Chapter One

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"Who knew it would be you and I? Staring at this dark sky.
Letting time go by and by?", His voice rang out soothingly into the dark night. Hands strumming his guitar.

I looked into his eyes, tears filled them. Making his blue eyes look like a storm, that will be never ending.

My dad sits in front of me. My only father. I am his only daughter. I cry hearing his pain and sorrow.

"Mommys okay! She is with me now! Daddy listen to me!", I yell. Tears pouring down my face. He cannot hear me. He will probably never hear me. I am his guardian angel and his daughter.

Mom is still deciding on becoming an angel with me or going back to Daddy. I need to tell Mommy how sad Daddy is. She needs to stay.

"Why God!? Why did he hit us?! Why did I lose her?! Why did I lose my princess and my queen?! I need answers!!", He yelled into the dark sky. "If I dont get answers I may just ... lose myself", He whimpered out.

Daddy can't lose himself. Can he? This is just like a game of hide and seek so how will he lose his self?

He stands up with tears still in his eyes. Walking off he lifts his middle finger up and points it at the sky. "Fuck you God. You never gave me an answer. I am torn. I will now go see my wife. She is in a coma. If she does'nt wake up when I get there I will kill myself in the same hospital room", He threatened.

"Daddy! Dont talk to God like that! He can do mi.. mirac.. marculas things! He can save Mommy! Just believe. Daddy please just believe!", I begged. He still didnt seem to hear me.

He continued his way to the hospital. Hoping to find his wife alive and will. If not. Then he will kill himself.

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