02 | feeling bad

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Adrien's POV

I sat in my room later that night, lost in my own thoughts. I was beginning to feel entirely guilty for something that wasn't even my fault.

I felt so bad for Marinette. I didn't want to hurt her in any way, but nothing could change the way I felt for my lady. I had very strong feelings for Ladybug and those feelings would never change.

I really did try my best to turn her down in the nicest way possible, but that didn't really work out like I had planned. I knew I had a ninety-nine out of one hundred percent chance of getting beaten up by Alya when she found out. I'm sure Marinette would mention the news to her soon (if she hadn't already).

My thoughts were immediately interrupted when my phone buzzed, indicating I had received a notification. I glanced down at the screen to see a text from Nino.

Nino 9:27pm: Dude, what were you thinking when you turned Marinette down?!

I froze at that question and that made me feel even worse. How did he even find out? Alya must of told him.

Which means she already knew.

Which also means, I would be toast tomorrow.

Adrien 9:28pm: How'd you know? I was able to reply back with shaky fingers.

His reply came instantly.

Nino 9:31pm: How do you think? Alya told me.

I sighed heavily, of course Alya told him. My suspicions were correct. Boy was I in trouble tomorrow.

Adrien 9:33pm: Is Marinette okay?

Although I had turned her down, I didn't like the idea of seeing Marientte so upset. I did care for her, and I didn't want to see her upset. Why couldn't my best friend understand that feelings that weren't there couldn't be forced?

Nino 9:36pm: Dude are you stupid?! Actually, don't answer that question. Of course she's NOT okay! She's a crying mess. Alya and I have been at her house for the last two hours trying to console her!"

Ugh, reading everything Nino was typing made me feel even more guilty than I already was. This was all my fault. She was crying because of me.

And I wasn't sure how to fix it.

Adrien 9:37pm: Are you still at her house?

Nino 9:37pm: No, we just left.

I couldn't believe this was happening, I caused all this mess. When I realized I hadn't texted Nino back, ten minutes had flown by, and I felt slightly bad for leaving him hanging.

Adrien 9:47pm: I feel really bad; this is all my fault.

In about two seconds, my phone buzzed with his reply.

Nino 9:47pm: Ya think? You should feel bad.

Geez Nino. What a great friend you are.

Adrien 9:48pm: I'm sorry, Nino.

Nino 9:50pm: Why are you saying sorry to me?! You should be apologizing to Marinette!

Right, of course.

Adrien 9:51pm: Right... um, I'll make sure to make it up to her tomorrow.

Nino 9:53pm: You better...

And with that, the text ended. It ended with a terrifying warning from my friend, which made me want to question if he had actually typed that, or if it had been Alya on the other end the entire time.

I sighed as I laid back on my bed, stress overwhelming my entire being. Plagg flew out from my white, button up shirt to float next to me

"You alright kid?" He asked.

"Not really," I murmured, "I made someone really upset, and I'm not sure how to fix it."

"Ya think?" Plagg replied, his voice lace with a tone that practically sounded like he didn't care.

I immediately sat up annoyed. "Really Plagg? That doesn't make me feel any better..."

Plagg sighed, clearly annoyed as well. Anything that wasn't about cheese annoyed the small kwami. "Well what do you expect me to say? 'Great job Adrien for hurting the poor girl's feelings?'

"No..." I murmured.

"That's what I thought." Plagg almost snapped back sarcastically. "Now come on, try not to dwell over it too much. You were supposed to meet Ladybug for patrol at ten o' clock sharp."

I picked up my phone from beside me to glance back at the screen. My eyes quickly widened when I read the time.

10:05 pm, it read.

Oh shoot. I was five minutes late for our patrol, and tonight was the night I was planning to confess my feelings to Ladybug.

I was going to confess that I loved her.

"Ugh no! I'm five minutes late!" I scrambled out from my bed to quickly pull on my orange sneakers. "Come on, Plagg! Claws out!"



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