see me? I was so sure that they would've come running, that's what Jimin thought too, but I have been utterly disappointed by the lack of alphas that have knocked on the front door so far.

"Jimin... I think you're the only alpha for me now. You're the only one currently by my side while all the others have decided to turn a blind eye to my invitation. I have been abandoned by my mates" I utter with a long sigh, cheek still glued to the window, maybe I'm wrong and they're on the way?

Jimin chuckles and pulls me from where I am settled on the couch so I can cuddle with him instead of complaining, plump lips curled into a pleased smile because he's been feeling so much better since our chat, like a terrible weight was finally lifted from his shoulders.

"Give them some time, sweetheart, it's only been an hour. They'd never turn down an opportunity to be near you, they're just busy right now" he muses as he wraps both of his arms around my back to keep me close, but I pout as I stare at him, unconvinced.

"I thought mates were ready to do anything for their youngest, but was I lied to? I don't like seeing the house empty, this is too much space for just two people! I haven't even seen them today yet, it's too much, I can't deal with that emptiness in my heart, what am I to do?".

The alpha stares back at me with a quirked eyebrow, amusement all over his face. "My sweet little omega, were you always such a clingy brat and we just didn't know? Or is this a new personality trait that you decided to adopt for yourself?".

I shrug with a grumpier pout before trying to look out of the window again despite his attempts at keeping me from it. "How would I know? I forgot everything. What I do know is that I miss my mates, and they're not here!".

Jimin bursts into giggles before standing from the couch with me in his arms, and I squeal before holding onto him with a laugh of my own past my lips, especially when he takes us towards my bedroom for what I suspect will be a continuation of our cuddles.

We've spent all morning in my bed and he's scented all of my pillows and blankets mumbling about how the entire pack would have to do the same since all of their scents faded into nothingness.

That really made me wonder about what it would be like to have everyone's scents in there and I'm excited to find out. I bet I won't want to leave my bed ever when that happens.

"Since my beautiful baby feels entitled to get all of her mates' attention but has only me, I shall do my best to provide you with all of the love I can manage on my own. You can complain to the others when they get here if it wasn't enough for you" he chirps before putting one knee on the mattress, and the next thing I know, I'm being dropped in the nest that Namjoon and the others had prepared for me.

I try to move within the sea of blankets that surround me to get more comfortable, but only have time to remove something from beneath my back before Jimin lets himself fall on top of me with a grin, his arms the only things keeping me from getting crushed right now as he towers over me with a dark glint in his eyes.

It always surprises me, how he manages to switch so easily, but I absolutely love the thrill that it makes me feel each times. I never know if I'm going to become a prey to be devoured by the alpha or if he's going to close his eyes and whisper something cute, it always changes.

"What can I do to satisfy my pretty omega, hm? So that she stops thinking about her mates who aren't here right now, and instead focuses on the one in front of her?" he murmurs with his warm breath against my skin, his senses relishing in the stutter that my heart does as well as the blushing of my cheeks.

"I don't know... is that possible? That alpha would have to try really hard" I decide to tease him despite my growing shyness, and a strong purr seeps right out of him and into my very soul before I feel him dip his nose into my neck to nibble on my scent gland with his soft lips.

"Oh I certainly can try, anything's worth trying if it means I can have all of your attention".

His cedarwood is so strong in my bedroom that it's all I can smell, to a point where I can almost taste it on my tongue, and it serves to push me into a softer headspace that is hard to resist when I have such a powerful alpha over me, all of my sensations taken over by him.

It makes it all the more riskier for me to purr, and as I've done all morning, as soon as I feel it try to push to the surface, I gather all of my strength to swallow it down before it bursts out like his own does, my fears keeping me from being brave enough to hear it for the first time.

If only that wasn't my first reflex whenever it comes to it, but I've started to develop a very bad habit and I don't know how to counter it anymore.

Though I would've preferred the opposite, it obviously doesn't go unnoticed by the alpha, I can tell that much when I feel him pause everything to take in what just happened, for what must be the hundredth time of the day.

Jimin sighs before resting his forehead against my shoulder, one hand gentle as it caresses my waist from over my shirt, maybe to soothe me, or is it to soothe himself?

"Why can't you give it a try?".

My smile slowly fades away at his question, and I sink deeper into the nest when he decides to lay down besides me to stare at me face to face, his other hand now on my cheek to keep me from looking away from him.

"I've tried to not say anything, I thought maybe you'd eventually relax enough to let it out without needing me to mention it, but I can see that it's not that easy for you. I've felt your purr on the surface all day, yet I've barely been allowed to hear the slightest hint of it. What do I need to do to make you let go, baby?".

I purse my lips in unease, heart squeezing uncomfortably at the simple thought of hearing what my purr sounds like. I know that the more I wait, the worse my anxiety will get, but I'm terrified of hearing it for myself.

"My purr is behind everything, Jimin. It's so bad that it caused the huge misunderstanding between Taehyung and I, and it in turn made me amnesiac. I don't know if I'm ready to hear it, I'm... scared" I admit the end with a softer voice, and Jimin's eyes turn sad as he keeps his gaze on me.

"Sweetheart... I understand your fear, I really do. I just want you to understand that despite all that happened, your purr is precious. It's unique, just like you are, and there's nothing wrong with it" he tries to make it sound like it's a good thing, but I shake my head before hiding my face against his chest.

"Don't sugarcoat it, Jimin. I... I searched on the internet last night and saw an overwhelming amount of blogs saying that quite often, wolves are rejected by their partners because of their broken purr, something about how it eventually annoys them. I... watched the videos provided, and if mine is anything like theirs... then I never want to hear it".

A small growl leaves the alpha upon hearing that I went to the worst place possible to get more information about my condition, and instead of pushing me away from his warmth like I first expected due to his reaction, he pulls me closer until my body merges with his own.

His lips press over the crown of my head to pepper kisses over it in a desperate attempt to soothe my fears, and he waits until I lose some of my sudden tension before speaking up in a firm but gentle voice.

"What you saw were lies, baby. Those blogs are known for giving fake information meant to scare vulnerable wolves like you, so please never believe them over what we tell you. I know that you feel like everything went wrong because of your purr, and I'm sorry that this is how we made you feel by telling you things that could've waited, but you have to know that you'll always have us by your side.

"No matter what happens in the future, whatever things you may discover about yourself as time goes, never, absolutely never believe that we might be driven away from you and leave you to be on your own. Your purr is part of you, it's made to be loved just as we love you, so please don't keep yourself from being loved in your entirety, you deserve it all and so much more".

I close my eyes as I fight against the lump forming in my throat while burning tears rush to the surface.

His words feel like they're things I waited an eternity to hear, so why are they so hard to believe? I know that Jimin doesn't lie, he means every single words he just spoke, I can feel it in my soul, so why do I struggle to believe him?

"I want to believe you, Jimin, but for some reason, I can't. It feels like this is all too good to be true, as if you're lying to me even though I know you're not" I admit with guilt dripping from my voice, it feels awful to say but I want him to know how I feel right now, I did tell him that there would be no more hiding anything from now on after all.

He softly inhales of my upset scent before pushing out more of his pheromones, not enough to force me into a calmer state, but enough to encourage it, and he pulls back slightly to cup my face between his hands, heart aching when he sees the wet sheen in my eyes.

Some things don't change, it seems, and this is one of them. It somehow reminds him of the first time we met, when he called me beautiful, and the way I reacted. He had to earn my trust back then, and it appears he will have to do the same once more.

"It's okay, baby. It's not your fault for feeling that way, it's natural. You're scared, but you're safe with me. Nothing bad will happen to you, only good things for us from now on, hm?" he murmurs gently while caressing my skin with his thumbs, and I nod my head slowly after a few seconds of seeing the sincerity in his eyes.

"Yeah... I know. I'm sorry, Jimin, I don't know why I'm like this, it feels out of character for me" I apologize to him, but he shakes his head before pecking the tip of my nose.

"You've done nothing wrong, my love. You're confronted to a lot of change because everything is new, but there's no hurry, let's take our time to get through one thing at a time, okay? Why don't we rest for now? I'm sure the others will start getting here soon so let's get you comfortable first, come here".

With a pout and a nod of the head, I scoot closer to him when he opens his arms, then rest my head over his shoulder before allowing myself to be taken care of, just as he's been doing ever since we got here this morning.

Maybe I was being incredibly optimistic and foolish when I said that my traumas were lost thanks to my amnesia, but I don't want to give them any more power than they already had on me in the past. This is a new era for me and I want to do it well. It's just that...

How do I get over something that I can't even remember? This might be harder than I thought.

Jin's POV

While going grocery shopping wasn't exactly necessary for us, it ended up being a good idea when Yoongi reminded me that our little omega wouldn't have anything in the house since she never actually lived in it yet.

She would have the few things brought over from her apartment, of course, but that meant barely nothing since it was only noodles, cans of sauce and then a few containers in the freezer. She needs fresh food, and Yoongi and I were more than eager to provide.

We got more than enough to last her for the week and then some more, and we left the store feeling more than satisfied about it before parting ways - he mentioned something about needing to head to work to take care of something sudden - but now, as I stare at the bags filled to the brim that rest on the counter of the pack house's kitchen, I find myself unsure of how to proceed for the next step.

Jimin wanted to spend the day alone with her and seeing as it's barely past lunchtime, that means they haven't spent that much time together so far. I would hate to take that from him, but at the same time, I too really want to see my baby.

I barely had any time to talk to her so far despite the easy conversations we had at the hospital, and darn it, I really miss her so badly. Whenever I go to work, my gaze wanders to the desk where we had our morning together on that wonderful day and it feels like a punch to my heart every single time.

I had her soft and adorably round face in my hands right in that chair, her sleepy eyes struggling to remain open as I did her makeup as gently as I could, and then we lost her to a coma that lasted way too long to my liking.

It's been really hard to focus on anything after she fainted that day. How many makeup sessions did I mess up because I could only see her sickly pale skin in my mind? How many appointments were canceled because I couldn't behave professionally like I usually do?

After she woke up, my hope was reborn as quickly as it got crushed next after hearing that she'd forgotten everything, including the pack, and it became even more urgent for me to hold her in my arms again, to remind her of what it feels like to be held by me, of what it feels like to be covered by my scent, and I haven't had a single occasion to do that yet.

Of course, I understand that Jimin felt the same way, which is why I decided to step aside for today, but it's hard.

It's so... so hard.

A hand on my shoulder and the smell of a warm strawberry pie fills my nose. I smile before I can even turn my head to look at Hoseok, and he sighs a small smile before pushing himself against my chest for a hug that we both desperately need.

If I think about it... he didn't get any time with her since she woke up either.

It's been mostly Namjoon and Yoongi with her, but even then, it couldn't possibly have been that satisfying since she would be picked up by nurses for her appointments a few times a day.

She'd be so exhausted upon coming back that she would fall asleep almost instantly, and they'd watch over her in silence.

We've all spent time with her at the hospital, we've shared the same room every night and stayed by her side to watch her sleep more times than I could count, but it wasn't... it never felt enough, or right.

Were we overdoing it again by staying by her side every chance we'd get? Was she tired of us and she just couldn't find the courage to tell us? Were we too much?

Nothing felt right anymore, anxiety made sure of that.

She was at the hospital to recover, not to have fun, but now she's home. She's in a house that is... five minutes away from here on foot, and we still can't see her. Not if we want to give Jimin more time with her.

"You're overthinking, hyung, hm? Your scent smells like it's burning".

I hum and inhale deeply to calm my restless mind, focus going back to Hoseok who stares at me with concern on his face as he keeps his arms wrapped around me.

"It's hard not to when she's so near, yet still so far. I'm going crazy, Hobi, I feel selfish for wanting to ruin their alone time, but I really want to go there right now and keep her all to myself too. I'm sure we all feel the same so as the eldest, I should be patient and let you go before me, but I really don't want to be that selfless this time" I let out with a heavy heart, it feels awful to say, but I need to get it out before it makes me sick.

Hoseok purses his lips before offering me yet another smile, brows furrowed sadly when he sees how upset I am. I honestly could burst into tears right now if I wasn't trying so hard to keep my composure, but I know that it would only make things worse, no one needs to deal with my tears today of all days.

"You didn't answer your phone nor did you look at your messages so Jimin tasked me with telling you and Yoongi when you'd be back from shopping. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get you before my date with Taehyung, but I'm glad I could find you now after all. That ought to give you some respite".

I frown lightly at his words, what is he trying to say? He smiles and cups my cheeks softly before pecking my nose.

"Y/N is doing better than we thought, hyung. The two of them talked this morning, and just like she did with Tae, she ended up comforting him too, like the good girl that she is. There are more details about that in the group chat so you can always read that later if you want to, but he called mainly to say that we can come over to her house whenever we feel like it".

I blink at him in silence, and then a sense of urgency awakens in me and I cannot be there fast enough.

"I- I'll go now then, I'll bring the food and maybe then we can- wait, but wouldn't Jimin be mad that we're cutting short his alone time with her? Wasn't he really looking forward to having the entire day with our baby? Did he really mean it or was it only a polite offer that we should refuse?" I ask him in one breath, but he simply chuckles before pulling back so he can hold my hands.

"Hyung, read the messages that Jimin sent, you'll understand what's going on more then. Yoongi said that he'll go there in a couple of hours and Namjoon will probably head there as soon as he can too. For Jungkook, it might take more time since there ended up being a lot of things to do at his company, but he'll be there before dinner. Taehyung and I will go after our movie, we were just about to leave, he's waiting for me in the car".

I nod at him, mind already running a mile an hour with all the things that I missed, how did I not hear my phone notify me of the group chat or Jimin's call? Since when could I have been at her side had I not missed either of them?

Hoseok leans over to kiss me on the cheek, then waves goodbye as he heads to the entrance to join our soft alpha for their date. It had been a long time since they'd spent some alone time together, the two of them, so it was really sweet seeing them be so excited as they decided what movie to watch earlier.

Just like this morning with Yoongi was sweet, in its own way. Grocery shopping for Y/N was a new experience, but I enjoyed it a lot. I wonder what it would be like to go with her another time.

With that thought now glued into my brain, I grab my phone to have a look at the silent notifications that came in, which is a lot. Unsurprisingly, most of them are from the group chat, with a few of our mates replying to Jimin's heartfelt story.


Guys, I need to tell you what Y/N and I talked about earlier. She's... wow, so amazing, I mean she always was but now it's like there are no more walls getting in her way and it's beautiful to see, she's perfect. She's waiting for me right now and I don't want to take too long since she doesn't know that I'm writing this, I'm in the bathroom and I don't want her to think that I'm constipated.

Well now you got our attention, so shoot!!! What did she say??????????

I'm curious too! Taehyung is with me so we're reading this together.

Okay, so I told her about our guilt, about all of us feeling bad that we put her in this state and that we wouldn't ask anything of her anymore, that we'd only do what she wants us to do from now on, right? Well she didn't like that at all. She made sure I would understand that we are not to blame for what happened, that just like her, we were victims in that situation and that it wasn't our fault, never was.

She said that now is the perfect time to start over with good habits, healthy ones. It's what we should've done from the very beginning honestly, but now we get to do things right and we all need to give it our best shot. She doesn't want us to keep being hard on ourselves, and she's right. I think we could all do with some therapy to get over what happened. She said that she lost all of her traumas thanks to her amnesia but that we ended up with a new one, and you know, that really hit hard for some reason.

Oh and she also said that she struggled falling asleep last night because we left her alone and that she'd feel a lot better if she could keep seeing us everyday. I'm not too sure about the sleeping arrangements since she feels it's too early to move in with us, having the entire pack sleep over all the time wouldn't really be much different from her sleeping at our house, so I figured that we could split into two or three groups so she always has someone with her?

Anyway we can talk more about that with her later, what matters right now is that she needs us and that we aren't being too much like we first thought.


It's rare of me to say this, but my brain hurts trying to read all of that right now, Jimin. How did you manage to stuff so much information into those messages? So you're saying that we can see her more often than we were ready to accept, is that it? And that she's not mad at us for putting her in that position?

That would confirm what she told Taehyung last time, she's becoming such a brave girl. You had too much coffee again, Namjoonie, didn't you? You always lose focus when you do.

I mean... yeah, I probably did. Tried to get my nerves down, but it only made me restless in the end. That doesn't matter right now though. Jimin, do you mind summarizing all of that for me, please? My brain feels like rocks right now.

I'll do it for you, hyung! Y/N thinks we're being too hard on ourselves, she's feeling good about her amnesia because it freed her of her past in a way, she wants us to restart our relationship with healthy habits so that the same thing doesn't happen again, and she doesn't like being alone anymore. Your idea of a sleepover once a week ended up not being enough, she wants to see all of us everyday, and then not sleep alone at the end of the day. Is that better?

A lot better, thank you. This is... a good surprise, I won't lie. I thought she would resent us at least a little bit, but for Y/N to go out of her way to reassure us that we aren't at fault, it's really kind of her. I wish I'd had more time to talk with her when I stayed at the hospital, I haven't gotten to see her new shine that much yet.

Oh, her shine is sparkling alright, you'll get to see it from up close soon enough, hyung, I promise.

Thank you baby. For what it's worth, I already looked into therapy and I think it would be good for everyone, including Y/N, if she feels the need to see someone. Forgetting everything can seem like a good thing right now, but there might come a day when it becomes uncomfortable for her. We can talk about that another time, though. Let's let her get used to her home and to us first, then we can talk about what she sees for herself in the future.

I just know that I don't want her to go back to cleaning! We could bring her to our work with us and make her try a few things, see if some things interest her more than others. Maybe she could discover a passion that way, something to keep her busy when we can't be with her.

A very good point, Jungkookie. You can tell her when the time comes ;)

Oh I will!! No one takes that from me, I want to be the one to ask her! I can't wait to see her again and hug her, can I sleep with her tonight? I'm never going back home once I'm at her house, I'll become part of her furniture, she's not getting rid of me anymore.

We'll see about that, babe. I need to go now, I'll give you a call in a minute so be ready, she wanted to be with me when I tell you the news. Please act like you didn't know anything, I didn't mean to say so much at first, I was just so excited! Talk to you soon!


As soon as I reach the end of the conversation, I push my phone in my pocket before grabbing the bags of groceries, then run across the house to get my car keys in a hurry.

I can't believe it, she wants to see us daily? She even wants her mates to stay the night with her instead of being alone? And last but not the least, she's not even mad at us for causing her amnesia?

Is this what it feels like to meet an angel?

I really felt Jungkook's statement about becoming the furniture, because I feel exactly the same.

I'm going to see her soon, and when I do, I'm not letting go of her even once.

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