chapter thirteen.

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Theme song:Cry-Mandy Moore

After seeing a carriage pull up outside the Salvatore mansion,Gianina ran downstairs quickly to see who it was.Things for a young woman in those times were quite boring if she was honest and she was hoping it was George so he could take her out.When it wasn't,she was quite disappointed.

"Who is that?"Gianina questioned as a girl around the same age as her exited the carriage.

"Her name is Katherine Pierce,her parents died in Chicago and she's going to be staying with us."Stefan said with a smile.

"She's quite beautiful,do you plan to marry her?"the Salvatore girl asked.There was no use in beating around the bush,Giuseppe pushed marriage on his children quite often.

"I'm not sure."Stefan shrugged his shoulders as the girl approached.

"You must be Gianina."the Pierce girl said with a smile."I'm Katherine."

"STEFAN!When I get out of here i'm going to kick your bambi loving ass!"Gia yelled as she yanked at the chains her brothers locked her in.The girl was sweating profusely and her vision was blurry.

"We need the real Gia back,sister.Stefan's not stopping until we get her."Damon said to the girl before sliding a small dose of blood in front of her."Drink up,buttercup."

"Fuck you."the Salvatore glared at her brother.

"Looks like she needs another memory brother."Damon elbowed Stefan.

"You got it."Stefan got into the girls mind,and she was sucked into another memory.

"When do things get better,Stefan?"Gianina wiped her face."I can't take this anymore."

The Salvatore girl ran into her brothers arms after receiving a beating from her father,it happened after she dropped a plate on the ground accidentally.

"I fear if Damon heard he would kill father."Stefan frowned and rubbed his older sisters back.

"Why must it always be me?Why can't he just love me?Why can't all of you just love me?"Gianina began to sob loudly into her little brothers chest.

"We do love you it's just-"

"Stop fucking doing this to me!"Nina pulled at the chains till her wrists began to bleed.

"We have to do this Gia,it's the only way you'll be on our team."Stefan insisted.

"I am going to rip both of your hearts out and feed it to your precious girlfriend.How does that sound?Hm?"the vervain in her system continued to make her weaker and weaker.

"Maybe you should try this time."Stefan suggested as he looked at Damon.

"Fine."the Salvatore man said with a sigh."Let's go back in time,sister."

"I missed you."a young Damon smiled as Gianina ran into his arms,the first person to greet him after he came back from the war.

"Things have been...eventful without you."Gia laughed slightly.

"Well,you were the person I was looking forward to seeing."the Salvatore man laughed."I wore the bracelet you gave me the whole time."

"You did."Nina smiled widely."I thought you would throw it away."

"Of course not,we are family."

"Do you think I give a fuck about stupid memories from over a hundred years ago!?I hate you both and if I ever get my hands on you,you'll regret the day you were born you little pieces of-"

"Oh look,she's feeling emotions.I guess the last phase of our plan is coming."Damon smirked.

"Yes it is."Stefan stabbed a syringe of vervain in her arm.

"You little-"

The Salvatore girl fell out quickly as her brothers stood over her body.They both knew that the next part of the plan was risky but,it had to work for them to get what they wanted.They needed Gianaina back.


"What the hell is going on?"Gia woke up,shivering and partially wet.

"Hello,lover."as Gianina opened her eyes,Katherine waved at the girl with a smile of her face.

"What am I doing here?Why did they leave me here?What's going on?"Waves of worry,upset,and fear rushed through Gia's body but,there was also anger.

"Don't worry,they didn't leave,not yet anyways."The Pierce girl shrugged her shoulders.

"It looks like she might be the switch for your humanity."Stefan said to his sister from outside the tomb."We were part of it,obviously but,she's going to push that to the edge."

"I suggested we just kill little Gilbert in front if you but,Stefan said that Elena wouldn't agree with that plan."Damon shrugged his shoulders.

"This is never going to work."Gianina shook her head.

"I see a tear."Katherine pointed out as she wiped it from the Salvatore girls cheek."Leave this to me boys,she'll have her humanity back in no time."

"Why are you helping them?They hate you!"Gia backed away from the Pierce woman,she knew that she could take her the extra inch needed for humanity to come back.

If it did,that would mean all the emotions from Mason's death,trying to kill Katherine,and much much more would resurface.Coming back from the deep dark hole that is having no humanity would break her.Maybe even break her beyond repair.

"See you soon,sister."Damon said in a sing song voice before Gia heard him and Stefan walk away from the tomb.

Even if she went back to her normal self,Gia was still stuck in the tomb.To be more specific,she was stuck in the tomb with Katherine.Why would her brothers ever think that was a good idea?

"Time for me to get to work."Katherine placed her hands on both sides of Gianina's head and a wave of memories they had together came back to her.

The first time they met,the first time they kissed,all of their first times and all of their last times were now running through her mind.Then,after a few minutes she started to cry.What more can you do when you are so overrun by emotions that you can't bare to live with them?

"Make it stop."Gianina begged as she fell back to the ground."Please make it stop make it stop."

"It's done,Gigi.Please don't cry.."Katherine got on her knees in front of the Salvatore."Don't cry,there's no reason to cry...i've got you now."

"It won't stop."Gia punched on Kat's chest softly."It won't go away."

"I love you."Katherine wiped the tears off of Gianina's face.

Author's note:
It's a short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed lmao.I seen mixed reviews about Gia with her humanity.Some people liked it,some didn't so,I decided that it was off long enough.

The chapter also touched on her relationships with Stefan and Damon before so,I think it was a good way to get her humanity on.

Anyways,hope you enjoyed and thank you for the overwhelming support<3

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