CHAPTER 15 - Honest Confession

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Outside Shinso's House...

Shinso's POV

I only stared at Midoriya who looked like was pouting outof blue, dusts of pink spread across her freckled cheeks that I wished I could touch again... Like when we kissed before. I stared at her luscious, plump lips that I wanted to connect with mine so badly.

Her skin is so smooth... I want to touch it...
Her lips are so soft... I want to feel the softness again...

My heart started pounding fastly all of sudden when the thoughts of kissing Midoriya came to my mind. Blood rushed to my head, thousand of rosey pink shades tinted on my face. I clamped my mouth with my palm, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Oh gosh, I'm about to lose it. I'm too nervous!

"Shinso-kun, are you okay? Your face is red..." Midoriya's concern voice yet sounded very cute snapped me back into reality. "H-Huh? Y-Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." I stumbled upon my words as I was too nervous.

Dammit, stop beating so fast, heart! You are making me going insane!

"Hey, can I see Mikorin? She is in your room, right?" Midoriya asked eagerly, bouncing adorably while waiting for my response. I only nodded to her, allowing her to see Mikorin.

Midoriya didn't waste any time, quickly jumped into my house without hesitation. She seemed so calm for an innocent girl who just entered a boy's house, all alone with him. And that boy... Is me.

Crap, I don't think this is a good idea. I mean, we're both alone right now, in MY house.

Midoriya found my room and quickly dashed into it. "Mikorin~" She squealed excitedly, crawling onto my bed to play with Mikorin who was meowing happily when she saw Midoriya.

My bed...
I hope we can sleep together, cuddling each other affectionately--

What the heck?! What am I thinking?!

Oh gosh, stop thinking about that already, Hitoshi! She is your friend! YOUR FRIEND!

I can't have inappropriate thoughts about my friend...

But I never see her that way anymore... My romantic feelings for her had grown stronger during the internship because I missed her so much... I have always thoughts about her, every day and night. We've been friends for almost two weeks now...

I want her to see me the same way as me... More than friends...

Much special than that...

"Shinso-kun, look at her funny face! Mikorin is sticking out her tongue!" Midoriya giggled gleefully, amused to see Mikorin's weird face. Her giggles were so cute that I felt my heart was shot with an arrow.

Ore no kokoro!
Dammit, Midoriya... Why can you be so cute all the time?

I only smiled at Midoriya, slowly walking to my bed and sat next to Midoriya. I got closer to her that there was no space left between us. I accidentally nudged Midoriya shoulder, causing her to turn her head to face me. "Hm? What's it, Shinso-kun?" She asked me curiously. Kind smile grew on her perfect, beautiful feature. My heartbeat pace started to increase again when I saw her smile. Her lips were tempting me to lock them with mine.

O-Oh no, I can't hold back anymore...

"Midoriya..." I called her out in desperation. Midoriya put the cat down, humming at me silently. I slowly pushed her down to the bed, laying her gently with me on top of her. I placed my leg between her thighs, causing her to blush at our current position.

"S-Shinso-kun..." She called me out in confusion, not knowing my agenda. I brushed her soft lips with my slender finger while closing the gaps between our face. "Please... Call me Hitoshi..." I insisted in desperation. My urge to kiss her overwhelmed my mind and heart.

"H-Hitoshi..." Midoriya uttered my first name and she blushed intensely. "Midoriya, you know what I'm gonna do, don't you?" I asked her. She shook her head, staring at me innocently.

O-oh... She didn't know. I thought she could at least tell I'm gonna kiss her.

I only replied at her back with a smile. I gently connected our lips together. Midoriya looked startled but she still kissed me back, shutting her big emerald eyes tight, enjoying the taste of my minty lips. Our tongues battled for dominance, desperately to win this game.

Dammit, she tastes very sweet...

"N-Ngh~" Midoriya suddenly let out such a cute tiny moan between kisses. Needing for air, we both broke apart and I gazed into her eyes deeply. "H-Hitoshi, y-you just k-kissed me again..." She said sadly, tears welled up her glimmering jade green iris.

I quickly stroked her dark green curly hair gently, trying to calm her down. "Hey, it's okay, Midoriya. I never regretted having you as my first kiss..." I comforted her. Midoriya seemed shock with my statement.

"H-Hitoshi, are you really--"

"I love you, Midoriya." I cut her off, confessing my hidden feelings toward her. Midoriya looked like she was dumbfounded by my confession. "I love you... That's why I said I don't care when you stole my first kiss." I told her truthfully, smiling sheepishly when I recalled that moment.

"W-When did you...?" She couldn't continue since she was too shock. "I don't know... Maybe since the sport festival?" I grinned at Midoriya happily, feeling relieved after confessing to her.

"H-Hitoshi, I..." Midoriya suddenly sobbed softly, surprising me who only stared at her. Her reaction was obvious. She never felt like that toward me. "I know, Midoriya. You don't feel the same way as I do. It's okay, I accept it." I muttered, cracking a fake smile on my face to convince this greenette.

I knew I had no chance...
Because she only sees me as a friend... Not more than that...

I slowly distanced myself from Midoriya to give her some space to calm herself down but all of sudden, she wrapped her arms around my neck. "H-Hitoshi, I love you too... " She whispered into my ear. My eyes widened in shock at her sudden confession.

What?! S-She liked me too all this time?!

"H-Hitoshi, please don't leave me. I love you, I love you so much. So please... Stay with me..." She pleaded in desperation, tightening her embrace not wanting to let me go.

A warm smile plastered on my face. I returned the hug, placing my hands on her back. "Midoriya... I won't leave you, never. I promise. I'll stay by your side forever... Because I love you." I whispered into her ear too to calm her down. "And can I call you Izuku now?" I asked her hopefully and Midoriya clutched my shirt firmly. I felt a small movement in the hug, perharps she was allowing me to call her with her first name.

Izuku broke apart from me, her viridian iris gazed into my amethyst-coloured orbs. "Hey, wanna stay here?" I asked her seductively, trying to tease her. I got closer to her neck, breathing heavily as I inhale her sweet lavendar scent. Izuku yelped in surprise at my doing.

"H-Hitoshi, w-we can't do this!" She tried to push me back even though she was very flustered. "Nuh-uh. We're officialy couple now so we can do what couple do." I smirked mischievously at her tomato red face while trying to hold back my laughter. I really loved teasing her like this.

"Come on, Izu. I'll be gentle with you..." I said, planting a sweet kiss on her collarbone. Izuku moaned lightly at my touch. "N-No, Hitoshi--"

Out of blue, my phone started buzzing, cutting off our romantic moment. I sighed and then left my bed, walking to my drawer to take my phone. I looked at the screen and surprisingly, it was Mother who called me.

"Sorry, Izu. Gotta go for a sec." I told my girlfriend and she nodded obediently, permitting me to talk on the phone. "Yes, Mother? Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. My neighbours next door were very nice to me. They even invited me to dinner sometimes. Friends? No, I don't really have any but I have someone more special than friend." I heard Mother gasped in shock when I blurted that out of nowhere.

"Oh my gosh, son! You've a girlfriend now?! Why did you never tell me?! I'm gonna visit you this weekend! I wanna see my future daughter-in-law!" Mother yelled loud enough for Izuku to hear. I chuckled at her over reaction. I turned to look at Izuku and as expected she was blushing hardly. "Okay, Mother. Gotta go now, bye." I told her and ended the call.

"Welp, better prepare yourself, Izu." I reminded Izuku and she started to sweat in nervousness. "W-Why did you have to tell your mother now? We just became couple for just like a few minutes ago..." She pouted at my self-making decision, not agreeing with my idea.

I chuckled at my cute girl. I approached her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "Hey, it's alright. My mother is open-minded person so there is no way she will hate you." I said in guilty, feeling bad for teasing her like this.

Izuku raised her head up, staring at me long before nodding, approved with my statement. "If you say that... Then I'll meet your mother..." Izuku smiled slightly at me.

"Now, why don't we go and tell your mother?" I exclaimed and quickly got up, ran out of the room in hurry to escape from Izuku.

I'm gonna tease her a lot now!

"Hey wait! Hitoshi, you are so mean!" Izuku said as she chased after me in panic.

This is such a happy day for me... I finally got myself my dream girl....


AN- Oh, NanA Nation! Sorry for the delay!!! I'm so sorry! I have been focusing on my KatsuDeku fanfic since I wanna finish it first that I really forgot to update other books! So sorry! ・゚・(。>д<。)・゚・

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