CHAPTER 16 - Full of Embarrassment

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Midoriya's Residence...

Midoriya's POV

"Hitoshi, you meanie! Come back here!" I yelled in panic while chasing my naughty boyfriend who planned to tell Mom about us. Look, it wasn't like I hated that idea but I was just not ready yet. We just became couple a few minutes ago and he was already prepared to tell Mom.

I entered my house in hurry, looking for Hitoshi in my house. I walked past the doorway and surprisingly, Hitoshi chillingly sat at the dining table while talking to Mom like nothing happened. He noticed my presence so he turned to look at me. A mischievous smirk grew on his tired face that seemed to remind me of Aizawa-sensei, telling me he won this game.

Jeez, I never knew he can be this mischieve!

I huffed at Hitoshi, showing him my rebellion. I headed to the dining table and sat next to him, turning my head to somewhere else to avoid eye contact with him. There was heavy silence for a moment before the clicking sound coming from Mom broke this quiet atmosphere.

"So, Hitoshi-kun. What do you want to tell me?" Mom asked Hitosho kindly while placing the plates and bowls on the table. "Me and Izuku are officially couple now." He said bluntly, making my eyes went wide.

Mom gasped in shock at his announcement, her hands started shaking heavily all of sudden. "M-Mom, are you... Okay...?" I asked my mom worriedly, concern about her who only froze there in silent with no response.

"Oh no, Izu! I'm not okay! I'm VERY happy!!!" Mom squealed in excitement, throwing the spatula in the air. I started to panic when I realized that the spatula would hit her head at this rate. I quickly got up to try saving Mom from the spatula but poor my beloved mother, she was too late. The spatula hit her head, causing her to yelp in surprise.

Hitoshi stood up too, his face clouded with worry. Mom rubbed the swollen part of her head while hissing in pain. "M-Mom, are you okay?" I asked her softly, feeling sympathy for her. Mom nodded her head and smiled widely at me and Hitoshi.

"Oh, this is nothing compared to my happiness right now! I'm so proud of you two!" Mom squealed again and all of sudden hugged me and Hitoshi tightly.

"I bet Dad will be very pleased to hear about this good news." Mom said as she released both of us from the embrace. My eyes widened a bit she mentioned Dad.

"H-Hey Mom, did you tell Dad about Hitoshi?" I started to get nervous. Dad was not very nice with any guy who tried to approach me or harrased me like Kacchan. Last time he saw Kacchan bullying me when I was kid he literally slammed him into the pool nearby and then dragged me home like nothing happened. Kacchan complained to Auntie Mitsuki but she blamed him and said it was his own fault for bullying me.

Mom innocently nodded at me without knowing the truth about Dad's hidden side when it came to boys around my age. "But for some reasons, he sounds a bit irritated when I told him on about Hitoshi-kun before..." Mom mumbled while placing one finger on her chins, trying to find out the reason behind Dad being very irritated.

My body started shaking and out of blue, something tapped my shoulder startling me who was deep in thoughts. I turned to look at my boyfriend and he raised an eyebrow at me, asking for an explaination. "Hey, why are we chatting? We've to eat dinner!" Mom gasped in realization, pushing us back to our seats.

I chuckled at her and we all started eating. Mom kept telling us how happy she was to see us finally together. Hitoshi only smiled at her non-stop fangirling. My face wouldn't stop flushing red.

"Thanks for the dinner, Inko-san." Hitoshi smiled at my mother. "No, it's alright! I already view you as my son after all." Mom displayed her genuine smile when she uttered those words.

"Now, now, Izu. Send him out okay!" Mom shoved me forward and gave me a thumb-up. I blushed and only,followed Hitoshi from behind. I sent him to the door.

"See you at school, Hitoshi." I smiled at my boyfriend happily. Hitoshi smiled at me back but all of sudden he pulled my wrist and brought my body closer to his. He sealed his lips with mine without a warning.

I melted into the taste of his minty lips, giving in myself to this pleasent treatment. I wrapped my arms around his neck while my tongue battled for dominance with him.

I swore I felt Hitoshi smirked between our kisses but I ignored it. Hitoshi broke apart from me. "You like it that much, don't you? My lips." He whispered huskly into my ear, causing the blood to rush to my head.

I only remained silent and froze there in embarrassment. Hitoshi chuckled at my reaction and pecked my cheek before leaving my house. As soon as his figure disappeared from my sight, I touched my lips  thinking about his words.

I really love it... Not only your lips but you too, Hitoshi...

I smiled in silent and walked to my room. I saw Mom who was grinning at me. "M-Mom!" I pouted. Mom chuckled teasingly and then patted my head. "Come on, sweetie. It's time to go to sleep." Mom stated in her usual gentle voice.

A smile present on my freckled feature and I nodded to her. I said good night to Mom and went to my room. I threw myself on my bed and hugged my myself. Hitoshi wouldn't leave my mind and kept appearing. I could only think about him until I fell asleep.


Next morning,
Outside Hitoshi's house.

I waited for Hitoshi to come out but he was taking too long. What is he doing in there?

I was curious so I decided to enter his house. I knew it was inappropriate but I was very worried about him. What if something bad happened to him?

As soon as I opened the door, Mikorin ran toward me, wagging her tail in happiness.  I chuckled at this adorable feline. She nuzzled her head on my leg, showing her affection to me. I stroked her fur gently, enjoying the softness of her fur.

But then I recalled my real intention entering his house. I quickly headed to Hitoshi's room and spinned the doorknob without knocking first. "Hitoshi, are you doin--"

My face turned bright red when I saw shirtless man in front of me. "Oh, Izu. Sorry I woke up late today." He apologized as he proceeded to walk toward me. My heart pounded rapidly when he was getting closer to me. I stepped back from him until my back leaned against the wall.

Hitoshi looked clueless and only kept getting closer to me. He pinned me to the wall, closing the gaps between our face. "Izu, your face is red. Are you sure you are okay?" He asked me worriedly. I placed my palms on his bare chest, pushing him back.

"C-Clothes..." I muttered while averting my eyes from his gaze. His eyes widened in shock and he quickly distanced himself from me and ran into his room back, putting on his uniform. I sighed in relief while wiping off the sweats that trickled on my temple.

A few seconds passed and Hitoshi left his room after finishing putting on his uniform. "S-Sorry, Izu. I forgot." He shyly apologized while bowing to me. I chuckled and tapped his shoulder lightly.

"Hey, it's okay." I smiled at my boyfriend. Hitoshi sighed in relief. "Now, shall we go?" I said and he obediently nodded.

Hitoshi grabbed his bag but before he left, he patted Mikorin's head gently. We both left the apratment, walking past the park like usual.

But for some reason, I felt like we were being watched so I turned my back to look around. "Izuku, what's wrong?" He asked in concern. I turned to look at him and shooke my head. "Nothing." I smiled confidently at him.

But he didn't seem like to buy it so he held my hand gently, walking together with him hand in hand.


Somewhere around the park..

???????'s POV


I glared at the couple in hatred. You wait, Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Shinso... I would make sure you guys suffer!

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