chapter twenty two.

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Theme song:Basket case-Green day

Gianina was growing restless not knowing what was happening on the outside world.She had heard snippets from conversations between Klaus and Maddox but,the original was smart enough to stay fairly quiet.The only thing Gia and Katherine could do was sit there and keep their mouths shut,a skill the Salvatore girl had yet to master after over one hundred years of life.

Gia sat on the counter as Katherine prepared a cup of coffee for Klaus.He had told her to stay put and have Katherine do all the work and even if she didn't like it,that was a necessity.Do what he says or die,a phrase she kept having to repeat to herself.

"Where is he going?"Gianina asked curiously as Katherine poured Klaus his coffee.

"That's what I was wondering."the Pierce girl added as she handed the shell of Alaric's body his cup.

"To retrieve me,so I can get out of this bad hair-do."the original replied,Gianina had to admit she was impressed by his quick responses to just about anything.

"Are you sure that's a good idea,Klaus?"the Petrova doppelgänger asked.

"Well,the full moon is upon us.I've killed the witch,I have the moonstone,and the doppelgänger waiting in the wings."he answered back confidently.

"So what the hell do you want with us?"Gianina questioned as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Well,Katerina already knows how I like my revenge and you,you,love are going to break this curse by my side.I would like to have an equal for once."the man stated making the Salvatore girls eyes widen.

"Break the curse?As in make me a hybrid?"a small part of Gia had wanted this for awhile,she wanted to know the freeness of being a wolf but,she also knew there would be consequences to all of it.

"Amazing answer."the man smirked slightly.

"Why would you do this here?In Mystic Falls?There are so many people that would try to stop you."Katherine insisted,if the prophecy came true she felt as if she had no chance of a life with her one true and honest love.

"Because I have to,it's the birth place of the doppelgänger."Klaus shrugged.

Gianina watched as her hands started to shake nervously,everything happening was quite honestly scaring her out of her mind.The type of scared she had never experienced.

"I didn't realize there was a requirement."the Pierce girl commented as she slowly placed her hand on Gia's back,out of Klaus's eyesight.

"Well how could you,you betrayed me and fled England before I could give you the details,Katerina.But I did find your birth place and I slaughtered your family so,I guess we are cool."the man said as he stepped closer and closer to the girls.

"Someone needs to put you on medication."Gianina said with a glare making the original laugh.

"Let's just hope that Elena isn't as stupid as Katerina."he said,trying to upset Katherine.

"...and what would you do if she did run?"Gia asked,hoping the answer wouldn't be something she was dreading.

"I'll kill everyone she loves,including your brothers."Klaus said,the sound of those words making the Salvatore girl sick to her stomach.

"That is your way of making me your equal?If I turn into a hybrid-"

"If we are both hybrids we will be the only ones who truly understand each other,you'll forgive me eventually."the original vampire shrugged."it'll be worth the wait."

"She won't run."Katherine blurted out,not wanting to hear Gianina and Klaus exchange anymore words."She'll die before she lets anyone that she loves get hurt."

"That's exactly what i'm counting on."Klaus said as he got a jacket from the coat hanger."Neither of you can leave until I tell you to."

The original vampire made a quick exit after that leaving the couple alone.

"Did I mention how screwed we are?"the Salvatore girl asked.

"We will find a way,I always find a way."Katherine wrapped her hands around Gianina's waist."Nothing will happen to Stefan or Damon,I promise."

"Or Jeremy?"Gia questioned,he had also become a brother to her and she loved him like family.

"Or Jeremy."The Pierce girl looked into Gianina's eyes."Our minds are stronger than any vampire together,you know that right?"

"Of course."


Gianina and Katherine sat cuddled up on the couch together for a few hours before the two of them began to get extremely bored.

"This feels terrible,I want to know what's happening and there is nothing to do in this apartment,Alaric is so boring."Gia sighed."Unless I want to stake myself because then I have all the damn supplies I need."

"Don't be so dramatic."Katherine said as she got up and strutted over to the kitchen."I'm sure there is something we can do to spice things up."

"I'm all ears,babe."Gia sat up in her seat as Katherine rifled through a cabinet.

"Bingo."the Pierce girl turned around and waved a bottle of bourbon,which the Salvatore girl approved of because of the mood she was in.

"Don't mind if I do."Gianina stood up and walked over as Katherine stood still.

"Do you hear that?"the Pierce girl questioned.

"Hear what?"The Salvatore girl listened to her surroundings closer to hear Damon and Andie in the hallway.


"Alaric,are you home?It's Andie Starr,Jenna's friend."the woman said from behind the door,Kat and Gia both tried to open the door but,their compulsion wouldn't let them.

The two girls heard something break and the door quickly opened so the two couples came face to face.

"Thank god."Katherine said with a sigh.

"Took you long enough to realize I was missing."Gianina mumbled,it had been at least two days.

"Wow!You were right,she looks exactly like Elena!"Andie said to Damon as she stepped inside the apartment.

"Yup."the eldest Salvatore looked at his sister."I thought you guys would be dead."

"Unfortunately not."Katherine sighed.

"Klaus needs us both so,that's really fun."Gianina said sarcastically,she was hating every single moment of what was happening to her.

"What are you doing here?"The Pierce girl asked before Damon could ask any questions,if he found out Klaus was planning to turn Gianina into a hybrid he would for sure stop it.

"We are here to rescue you."Andie said happily.

"No sweetie,we are here to see if they deserve to be rescued,I figured at least one of you would be alive,Alari-Klaus was blending way too easily.I figured he had some coaching."Damon said as he held up a bottle of vervain.

"Is that-"Katherine was cut off by Damon who already had the answer to her question.

"Vervain,your salvation."the Salvatore man smiled.

"Let me guess,you want us to do something for you that could possibly get us killed?"Gia asked her older brother.

"You think so little of me,sister.I just know that if you drink this it'll prevent further compulsion."Damon shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay,so give it to me then,brother."Gia nodded her head towards Damon and Katherine strutted towards him to take the bottle.

"Answer one question,you double crossed us with Isobel,why?"he asked.

"I didn't think you stood against Klaus so,I was looking out for mine and Gigi's best interest."Katherine answered honestly.

"..and I knew that you wouldn't let me be happy with Katherine,and you probably would've given her up to save Elena."Gianina admitted.

"Here."Damon chucked the bottle to Katherine."Be careful with that,if he finds out either of you took any you'll never get out of here."

Katherine took a big gulp of the vervain and handed it to Gianina.

As Gianina tried to take a sip,her throat started to burn and she coughed loudly. Her body wasn't letting her drink. She quickly remembered she had been compelled not to.

"You owe me,and I will collect. Even if you can't keep it down." the Salvatore man said before calling Andie to come with him and leaving.

"I can't tell if this was a good thing or a bad thing."Gianina said with a sigh.

"For now?Bad,when Klaus gets back he'll smell the vervain and you spilled it all over your clothes,we need to drink something stronger."Katherine smirked.

"Hm,I wonder what that could be."Gia smiled and walked over to the bourbon sitting on the counter. She was worried that she could still be compelled but, she found solace in the fact that Katherine couldn't be.

"God,I love you."the Pierce girl walked over to join her girlfriend in drinking.


After about two hours,Katherine and Gianina were completely plastered and dancing around the kitchen together.

"We should do this more often."Gia said as she held Kat's waist and started to laugh.

"Maybe an everyday thing."the Pierce girl pushed the Salvatore girls hair off her shoulders and smiled.

"I think we finished the b-"Gianina stopped herself as she heard the keys in the door of Alaric's apartment and the two girls rushed to the couch.

"You mind turning that down?"Klaus asked referring to the music the girls were dancing to.

"Why so grumpy?"Katherine questioned as she used the remote to turn off the song.

"This body has outlived it's usefulness."the original vampire said angrily.

Gianina stayed quiet,not wanting to say something that would get her in trouble.

"No,Katerina,I do not want a drink."he said angrily.

"Come on,it might loosen you up."the Pierce girl said trying to convince Klaus to get drunk,hoping he wouldn't noticed they were pumped full of vervain.

The original vampire took the bottle from Katherine's hand and threw it before looking into her eyes.

"What I want for you to do is sit down and shut up."he replied.

"You seriously abuse your power."Gianina huffed,mad at him trying to compel Katherine again.

Before Klaus could answer,his witch came back into the room.

"Maddox,what took you so long?"the man asked happily.

"You have a lot of luggage."four or five people ended the room carrying bags followed by a pretty curly headed girl.

"Greta,finally."the vampire said happily as she entered.

"Hello,love.Nice body.You ready to get out of it?"

Authors note:
Omg omg omg the season is almost over and things are really going to start getting crazy!

Thank you all for the overwhelming support I appreciate literally everyone who reads, votes,and comments<3

Spoiler for tvd season 5:So obviously,Katherine ends up dying later in the show but,would you guys want a second book starring Gianina?

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