chapter fourteen.

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Theme song:Would you mind-Prettymuch

That night,Gianina cried herself to sleep.The pain she felt after switching her humanity back on was almost crippling.She hadn't done anything too severe but,the Salvatore girl was a gentle soul and hated even hurting a fly.A drastic contrast to the people she chose to fall for.

"I am going to say this,and you have to listen to me,Gigi.The things you did are not as bad as you think they were."Katherine ran her hand through the Salvatore girls hair."I would try to kill me too."

"You don't get it,that girl..she's not me.I said such hurtful things to the people I care about and I lied."Gianina let out a sigh."I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"You're right,I don't.Everything you did to them,they've done to you."The Pierce girl shrugged her shoulders and wiped Gia's eyes."They deserved to see the side of you that puts yourself first."

Suddenly,a little bubble of anger surged through Nina's body,she had felt like this before but,she knew how to control herself.

"Sister!"Damon called out from the beginning of the tomb."Come out,come out wherever you are!"


"So."Gianina wiped the tears off her face and dug her nails deeper into her hands to control the rage fueling inside of her."Instead of getting me out,you locked Elena in her house?"

"It's for the best,trust me.She's trying to be a martyr and we are saving her from it anyways,I brought you this."Damon held up a bag."A care package of candles,lanterns,and lunch."

"Damon,you are really calm considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his little plan."Katherine said from beind Gia.

"I've been dead before,I got over it."the eldest Salvatore shrugged his shoulders before turning his attention to Gia."Once we deal with this moonstone we'll figure out a way to get you out."

"I would be appreciative but you are the one that stuck me in here in the first place,i'll try my best not to rely on you."Gianina snapped,it must've been a full moon.Even as a vampire,that aggression still came out whenever it was.

"We got your humanity back,that's what you wanted right?"Damon couldn't understand what he did wrong.

"No,you wanted that.You put me through hell trying to get it back and made me relive memories I never wanted to think about again,i'm not just going thank you!"a pool of tears trickled down Gia's face,she couldn't control any of her emotions in that moment."Just go."


"Make it easier on both of us and go save Elena,I know that's what you would rather be doing."Without letting Damon speak,Gia retreated into the tomb.

The Salvatore girl went to the very back of the tomb and laid down on the cot to think.Well,maybe it was to not think she didn't really know in that moment.She just started to wonder who actually cared about her and who didn't.

"You actually stood up to him."Katherine said with a smile on her face as she opened the gate leading to the cot."It was"

The Pierce girl approached and ran her hand up and down Gianina's stomach.

"Yeah,well I just feel like a terrible person for talking to him like that."Gia looked at the ceiling.

"You shouldn't."Katherine looked around the area they were in."It's stuffy,and i've been in this dress for days.Wanna help me get out of it?"

The Pierce girl turned around in front of Gia with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You shouldn't-"

"Oh come on,Gigi.Don't be such a grump.We're here together.We may as well make the best of it."Katherine said as she slowly unzipped her dress and took it off.

Gia felt her mouth go dry as she averted her eyes and sat up.

"Do you really think Damon is in a rush to get you out?With you gone he doesn't have to worry about Stefan choosing you over him."The Pierce girl explained."You are free to do whatever you want in here and nobody will know."

Katherine sat down in Gia's lap and caressed her face while looking into her eyes.Almost as if it was instinct,Gianina placed her hand on the back of Kat's head and pressed her lips against hers.Their first kiss in over a hundred years felt like they had never ended things.

Before long,the Salvatore girls shirt was off and she was pushing Katherine up against the wall.As the kiss continued,Katherine switched places with Gia and pushed her against the wall.Everything happening certainly felt surreal,it was extremely unexpected.


"That shouldn't have happened."Gianina was now back on the cot with a blanket over her body."I am the worst person on the planet."

"Seriously?After that you are still worried about what people think of you?"Katherine grabbed the Salvatore girls face."Let me let you in on a little secret that people don't take the time to find out,you are perfect."

"What game are you playing here,Kat?I know there is no way in hell any of this is real."Gia shook her head."As much as I want it to be."

"You can think what you want but."Katherine leaned in and the two of them shared a brief kiss."I've been waiting a long time for that,and whatever else comes after it."

"I don't know if I can trust you."Gianina admitted.

"You don't have to,and even if you don't believe it,I love you and i'll prove it.You want to find Klaus?Start with Elena's mom Isobel,she found me."Just as her sentence finished,the two of them heard noises coming from outside the tomb.

"Shit."Gia got to her feet,and used her vamp speed to get fully dressed before walking to the entrance with Katherine.

When the Pierce girl seen who it was,she gasped slightly,a signal that she was scared."Elijah."

"Good evening,Katerina.Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened."he turned his attention to Gia."Your release has been requested Ms.Salvatore."

"Who would request for me to get released?"Gianina furrowed her brows.

"The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain we reached a peaceful agreement,she and I.Please come."Elijah stepped out of the way.

"I can't get out."Nina insisted.

"Yes you can,i've had the spell lifted."The Mikaelson man said nonchalantly.

Gianina slowly approached the entrance,and she actually got out but,as soon as Katherine tried to run,the two girls realized she was stuck.

"As for you,however,you shall not exit until I say so,when Klaus comes he'll want to know exactly where you are."Elijah compelled Katherine and turned away from her."You're free to go."

Then,he left just as quickly as he came.

"Gia,you can't leave me."the Pierce girl said pleadingly."Please,don't let him leave me here."

"I'll come back just-...stay calm?"the Salvatore girl wore a frown,she didn't know how to feel about this situation.

"Go."Katherine nodded her head, understanding that Gianina needed to leave."I'll be fine."

Author's note
Whew I hope you guys are satisfied by that chapter and I hope I didn't make it cringy.

Opinions on Gia and Katherine hooking up?I genuinely want to know lmao.

What do you think will happen with Gia once Klaus gets to town?

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