28 | liars don't gain trust

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Marinette's POV

I sat on my chaise that night, my hands in my lap as I stared at nothing. There were no words to express what I felt right now. Anger, sadness, played with, used?

I felt so stupid.

He was using me... just using me.
What kind of person would have a heart like that? I felt so... happy, different, alive when he came around. And now? Now I just felt used.

Adrien... he's Chat Noir.
Chat Noir... he's Adrien.

After figuring that out the hard way, processing this information was not so easy to do at 10:30 at night. Why would Adrien do something like this to me? He already hurt me once; did he find joy in hurting me multiple times?

Was he having the time of his life?

He lied.

He used me.

Was this some kind of joke to him?

There was no way he was going to get the thrill of hurting me again this time. I knew that Chat Noir would most likely show up tonight, and I was waiting patiently for his arrival.

Just then, as if I had jinxed myself, I heard multiple, light taps on my window. I knew he had finally arrived, but did he really deserved to be let in? I sighed. No matter how much I never wanted him to set foot in here again, I knew I had to let him in. I was going to confront him about everything.

I stood up and climbed up the ladder that led to my bed, so that I could unlock the small window. Once I opened it, I saw that stupid cat sitting there with a wide grin spread across his lips. I felt the urge to slap it off of him, but I held myself back. Violence wouldn't solve anything. I didn't even bother to greet him, instead climbing back down my ladder silently. I heared him close the window behind him as he entered my room. By the time he climbed down the steps, I was already sitting back on my chaise.

"Sorry its late." He apologized, standing in front of me... not too close. "I meant to come a little earlier, I just got a bit distracted today."

I didn't answer him. I just sat there thinking of what I should say to him first. What should I say first?

He didn't seem to notice my behavior quite yet, because he brought on the teasing right away. "Are you wearing the bra yet? I bet it's the best one you've ever warn. Ten points to the incredible Chat Noir."

He flattered himself like he was a god, and it made me grow even more angry.

"Umm, Mari?" He finally noticed my concentration, my silence, and the tension that filled the room as I thought heavily, and I could hear the shakiness and uncertainty in his voice as he asked, "Are you okay?"

"No," I answered flatly, and I finally raised my head to loo up at him, only to find his worried emerald, green eyes staring back at me. "We need to talk, Chat Noir."

I swear I heard him gulp as he shifted a little. He gestured to the empty space beside her on her chaise. "Do you want me to—"

"Stay there." I instructed, interrupting him. What was I doing? How was I gonna do this?

"Okay?" He gave me a questionable look, but he didn't move from where he stood. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

What did I want to talk about? Everything! I wanted to know why he rejected me in his civilian form. I wanted to know why he was visiting me as Chat Noir. I wanted to know why he took me out, why he KISSED me if he didn't like me back. I wanted to know why he was messing around with my feelings. I wanted to know what he got out of all of this. Without even thinking, my brain stopped trying to decide what to say first... and I blurted out the first thing that hurt me the most, "You lied."

We both stared at each other for quite sometime in complete silence, and I could tell he was a little shocked by my accusation, and slightly confused.

"What are you taking about?" He raised an eyebrow.

Okay, now that... that was wrong. He knew he lied. He knew he's been lying to me, and yet, he's trying to hide his lies. The fact that he knew he'd been caught really made me angry.

"Don't pretend that you don't know what I'm taking about." I snapped back, my eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

I think he realized he couldn't hide his scheme any longer, because his eyes quickly softened. "Mari—"

"No, no," I said calmly, interrupting him as I stood to my feet slowly. "Just listen, very carefully, to what I'm about to say."

I'm sure he could hear the sarcasm in my voice, and I watched as he shifted a bit, and I heard him gulp. But, he kept his mouth shut.

"You have a lot a nerve... you know that?" I questioned him, now beginning to slowly walk around my room. His eyes followed my figure carefully. "A lot a nerve to play around with me. Do you think this is some kind of game, Chat Noir?"

"No..." He gulped, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Are you sure?" I asked, the sarcasm clear in my voice. "Did you really think I would never find out?"

He gulped as his eyes continued to follow me. He kept his head low though... not saying a word.

"Why are you playing around with me?!"

I watched as his ears pressed flat into his head.

"Did you really think I was that stupid?" I chuckled to myself, trying hard to not let any tears escape their prison.

His head was down now and his ears were dropped. His gaze remained fixated on the floor as I continued my pace.

"It's funny how you say one thing, but the moment you put on your costume, you say something completely different." I continued bitterly, and that's when he lifted his head to look up at me.

"Mari... it's not like that..."

"Oh really?" I questioned in a sarcastic tone. "Then explain to me what it's like. Because to me... it's exactly what it looks like."

He gulped, "Look... it's complicated, okay? I... I was just... trying to... fix my... mistake—"

"And how were you planning to do that?" I questioned sarcastically. "By hurting me again?"

"No, no, Marinette... it's not what you think—"

"You lied to me!" I cried, tears beginning to spill down my cheeks as I stared at him. "Did you honestly think that by lying to me you would make things better?"

He didn't have an answer for that.

"What did you think would happen when I found out?!" I cried. "Or did you ever plan on telling me the truth?"

His silence was all I needed to know.

I continued, "You know, I always knew Chat Noir was a flirt, but I didn't know he was a player too. Chat Noir the player... now that I think about it, it has a nice ring to it. It fits your description."

His head immediately snapped up back to mine in shock. "I would never—"

"Don't forget to add that to your tinder bio, Chat Noir. You might want to, if you want to attract all the ladies."

Chat Noir gaped at her. "I won't—"

"I honestly don't want to hear your excuse." I spat, interrupting him. I then walked over to my desk where the gift bag was, with the bra tucked inside. The gift he had given me last night. "Here!" I shoved the bag into his chest. "I don't want this anymore!"

I didn't want a reminder of how you hurt me again.

It hurt. It hurt a lot more this time around, especially after everything he had done... after everything I was beginning to feel. It just wasn't fair. Was I not meant to have genuine happiness in my life? Where was my Ladybug luck when I needed it the most.

Chat looked at me in shock as he quickly scrambled to grip onto the bag before it could fall to the floor. "But Mari—"

"No," I said interrupting him, "I trusted you, Chat Noir. I actually started to feel happy with you again..." The tears that had been collecting in my eyes began to roll heavily down my cheeks. This time, I didn't try to stop them. "You lied to me! I knew it was to good to be true... to feel actually happy with someone. That will never happen to me."

He looked straight into my eyes, and the look he had to offer me was mournful and sympathetic and nothing but fake. What a liar, I couldn't help but think.

"I don't want to see you here, or at school, or anywhere for that matter." I continued on. "I never want to talk to you again."

I almost burst out crying right then and there. I didn't want this. I love him! But, I had to this. I couldn't allow myself to be treated this way. I couldn't deal with the pain anymore, and I didn't want to get hurt anymore.

"Leave," I told him bluntly, more plainly. "And don't come back."

He still continued to look at me with pleading eyes, as if he was expecting me to change my mind. I shook my head in disappointment, heart break, and tears.

"Goodbye, Chat Noir."

I turned around this time, my back facing him. I heard him sniffle and shift a bit as he held the gift bag in his clawed hands. He didn't say a word, but I heard his footsteps patter across my floor as he climbed up my ladder and opened the window. He climbed onto the window sill, getting ready to leap away, and that was when I heard him finally speak.

"Goodbye princess..."

And then he was gone.


Wow, that was one of the sadest things I've ever written.
How can I be so cruel?
Omg, this literally almost made me cry :'(
(Edit from older self: after re-reading this, I was nowhere near close to shedding a single tear)
Oh my word, I did this to myself.


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