CHAPTER 17 - Unpredictable Meeting

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AN- KittenLover956 , JaidenMayYT . I have surprise for both of you. 😉

UA High School,
Before class,
Class 1-A...

Third Person's POV

Again, everyone's jaws dropped to the floor like before when they saw Midoriya and Shinso walking into the class together with smiles plastered on their faces. They were laughing happily in their own little world, not noticing even in slightest the jaws-dropping stares from their classmates.

"Kaminari, Ashido, Tokoyami." Jiro suddenly called out the trio in such a deep voice. Kaminari turned around facing Jiro and she immediately gripped his shirt collar and shook his body in anger. "I thought you guys said they already broke their friendship! Then what's this?!" Jiro whispered slightly yelling at this dumbster while pointing her finger toward the two innocent cinnamon rolls angrily.

"We must protect Midoriya from him! I got a bad feeling he is just using Midoriya!" Jiro expressed her hidden feelings in worry. She had always hated Shinso ever since he first entered their class. The way he said mean things casually was the thing pissed her off the most. She didn't want Midoriya to be hurt,same as the other girls and the boys in Midoriya Protection Squad.

Ashido gave Jiro a stare full of guilt. Tokoyami shook his bird-shaped head with a tired sigh escaped his beak, disagreed with this childish behaviour. "Can we just ignore it and let Midoriya has her freedom to do anything she want? That Shinso doesn't seem to treat her poorly at all." Tokoyami tried to calm down this tense situation.

Jiro harshly released Kaminari from her iron grip,huffing in annoyance while crossing her arms in her chests, her eyes glaring at Tokoyami in rebellion. "Guys, what's wrong?" Midoriya suddenly popped up out of nowhere. She stared at her classmates with her usual clueless innocent expression.

"I heard a bit of arguing just now. Are you guys still fighting?" Midoriya said sadly,expressing her concern toward her classmates. The heroes wannabe couldn't continue their arguement anymore after seeing their one and only cinnamon roll feeling sad because of them!

"No, we're not arguing, Midoriya. We're just...having serious talk here. That's all." Jiro gave Midoriya the most logical excuse she could think of. She didn't want her to know they were arguing about her.

Midoriya's face brightened up in relief when she heard that. A soft sigh escaped her lips and then she presented her genuine smile to her classmates. "I'm glad! I thought you were arguing because of me since I heard you guys saying my name." She blurted out frankly without knowing the full truth about them. The Midoriya Protection Squad's members gulped down their salivas, feeliny guilty for lying to this pure greenette.

"Midoriya. Can you help me for a bit? I forgot to do my homework." The one and only violette (replacing Mineta who is a former "violette") in class 1-A called out the green-haired girl. Midoriya turned her head facing Shinso and smiled at her secret boyfriend. "Sure, Shinso-kun! I'll come in a second!" She retorted happily, earning a nod from him.

Shinso and Midoriya decided to keep their relationship as secret since they didn't want to cause any ruckus. But the main reason was Shinso didn't want Midoriya's friends to hate her for dating him. Midoriya was moved to tears, feeling very grateful to have such a caring boyfriend like him that she hugged him tightly until he suffocated, almost dying though.

"Well, talk to you guys later!" Midoriya excused herself from the group before walking away from them, heading toward Shinso's desk behind hers.

Midoriya stood next to Shinso and lowered her body and head a bit to match with Shinso's height who was sitting on the chair. She got closer to his face while tucking her hair behind her ear. Shinso was a bit nervous when he realized how close his girlfriend was to him.
"At this part, you only need to use this formula to get the answer." She explained in detail with such a gentle, mellow voice while her hand working on writing on Shinso's notebook to show him how the formula worked out. Shinso nodded in understanding, finally had the way to solve the problem.

Actually, Shinso knew how to solve the questionst and he could do the homework by himself but he wanted to show to everyone, in fact, bragged to his classmates about how closed he was to Midoriya. He knew how they didn't really like him at all so to have the most friendly and precious cinnamon roll in their class befriended him was like a blessing to Shinso while the others thought it was a mistake.

(*sigh* Shinso, why did you have to make them hate you more?)

Shinso noticed some jaw-dropping stares from his classmates. He smirked in secret while snuggling close to Midoriya and his next action was unpredicted. He held Midoriya's soft hand that was working on the problem all of sudden. Everyone including Midoriya were very surprised.

"Hm, so I have to do it like this?" Shinso asked emotionlessly while his big hand moved along with Midoriya's hand, repeating the formula that Midoriya taught step by step. A slight blush tinted on Midoriya's freckled cheeks but she tried to hide her nervousness, assuming that Shinso didn't do it on purpose although he did.

Some of the boys, including Bakugou and Todoroki glared dagger at the sleepyhead with death in their eyes. Todoroki then proceeded to walk to Shinso's desk and at the same time, Bakugou did.

"Can you please don't touch Midoriya like that? She is uncomfortable with it." Todoroki commanded in husky voice slightly sounded a bit irritated with Shinso's doing. Shinso only raised an eyebrow at the dual coloured-haired boy, smirking cynically at him. Midoriya started to sweatdrop when she sensed the tense aura between the two boys.

"You Sleepy Head! Let Deku go or I'll kill you!" Bakugou yelled furiously at Shinso, stomping toward his desk. Midoriya was shocked with the sudden visits of her childhood friend. "K-Kacchan? Todoroki-kun? What's wrong actually?" She asked in confusion, totally clueless with the current situation.

"Midoriya, why did you let him touch you? You should defend yourself if you feel uncomfortable." Todoroki stated in concern. Midoriya was about to open her mouth but the hothead hedgehog interupted her."Tch, stay away IcyHot! I'm gonna beat him up!" Bakugou yelled loudly before trying to blast a huge explosion on Shinso's tired face but his action was stopped by Aizawa's scarfs.

Aizawa sighed in frustration. He never expected he would see this kind of incident after he arrived at his class. "Go back to your seats kids before I expel you." The Erasure Hero threatened in husky voice. The wannabe heroes immediately returned to their own seats, except for Bakugou who was dtill restrained. Aizawa let him go and he angrily walked to his seat while cursing under his breath.

"Okay, I bet everyone has heard of this but I want to inform that final exam will start in just a few more weeks so you guys better prepared youselves. There will be writing exams and practical exam. So you should be in good shape during this time." Aizawa reminded them and all students nodded in understanding. They then proceeded the lesson like usual.


After school end,
Outside the class...

Midoriya's POV

"So, want to study together until exam?" Hitoshi asked me after we both left the classroom, walking through the hallway. I smiled widely and nodded to him in agreement. "Shinso." A voice suddenly called Shinso so we turned our back to the voice's direction and to my surprise, it was Aizawa-sensei.

"Can you stay at school after school end starting today? You need to train with me for the upcoming exam." Aizawa-sensei demanded, his black eyes locked on me. I only gave him a small smile. "Right now?" Hitoshi asked to make sure.

Aizawa-sensei nodded in silent. Hitoshi turned to look at me with concern filling his purple hue eyes. I only smiled at him reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll be fine walking home alone. See you later, Hitoshi!" I said in cheerful tone before leaving the two tired men. "See you later, Izuku." I heard his reply.

I ran through the hallway, heading to the gates to return home.

Shinso's POV

"Calling by your first name, I see?" Eraser Head raised an eyebrow at me. I only smiled sheepishly at him. "Well, it's a long story." I replied shortly.


On the way back to apartment,
Near the park...

Midoriya's POV

I walked through the street while singing Miku Hatsune's song, Sweet Rain Drop that seemed to match with my happy mood today. I walked past the park that looked so quiet with no children making noise or playing there.

"Hey, Midoriya~" A cheeky, manly voice sang my name teasingly. I quickly stopped my pace and turned to look at the park. I saw a boy, maybe around my age, sitting at the wooden bench while smirking flirtiously at me. He had purple hair with some sort of purple balls on his head...

Hm? Wait, he is...!

"M-Mineta-kun?!" I gasped in shock when I uttered that name, the name I hadn't heard for a while. "Oh, you are as clever as ever, Midoriya." Mineta-kun praised me. He was still smirking at me with hidden agenda behind it and somehow, I felt uncomfortable with him.

(This is how he looks like. Gosh, I can't stop laughing at the old Mineta😂)

Mineta-kun got up from the bench, slowly walking toward me. "Walking home alone, I see? Where is that tired-looking boy?" He asked me in cheeky tone but the last part sounded like he was irritated.

W-Woah. He had changed a lot. He seemed like a real boy. Even his voice sounds very manly now. He is taller than before. Is this the miracle of nature or somethinhg?@・Д・@

I only remained silent. I had a bad feeling about this. Why did Mineta-kun suddenly appeared? "Hm, or should I say your beloved boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinso?" Mineta-kun said in husky voice. I shivered in fear when he said that and instinctively distanced myself from him.

"H-He had training at school today s-so I'm walking alone." I replied in fidgety while slowly stepping farther from him. "Owh, mind if I accompany you then?" He offered all of sudden, a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

I looked at him in extreme fear and out of nowhere, my feet moved on their own, running toward my house as fast as I could.

H-His aura... Somehow, it scared me. I need to stay away from him!

He isn't... The Mineta-kun I used to know anymore...

Mineta's POV

I glared at my dream girl's figure running away from me in fear. Damn it, I was very closed!

Maybe I shouldn't smirk a lot. But I heard women love men's smirk.

Guess I should try again next time.

I sighed in frustration before leaving the park. What a waste of time...


AN- AHAK, SURPRISE! I bet you guys expected it but let me say, SURPRISE! Who expected Mineta to be here?

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