29 | blame yourself

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No one's POV

What would you do if you knew everything was your fault?

If you knew all your problems were caused because of you?

And... you could've prevented it, made sure that it never happened, but it was just one mistake that started it all...

And don't we all make mistakes?

Don't we all fail? Fail ourselves? Fail others? Disappoint the ones who love us? And become a disappointment to the ones we love?

It was a Saturday.

A lonely, boring, Saturday for Adrien Agreste. A sad and depressing weekend as he walked across the streets of Paris... alone... lost— lost in what to do anymore.

He had made another terrible mistake, a stupid, ridiculous decision that had caused him to be in this mess, and now... now he was lost.


He was so tired.

Tired of trying.

Should he just give up?

Trying seemed useless at this point.

He thought he could hide it, hide it from her. That way he could make things right and hopefully receive forgiveness from his rational decision.

He had made her happy, she had told him this, and it made him happy knowing he was the cause of her happiness once again...

...until his secret was spilled.

She knew.

She knew somehow that he was Chat Noir.

She somehow figured it out.

What was he to do?

How did she find out?

What could he do?

Should he tell her he knows who she is too?

Tell her that he knows she's Ladybug?

His love?

His bugaboo?

His lady?

Could he even fix this?

Adrien groaned in annoyance at all the thoughts running through his head as he crossed the street and made his way to the park. He forcefully plopped himself down onto a park bench and brought his hands to his hair.


Stress was all he felt.

He ruined it, didn't he?

There was nothing more he could do was there?

"Ahhhhh!" Adrien shouted in frustration as he pulled on his blonde locks. He was all alone. No one set their foot in that park while he was there.

Plagg poked his head out for just a second from Adrien's shirt, only to cower back into hiding when he heard his owner's yelling.

Adrien wanted to punch himself. He once again made another foolish, selfish mistake.

"This is all my fault," Adrien whimpered to himself as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He brought his hands up to face to cover his eyes. "I ruined everything..."

He was warned.

Nino had warned him.

"Why didn't I just tell her the truth..." He cried to himself.

She wanted nothing more to do with him.

She didn't want to see him.

She never wanted to see him again.

But he thought he could handle it.

He thought he could hide it.

He thought she wouldn't find out.

At least not this soon...

But she did.

And she pushed him away.

Told him to leave.

Told him to never come back.

She was angry, furious with him.

He couldn't blame her though...

He had to blame himself.


Dang it! This chapter is soooo depressing... what is wrong with me!? I apologize for any feels that were spilled...


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