The Aftermath of Corruption

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It happened as it always did. Dazai promised Chuuya he’d be there, and he never was. Chuuya had just used corruption against the fight with Lovecraft, and Dazai promised he’d make sure Chuuya got back to base. But instead the bandaged bastard just folded up his coat and sat it next to him with his hat on top. When Chuuya finally did come around Dazai was gone. Big surprise Chuuya thought sarcastically. Chuuya pushed himself up to the best of his ability, grabbed his belongs and started slowly making his way back to base. Chuuya held his stomach as he walked through the rubble from the after math of Corruption. Chuuya made it a good distance out of the forest until he felt his stomach getting queasy. Chuuya huffed tiredly and sickly. 

“Ugh. Not now… Please not now…” Chuuya breathed in and out slowly as he tried to get his stomach to settle but it was in vain as he threw up moments later onto the ground. Chuuya wiped his mouth and huffed as he continued walking, but it was all becoming too much. Chuuya fell to the ground and he felt himself passing back out, but before succumbing to darkness; Chuuya saw a black silhouette. 


Dazai looked around and sighed as he no longer saw the ginger where he had left him. Dazai wanted to keep his promise to Chuuya. Dazai always was the one to comfort Chuuya after the use of corruption and of course he couldn’t just leave him here in this state. Dazai thought maybe Chuuya just got up and started walking back to base, and if that was the case then he didn’t make it that far. Dazai knows he hasn’t seen Chuuya in four years since he betrayed the mafia, and well the drunken night of hot sex a few weeks ago, but was it really that bad seeing each other all over again? Dazai shook the thoughts off as he didn’t want to ponder on it too much and he followed the heavy foot prints Chuuya left behind. 

“Chuuya?!” Dazai called out. Dazai groaned in disgust when he had stepped in recently thrown up vomit. It couldn’t have been anyone but Chuuya and Dazai knew it. This is when panic set in.  

“Chuuya, come on. This isn’t funny. Please come out.” 

But there was no answer. Dazai settled for calling Chuuya. The detective opened up his phone and went to the contact that said Slug, and he pressed the call button. Dazai put the phone up to his ear, and the phone rung and rung and rung but it went straight to voicemail. Dazai realized wherever Chuuya was it wasn’t here. Dazai decided to text Chuuya instead. 


Mackerel to Slug : Hey Chuuya , it’s Dazai. Please text me back and tell me you’re okay. I came back for you but you weren’t here. If I don’t hear from you by tomorrow I am coming over. Text me soon. 

-Dazai O. 


Chuuya groaned as he slowly moved to sit up. Chuuya sat up as slowly and gently as he could, and he opened his eyes blinking a few times and trying to get a grip on his surroundings. Chuuya looked around the room, and the bed he was in, and quickly realized it wasn’t his own place. The last thing Chuuya remembered clearly was trying to walk back to base, and other than that everything else was a complete blur. Chuuya was pulled from his thoughts when he saw something coming out of the shadows. Chuuya turned around quickly in the bed, blade in hand, ready to stab the intruder but the intruder grabbed his blade with his bare hand, letting the blade cut him. 

“Do not be frightened. I will not harm you.” 

Chuuya went to go throw a punch at the man but it was blocked when he grabbed his fist in his hand. “Like hell! I don’t know who you are, how can I trust anything you say?!” 

“If I planned to harm you. I would have harmed you while you were unconscious, would I not?” 

Chuuya untensed, as he must admit the man had a point. Chuuya pulled his fist away from the man, and then he was about to pull away his blade when he noticed he had drew blood. Chuuya stood up immediately, grabbing the strangers hand. 

“Oh my god! Your hand, I’m so-“ 

Maybe Chuuya stood up a bit too fast because he swayed and the raven haired man let the ginger fall into his arms. Chuuya looked up at the man and this is when he saw it. The man was stunning to say the least. This man had black long hair, crimson red eyes, he had a lanky figure, and the face of an angel if you let Chuuya tell it. He was more than a handsome man. Chuuya was pulled from his thoughts when the man spoke again. 

“Don’t worry. My hand is okay. I’m more worried about your poor health.” 

Chuuya chuckled lightly. “Don’t I’m fine. Do you have a medical kit?” 

The man nodded. “In the bathroom. Bottom cabinet to the left.” 

Chuuya nodded as he went to go retrieve the medical kit, Chuuya came back seconds later with the kit in hand. Chuuya had the man sit on the bed, and Chuuya sat next to him. Chuuya first cleaned up the blood. Then he examined his hand to determine if he would need stitches. Thank god it wasn’t too the point that he did. Chuuya then cleaned the mans hand with alcohol and anti-bacterial spray. While wrapping the bandages around the man’s hand he spoke again. 

“You’re very good at this.” 

“Ah… yeah I guess I am. I use to do this for someone else all the time.” Chuuya finished wrapping the bandages. “All done. And again I am sorry about your hand.” 

“It is fine. Do not worry, but what about your own injuries?” 

“Oh… they will go away don’t worry about them.” 

The man nodded. “Well you are welcome to stay for as long as you need uh…?” 

“Chuuya. Nakahara Chuuya.” 

“Chuuya.” The man smiled. “Well you are welcome to stay for as long as you need Chuuya. Also, I am Fyodor. Dostoyevsky Fyodor. My home is your home until you are well.” 

“Thank you. But I don’t think I will need to stay much longer, I have to…” Chuuya’s sentence was cut short as he ran into Fyodor’s bathroom, and threw up in the toilet. Fyodor was by his side in mere seconds and he rubbed his back as the ginger threw up in the toilet. Chuuya pulled back and he huffed trying to catch his breath. Fyodor grabbed two was cloths and damped them with cold water. He used the first wash cloth to wipe Chuuya’s mouth, and the other to put on to Chuuya’s forehead. 

“I think you should rest. You are burning up and with a fever like this, and how weak your body is right now you won’t make it very far home.” 

“I have to go-“ Chuuya stood up but thank goodness for Fyodor being right there, he caught him as soon as the ginger started falling back down. 

“Please I insist… at least for a little while Chuuya.” 

Chuuya gave up and sighed in defeat. “O-Okay… but only for a bit…” 

Fyodor nodded as he helped Chuuya back to the bed. “I will let you rest in my room. I will be right in the living room if you need anything.” Chuuya just simply nodded as he felt himself giving into the darkness once again. 


It was now 8 am in Yokohama. And Dazai still had heard nothing from Chuuya, and became more than worried. Dazai was now in front of Chuuya’s apartment, and he sighed before knocking on the door. Dazai knocked 3 times. 

“Chuuya?” Dazai waited but got no response. Nor did he hear Chuuya’s feet moving across the floor. Maybe he was resting? Dazai decided to just pick the lock, and with skilled hands and experience the door popped open like nothing. Dazai stepped in and closed the door behind him. 

“Chuuya? I’m here to check on you.” Dazai said as he was walking back towards Chuuya’s room, but when he opened the door Chuuya wasn’t there. As a matter of fact his bed hadn’t been touched at all. Maybe he might be with Kouyou? That’s the only other place Dazai could think of where Chuuya would be. It was not like the Mafioso trusted many. Dazai walked back out of Chuuya’s apartment and he locked the bottom lock of Chuuya’s apartment door, and closed it. Dazai started making his way to Kouyou’s house. It was weird. No matter how upset Chuuya may have been with Dazai he never has just not responded to Dazai’s text. Dazai was beginning to think maybe something bad happened to him. Dazai stopped in front of Kouyou’s house and knocked on the door. Dazai waited and not moments later the closest thing Chuuya has ever had to a mother opened the door. 

“Dazai. What are you doing here lad? You shouldn’t be on Port Mafia territory if Mori finds out-“ 

“Is Chuuya here?” Dazai asked worriedly. 

“No… Chuuya must have never came home last night. He was supposed to report to Mori an hour ago about the mission, and he never showed up. What has happened Dazai?” 

“I had left Chuuya for a few minutes in the forest after he used corruption, and when I got back he was gone.” 

Kouyou smacked Dazai on the head and Dazai winced in pain. “Aaah! Kouyou-nee is so meaaan!” Dazai whined as he rubbed his head. 

“You idiot boy. Chuuya was in no condition to be left alone with the way he’s been felling the past week, especially not after the use of corruption!” Kouyou retorted bitterly. 

“I know I’m sorry. I should have took him with me from the start. And what is wrong with Chuuya is he sick?” 

Kouyou shook her head. “That… I can not tell you. That is something Chuuya must tell you on his own. I will call Chuuya on my own if I get no answer I will send out a search team. You are more than welcome to sit with me and have tea until then.” 

Dazai nodded as he stepped inside Kouyou’s house to have tea, praying that Chuuya was safe, where ever he was.  


Chuuya finally had awaken again but this time he awakened to the smell of food cooking. Chuuya got up slowly off the bed, and he made his way out of the bedroom. Fyodor turned around as he noticed the petite ginger was up and out of bed. 

“Good morning Chuuya.” 

“Good morning… what time is it?” 

“12:30 pm.” 

“Fuck… I’m so late. I was suppose to report to my boss at 7 am! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He’s gonna be so mad. I’m sorry I have to go thank you so much for your hospitality. Is there anyway I can repay you?” 

“Have dinner with me.” 

Chuuya stood there for a moment surprised. “Eh?” 

“If you want to repay me just simply have dinner with me. Let me take you out and show you a good time.” Fyodor smiled. 

“O-Okay… Um I have to go but-“ Chuuya looked around and he saw a pen on the table. Chuuya grabbed Fyodor’s hand and wrote his cellphone number down on his hand. “Just call me.” Chuuya started to walk away but then he turned back around, and he stood on his tippy toes and pecked Fyodor’s cheek. “Again. Thank you.” 

And with that said Chuuya left and caught the quickest cab he could back to base. 


As soon as Chuuya got back to Port Mafia base, he quickly went to his apartment to freshen up, 10 minutes tops no more because he already knew he was in deep shit. Chuuya then left his apartment and started making his way to Mori’s office. And the way he saw Kouyou and Dazai. Damn it. Just his luck. Kouyou was fine but Dazai was bound to ruin his day somehow. 

“Chuuya! I’ve been calling and texting you since last night. Why didn’t you answer me?” Dazai said kinda pissed off. 

“Oh I didn’t know I had to answer someone who left me asleep in the fucking forest after using corruption!” 

“I came back for you Chuuya. I was looking for you. I even stepped in your vomit which honestly is still on the bottom of my shoe.” Dazai raised his leg up showing him the proof. 

“Congrats you didn’t break your promise for once. Now fuck off. I have to go see Mori.” Chuuya tried to hurry but he started feeling queasy again and dizzy, Dazai noticed Chuuya wasn’t fine and he grabbed Chuuya before he fell and helped steady him with Kouyou’s help. 

“Lad, you seriously need to go see a doctor you’ve been like this for a week.” 

“I’m fine it’s nothing.” 

“This isn’t nothing, and this is just simply more than needing rest. You can’t keep anything down, you’ve been dizzy and passing out, and-“ Kouyou noticed how hot Chuuya was and how heavily he was panting. Kouyou touched his forehead and Chuuya’s forehead was hot enough to start a fire. 

“Chuuya you’re burning up! I am taking you to a doctor immediately. I don’t care what you say. You shouldn’t have put it off this long!” 

“Chuuya she’s right. Please. At least let Ane-san take care of you. Please tell me you will. I can’t go back to work knowing that you won’t be okay.” 

Chuuya sighed. He knew he wasn’t going to win this battle. “O-Okay… fine… I will go after I report to Mori. So can we drop it now please?” 

“Okay… Ane-san do you need help getting Chuuya to Mori’s office?” 

“No lad. We will be fine. Head back to work before you are also in trouble. I will call you later and tell you what the doctor has said.” 

Dazai nodded. “Thank you. I’ll come by and check on you later Chuuya if you’re not resting.” Dazai kissed the top of Chuuya’s head and he told them bye as he started walking to his car. While Kouyou started helping Chuuya to Mori’s office. 


Chuuya was now in front of Mori, and he could see how displeased he was on his face.  

“You’re late Chuuya. You were supposed to be here at 7 am and what time is it now?” 

“2 pm Sir…” 

“Any good reason why you are this late?” 

"The after effects of corruption sir I-" Chuuya didn't get to finish his sentence as Mori slapped him hard. Chuuya landed on the ground and he held his face wincing. Mori walked over and grabbed a fistful of Chuuya's hair and pulled violently. 

"I don’t want to hear your got damn excuses! You should have been here no matter what the issue Chuuya! And now I have to punish you." Mori went to his desk and he pulled out the whip from the desk he often used to beat Dazai with when he was a child. Mori walked over to Chuuya and he started violently hitting Chuuya. Chuuya tensed up and struggled through the pain because he knew showing weakness would be a worse punishment. No matter how much it burned or hurt, Chuuya would not show it. Mori went to go hit Chuuya against when all of a sudden Chuuya saw Golden Demon in front of him saving him from the blow. 

"That is enough. If you touch my son again I will kill you." 

Mori chuckled. "Get him out of my face. I don't want to see his face right now." Mori said as he ran his hand through his hair. 

Chuuya stood up wobbly, and Kouyou helped him. She slowly lead Chuuya to the front door of the office. 

"Oh, and Chuuya?" 

"Yes Sir..." 

"I respect a full report of the mission on my desk in the morning. Do I make myself clear?" 



Kouyou was sitting next to Chuuya in her house, she had just finished taking care of Chuuya's wounds. After his wounds were taken care of Chuuya slipped his shirt back on.  

"Chuuya... I know you are in pain lad. But we need to take you to the doctor now." 

It was moments of silence before Chuuya broke out into tears. 

"Oh Chuuya..." Kouyou said as she pulled her son close to her, hugging him tightly. Kouyou gently stroked her fingers through Chuuya's hair. 

"What am I going to do..." Chuuya sobbed. 

"Chuuya what do you mean? What is going on?" 

"I'm pregnant Kouyou-nee..." 

"What...?" Kouyou pulled Chuuya's head up and looked at him. 

"I'm pregnant..." 

"Is it Dazai's...?" 

Chuuya sat in silence. 

"I take that as a yes... Does he-" 

"No! And please don't tell him... Please Kouyou-nee..." 

"Chuuya this baby is also his responsibility and-" 

"I don't need him. I can do it on my own. Please... I just... Please..." 

Kouyou heard Chuuya's pleading and she sighed. "Alright... I won't tell him. But you will need help. So, I will help you through this." 

"No... I couldn't ask you for such a thing..." 

"I'm not taking no for an answer. Also, when we get the chance we will have to speak to Mori about this. You are in no condition to be taking on any missions and it's not good for the baby." 

Chuuya nodded. "I know..." 

"Have you been to the doctor Chuuya...?" 


"Okay. Well come on. We are going right now you need prenatal vitamins, and they need to see how you are doing and check how far along you are." 


"Don't worry this baby will not want for anything. I promise." 

"I know." Chuuya smiled. "Thank you Kouyou-nee." 

And for the first time in a long time Chuuya felt comfort, and he felt maybe this wouldn't be a bad life change after all. 

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