22 | a date?

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Marinette's POV

I had a questioning day today. I mean, wouldn't you if Chat Noir just showed up at your house telling you he's 'taking you out'? He insisted on buying dinner, and since it would be all over the news if I was caught with Chat Noir at a diner, he decided to have a picnic up on the Eiffel Tower instead. When I got there, I was very surprised to see the scene he had set out. It was definitely something I would've never expected. We ate, we laughed, and we talked, just enjoying the view and our time together.

I'd have to admit, it's one of the nicest things a guy has ever done for me.

We waked down the sidewalk together as he walked me home, his arm draped around my shoulders. I actually enjoyed this with him; spending time with Chat Noir actually wasn't that bad. He was a funny guy; flirty, but funny. It was definitely a different experience, but I had a lot of fun. I hadn't felt this happy in a while, but the thing that'd been tugging in my mind the whole time was the question: what brought this on?

Why would Chat Noir want to take me, of all people, out? I mean, didn't Chat Noir love Ladybug? And he's over here asking plain, old Marinette out for dinner?

"Chat?" I decided it was now or never to ask him.

He looked down at me and smiled, "Yes Purr-cess?" (Edit from older self: ew cringe)

I giggled at the pun. What why?! Seriously it's a pun! Get a grip Mari!

"What brought this on?"

He tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Why did you want to take me out?" I asked. I really wanted to know. I mean, it's kind of random to just show at some one's house and kind of force them to go out with you— not that I minded.

The response he gave me, of course, was not what I was expecting to hear. "Can a prince not take his princess out on a date?" He grinned.

I gulped. A date? He wanted to take 'me' on a date?

He actually considered this a date?

"A-A d-date?" I stuttered, mentally cursing myself for letting it slip.

"Yes," he leaned a little more into me, keeping his arm tightly wrapped around my shoulders. "Is that a purrroblem?"

I gulped again, completely ignoring his pun as I tried to keep my eyes away from his. "No... no-no... that's uh-not... w-what I... meant... I-I mean..."

"It's okay, Mari," He smiled, interrupting me as he chuckled. I blushed, Geez, I'm so stupid. I'm an embarrassing mess; it would explain why Adrien turned me down. I immediately shook my head at those thoughts. Why am I even thinking about Adrien right now? I'm with Chat Noir right now and I should enjoy it. It's not everyday you get to hang out with a superhero. I was immediately snapped out of my thoughts when he swooped me up into his arms again, and I squealed in surprise as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Chat Noir!" I screeched as he pulled out his baton. "A warning before you swoop me up into your arms would be nice!"

He only chuckled in amusement before extending his baton and jumping up towards my balcony. Climbing up carefully, he jumped onto my balcony before placing me down safely. Chat Noir jumped up after me before retracting his baton and stepping off the railing next to me.

"That was fun," he grinned like a coward, and it made me blush. No Marinette, what are you doing?! You can't have another crush... are you insane?!

"You know princess," Chat leaned close into my face before I could say anything, and I couldn't help but gulp at how close he was. "You're very cute when you're nervous."

My eyes immediately widened at his comment. "Me??! Nervous?!" Play it cool Marinette. "No way!"

Chat just smiled, still very close to my face. "Fine, then you're very cute when you lie."

I pushed him lightly at his chest, causing him to back up away from my face. "That was not a lie." Yes it was. "I'm not nervous!" Yes I am.

"Okay okay." He put his hands up in defense before he began to approach me again. Being the cocky, mischievous cat he was, he didn't hesitate to rest his forehead against mine. And I don't know why I didn't push him away. "Did you have fun tonight?"

I didn't have to think twice on that. "I did, Chat Noir. Which hasn't happened in a while. Thank you." It was a genuine thank you. Chat Noir really was a sweetheart, even if I didn't actually want to admit that to him. It would boost his ego way too much.

He just smiled as he stared into my eyes. I wonder what he is thinking?

Before I could think anymore, Chat Noir learned forward, and his lips brushed against mine softly. I froze at the sudden physical contact, my eyes wide, but I fell under his spell, and I allowed myself to melt into the kiss. I closed my eyes and began to kiss him back. I felt Chat grin into the kiss once he realized I was kissing him back, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his hands on my hips. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his neck, and I began to play with the little, blonde hairs at the back of his neck as he deepened the kiss. When Chat Noir nipped at my bottom lip playfully, I giggled into his mouth. Never in my life did I think I would be kissing a superhero, especially Chat Noir. He was first to pull away from their kiss for a breath of air, and he laughed airily, rubbing his nose against mine. He pulled away away completely, offering me a goofy smile. I scrunched up my nose, but smiled dreamingly as I watched him near the railing.

When he reached my balcony, he stood up on it and blew a kiss at me, which had me rolling my eyes playfully in return. "I had fun too, princess."

I smiled sweetly before he bowed towards me, doing his two finger salute, "Until next time," and he extended his baton before jumping away, leaving me starstruck.


And there's your daily Marichat for you.

What is your favorite ship?

Tbh, I think I like Adrienette the best but that's just me...

Edit from older self: why in the world did I make Chat Noir call her princess 💀


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