CHAPTER 18 - Fever

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UA High School,
At the gym,

Shinso's POV

I panted heavily after a few hours of intense training with Eraser Head. I grabbed my towel and wiped off the sweats that trickled on my forehead. I looked up to the ceilings in worry.

Somehow, I can't get Izuku off of my mind. I got a bad feeling about this...

That's why I was very reluctant to let her walks home by herself.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips. I gripped the towel in anxiety. "You can go home now." Eraser Head suddenly spoke up, his hand was holding a bottle of water. He reached out his hand to give the bottle to me. I smiled slightly and thanked him. I took the bottle from his hand and sipped on the water. Soft groans of relief left my mouth as the freshness of the water saturated my dried throat.

"Thanks for today." I said as my hand worked out to grab my belongings. Eraser Head nodded to me in silent. "Next time,if you're worried about Midoriya, tell me immdiately." I choked on my saliva when I heard him. I quickly turned to look at him in shock.

How did he know what I was thinking about?!

"I-I'm not worried about anything." I denied my mentor, my face burnt red while my eyes averted from meeting with Eraser Head's stare. "Just shut up and go home, Shinso." He growled in annoyance, pushing my body out of the gym.

A small smile displayed on my feature as I walked out of the gym, heading to the male changing room to change into my uniform back.


A few minutes later,
Outside the school gate...

Shinso's POV

I headed out of the school alone, thinking about my girlfriend. I wonder what she was doing right now and for unknown reason, I couldn't stop worrying about my prescious greenette.

As I was walking, I saw a group of my classmates, some of them sent death glares at me. "Wait a second, Shinso-kun. U-Um, we need to talk to you." One of the girls, a girl with chestnut brown hair who I believed her name was Uraraka, Izuku's best friend, stepped forward with worried look plastered on her face. I only looked at them one by one

Hm... If I recall properly... They are Yaoyorozu, Uraraka and Asui... Right?

And guys... Why the heck they are here too??

Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima and heck, even Bakugou are here.

I frowned my eyebrows in irritation. I was EXTREMELY tired today and I wished I was already at home laying on my bed, playing with Mikorin while chatting with my girlfriend but they suddenly disturbed me.

Such a bad timing to meet me. I want to meet Izuku as soon as possible. I'm sickly worried about her right now.

"If you wanna talk about Midoriya then quit it already. We're just friends." I lied, my voice sounded a bit harsh crossing both my arms in my chest. I already swore to myself I wouldn't tell anyone about our relationship.

"But you touched her--"

"I'm just teasing her. Now you guys have the answer you want, right? So goodbye." I ended this pointless discussion. I walked past them but soon I regretted my decision. Bakugou suddenly gripped my shoulder, anger clouded his face.

"Like we will believe in your lie, bastard. You better tell us--"

Bakugou stopped mid-sentence when we all heard the noise of phone buzzing and I quickly recognized it was my phone. I shoved Bakugou's hand away from my shoulder. I took out my phone from my pocket, my eyes locked on the screen to see the caller's name.

Izuku...? Why did she call me?

My heart started to beat fastly when I read my love's name. Their eyed went wide in total shock when they saw the name of the caller.

Dammit! I blow our cover!

I only ignored their stares, quickly answered the call. "Hey, Izu-- Midoriya. What's wrong?!" I asked her in a slight panic voice tone. "H-Hitoshi, help... I... M-My head won't stop throbbing... It hurts so much..." Izuku called out my name weakly. My heart thumped faster in anxiety. All of sudden, the sound of something falling echoed on the phone. It was a loud noise that it startled my other classmates. "Wait, Izuku! I'll come now!" I panickally put my phone back into my pocket and was about to walk away but again, my shoulder wss gripped firmly. I thought it was Bakugou at first but turned out, it was that dual coloured-haired boy. "What do you want now?! I'm in hurry--"

"I'm coming with you. You aren't the only one who is worried. The way Midoriya talked just now sounded like she is in deep trouble." Todoroki expressed his worry. I sighed long and only nodded to him as a reply.

"Hey! We're comin along too!" The others said in determination. I only glanced at them for a few brief seconds before proceeding back to run while they followed behind me.


A few minutes before the call,
Midoriya's Residence,

Midoriya's POV

I opened the fridge weakly ss my hand worked out to grab the milk in the fridge. I accidentally fell asleep just now just right after I returned home. I was oddly exhausted today and Mineta-kun's sudden appearance didn't make it better. The effect of the shock and the anxiety in my heart caused me to feel much more exhausted.

H-He has drastically changed! How did he change his look to that?!

Is his Quirk evolving that causes him to look like that? But I never heard such development...

My body kept heating up for unknown reason. Ever since I woke up, I felt very dizzy and my head started throbbing. The pain eased a bit after I showered myself but I still could feel my head throbbing painfully. Cold sweats trickled on my forehead.

I finally managed to take out the milk and soon proceeded to walk to the couch. But when I was closed to the dining table, I couldn't maintain my balance and almost fell on the floor but luck was on my side. My hand quickly held onto the table to avoid myself from falling.

I accidentally let the milk carton in my hand go, causing it to fall on the floor. I ignored it and my hand immediately held my aching head, hisses filled with pain left my lips.

My other free hand quickly slipped into my pajama's pocket to call Hitoshi. Mom wasn't home because she had to go to her friend's birthday party so I was completely alone right now. She would only return home after midnight.

I dialed Hitoshi's number, patiently waiting for him to answer. My grip on the table began weakening since I couldn't bear the pain anymore. I heard him answer the call and a small smile appeared on my face.

Thank goodness he answered.

My head throbbed more often now that it hurt me. I hissed in pain. "Hey, Izu-- Midoriya. What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked me in panic. He sounded very worried. The anxiety in his voice evident it. "H-Hitoshi, help... I... M-My head won't stop throbbing... It hurts so much..." I muttered weakly and all of sudden, my grip fully loosened, causing me to fall laying in the floor weakly. I couldn't move my body even an inch and my breathings started to become ragged. I could only look at the screen in defeat, hoping that Hitoshi would come to help me. My body was burning, as if fire was surrounding my whole being.

Hitoshi gasped in shock. "Wait, Izuku! I'll come now!" He retorted in worry and quickly ended the call. I couldn't hold the phone anymore since my strength gradually disappeared, causing it to fall on the floor. I shut my eyes tightly and only could only keep breathing fastly.


A few minutes after the call,
In front of Midoriya's residence...

Shinso's POV

I nervously turned the doorknob while gulping down my saliva. I slowly opened the door, revealing Izuku's house. The others looked at me in worry too.

It's unlocked?

Without wasting any time, I ran into the house, my purple hue eyes wildly looked for Izuku. "Izuku!" My eyes widene in shock when I saw a green-haired girl laying on the floor weakly. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu rushed to me when they heard my scream just now.

I rushed to get Izuku who was panting heavily. I scooped her heating up body in my arms and carried her to the couch. "Oh my gosh, Midoriya-san! What happened to her?!" Yaoyorozu asked me in concern. I shook my head, telling her I didn't know.

Uraraka, Iida, Bakugou, Kirishima and Asui walked to us too. They stared at us confusedly. I clamped my palm on Izuku's forehead. I reflexively retracted my hand from her forehead when I sensed the hotness. "She has high fever..." I muttered sadly, telling them the reason behind Izuku's sickly condition.

Izuku suddenly opened her pretty emerald eyed half-lid. "Hito...shi...? Everyone...?" She called us out in croaky voice. "Wait, Midoriya-san. I will get cold water to decrease your temperature." Yaoyorozu assured, immediately left us and went to the kitchen.

I gently held Izuku's soft hand, worry filling my violet pupils. Iida suddenly coughed at me. "It's inappropriate to touch her like that, Shinso-kun. Even though both of you are friends." He exclaimed.

"It's fine, Iida-kun..." Izuku tried to talk. "Midoriya, you should rest yourself. Don't talk too much." Todoroki said, stroking Izuku's dark green curly hair. I glared at that icy-hot boy in jealousy.

I was about to start the arguement when Yaoyorozu came to save the day. There was a drenched towel in her hand. She gently placed the towel onto Izuku's forehead. A soft sigh escaped Izuku's plump lips, feeling relieved.

"Midoriya-san, I don't think you should go to school tomorrow. Your fever is too high." The vice president adviced in concern. Izuku looked a bit sad. "Yeah, Deku-chan. You should just rest tomorrow. We'll tell Aizawa-sensei about your condition." Uraraka smiled slightly at Izuku to cheer her up. My lover unwillingly nodded to the two females.

"Don't worry, Izuku-chan. Aizawa-sensei is not a bad person. He will understand about your situation." Asui assured. "I guess we all should go now.... It's already very late..." Kirishima suddenly spoke up, glancing at the clock many times already. Yaoyorozu got up.

"Thanks so much for helping me out..." Izuku uttered under her breath. They all nodded to her. "Hey, are you girls okay to walk home alone?" Kirishima asked the three girls.

"I'll call my driver and send them home. You can come along too if you want, Kirishima-san." Yaoyorozu suggested and everyone nodded. "How about you, Shinso-san?" She turned to look at me. I placed my hand behind my neck. "Um... I live nextdoor..." I muttered, shocking my classmates.

"Oh no, seriously?! No wonder you both are so closed!" Uraraka gasped in shock. "I see. Then let's go now. See you tomorrow, Shinso-san. Get well soon, Midoriya-san." They all left the house.

I sighed in relief before standing to leave too. "Where are you going...?" Izuku asked me weakly. "Return to my home, of course. I'll see you tomorrow, Izu. Good night." I said along with a kind smile. I kissed her forehead sweetly. I got up again and was about to leave when I felt a weak grip on my shirt. I turned to look at Izuku who was clutching my shirt.

"N-No, stay here with me... I... I don't wanna be alone..." She said sadly, tears welled up in her eyes. Guilt pang my heart as my eyes locked on her tears.

What an irresponsible boyfriend I am.

I smiled warmly at my girlfriend. I scooped her body in my arms again, carrying her to her room. I gently laid her in her cozy bed. "Okay... I'll stay with you just for tonight." I told her and as expected, she smiled slightly at me. "Thanks, Hitoshi... Good night..." Izuku said as she cuddled my body. I smiled warmly at my girlfriend and kissed her head lovingly. We both slowly fell asleep.

Ah, finally... My dream to cuddle with her in my sleep come true...


AN- So sorry for the late update! I was a bit busy lately!

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