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"Get out of the car." Fyodor demanded. "Get out!" He yelled as he pointed the gun in Chuuya's face.

"Okay... okay..." Chuuya got out of the car and Rei ran over to him and held on to Chuuya tightly. Chuuya held his son protectively in his arms.

"Back up."

Chuuya backed up as he held on to Rei.

"To the edge!" Fyodor yelled as he walked forward with the gun.

Chuuya backed up further, and he wobbled a little as they were near the edge of a cliff. Chuuya tried not to look down as he held on to Rei tightly. Chuuya looked at Fyodor sadly as tears spilled over his eyes.


"Shut up. I gave you everything Chuuya... I was good to you. I took care of you when Dazai wasn't there, and I helped you care for Rei. Like he was my own! And you... You just left me to be with Dazai! You threw me away!"

"...I-I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt your feelings... believe me when I say that Fyodor... But please... if you're going to punish anyone... just... just punish me please... Rei is innocent... he has nothing to do with this..."

Fyodor huffed angrily. "You're right... he doesn't... but you do. And I know he means the world to you..." Fyodor smirked. "That's why..." Fyodor said waving the gun around and Chuuya and Rei sobbed as they held on to each other.

"I'm going to shoot him first. Let you watch... and then I am going to shoot you. And when I do you're just going to fall over that cliff. And your body will be so mangled  before it hits the bottom no one will find you anyways."

Fyodor turned around as he heard the sound of approaching sirens from police vehicles. Fyodor turned around angrily and he fired a shot but he missed and he yelled angrily.

"You stupid bitch! You called the cops?!"

"No! I swear I didn't!"

Fyodor heard all the police vehicles pull up and he ran over to Chuuya and Rei. Fyodor grabbed the red head and he pulled him in by the throat and tossed Rei away from them. Rei cried and he got up as he noticed Dazai.

"Daddy!" Rei screamed as he ran over to his father. Dazai picked him up and he hugged him tightly to him and rubbed his fingers through his hair. Chuuya felt Fyodor backing up and pulling him with him.

"Oh god! Please don't!" Chuuya begged as he tried to pull away from Fyodor.

"Shut up!" Fyodor yelled as he pointed the gun at Chuuya's temple.

"Put your hands up now!" The policemen yelled as he had the gun pointed at Fyodor.


The policemen went to walk closer but Fyodor warned him.

"If you take one step closer I'll blow his fucking brains out!"

The policemen stopped walking and he stood back a little as he didn't want Fyodor to shoot Chuuya out of rage and fear.

"How did you even find us?! How did you know we were here?!"

"I put a tracking device in Chuuya's car... anytime he turns it on, moves, and comes to a complete stop I know his location. From the moment he derailed from the grocery store I knew something was wrong." Dazai explained calmly. "Now I know you're upset..."

Fyodor scoffed. "You don't know a damn thing about how I feel!"

"You're right... I don't... but one thing I do know is that we both love Chuuya."

"No. You love Chuuya." Fyodor said gripping Chuuya's hair painfully tight. Chuuya yelped as Fyodor grunted and pulled him back harshly. "Not me... I don't want a cheating lying whore."

"But you did at one point... You loved him with all your heart and soul... you loved seeing him be a mother to Rei... You loved waking up to him in the morning... seeing his smile... his happiness... being his shoulder to lean on... and you loved Rei just as much..."

"I still love Rei... he'll always be my son..."

"...Then don't do this... for Rei... you don't want to see him grow up without a mother right...? You don't want to take away his chance to have a sibling do you...? You don't want him to have a sour memory of you... you don't want his last memory be you shooting his mother..."

Fyodor stood there for a second as he thought over his options. And he looked up at Dazai with saddened eyes. "You're right... I don't want to hurt Rei... I- I don't... I don't want to hurt Chuuya either... I'm sorry Chuuya..."

Fyodor let Chuuya go and Chuuya ran as fast as he could into Dazai's arms. Dazai sighed in relief as he held his pregnant lover close to him. As he held his son and Chuuya in his arms tightly, refusing to let go. Dazai looked up at Fyodor and his eyes widened as he saw Fyodor pointing the gun at himself. "Don't-!"

But it was too late. The gun had fired, lodging a bullet into Fyodor's head. His body fell over the edge of the cliff and it was so high up no one heard the body make impact. 

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