06 | adrien, apologize

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No one's POV

Adrien quietly entered the classroom as the teacher was turned facing the chalk board. He was late. For the first time in history, Adrien Agreste was late for class, and if his father ever found out, he'd be pulled out immediately. Just as Ms. Bustier turned her attention back to the class, Adrien had taken his seat beside Nino, hoping and praying the teacher hadn't noticed his tardiness.

However, she did, and wasn't hesitant to make it noticeable to the whole class.

"Ah Adrien, what a surprise." Ms. Bustier spoke, narrowing a brow somewhat slightly. "Late I see?"

"I apologize, Ms." Adrien unsurely replied, remembering to politely respond. The woman did not smile, but she did nod. Because Adrien was never late to class, she let it slide.

"Apology accepted. Let's not let this happen again, Adrien. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Adrien answered. Averting her attention back to the board, Ms. Bustier reeled back into the lesson at hand, briefly recovering over the points she had made in the lecture once more. Once her attention was off of the class, Nino nudged the blonde's shoulder.

"How was your weekend?" He asked in a hushed tone.

Adrien shrugged his shoulders. "Okay I guess." Though, most of his weekend had been just him and his thoughts, not to mention Plagg's obsession with the cheese weekly magazines. "Just had a lot on my mind."

Nino had a serious look on his face. "I hope whatever has been on your mind lately has to do with your apology for Marinette." He said before jerking a thumb behind him. Turning to see what his friend was pointing at, Adrien turned his head and unintentionally locked eyes with the girl herself.

When their eyes connected, he offered her a small, heartfelt smile. But Marinette pouted, and her lips fell into a slight frown, and he watched her avert her eyes away from him. Her eyes found her sketch book to be more interesting, and he watched as she picked up her pencil to distract herself with doodling. Adrien's smile fell as he turned back around to face the board.

He didn't blame her for being mad.

"Yeah, I have been thinking about that." The blonde whispered back to his friend. "I already tried apologizing before, but she blew me off."

Nino silently chuckled as the teacher continued to write on the board. "Of course she blew you off, she's upset. It's not like you can just walk up to her and say, 'Hey, sorry for not accepting your feelings... best friends again?' You gotta make it up to her somehow."

Hmmmm, well, Adrien didn't think that was such an awful idea. "How?" The curious blonde asked.

Nino shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know man, that's for you to find out. You got yourself in this mess, now you gotta find a way out of it." He said before turning his attention back to the lesson.


Adrien finished packing the rest of his books in his locker. Throughout the entire day, he'd done nothing but try to get Marinette's attention. But every time he approached her, she found a way to evade him. He couldn't blame her for being angry with him, but could she at least give him a chance to explain himself?

Adrien sighed heavily before he swung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way outside. When the blonde made it to the top of the steps exiting the large building, his eyes immediately caught sight of a big group of kids all in a giant circle at the bottom of the steps.

He heard laughing and, yelling? He was afraid of what the yelling could be about. Adrien hastily made his way to the circle, frowning when the chaos only grew louder. Squeezing himself through the crowds of students, Adrien suddenly became clearly aware of what was going on, and once he was able to see what the commotion was all about, he grew angry by the minute.

"Give it back!" Marinette cried, jumping weakly as she tried to retrieve her stolen sketchbook, which was being held high above her head and away from her reach.

Chloé evilly laughed, keeping the book high above the ravenette's head. At Marinette's lame attempts to retrieve it, Chloé dangled the book mockingly. "What? This old thing? All it has is crap in it."

"It's not crap," The bluenette muttered, tears threatening to spill from her bottom lids.

"Oh, it definitely is," Chloé laughed. Growing restless with Marinette's failed attempts, Chloé threw the book aside, letting it clatter to the ground. It spread open, a few pages tearing from the spine as it landed. "It's crap just like you!" Spat Chloé, shoving the teared up girl to the ground a long with her sketchbook. "No wonder Adrien rejected a piece of crap like you!"

That's when the tears finally spilled over, and Marinette crawled helplessly over to her book. Chloé's crackled laughed echoed throughout the air, followed by the snickers and 'ooohs' of her friends and fellowship students. No one bothered to stand up for Marinette, simply choosing to record the scene before them on their cells phones. Chloé simply snickered down at the ravenette in victory.

"Stop this!" A male's voice rang out through the laughs, causing every student around to fall silent. Adrien entered into the middle of the circle, fist clenched at his sides and a frown embedded into his lips as he stared daggers into Chloé's eyes.

"What the heck is your problem, Chloé!?" He growled at her through gritted teeth.

Carelessly, she met his gaze, flipping her ponytail. "Oh please, you know it's true, Adrikins."

Annoyed, he yelled, "Don't call me that!" and averted his full attention onto Marinette, who still laid helplessly on the ground, her head hung in embarrassment.

"Geez Adrien," Chloé muttered after a couple seconds of silence, causing Adrien to revert his eyes back to her. "Why would you stand up for this peasant?"

Adrien clenched his fists. "She's not a peasant, Chloé! You're just jealous because you're nothing like Marinette! You are just a brat who thinks you're better than everyone else because you have money! No one cares how rich you are! Inside the heart is what really matters!"

Chloé just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever... blah blah blah... who cares! I hope one day you'll find out who's really better for you, Adrien. And you'll discover... it's me."

And with that, Chloé walked away from the scene with Sabrina right behind her. At the loss of entertainment, other students began to leave the circle. Slowly, everyone had left the scene until only Marinette and Adrien remained, alone. With a sympathetic gaze, Adrien looked down at the ravenette who had clutched her sketchbook close to her chest.

"Here, let me help you up." He offered, his hand extended down to her petite figure.

"I don't need your help." Marinette muttered as she shakily stood up on her own feet, brushing herself off. Frowning slightly at the bitterness still laced behind her tone, Adrien huffed in frustration.

"Geez, I'd expect you to be upset, I get it. But why won't you let me try and fix what I've done?" Adrien replied, a little annoyed by her stubbornness.

"You can't fix what you said," Marinette said, finally made eye contact with the blonde. In an instant, he could locate the heavy bags under her eyes— not only prominent from her apparently lacking sleep, but swollen from her constant crying. "It's not like you need to apologize anyway," she uttered. "I knew you would never return my feelings. I just took a stupid risk."

"But Mari— " he tried.

"Just drop it, okay?" She interrupted, shaking her head slightly. "Leave me alone."

And before he could press on the matter even more, she had walked away. Leaving him to dwell on what has just happened alone.


God Chloe... what is wrong with you?! I know, y'all probably wanna kill me right now.


What did you expect from a book called 'You broke my heart'?

Ok ok I'm sorry...


Expect more sadness...



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