chapter fifty one.

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Cherry bomb — the runaways

Gianina's jaw locked when she seen the text in her phone that read "hunter at mystic grill with hostages. they'll die at sundown." It was in a group message with Stefan, Damon, and Tyler coming from Jeremy's phone. She didn't know much about what was going on but, she knew it meant her dearest friend was in danger.

and she sure as hell wasn't going to stand for that.

Much to her dismay, the Mystic Falls group wanted to meet up and make a plan, though, the biggest part of her simply wanted to run in there and get Jeremy out as soon as possible. She was sat on the couch, Elena next to her, and Tyler standing behind her when Stefan came to the room. He showed up later than the rest but still, showed up.

Though his demeanor when he arrived was quite odd.

"Stefan!" Elena immediately got up and ran into his arms, Damon opening his mouth to start an argument.

"Where the hell have you been?" He questioned angrily.

"Coming up with a plan." The younger Salvatore man replied, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend.

"We have a plan. The plan is, i'm gonna rip Connor's heart out, and feed it to him." Damon spoke, crunching his hand together.

"God, you're such an idiot, you know that? He has hostages, with an S, meaning plural. We have no idea how many, where they are in the grill, nothing. Plus he's a skilled hunter, there's absolutely no way you can just go in and kill him without someone getting hurt." Gianina explained, rolling her eyes as she got up to her feet.

"Gia's right." Stefan sighed and shrugged his shoulders, agreeing with his sister completely.

"No, Damon's right. Connors string but he's not going to be able to take all of us." Elena defended, as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Tyler and I talked to the hybrids, and they're going to help but again, we still have no idea what we're walking into." Gianina felt like she was talking to a brick wall, and quite honestly wished she would have just taken her hybrids and Tyler and formed a plan on her own.

"Hey, my mom put squad cars blocking the streets." Caroline spoke as she entered the room. "They're saying it's a faulty gas line, we're good to go."

"Good, great. No cops, no witnesses, no reason to wait around." Damon was about to lead the blind into a mess of chaos, and his siblings weren't about to let that happen so easily.

"Hold on, you're not all going." Stefan protested, shaking his head.

"I've seen this guy in action, and he killed a hybrid to get out of Klaus' house, what do you think he'd do to you guys?" Gianina repeated the same motion as her brother. "He's right."

"He shot me nine times. If we're killing him, I want in." Tyler insisted, him not really being the one she was talking about in the first place.

"He's got Jeremy, i'm going." Elena spoke through her teeth.

"Oh yeah, and how would Jeremy feel if you died? Hm?" Gianina eyed the doppelgänger who stayed quiet, and looked down at her feet, the whole room going silent.

"Nobody will be going anywhere till Gia and I find out what we're walking into." Stefan instructed, angering his older brother.

"Until the both of you figure it out, huh? Is that it now, you're both best friends buddy buddy now and against your big brother?" Damon accused, walking closer to his younger siblings.

"He's known for traps, we'd be dumb to walk into one, especially if he has werewolf venom." The youngest Salvatore reminded them.

"Does he?" Elena asked.

"He's had it before, and he killed a hybrid who's missing its head, what do you think, Elena?" Gianina questioned, throwing her hands in the air.

Everyone in the room went silent after that.

Gianina couldn't help but notice that Stefan was being a little suspicious. He was going off for secret phone calls, splitting up from her, and keeping something very hush hush. In the pit of her stomach, she felt like it had something to do with Klaus going to Italy but, both of them had been very secretive with her.

She was going to leave it alone, for now, just to save Jeremy.

Damon's erratic behavior led to Stefan staking him, and after an excruciatingly lovey dovey scene with Stefan and Elena, Stefan and Gia headed through the tunnels that ran under the grill.

"Klaus wants to make sure that this guy doesn't get killed, can you do that?" Stefan questioned his sister.

"What are you gonna do if I don't? Vervain me?" Gianina asked with a raised brow.

"It had to be done, Gia. You know how Damon is. He would have gone in there, and went straight for Connor without caring if anyone else got hurt." The younger Salvatore spoke, his voice full of frustration.

"All I care about is getting Jeremy out of there, i'll leave the rest to you." Gianina paused for a moment. "If you tell me what you and Klaus are hiding."

Stefan did the same, and sighed, knowing that if he didn't tell his sister, it would make things more difficult. "I know you thought this cure thing was over with but its not. Rebekah told me where the key to the map was, and that means that if we keep Connor alive, he can lead us to the cure."

"Rebekah? She would have died before she told you something she knew Klaus would use. Wait—" realization hit the Salvatore girl that Rebekah was most likely daggered, and she shook her head. "You took advantage of her emotions, and you let Klaus dagger her."

"It's for the cure." Stefan spoke with a sigh.

"For who? Elena? So you can have her back to her perfect form, and he can get more hybrids?" Gianina scoffed slightly, placing her fingers on her temple.

The Salvatore boy almost looked like he felt bad but, sucked up those emotions and began to walk again.

"Klaus already sent a hybrid in from the front to take care of Connor. You get Jeremy, i'll get Matt and April, okay?" He spoke, not able to look her in the eye.

Gianina couldn't respond, she needed the quiet to process exactly how she felt about all of this. Suddenly, the air wasn't so quiet as the two heard music sounding off, and an explosion up ahead. The siblings exchanged a quick glance before speeding towards the end of the tunnel.

Quickly, Stefan made an entrance for them, and the two climbed up, only to be met with Matt and April in the kitchen, Stefan placing his hand over the girls mouth so she wouldn't scream.

"Where's Jeremy?" Gia questioned, slightly ticked off the boy wasn't with them.

"With him." Matt replied, a worried look on his face.

"Okay." Stefan sighed and took out his phone, showing the pair a map. "We'll take care of it, follow this map here and you'll get out the other side."

"Alright." Matt took Aprils hand, and the two went to leave before the Donovan boy stopped. "Wait, if you go out there, he's gonna kill Jeremy."

"Not on my watch." Gianina shook her head.

"Go." Stefan urged, the two humans didn't say another word before running off.

Gia and Stefan slowly inched their way out of the kitchen, hoping to quietly make it into the dining room. However, upon Jeremy spotting Gia, he gasped which caught Connor's attention. Speeding away, the hunter shot his gun in their direction, the siblings seemingly dodging it in time.

"Connor, you don't have to do this!" Stefan yelled out, the siblings hiding behind the bar.

"Gia?" Jeremy called out worriedly.

He didn't even need to say a word, the Salvatore could hear the detonator beneath him.

"Connor, come on, you don't need to do this. Just put down the gun and we can settle this!" Stefan urged.

"Jeremy didn't do anything! He's not a vampire." Gia was grasping for straws at this point, saying anything she could to help her friend.

"Sure, come out. I'll hand the gun over." The man responded sarcastically.

"Think about this, nobody has to die! I'll tell you everything you need to know." It seemed Stefan was the better bargainer, and Gia didn't care as long as Jeremy survived this.

"I don't make deals with vampires!" Connor screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Listen to me, if you die right now then your whole life, all that killing, it'll be for nothing. I can give you the truth, just put the gun down and let Jeremy go." Stefan urged.

Gianina felt a sting in her side and put her hand over it, realizing she had been grazed by one of Connors regular bullets.

"Please, don't hurt him!" The side door swung open, and Elena ran into the room.

"Jesus christ." Gia, with sweat dripping down her forehead just couldn't comprehend why Elena didn't let them take care of things, Stefan was doing quite well before she entered.

"You come any closer, he's dead." Connor informed her.

Right back to square one.

"Elena, get out of here." Jeremy demanded.

"He's the only family that I have left. Just... just let him go." The Gilbert girl begged.

"You hear that? Your girls watching. I will shoot the boy right in front of her. On the count of three.. one.. two.." as the man counted, the Salvatores exchanged a look, nodded, and both stood up from behind the bar with their hands up.

Then, all the sudden, Elena attacked him, the mans gun going off.

"Jeremy!" The boy, still on the detonator bent down in pain, having been shot. Quickly, Gianina picked him up, and ran in the opposite direction with him while the bomb went off.

They ducked behind a long set of tables, the cover being just enough to keep them from injuring theirselves any further.

"I'll take care of him, you go!" Gia instructed Stefan who was across the room. He nodded, and within seconds, captured Jordan and left.

Gianina propped Jeremy up against a beam and sat in front of him, letting out a sigh, "you're always getting yourself into trouble, aren't you?"

The boy chuckled slightly, but winced as he held onto his stomach.

"Here." Gia bit into her wrist, and extended it to Jeremy, who slowly drank from it, gently taking her hand away from his mouth, and placing it onto his chest when he was done.

"Thank you." He said calmly, holding her hand in his.

"Oh—..." Elena came towards them but, it was obvious that she winced at the sight of Jeremy's blood, wanting to do nothing more than feed on it.

"Don't worry, I know you're not going to hurt me." The Gilbert boy encouraged his sister.

"He's right, it'll be fine. He's okay." Gianina nodded slightly.

Elena grew closer but still, kept her eyes averted, "how did this happen, Jeremy? Why did he come after you?"

"I could see his tattoo." The boy answered simply, Gia would not stop him from revealing anything, Klaus and Stefan had hidden things from her so, why should she help them keep things a secret?

"His what?" Elena asked.

"His Hunter's Mark. It's invisible to everyone but me. Nobody told you about it?" Jeremy raised his brow, and looked towards his friend.

"Not my business to tell you anything, Elena. That's on my brothers." Gianina shrugged slightly.

"You're right." The Gilbert girl grit her teeth and stood up to her feet. "Can you make sure he gets home safe?"

"Of course." The Salvatore girl wasn't taking orders but, she planned on doing so anyways to be completely honest.

She just wished she could see Elena ripping her brothers a new one.

"You okay?" Gianina asked as she stood up from the ground and extended a hand.

"As okay as i'll ever be." Jeremy nodded and took the girls hand, the hybrid helping him up.

Wasn't that the truth.

Authors note:
Here's an update, I would like to thank people who are POSITIVE on my book, enjoy Gianina, and would like to keep this going!

Favorite Gia moment?

Hope you enjoyed!

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