Be Strong

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As promised Chuuya had went to the doctor with Kouyou without any complaints. The doctor told Chuuya he was already 10 weeks pregnant. Chuuya didn’t even realize he was already that far along. The doctor told him it was no wonder he was so sick especially since he needed prenatal vitamins immediately after realizing he was pregnant. Once the doctor did a full check up, and checked on the baby. He prescribed Chuuya prenatal vitamins, and told Chuuya he needed to take it easy, and just rest. Chuuya sighed at this. This would put a damper in his work. But Kouyou insisted just as hard as the doctor that he needed rest and that Mori would just have to understand. Chuuya nodded listening to the woman that was the closest thing to a mother, and with that being said here Chuuya was now. Currently laying in bed. Doing absolutely nothing. Chuuya had already did everything around the house he could, he cleaned, he read, he looked up information on pregnancy and what to expect, things he could and could not do, and Chuuya was going insane with all this unnecessary free time. Dazai had popped up a few times already to check on him, but to Dazai Chuuya was just merely sick. And as Chuuya started to show more he couldn’t let Dazai around, but he usually just annoyed the red head to the point that Chuuya kicked him out anyway. Chuuya was getting beyond bored until he heard a knock at the door. Chuuya got up slowly, and he opened his bedroom door. Chuuya made his way to the front door of the apartment and he opened the door slowly and was met with the raven haired man who took care of him last week.

“Fyodor. What are you doing here?”

“You owe me dinner remember? But I figured since you were in poor condition the last time we spoke, we could stay inside and I make you dinner.” Fyodor smiled.

Chuuya smiled back. “That’s really sweet. Come in. You must be freezing.” Chuuya stepped to the side so Fyodor could come in. As soon as he was Chuuya shut the door behind him and locked it.

“I hope you like pasta.”

“Pasta is fine. It sounds great actually.” Chuuya smiled.

“Good because I make a killer homemade pasta sauce.” Fyodor chuckled as he started putting the ingredients down on the counter.

“Mind if I help? I’ve been resting all day and well. I’m pretty tired of it.”

“Of course.” Fyodor smiled.

Chuuya nodded as he grabbed a pot from under the cabinet, and a pan for the meat. Fyodor took the pan and sat it on the stove and he went over to the kitchen sink after washing his hands thoroughly. Once his hands were washed well he patted them dry, and switched the hot water to cold and grabbed the pot from Chuuya filling it up with cold water. Fyodor put the pot on the stove after it was filled up, and while waiting for the water to boil he sprayed the cooking pan and added the meat to the pan.

“Do you mind cutting the tomatoes, mon cher?”

“I don’t mind.” Chuuya smiled. Chuuya grabbed a knife out the drawer and he sat it on the counter as he grabbed the tomatoes. Chuuya went to the sink and washed the tomatoes off, and then he dried them well before staring to cut the tomatoes. Chuuya also washed his hands thoroughly before beginning to do so. Chuuya cut them up completely and placed them in a bowl for Fyodor to use later. Fyodor added the tortellini pasta to the boiling water, and then he strained the meat letting the grease drain. While Fyodor went back to the stove and stirred the pasta, Chuuya grated the parmesan cheese into a bowl. Fyodor took the meat and put it back into the original pan he had it in but now the pan had pasta sauce in it that he had made. It didn’t take much longer for the pasta to fully cook, and Chuuya was sure grateful when it was. He hadn’t ate since 2 pm and it was about time he did.

Fyodor smiled as he made himself and Chuuya a plate of pasta with garlic bread on the side. Chuuya and Fyodor sat at the table across from each other, and Chuuya started eating his pasta and widened his eyes in surprise.

“This is really delicious!” Chuuya said happily and his stomach agreed to the satisfying filling.

Fyodor smiled at Chuuya. “I am glad I was able to appetize your hunger. So tell me Chuuya what do you do?”

“I work for an organization as an executive. Yourself?”

“I am the boss of an organization. Rats in The House of The Dead.”

“Really? I’ve never heard of you before.”

“We are a very secret organization. We plan discretely, and in the shadows.”

“I see. That’s not a bad thing I suppose.”

“Indeed it isn’t. Do you have a significant other?”

Chuuya gulped at this. “N-no… I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time.”

“What? You can’t be serious. A beauty like you surely must have someone.”

Chuuya blushed at the mans comment. “No… just me… I’ve loved someone but he left… 4 years ago… and when I did see him again it was just for a quick drunken hook up… and now here I am… stupidly pregnant with our child…”

“I am sorry Chuuya. For what he has done. I can not imagine the pain he must have caused you, and you deserve better. Does he know that you are…?”

“No. God no… and I don’t plan on telling him. I don’t want to give him the chance to hurt our… no… my baby like he did me…”

“I do not blame you. I understand that you just want to protect your child. But how are you going to do it all alone Chuuya?”

“I- I don’t know… And honestly I am terrified… But I will do what I have to…”

Fyodor reached out placing his hand on top of Chuuya’s and he smiled. “Don’t worry. I will not let you go through this alone.”

“Fyodor… I couldn’t-“ Chuuya’s sentence was cut short, and he jumped up rushing to his bathroom as he threw up in the toilet. Fyodor got up and followed the ginger to the bathroom. Fyodor kneeled by his side and rubbed his back. Chuuya finally finished throwing up and Fyodor wiped his mouth.

“I am sorry. Maybe pasta wasn’t the best idea.”

“No… don’t apologize it was delicious… I guess the baby just didn’t agree.” Chuuya chuckled lightly.

“I guess not hm?” Fyodor chuckled also as he helped Chuuya up.

“How about something light instead? Maybe some homemade soup.” Fyodor smiled, and Chuuya nodded at the offer. Fyodor helped Chuuya to the couch and laid him down. Chuuya covered himself up with a blanket.

“Rest. I will wake you when the soup is ready.” Fyodor smiled, and Chuuya nodded as he fluttered his eyes closed going to sleep.

As promised when Chuuya had woken up Fyodor had made him zuppa toscana soup and Chuuya ate every bit, and to his surprise he could actually keep the soup down. Fyodor smiled as the ginger finished up his soup, and he took the bowl from him and went back to the kitchen. Fyodor washed up the dishes as he figured that would be a big help to Chuuya, and the ginger needed to take it easy since he was pregnant. Fyodor came back into the living room after taking care of the dishes and he smiled as he saw Chuuya rubbing his stomach and talking.

“I promise you… I will give you everything you need… I-I know I may not ever be the best… but I want to try… I hope when I mess up you can forgive me…” Chuuya sighed. “I hope you can also forgive me for not telling your dad… I just… I don’t want you to get hurt in the end like I was… I… I love you…” Chuuya started sobbing as he held his stomach. Fyodor frowned at the sobbing ginger, and he went over and gently wrapped his arms around him. Chuuya’s eyes widened in shock.

“You are going to be a great parent… Please do not cry Chuuya… be strong. Your baby is going to need that. And in the times you can’t be strong. I will be strong for you.” Fyodor said as he smiled.

Chuuya looked at Fyodor surprised and then he wiped his tears smiling. “You’re right… thank you Fyodor.” Chuuya and Fyodor looked into each other’s eyes. Piercing blue meeting crimson red, Fyodor slowly leaned in, and he met Chuuya’s lips with his own in a chaste kiss. Fyodor gently pulled Chuuya closer as he kissed him deeply and passionately. Chuuya blushed at the sudden action but he returned the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Fyodor’s neck, returning the same passionate kiss. Fyodor was the first to pull away, and he looked into Chuuya’s eyes as he gently pushed a strand of ginger hair behind his ear. Chuuya smiled as Fyodor did this, and he felt Fyodor’s hands om his stomach rubbing gently.

“I will be here. Every step of the way. I won’t leave you alone.”

“How can I know that…?”

“I’m here now aren’t I? You do not have to worry Chuuya. I will not abandon you, or your little one.” Fyodor smiled as he nuzzled his face into Chuuya’s chest.

“You better keep that promise…” Chuuya said as he rubbed his hands through Fyodor’s hair.

“Of course. Anything for you mon cher.” Fyodor smiled.

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