Chapter Two

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Daddy reached the hospital me floating behind him. He doesnt know I am here. I know he can sense something though because he keeps glancing around. His eyes skimming over me but never really looking at me.

He walks into the elevator and I follow. He has a plan in his head. I know he does. I can see the way he contemplates shaking his head.

We enter the room my mother lies in. Half of her face is bruised. Stitches cover most of her body. Its like they just glued her back together. They couldnt glue me back together. I died on the spot. No chance for me.

"Baby. Queen. My wife. I am soo sorry about what happened and what will happen. Please come back for me. It hurts knowing I already lost our baby. Our precious little six year old. Hopefully Adaline is in heaven now. Watching over us", He begins.

"I knew I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I know its impossible as you would say. You dont like cliche. Life is horrible not filled with excitement and soo much love. Do you want to die? If you do I will with you. We can all be together.", He chokes out. Tears begin to roll down his face.

"We dont have much to live for now. Our baby is gone. Our little princess, Maria! She is gone.", He cries out. He walks over to her and grabs her sickeningly pale hand. "Maria. I need to know if you want to stay or go. Please?".

Before another word could be said her heart line started to slow down. Mommy wants to go. She wants us to be together. Daddy, Mommy and Me.

"You and I we can go be with our baby", He said. Those are his last words as he quickly fixes a rope and hangs it up. He pulls himself a chair up. He stands on the chair and looks at his wife.

He slips on the rope. He looks over again at his wife.

"Daddy what are you doing?", I ask. He cannot hear me. I float around trying to get him to listen. He still cannot seem to hear me. "Daddy? Daddy?! Can you not hear me?!", I scream out tears covering my face.

"On the count of three Maria. We will all be together. Once and for all.", He says. "1... 2... 3", He jumps off of the chair the rope is the only thing keeping him up.

Moms line is already dead. Letting out a sound alerting the nurses. A nurse barges into the room to see Daddy hanging up in front of her. She screams and soon many more nurses and doctors come in.

My daddy and mommy are gone from the world. But hopefully they will be with me soon. I cry as I look at my Daddys face.

Mommy and Daddy finally get to meet my brother. He is older than me. He said Mommy lost him when she was a teenager. Whatever that means. I guess God really wanted us to be together.

--T H E E N D--

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