10 | the encounter

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No one's POV

"Well Mari, this is a good start." Tikki giggled, poking her little head out of the ravenette's pink, hip purse, to send her holder a genuine smile. With a lot of convincing from her kwami, Marinette had decided to finally get out of bed and visit the outdoor shopping mall.

"I guess so," Marinette replied, a small smile occupied her lips. "I feel a little better."

"See?" Tikki smiled, "I told you getting out of that dark room was a good idea."

Marinette smiled, and in all truth, it had been quite a while since she'd last had a reason to. And it felt good. As she went to reply to her kwami, she immediately paused in her strides when she spotted a certain blonde female, only a couple of feet away from herself, situated outside of one of the shops: the hat shop to be exact.

"Oh no," Backing away slowly from the scene, the ravenette began to internally freak. She had to get away from here.

"Marinette?" Tikki poked her head out once more, full of concern, trying to understand what had dampened her holder's happy mood. "What happened? Are you okay?"

But Marinette ignored her, for there were more important things she had to deal with besides her kwami's concern. Marinette could not be seen. The ravenette immediately turned around, her back facing Chloé as she tried to even out her breathing. She couldn't let Chloé see her. She had to get out of here!

"Well look who it is!" The voice called out to her suddenly, and Marinette mentally froze. At the sound of a new voice entering the atmosphere, Tikki dove back into the purse to hide. Chloé crackled a laugh, seemingly closer to the ravenette than before. "It's Mari-trash!"

Marinette grumbled to herself as the blonde and her minion, Sabrina, approached her. "I'm tired of that nickname, Chloé." Hesitantly, the ravenette turned back around to face the blonde witch.

Chloé simply snickered. "Too bad. It suits you well."

"What do you want?" Marinette spat pathetically, watching helplessly as she listened to Chloé and Sabrina mockingly laugh at her existence.

"What do I want? What do I want?" The blonde mocked. "Well..." Chloé scanned the ravenette from head to toe until she noticed a simple wallet grasped in between Marinette's fingertips.

The blonde smirked, another evil scheme popping quickly into her head. "I want..." Chloé tapped her chin innocently," Hmmm... THIS!" She exclaimed suddenly, and before Marinette could even react, her wallet had been snatched out of her grasp.

"Ooooooh, Sabrina, look!" Chloé sarcastically pretended to be excited, pulling out Marinette's cash to wave it in front of the ravenette's face. "One hundred and fifty eros, perfect for that sun hat I wanted."

"Oh yes!" Sabrina grinned, "It looked absolutely fabulous on you, Chloé!"

"But you have money..." Marinette interjected, tears threatening to spill once again. "Why do you need mine?"

"Need? Need is a strong word." Chloé crackled, "I don't need this... I WANT it! And I always get what I want."

Marinette wanted to protest but she just... couldn't. Her happy mood had once again been crushed by Chloé.

"Come on, Sabrina." Chloé ordered after there was a moment of silence. She snickered one last time at the ravenette, who had once again hung her head down in embarrassment, before walking away, waving the money high above her head for all to see. "We're done here."

"Coming!" The scarlet-headed girl replied before scampering away.

The tears that had been building upon her bottom lids slowly began to fall down Marinette's cheeks. She turned her back towards the shopping mall and simply began to run, despite whoever watched oddly at her retreating figure.

All she did was run.

Just run.

If Marinette could run away from reality, she would.

She was just so tired.

Tired of feeling rejection and tired of being bullied. Why did Chloé always find glee in making fun of her? What had she ever done to get on that blonde's bad side? She had always been kind to Chloé ever since the first day she had met her, but that witch had always hated her from the beginning. And she still couldn't understand why.

By the time Marinette even realized where she had run off to, she somehow ended up on a side of town she was not familiar with. She slowed down her pace, breathing heavily as she began to walk a little, trying to locate something familiar. Anything that she recognized that could lead her home. But her surroundings remained foreign, and with little hope left, Marinette eventually gave up.

What was the point of trying anyway?

Making her way into a narrow alley way, Marinette slid her back against the wall before lowering herself down into the hard pavement. She brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She laid her head in her arms and began to release every tear she'd been previously trying to hold back.

She wept heavily and she let it all flow. This time around, she didn't feel as much shame when she cried aloud. There was no one around to judge her. She was alone. And there is only so much a girl can hold in before she simply just breaks.

Tikki popped her head out once more to look up at her holder with a sympathetic look in her eye. The kwami felt bad, like this was partially her fault for Marinette's sadness. But what else could she do?

There was a long moment of just crying, all the while as Tikki tried to decide on what she could tell Marinette to comfort her. The whole point of her leaving her room was so that she would feel better, and now... Tikki felt as if this was all her fault for even placing the idea in Marinette's head. Tikki was the one who had gotten her to leave her room in the first place. To think it all could have been avoided in the first place.

They were both too preoccupied in the ravenette's sorrows, that neither of them noticed a small, black butterfly fluttering their way, until it suddenly disappeared, corrupting the soul of its victim.

By the time Tikki had noticed the Akuma's strike, it had been too late. "No Mari!" Tikki yelled, her little eyes widening fearfully as she was forcefully sucked into the miraculous against her holder's command. Marinette, now under the influence of the akuma's control, angrily lifted her head, a purple butterfly outline now appearing across her face.

"Lady Luck, I am Hawkmoth," Echoed a deep, masculine voice in her head. "And I am giving you the power to get rid of those who have hurt you. But most importantly, you must do something for me in return."

"And what would that be?" Marinette asked, a smirk slightly forming on her lips.

"You must retrieve Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous!" Hawkmoth voice bellowed through her mind. "Do we have a deal?"

"Consider it done, Hawkmoth." Marinette snarled as she stood up, allowing the black substance of Hawkmoth's possession to consume her entire being.


Hope you guys liked this chapter! If not... I mean... clicking that little down there would really brighten my day!

Just joking of course.

But, I mean... consider it?


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