chapter twelve.

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Theme song:Memories-Maroon 5

"Row,row,row your boat,gently down the stream,merrily,merrily,merrily life is but a dream."Gianina hummed out as she brushed through her long brown hair.

The young girl had just spent the afternoon with her best friend,Anna preparing for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant but,unfortunately it was canceled.

"Hello,Ms.Salvatore."Katherine appeared behind the girl as she looked into the mirror.

"Did my father or brothers see you?"Gia asked with a smile.

"Of course not,i'm very sneaky."the Pierce girl said mischievously.

"Close the door,please?I don't want Damon to come around snooping."Gianina set down her brush as Katherine closed the door shut and locked it.

"You look beautiful today, Ms.Salvatore."Katherine smirked slightly as she walked back over and stood behind Gianina.

"Well,I was preparing for the Miss Mystic Falls pageant but,nothing ever seems to go my way."Gia frowned slightly in the mirror,she was hoping that if she won the pageant her family would be proud of her.

"It would've been a waste of time."Katherine pulled Gianina's hair back from off of her shoulders."Everyone knows you are the prettiest girl in Virginia."

"That would be you,my beloved.You have all the suitors knocking out our door."the Salvatore girl let out a soft chuckle.

"Little do they know..."the Pierce girl smirked slightly before pulling back the collar of Gianina's shirt slowly and planting a kiss on her collar bone.

"I wish they didn't have to cancel the pageant."Gia closed her eyes and bit the inside of her lip.

"Why?So that poor excuse of a man George Lockwood could parade around like you are his?"Katherine asked,she then looked back at the door to make sure one last time that it was locked.

"No,so I could just convince someone that I am worthy of being more than George's potential wife."the Salvatore girl was extremely tired of being associated with the wolf,even after they had broken off their engagement.

"I see it,and I l-"

"You what?"Gianina asked while she turned to look the girl behind her in the eyes.

"It's not important,the important thing would be to relieve some of that tension you've been keeping cooped up."the mischievous glint in Kat's eyes told Gia everything she needed to know.

"Katherine Pierce,you are the devil in disguise."the Salvatore girl stood up and wrapped her arms around Katherine's neck before placing a kiss on her lips.

"You haven't seen anything yet."the vampire girl smirked and used her strength and speed to throw Gianina onto the bed.

"So show me."


"I know what you were going to say earlier.."the Salvatore girl said as she ran her fingers through Katherine's hair.

"Hm?What was I going to say then?"Katherine traced her pointer finger up and down Gia's arm.

"I love you too,Katherine.I'll always love you.."Gianina looked down at her,hoping and praying the Pierce girl would feel the same way about her.

"Always is a long time,Gigi.I know you don't mean that."Kat shook her head and sat up.

"I do mean it."Gia placed her hands on Katherine's face."Nobody else understands me like you do,not even my own family."

"How could you possibly love someone like me when you"Katherine asked sincerely,Gianina had been the one person since she had turned that seen every single inch of her vulnerability she was so perfectly human,and the kindest person Kat had ever met.

"I don't care if you are a vampire,my love.If you are afraid that I would ever hate you because of it I am putting your insecurities to rest."the Salvatore girl insisted."You are the love of my life,not George or any other man that my father forces upon me."

"What about your brothers?"Katherine asked."They believe they love me too."

"Maybe they do,it is up to you whether you love them back or not."Gia's shoulders slumped slightly at the thought of Katherine with anyone else but her,it killed her honestly.

They say the worst day of loving a person is when you lose them but,it hurts even more when they are just in your reach but you cannot hold onto them.

"The things I feel for you are far stronger then that of my feelings for Stefan and Damon, Gigi.I just believe that the odds are stacked against us."Katherine sighed and shook her head.

"Turn me."the young Salvatore had to admit ever since she found out about vampires the idea crossed her mind about a million times,how could it not?An eternity with the person you love sounds amazing.

"Gianina,you are not ready.There is too many ways for you to get caught,they are already looking for vampires everywhere."The Pierce vampire got up from bed and wrapped the sheets around her body."I could never put you in that type of danger."

"We could be together forever,and one day people will be able to accept us as a couple without judgement,is that not something you want?"tears started to fog young Gianina's eyes.

"Do you really want this?"Seeing how passionate Gia was about turning was slowly starting to melt Katherine's stone cold heart,more than it should have.

"I have never wanted anything more in my life."Gianina let her feet hang off the bed and covered herself up.

"Please do not tell your brothers,I beg of you,they cannot know."The Pierce girl knew both Stefan and Damon would be furious if they found out she turned Gianina first.

"I promise."the Salvatore girl nodded her head and watched as Katherine bit her wrist.

"You have to drink,can you do that?"the doppelgänger asked as she sat next to Gia.

"I believe I can."Gianina took Katherine's wrist and began to drink from it,the taste was anything but enjoyable,it was almost nauseating actually.

Once she was done,Katherine placed her hands in the Salvatore girls face before snapping her neck,this was the start of her real life and this memory would be the start of a lot more.

In present day,Gianina woke up and she wasn't happy.Someone had taken advantage of her slumber and went into her head,whoever it was used her memories against her,tried to get her to feel things that she was not ready to feel.

"Never do that again."the Salvatore girl gritted her teeth at her brothers who were standing in front of her.

"Sorry little sister,we can't have you putting Elena in danger and that's exactly what you did when you brought her to Katherine."Damon said with his arms crossed.

"How could you do that?Katherine could have killed her!"Stefan yelled.

"Killed?You should have seen those two."Gia laughed and got out of her bed."The doppelbitches were practically two peas in a pod."

"You aren't funny."Damon shook his head.

"...and you are in my way."the Salvatore girl mushed her older brother out of the way and he fell to the ground.

"You are out if control,Nina.You can't keep acting like this or we are going to have to do something about it."Stefan insisted.

"What are you going to do?Kill me?"Gia shrugged her shoulders."Go ahead,i'd like to see you try squirrel boy."

"No,we'll just do this."as Damon got up to his feet,Stefan stabbed a syringe of vervain into Gianina,making her fall to the ground.

This is going to be a long couple of days.

Author's note:
I finally updated yesss,i'm pretty sure it's only been like a week but still.WE HIT 2K,i'm so thankful for all of you who read and comment and vote,it means the world that you enjoy Gia's story.

Every 1K i'm going to do a shoutout like I did when I hit 1K reads so,my next active reader shoutout is -adoriam ty for supporting my book!I appreciate it so much!

Last part is,should I turn this into a tvd book but still have Katherine as the main love interest or keep it a Katherine book?I'm fine with either way so just let me know lmao.

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