chapter fifty.

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Met him last night — Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande

Klaus was giving Gianina information about The Five very sparingly. Some details here and there about how they were created, how they were some super breed of hunters, how Connor was one of them, and lastly how Jeremy had potential to become one. However, she could tell that he was hiding something about them.

... and she was dying to find out what it was.

"Say what you want about us but, I figured there was never secrets on your part." She spoke as she sipped on her drink, which technically, she probably shouldn't have been allowed to gave at the bar of The Grill.

"Well, there are a few on your part. Your brothers are your weakness so, you will only know things that I am okay with them knowing." Klaus responded with a grin, twirling his drink in his hand. "All of the information you need will come in time."

"Okay, fine." The Salvatore girl cleared her throat. "Then maybe you want to explain to me what we are doing here while Connor is tied up at your house?"

"Family happens to be a weakness of mine also." The Mikaelson hybrid pointed his head not too far away where Rebekah was talking to Matt. "Another thing we have in common."

"She knows about all this?" Gia questioned.

"Yes." Klaus wore his signature grin. "She's actually quite familiar with the subject."

"She's pissed at you." Gianina shook her head. "How is she going to help?"

"We have our quarrels but we always turn up for family in the end." The Mikaelson man knit his fingers together as he listened into the end of the conversation with his sister and Matt. "You're trying too hard."

"I thought you left town for good." Rebekah mumbled, rolling her eyes as she walked closer to them.

"I did, there were things that required me to come back." He glanced back towards Gianina before looking at his sister. "I have urgent business with you."

"I thought you hated me." The Mikaelson girl responded.

"Hate is such a cruel word." Klaus made a tut noise with his tongue and shook his head.

"Well, it's too late to make amends, i'm not coming home with you." Rebekah refused.

"Would you, if I told you the brotherhood of the five is still in action?" The hybrid asked confidently.

Rebekah looked back and forth between the two hybrids who both nodded their heads in unison.

"It is...?" The blonde couldn't believe it, and quickly shook her head. "I don't care about the five, or you."

She met eyes with Gianina, who had been taking in the words of the sibling spat.

"... but I care about you, and I will give you a piece of advice. My brother only causes pain, you should get out while you can." With those words, Rebekah turned on her heel, and walked away from the pair.

Giving Gia a lot to think about.

The pair of hybrids went back to Klaus' house where Connor was being kept. Though Gianina didn't quite understand what was happening yet, her interest was certainly piqued and she wanted to see whatever this was through. What she didn't realize was, she'd be even more intrigued soon enough.

"Welcome to the dungeon, love." Klaus said with a grin as he opened up the double doors, Connor tied up from head to toe behind them.

Gia realized the Mikaelson man had quite the flair for dramatics, and usually just let him indulge in that.

"Looks like i'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail." Both true hybrids turned their back to see Stefan standing in the room behind them.

"I was gonna take him but, I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain." The Salvatore noted, glancing over at his sister.

Gianina did not falter in looking back at him, she hadn't done anything sneaky as of yet, and she wouldn't let her brother think she had.

"It's from the inquisition." Klaus smiled brightly. "I thought it was a nice touch."

"So, what did you get out of him?" Stefan ignored the mans comment completely, hoping to get to business.

"Not enough." The Mikaelson man responded.

"He's a tough nut to crack." Gianina added on, folding her arms across her chest.

"He's mum about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over." Klaus was careful not to mention he knew more than the Salvatores did as he turned to Stefan. "Why? What brings you snooping?"

"Well, I can't say it in front of him. As i'm sure you've figured out, our friend here can't be compelled." The younger Salvatore noted.

"Very observant, brother." Gianina spoke, sending him a smile.

"You're full of mysteries, aren't you?" Klaus asked the hunter, everyone turning their attention towards him.

"I told you, I don't know anything." Connor insisted.

"Thankfully, I know plenty." The hybrid man replied, rolling his eyes as he started walking out of the room. "Shall we?"

The trio walked out of the room, and Klaus shut the doors behind them.

"Care to explain why you broke in here?" Gia asked before looking towards Klaus. "We either need more hybrids, or you need to teach them better."

The Mikaelson man gave her a look, almost saying that they should not be fighting in front of her brother. She sighed, nodded and looked towards the younger sibling with her arms crossed. She figured whatever this was would be important.

"Your sister is right, what's with the home invasion?" Klaus questioned.

"Damon said you knew something about this guy. I should've figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything but, here I was thinking you were going soft because of my sister." Stefan confronted, turning to his sister. "What I want to know is, do you know anything?"

"Not anymore than you do." Gia admitted, shrugging her shoulders.

"Behavior like this is why I have not told Gianina everything. She is not required to tell you everything, all siblings have secrets." Klaus grinned. "So many questions..."

"Well, it's a good thing I have nothing to do today, except get answers out of you." Stefan spoke with a smug smile as he sat down.

That made Gia wonder where Elena was but, she decided not to poke the bear of an obviously irritated Stefan.

"If he's finding anything out, I am too." Gianina sat in the chair next to her brother as her fellow hybrid let out a sigh.

"Fine, you might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate. As for you, love, I suppose if he knows, I can share with you." Klaus didn't want to tell her things she was meant to keep from her brothers, he knew it would eat away at her and it was the last thing he wanted. "The brotherhood of The Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. Crossed paths with them in the 12th century, Italy...."

As the Mikaelson man explained, Gia felt herself becoming entranced by the story, a little piece of history.

  After stopping the story to get Rebekah, then Jeremy, the tale of what had happened in Italy was finally over with. It turns out that things were much much more important than Gianina had originally thought. All those years ago, the Mikaelsons discovered that somewhere in the world, there was a cure for vampirism.

The Salvatore girl didn't know how to feel.

"Why wouldn't you have found it!?" Stefan questioned, almost furious as if they had all lied to him on purpose.

"Because when the hunter drew their final breath that night, the marks disappeared from their bodies. The map was gone. The brotherhood of the five extinct. For nine hundred years there was not a whisper of another hunter until our friend in there showed up in town." Klaus explained.

Gianina finally rose to her feet after having closed her eyes for a few minutes, taking it all in.

"Now we have the map, what do we do next?" Rebekah questioned.

"It better not involve harming Jeremy in any way." Gia insisted, her jaw locked slightly.

"We will not be doing anything. You cannot be trusted, sister. You'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy who calls you pretty. I mean it's pathetic. I mean, really. How she hands her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affect—"

"Klaus, enough." The Salvatore girl interrupted, shaking her head. "She is your sister."

"It's quite alright, Gia. He's right, I have not learned from the many men who have broken my heart. Instead, I let him leech every moment of happiness from my life. At least I fared better than Finn. Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgment." Rebekah spoke from the heart, pain evident in her eyes.

The Salvatore siblings exchanged glances, happy that for once they were not in an argument.

"Finn was a dullard. He's more interesting lying in a box." Klaus corrected.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan in. You knew he'd help you even though he hates your guts! You know what? You can shove your cure." Rebekah finished, and before anyone could speak, she walked off, angrier than ever.

"All of that judgment about how my brothers treat me, and look how you spoke to her, typical." Gia scoffed and shook her head, making her way back to the table to grab a drink.

"I just hope you got what you wanted out of her before you chased her off." Stefan admitted.

"She never would've told me what I needed to know. But she'll tell you." Klaus said with a smile, knowing what needed to be done.

"What do you need me to find out?" The youngest Salvatore asked begrudgingly.

"The map is useless without the tool to decipher it. The sword, she knows where it is, and you're gonna get her to tell you. You have a chance to save Elena from the very thing that's going to destroy her. You can call it a deal with the devil if you'd like." Klaus spoke with a grin.

Stefan said nothing but, nodded and walked off in search of Rebekah.

Once Gianina knew that her brother was gone, she slammed her cup on the table and glared at Klaus. She was appalled by his behavior if she was quite honest. She cared for Rebekah, and he mistreated her.

Then there was the fact that he didn't tell her about the cure.

"You feel the need to control everyone, Klaus but, I cannot be controlled. You have to let me make decisions on my own. I am over a hundred years old, if I needed someone to tell me what to do, I would ask. You had no right to hide something like that from me." Gianina's anger kept rising by the second but, Klaus stayed calm and collected. "What if I wanted this cure? I've always wanted a child and I can't have one. What if just once, I wanted something for myself? You know, I was finally starting to trust you until all of this. Like, really trust you."

"All this power you have, and you would take having a child over it?" The Mikaelson man questioned, his brows furrowed.

"Any day, in any universe." Gianina replied breathlessly, sitting down in one of the chairs as she placed her hands over her face.

Klaus moved closer, his stomach hitting the girls forehead as he ran his hands through her hair, "if you wish to have the cure, it is yours."

"What if there is only enough for one person? You would choose giving it to me over Elena to make your hybrids?" The Salvatore questioned, not making any eye contact.

"Any day, in any universe." Klaus responded, with a slight grin.

Could she really trust him?

Authors note:
Here is a new chapter for y'all, hopefully things will get more interesting that the cure is in place.

Who do you think should have gotten the cure in the show?

Hope you enjoyed!

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