As The Months Go By

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3 Months
Chuuya was 3 months pregnant now, and he and Fyodor had began living together at this point in his pregnancy. Fyodor had kept his promise and he had been there every step of the way. Fyodor made sure Chuuya ate healthy not only for himself but for the baby, and that he was comfortable. Chuuya was more than cute while being pregnant Fyodor thought but, Chuuya’s mood swings were horrible. And Fyodor kind of treaded on thin ice when it came to what was okay to say. Chuuya was currently getting dressed and Fyodor smiled watching the ginger pick out his clothes for the day.

“How cute is my petite mon chérie.” Fyodor said as he kissed the top of Chuuya’s head and smiled.

Chuuya started sobbing uncontrollably and Fyodor was more than confused at the gingers sudden out burst. “Mon chérie what’s wrong…?”

“I’m not small at all. I’m getting so fat and… ugly.”

Fyodor shook his head immediately and he kissed Chuuya again and again, and he smiled. “Mon Chuuya est adorable et mignon. Tu es belle ma chérie.” Fyodor smiled as he kissed Chuuya again and rubbed his stomach softly.

“Vraiment…? Vous le pensez vraiment…?”

“Oui, mon amour.”

At this Chuuya smiled as he turned around and hugged Fyodor tightly. Fyodor hugged him back, happy that he could comfort his lover.

4 Months
Chuuya was currently sitting on the couch and he pouted as he wasn’t able to find exactly what he was looking for in the kitchen. A nice slice of blueberry pie, ice cream on top, with whip and a cherry, and warmed up. That was Chuuya’s ideal slice of pie. And Chuuya’s cravings at this point where now more demanding. Fyodor would know because he is currently at the store getting Chuuya all his favorite junk food. Fyodor sighed as he had everything else but quickly realized this grocery store didn’t have blueberry pie like Chuuya wanted. Fyodor pulled out his phone went through his contacts, and called the ginger. After 3 rings Chuuya answered the phone.


“Mon chérie, they don’t have blueberry pie. They’ve ran out.”

Fyodor hear Chuuya’s groan of protest through the phone. 

“But I really wanted blueberry…”

Fyodor sighed but then of course smiled as he gave into his pregnant lovers needs.

“I will go to a different market to see if they have it okay?”

Chuuya smiled happily. “Thank you Fyodor.”

“Anything for you mon chérie.”

5 Months
The morning sickness had finally subsided. It was no wear near as bad as it use to be and Chuuya was grateful for that as was Fyodor. He hated seeing the ginger feeling so ill all the time. But since the ginger was feeling better now, Fyodor decided going out on a date would be good for them both. Especially Chuuya. Since he was so high risk during his pregnancy he always had to take it easy, and taking it easy meant constantly being trapped in the house and it began driving the red head insane. So currently they were out on a beauty Sunday sunny afternoon in Yokohama taking a stroll around the park, laughing, and talking, watching the other parents children play and then Chuuya spotted it.

“Fyodor!” Chuuya called.

Fyodor came over and smiled seeing the amazement in Chuuya’s eyes. “Do you want one, mon chérie?”

Chuuya quickly nodded, and Fyodor thought it was so cute how little gestures like this made Chuuya the happiest.

“One please.” Fyodor asked the man in charge of the crepe stand, and the man nodded. He quickly made the crepe, and handed it to Chuuya as Fyodor paid. Chuuya smiled happily as he bit into the crepe.

“Mmm.” Chuuya hummed happily.

Fyodor chuckled as he kissed Chuuya’s forehead. Chuuya blushed at this and turned away looking embarrassed.

“Aaah don’t look at me like that.”

“Whatever you say mon chérie.” Fyodor said chuckling.

6 Months
Chuuya was half way through now. And due to Chuuya being a high risk pregnancy and not really knowing when his baby would make an appearance he wanted to go ahead and have his baby shower. Better safe than sorry. He was going to plan it himself but as usual Kouyou insisted Chuuya let her do it, and that woman was stubborn, in the end he lost the bet and had to settle for her doing it. 

It was a beautiful baby shower. Everyone from the Port Mafia chipped in a bit to help. Rather it was food or gifts for Chuuya and the baby. They all did their best to make it happen, and Chuuya couldn’t be more than happy. But of course he thought the bed part was the gender reveal. Breaking open the box during the party for a bunch of blue balloons to fly up made everyone excited, and happy. Everyone was already fighting over how much like the ginger the baby boy would be like, and Chuuya thought it was funny. The day had went fantastic, and after the party their was a lot of cleaning up to bed done. Chuuya was going to do it but Fyodor took the cleaning supplies from him and guided Chuuya to the bedroom gently.

“Rest love. Take a bath and go to sleep.”

Chuuya was getting ready to protest but Fyodor shook his head, and Chuuya sighed as he understood, so he obliged and just relaxed like the Russian man suggested.

7 Months
Chuuya leaned down as he was trying to tie his own shoes. He groaned in annoyance as he realized tying his shoe was near impossible with his big belly in the way. Fyodor walked into the living room and noticed his lover distress. Fyodor chuckled and Chuuya pouted as he thought it was quite not humorous but within the next second Fyodor was at his side tying up his shoes for him. Fyodor smiled as he did so. As he always thought anything for his dear.

8 Months
Sleeping comfortably, well at this point it was near impossible. To make things more comfortable for Chuuya, Fyodor bought him a body pillow, and that helped him sleep more than comfortable. And for that Chuuya was grateful and Fyodor was happy to make him happy.

9 Months
After many months of Fyodor make sure Chuuya was comfortable and stress free. Their had finally come the time for the baby to be born. Nakahara Rei was born November 20th, 2017, 5 pounds 12 ounces, 17 inches long. Rei had dark brunette hair so dark it could almost be considered black, and his eyes were a deep brown that could be considered close to ruby red. Chuuya loves his son more than anything in this world, and even though Rei wasn't Fyodor’s biological child he loved him just as much and would keep his promise to them both.

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