chapter one.

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Theme song:You broke me first-Tate McRae


As soon as Gianina stepped foot into the Salvatore household, she was thrown into a task. It was simple enough but, the girl did not particularly like just following Damon around when she could be doing something more useful. She didn't fight for her rights in the early 1900s for no reason.

"Are you sure they are even going to talk if i'm there?" Gia asked her older brother.

"Let me worry about the big things, little sister." Damon waved Mrs.Lockwood over.

She came over fairly quickly and Gianina could already tell the woman was hooked on Damon. He never ceased to amuse her that's for sure. The Salvatore girl straightened herself out and flattened her black laced dress in order to keep up appearances. The Salvatores were apart of the founding families after all.

"Who's this?" Mrs.Lockwood asked. Gianina didn't notice it but, she was lost in her own train of thought and stopped listening to the conversation.

"Gianina." the girl smiled and extended her hand. "Salvatore."

"Oh. I didn't know there was more Salvatores." The woman next to her commented.Elizabeth Forbes.

"She's adopted." Damon smiled. "Now, what did you call me over here for? Don't worry, short stack over here knows everything."

Gianina always hated when Damon brought up the fact that she wasn't biologically his sibling. You see, her parents were good friends with the Salvatore family and they died when she was a mere two years old. Lily and Giuseppe took her in and raised her from then on.

"Follow us." Sheriff Forbes said before her and Mrs.Lockwood started walking. Both Damon and Gianina did so and the two exchanged a 'here we go' look as they did.

"I want to know exactly who's responsible for killing my husband." Mrs.Lockwood said quietly as they walked.

"I'm looking into it but, you have to be straight with me. Is there any reason Richard was affected by the vampire device?" the group came to a stop about 20 feet from where they were just standing.

This is going to take quite awhile, Gianina thought before taking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

"What are you implying? That he was one of them?" The Lockwood woman asked defensively.

"No,no,nobody is implying that." Damon said as he tried to cool down the situation.

"Your deputy screwed up. Plain and simple." The older woman snapped.

The women started bickering back and forth and it was enough to make Gianina's head spin.

"Stop it!" she yelled. The two woman immediately quit arguing and looked at Gianina. "Thank you."

"We're all on edge here." Damon said to Mrs.Lockwood. "You suffered a great loss here, the whole town has but, we have to stick together."

"If you trust each other, you'll get through this and we'll figure it out, okay?" Gianina smiled at the two women who's facial features softened.

The two eldest Salvatores were a good team.


"I don't like the looks of that guy." Damon said to his sister as he looked at Mason Lockwood.

"He's really good looking." Gia took a sip of champagne and pointed towards him with her cup.

"I'd rather not talk about your type so, let's just not do that."Damon walked away leaving Gianina on her own.

The girl laughed, set her glass down at the table,and looked around. She decided to make her rounds around the Lockwood property until she was needed. It hadn't changed much since the last time she was in Mystic Falls so, she knew her way around.

She started to think about her old life here,her newish life back in New York as a ballerina, Katherine. It was safe to say Gianina was having some sort of existential crisis. Before she knew it, she was back at the front of the property and spotted a teen she assumed was probably the girl Damon had told her about, the doppelgänger.

She waited for Bonnie to leave before going up to Elena, Gianina had heard of the Bennett girl and already knew without meeting her that she was a force to be reckoned with.

"You must be Elena." Gia smiled at the girl and extended her hand.

"You are Gia." she smiled back and shook her hand.

Gianina felt as if electric surged through her body as she looked the girl up and down.

"Gia?" Gianina bit down on her lower lip. "Most people just call me Nina."

"Of course i'm sorry I thought it was okay if I gave you a nickname and-.." Gianina cut the girl off.

"It's fine it's just...Katherine used to call me that so it just makes me uncomfortable when other people do." Gia shrugged her shoulders.

"You loved her, didn't you?"Elena stepped a tad bit closer than she was before.

"Yes Katherine,I did love you." Gianina crossed her arms. She was quite annoyed that Katherine assumed she wouldn't be able to recognize her.

"Thank god." Katherine let out a sigh. "It's so exhausting pretending to be her."

"Must be hard pretending to be a good person." Gia took the Pierce girl's hand and led her into one of the rooms of the house which conveniently enough, had Bonnie in it. The girl had just gotten off the phone with Elena and her eyes were wide.

"I don't think we've met yet." Katherine yanked her arm away from Gia and smirked at the Bennett girl. "I'm Katherine."

"I know who you are." Bonnie straightened her posture.

"Of course you do." Katherine said confidently. Gia tried to run and get Damon but, Katherine grabbed her by the neck and put her back in the spot she was before. "Don't move."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Gianina muttered. She knew if she tried anything, Katherine would serve Bonnie's head on a platter.

"Now you, you're the best friend right?" Katherine pointed at the Bennett witch. "I've been putting all the pieces of Elena's life together."

Katherine continued to talk about Elena's friends and family. When Katherine's back was turned Gianina signaled Bonnie to run out of there to which the witch nodded her head.

She managed to get a running start but, Katherine knew what was happening and stopped her. The witch tried to use her magic on Katherine, key word:tried. It didn't work.

"I've been around a long time, Bonnie. You're gonna have to do better than that. "Katherine lunged forward to choke the Bennet girl so, Gia ran to them and pushed Katherine across the room.

"Go!" she yelled at Bonnie who was stuck in her place. "I said go!"

Bonnie ran as fast as her feet could take her out of the room and Gia hoped she'd be okay.

"Impressive." Katherine got up to her feet and dusted herself off. "You aren't that clumsy teenage girl anymore,Gia."

"I'm assuming you think I have you to thank for that?" Gia crossed her arms.

"Of course you do." Katherine smirked.

"Don't touch Bonnie." Gianina clenched her jaw.

"Okay." Katherine shrugged. "Whatever you say."

Stefan ran into the room quickly after that to make sure his sister was okay, Stefan. This was the first time Gia had seen him in years. Katherine left the room and instead of talking to his sister, Stefan followed her out leaving his older sister a bit peeved.

Gianina sighed and took a seat. The girl was beyond over the events of the day and wanted nothing more than to go back to New York. For some reason, she thought reuniting with Katherine and Stefan would be more eventful but, it was obviously not what she expected.

"Who are you?" Gianina smelled something odd as the boy entered the room.

"I'm Nina..i'm sorry I can go-."she jumped up to her feet.

"No, it's fine. I need someone to have a drink with me if you're up for it." the boy smiled as best as he could.

"Sure." she sat back down.

"I'm Tyler." he took a seat next to her and handed her the flask in his hand.

"Lockwood?" Gia raised her eyebrow at him and took a swig from the flask.

"Yeah." he nodded his head.

Another boy walked in the room but once he saw the two of them he was quick to turn around.

"You can stay,Gilbert. It's fine." Tyler said to the other boy.

The Gilbert boy turned back around. "i'm sorry about your dad."

"Todays been a big day of sorry's for people who don't really give a crap." Tyler shook his head.

"I've been there." Gia crossed her legs and frowned slightly.

"I remember when my dad died,the whole town came to tell me what a great guy he was." the girl commented. "He was an abusive asshole. "Gia took another sip of her drink and handed it to Tyler.

"When mine died, a whole bunch of strangers kept coming up to me and telling me what a great guy he was. I know how hard all this is." Jeremy shrugged his shoulders.

"My dad wasn't a good guy, he was a dick." Tyler drank the last bit of alcohol from the flask.

"Yeah, yeah he was." Jeremy agreed.

"We should form a dead parents club. "Gianina joked. She was trying to change the subject of violent Lockwood's. She was all too familiar with them.

"Hey, Tyler, what's going on in here?" Mason walked into the room.

"Nothing. Nothing." Tyler said quickly. What an amazing liar. Gianina scoffed.

"Is there something you wanna say?" Mason asked with a smile on his face.

"No, I was just leaving." Gia got up and brushed past the older Lockwood men.

"Who was that?" Mason asked Tyler and Jeremy as she left.

"She said her name was Nina."


"I came to say goodbye." Katherine said as Gia walked into her room.

Katherine was laying on her bed with a smile on her face.

"Leaving so soon? Good, I can go home." Gianina tried her best not to look at the Pierce girl. She knew if she did, she'd fall for her all over again.

"It seems like i've overstayed my welcome." she sat up.

"You overstayed your welcome the second you kissed my brother." Gianina bit the inside of her cheek as she started to rummage through one of her drawers.

"Don't be jealous, Gia. You know me and him don't have what we have." the Pierce girl smirked. She could sense Nina's jealousy and was loving every minute of it.

"We have something?" Gia slammed her drawer shut.

"Ouch. You forgot about our little secret adventures behind closed doors?" Katherine stood up and walked over to Gia.

"What are you doing here Katherine?" Gianina sighed.

"I missed you and your brothers, seemed like it would be fun to come back." Katherine wrapped her arms around Gia's waist and the girl closed her eyes.

"I don't believe you." she shook her head. This wasn't going to happen. She wasn't going to give in.

"Damon knows I don't care about him. That I never loved him. "Katherine rested her head in the crook of Gianina's shoulder.

"Good. Are you leaving now?" the Salvatore girl made up her mind. She wasn't going to let Katherine hurt her. She wasn't prepared to be broken again.

"I'll miss you the most." Katherine whispered in Gianina's ear.

When Nina opened her eyes, Katherine was gone and Gianina was all alone in the cold and dark room.

Authors corner:
Everything is just getting started and i'm so excited for this ahhh

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