You Deserve The World and More

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"Are you sure this is okay...?" Dazai asked softly.

Chuuya nodded. "I feel this is the only way I can truly be at peace... I never meant for him to get hurt... Fyodor did a shitty thing. But it didn't make him a bad person." Chuuya said sadly.

"I know baby." Dazai said rubbing his hand through Chuuya's hair. "Fyodor was just... lost. And I think in the end... even though he went the wrong way about it. He cared. I think he loved you and Rei very much." Dazai said smiling. Dazai pulled up the car to the cemetery and he parked the car and turned it off.

"I'll be right here waiting on you okay?"

Chuuya nodded as he exhaled through his nose before stepping out of the car. Chuuya closed the door behind him and he slowly walked up to the gate of the cemetery. Chuuya walked through the gates and he scanned the tombstones, and finally found the one he was looking for.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

November 11th, 1995 - December 15th, 2018.

Chuuya kneeled down and he looked sadly at the tombstone. Chuuya wiped his tears as he felt them starting to roll down his cheeks. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you or make you feel like you didn't matter." Chuuya sniffled. "If you can hear me... if you're out there... somewhere... listening... I love you Fyodor. I will always care. I was angry, yes... But it never made me care any less... I just... wish I would have gotten the chance to tell you that before you died... I hope you're at peace now." Chuuya said smiling as he sat the flowers he bought on the grave.

"I have to go now... but I promise I'll be back soon to visit and lay down more flowers. Until next time." Chuuya kissed his hand and then put it on Fyodor's tombstone before he stood up and made his way back to the car. Chuuya opened the car door, and he got back inside and Dazai hugged him as soon as he got in the car.

"It's okay you know... You can cry if you want. I know it hurts Chuuya... you don't have to act strong in front of me."

Chuuya's eyes narrowed and he felt tears spilling out. Dazai heard the choked sobs coming from Chuuya. Dazai held on to Chuuya tightly, and he soothingly rubbed his hand through his hair, and the other made small circles on his back. This was the first time since Fyodor died that Chuuya was able to cry so openly. Dazai and Fyodor may not have gotten along, but Dazai knew it hurt Chuuya to his core that Fyodor killed himself. And for Chuuya... Dazai was able to handle this, handle it all to make sure Chuuya was alright. Slowly but surely the tears slowed down, and Chuuya pulled back looking at Dazai. Dazai wiped Chuuya's tears with his thumbs and then he leaned forward and kissed Chuuya's forehead gently. "Feel better?"

Chuuya nodded as he sniffled. "Yeah... thank you Dazai."

Dazai smiled at Chuuya softly. "Of course. That's what I'm here for."


"Mama! Papa!" Rei ran happily over to Chuuya and Dazai, and Rei laughed as Dazai caught him in his arms and then spun him around.

"Hi Buddy!" Dazai said kissing Rei's cheek before sitting him down.

"Hi Dad. Did you and Mama run your errands?"

"Mm. We can all go out for dinner now." Dazai said smiling.

"Yay! I'll go get Obaachan!" Rei said as he excitedly ran back in the house.

Dazai watched as he ran back in and Chuuya scolded Rei for running especially past his baby sister who was still just getting past the wobbly stages of walking. Chuuya kneeled down and he opened his arms as their daughter wobbly walked towards Chuuya. She fell forward the rest of the way and Chuuya caught her and kissed all over her cheeks.

"Hi baby girl." Chuuya said smiling as he kissed her fat cheeks. "Hi Luna." Chuuya said as he played with her hands. "You're getting so good at walking now." Chuuya said as he praised his little one.

"That she is. Papa is proud too." Dazai said smiling as he kissed her head.

Luna clapped and smiled at her parent's praise, she then yawned and laid her little head on Chuuya's chest. Chuuya smiled as he kissed her forehead, and gently rubbed his hand through her curly brunette hair.

"Are you guys ready?" Kouyou asked smiling as she locked up her place.

"Yeah we are ready. Where does everyone want to eat?" Dazai asked as they all started walking ahead of him.

"Azamino Ukai-tei!" Rei and Chuuya said in unison.

Dazai gasped. "Ah, you guys are going to break my pocket! It's so expensive!" Dazai complained.

Chuuya giggled, and he kissed Dazai on the lips softly. Chuuya batted his eyelashes as he looked at Dazai. "But babe..." Chuuya whined cutely. "We really want it."

Dazai looked at Chuuya for a moment before sighing. "Fine. With a cute face like that how could I possibly say no now."

Chuuya laughed before he grabbed Dazai's hand leading him to the car. "I'll make it worth your while. Promise."

"Is that so?"

"Mm." Chuuya said smiling at Dazai.

Dazai smiled back softly and he kissed his husband's hand, Fyodor and Dazai could agree on one thing. Chuuya deserved the world, he deserved more. And Dazai vowed to give Chuuya enough love for the both of them.

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