chapter fifteen.

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Theme song:Undercover-Kehlani

To get her mind off literally everything that had been going on,Gianina decided to stay away from whatever mess her brother's were getting into next.There was a barbecue going on at the school and she attended,hoping a bit of normalcy would cheer her up.She couldn't admit to herself that she was getting hit way too hard by emotions,it almost felt like one of those cartoons where the character constantly gets hit over the head and has to get back up.

"Tyler!"Gia ran and quickly caught up with him."I'm so sorry I wasn't there for your first transition."

"I was hoping you'd come but,Caroline helped me."The Lockwood boy frowned."Where have you been these last few days anyways?"

"I had to go back to New York,sell my apartment and stuff."Gianina shrugged her shoulders as she lied,the Salvatore girl didn't like to do this but,she had to keep Tyler away from the vampire world.Plus,as far as he is concerned,Caroline is the only vampire in Mystic Falls.

"Cool,we should go up there sometime,it would be nice to leave this place for awhile."The Lockwood boy said as he glanced over Gia's shoulder at Matt and Caroline."Do you think they make a good couple?"

"Not really,not that it's any of my business."the Salvatore girl shrugged after looking at the blonde pair.

"If I tell you something,please don't spill your guts to Elena or something."Tyler begged.

"I don't even like Elena."Gianina furrowed her brows."What's up,teen wolf."

The Lockwood boy glared slightly at Gia bit they both shared a laugh.

"I think I like Caroline."


"Well,isn't this my lucky day."Gianina smiled as Jeremy came running towards her,happy that his best friend was herself again.

"I was going to come see you in the tomb but Elena wouldn't let me."Jeremy hugged Gia tightly and sighed."How are you feeling?"

"Honest answer?"the Salvatore girl asked,earning a nod from Jeremy in response."Like complete and utter shit but,i'll get better,I always do."

Deep down Gianina knew that was a load of garbage,she buried her feelings until they consumed her.She never wanted to burden anyone with her pain and because of that,she was suffering.If only she had Jeremy earlier in life,someone to ask how she was doing,her brothers sure didn't.

"You missed a lot."the Gilbert boy said with a smile on his face."How was the tomb with Katherine."

"It was..."in her head,Gia wanted to admit that she loved being around Katherine but,she knew that she couldn't,nobody could know."Kind of boring,I expected more entertainment."

"Really?I heard you met Elijah.Was it cool?"Jeremy questioned.His eyes lit up as he bombarded her with innocent questions,ones she was happy to answer because Jeremy had become the family she never knew she wanted.

Suddenly,Elena and Damon approached looking extremely worried.

"What is going on?"Gianina questioned.

"Rose got out."Damon whispered."She's not really doing so well."

"I figured."Gia let out a sigh."...and I suppose you need my help?"

"It's more of a get Jeremy the hell out of here thing."the eldest Salvatore handed his sister a stake."...and be careful,sister."

For some odd reason,Gianina felt the urge to cry in that moment,most likely because that one sentence made her believe Damon cared about her.Either way,she pushed those emotions back and took Jeremy to the car with her.If one thing was for sure,she'd protect the boy at all costs.


After hanging out with Jeremy for a few short hours,he fell asleep so the Salvatore girl left.She found herself driving to the tomb after failing to convince herself not to.For some reason she just needed to see Katherine.

"Kat."the Salvatore girl called out."I came back,where are you?"

The Pierce girl came running towards the entrance and stopped in front of it.

"Please tell me you have blood."Katherine begged."I'm starving."

"Yeah,I got you a few things but nobody can know I was here,deal?"Gianina questioned.

"Deal."Katherine looked around the tomb."The spell is down,you can come in."

"Well,if you would slow down I would tell you i'm planning on it."Gia shook her head and swung a duffle bag over her shoulder.

Elijah had taken the spell off of the tomb,meaning Katherine was only there because of compulsion.Gia could come and go as she pleased,and she wanted to see Kat everyday.For the simple fact that after all these years,her love for the woman still existed.

"Not like i'm desiccating or anything here,Gigi."Katherine seemed completely vulnerable in the tomb,like she couldn't even think about ways to manipulate people.

Gianina walked into the tomb and dropped the duffle bag due to the fact that Katherine immediately ran over and kissed her.It was sweet and gentle,almost like for a minute Gia could believe that the Pierce woman loved her but,she couldn't believe that.

"You know that you are going to make me go insane,right?You are the bad guy,i'm not supposed to be kissing you,or bringing you blood and clothes,or having sex with you.It's just-"

"You can't say that it's wrong,Gigi.You know that every single time we kiss nothing else feels more right."Katherine smirked slightly."The blood?"

"Right."Gianina shook her head out of her thoughts."In the bag."

"You know,I can think of better ways to get better."The Pierce woman said mischievously as she walked towards Gia,who in turn backed up into the wall.

"W-..what?"the Salvatore girl questioned.

"You've shared blood with another vampire,haven't you?"Katherine questioned.


"You know,people are going to wonder where I am."Gianina stated as she ran her finger up and down Katherine's arm.

The Pierce girl had her arms wrapped around Gianina while the Salvatore girl was rested between her legs.

"Tell them you met someone."Katherine suggested."I'm sure they won't question it and technically,you wouldn't be lying."

"True."Gianina looked up at Katherine with a smile on her face."I did meet someone."

Katherine gasped sarcastically and twisted Gia's hair around her finger."Does that mean we are going steady?"

"I know that was a joke but...should we?"the Salvatore girl questioned as heat went up to her cheeks,turning them red.

"I was wondering when you would ask."Katherine smirked."I didn't know you'd be so old fashioned about it."

"Is this too good to be true?"Gianina asked,she felt like her mind was deceiving her.

"It's real,i'm real,you're and you together is real."The Pierce woman left a kiss on Gia's lips."Will it be easy?No."

"I don't think anything is ever easy for you,Katherine Pierce."

Author's corner:
Here's an update for you guys!I hope you enjoyed.

Notice how the first time around Kat and Gia had a secret romance and now they have to do it again,lmao I like doing things like that.

ANYWAYS thank you for 5k reads,my shoutout for this achievement is MrsElavan If you want one when I reach 6k comment and vote and you might be next!

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