03 | what does he know

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Ladybug's POV

I swear if I hadn't had to meet Chat Noir for patrol tonight, I would've stayed home to sulk in my bed. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, and I knew Chat Noir was always in the mood to make conversation. I glanced at my yo-yo screen to check the time and it read 10:12 pm.

Of course Chat Noir was late. That was nothing new to me.

I was tired and it wasn't just from crying. My body was just completely and utterly exhausted, and I didn't want to be out here any longer than I needed to be.

When I was for sure he woundn't show, I turned and extended my yo-yo, about ready to leave, when I heard a thump from behind me. I turned around quickly upon hearing the noise, and sure enough, the black cat I had been waiting so impatiently for to show smiled crookedly at me.

"Hey bugaboo," he purred, his grin only widening as he approached me slowly and took a seat next to me when I had sat back down. "Ready for patrol?" He asked playfully.

I simply nodded, not even bothering to look at him. I was not in the mood for his flirting, or any of his goofing around for that matter.

"Is everything alright?" Chat asked more seriously, once he noticed I was not acting my usual self. When he considered his own thoughts for a moment, he added, "I'm sorry for being late. Something kind of came up."

"It's not that." I reply instantly. I turn just the slightest to now face him, frowning slightly. "I just have a lot on my mind, okay? Can we just get this patrol over with?"

He smiled reassuringly at me. "Sure thing. But first, I was hoping I could talk to you about something that's kind of important."

"Can you make it quick?" I asked urgently. I was a little bit annoyed that he was dragging this out even longer than it needed to be.

"Sure thing M'lady." He grinned. "Whatever your heart desires."

There he went again, flirting with me. I felt my heart crack a little more. Chat Noir was such a gentlemen, unlike some people or 'person' I knew. But his flirting only made my heart clench even more in sadness.

Why did he have to talk to me this way?

"Well, what do you want to say?" I questioned, now giving him a small smile to encourage him to spit out already what he wanted to say.

He smiled back, taking my smile as a good sign to continue. "Well just here me out before you judge, okay?"

I nodded, kind of questioning in my mind on what he meant by judging, but he continued nonetheless. "I know you are really skeptical about showing our identities... and I respect that, but I just wanted to tell you that no matter what... I-I... will always love you. I have really strong feelings for you, Ladybug, and I don't think that will ever change."

And that's when my tears involuntary slipped down my cheeks (even though I had no earthly idea on how they had gotten there in the first place), and I suddenly felt angry. Maybe it was because my heart had already been torn into two, or maybe it was because I was jealous of my alter ego. I didn't know. But once I stood to my feet in rage, there was no stopping the words that came flooding from my lips. "Love? Do you even know what that word means?!" I ask, tears stinging my eyes.

"Of course I do." He replied looking up at me with such a confused and slightly frightened look, also noticing my tears. "Are you crying?" He added with concern.

"Yes I am crying!" I shouted, too inflicted by his confession to show any other emotion other than anger. "I'm tired of hearing that word!"

Chat stood up too, with a confused look on his face. "What's so bad about love?" He asked, still confused by my outrage.

"Everything!" I shouted again. "I hate that word so much..." I whimpered the last part.

"Ladybug," I couldn't tell whether Chat Noir's tone of voice was filled with disappointment, hurt, sadness... or maybe all. To my ears, it had no emotion. "Love can be an amazing, treasurable thing." He said. The tone in his voice seemed like he was trying to understand why I was having such an outburst, but I refused to spill any of my other life out to him.

"You know what else love can be?" I asked, tears stinging my eyes. "Love can be heart breaking when it doesn't get returned."

And with that last thing said, I jumped away. Swinging off on my trusty yo-yo away from his presence, not even caring that I left Chat Noir behind. Alone and to himself.

He said he loved me, but, pfft. What does he know about love?

So much for our patrol.



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