24 | an odd gift

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Adrien's POV

"Alya! Alya!" I called out, once her and Marinette had separated. The school day was over and it was time to investigate.

"Hey Adrien, what's up?" She asked once I caught up to her, and as I caught my breath, I began walking casually next to her on the sidewalk.

"Is... uh... Marinette's favorite color pink?" I questioned, slightly nervous.

She nodded. "Yes," she looked at me questionably. "Why are you asking me that?"

"No apparent reason." I lied, my eyes quickly darting away from hers as she stared at me curiously.

She grinned. "Sure whatever," as she continued to walk down the sidewalk, and I followed her eagerly.

"So uh-just out of curiosity, what were you guys so excited about today?" I asked curiously. "That magazine really made you two happy."

Alya looked at me puzzled. "Well they're having a sale at one of our favorite stores in the mall."

"Sounds like clothes," I answered lamely.

Alya cleared her throat. "Well I mean... yeah... it's in that category."

I smiled. Whatever they were ecstatic about I just had to get it for Marinette. It made her happy.

And I will be her source of happiness once again.

"What kind of clothing?" I questioned after the short pause.

Alya literally choked on her own saliva. "Ummm... why do you want to know?"

"Does it matter?" I playfully shot back.

"Well if you must know..." She smiled widely, as if she was about to crack up laughing. "It's... bras... from Victoria Secret."

Hahahahaha... what?

"Wait," My eyes slightly widened in realization. "Did you just say—"

"Yes I did," Alya started laughing, interrupting my sentence. "That's what happens when you're nosey, Agreste."

I groaned, obviously not very comfortable with this topic. "God. Why in school? Girls are crazy." I laughed.

"Why not?" Alya joked, nudging me lightly in the shoulder. "Honestly, it was making Marinette happy, and that's enough for me."

I smiled at that thought. Yes this would make Marinette very happy. A pink... bra. Just lovely.

"This may sound like an odd question but..." I trailed off, "Uh... what size would y-you be in—"

"Are you really asking me what my bra size is?"

"Uhh..." I was looking anywhere but in her eyes. "Well—"

"You're not going to buy me a bra, are you Adrien?" Alya didn't exactly look like she was upset surprisingly. She did look mischievous, though.

I laughed nervously. "What!? No! It's not like that—"

"Chill boy!" Alya laughed, interrupting me once again. "I'm just messing with you!"

I sighed in relief and Alya just chuckled.

"I'm a 36 A." She told me. "And you better make sure that info stays in here." She tapped my forehead with her index finger. "I'm trusting you with sacred information here."

"Of course," I bowed. Aw shoot! Don't let your Chat show through! "I won't tell a soul."

"Odd that you want to know that." She laughed.

I just smiled nervously. Don't press anymore Alya. Don't press anymore. Drop it please.

"Ok Adrien, well, I gotta go." She punched my shoulder playfully. "Good luck with whatever you're up too! See you later!"

I waved and rubbed the spot she hit as I watched her run off. Next stop... Victoria Secret? This is unreal, out of all stores. Just remember, it's for Marinette.


Do they even have a Victoria Secret in Paris?
Oh well.
This chapter was funny to write tbh; also slightly fun.
I mean, they're all fun, but you know what I mean...
Yeah I know it seems a little odd that the girls were looking at a magazine of bras at school, but if you're a girl, then you know best friends talk about pretty much everything together.


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