09 | stupidity killed the cat

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Adrien's POV

"Gawh! I'm so stupid!" I flopped onto my bed in frustration, groaning as I rubbed the ball of my palms into my sockets. What have I done? Or more importantly, what am I going to do?

Marinette is Ladybug and Ladybug is Marinette, which means... I just rejected the love of my life!

How more idiotic can I possibly be?

Plagg, my cheese-loving kwami, hovered next to me, an amused grin spread across his tiny, little lips as he watched my pathetic self.

"Who knew, huh?" Plagg laughed, one of his tiny paws clutching his stomach, and the other, pointed mockingly at me as he laughed. "This whole time Ladybug has been sitting behind you in school! And you didn't even know! Oh! The irony!"

I sighed angrily, rolling my eyes in the process as I watched my kwami laugh up a storm. Plagg wasn't making this situation any easier. "You're not helping Plagg." I scolded.

"I'm just saying..." Plagg wiped a fake tear from underneath his bottom lid before making his way over to my pillow. As my kwami got himself comfortable, I stood up from my bed and began to pace back and forth. Plagg's eyes followed my movements closely.

"How could I not have known?" I asked myself, pacing back and forth in my room as I still tried to comprehend everything I had just discovered. "Marinette and Ladybug have so many similarities. I should have noticed!"

Plagg simply nodded in agreement to my obliviousness, watching as I talked to myself.

"Plagg, what should I do?" I now asked him, turning my head to look over at him. I was hoping my kwami could give me some good advice. When he didn't answer me right away, I averted my gaze from his and continued to pace back and forth, resuming my rambling.

"I rejected Marinette because I love Ladybug... and it turns out I rejected Ladybug! This is a disaster!" I continued to stress, bringing my hands up to grab fist-fulls of my blonde locks.

What was I going to do?

How was I going to fix this?

I heard a chuckled echo from the midst of my bed sheets. "I'll say," Plagg muttered amusingly, and at the sound of his humor, I immediately turned my head to shoot him a glare.

When he saw my reaction, his eyes widened slightly. "Alright alright," Plagg put up his tiny paws in defense. "Telling her you know her identity would be a good start."

"Are you insane?!" I shot my hands up, tugging on my hair once again, almost ripping it all out of my head. "If I say that, I'll have to explain how I found out!"

"Is that really the problem?" Plagg asked, raising an eyebrow before he suddenly smirked, "Unless... stalker much?" The kwami laughed, and I narrowed a brow at him in response.

I shook my head, unamused. "Really Plagg? Stop making jokes. I wasn't stalking her. I was just making sure she was okay."

"You can call it that if you want." Plagg replied, and in response, I simply averted my gaze away from him, ignoring him. I wished he would take things seriously instead of always thinking everything was a joke, or making sarcastic remarks.

After a moment of silence, I heard him sigh, "Look kid," his tone suddenly grew serious. Reluctantly, I turned back to face him. "You fell in love with the girl you rejected. I'm sure if you explain that to Marinette, she'll understand."

My eyes widened at him, my irises slightly filled with worry. "But—" I went to protest.

His serious manner had vanished as quick as it had came. "It's the only way to fix your mistake." He sang playfully, cutting me off.

I turned away from him again to ponder over his advice. What was I even thinking? How would I be able to explain to Marinette that I rejected her because I loved her...? As Ladybug? As much as I wanted to ignore Plagg and find another way around the situation, I knew he was right. Somehow, I was going to have to explain how I rejected her, because I was too focused on nothing but her alter ego. Now I just had to figure out how I was gonna say it to her face. Or if she was ever going to give me that chance.



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