CHAPTER 23 - "Make Me Yours"

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U.A. High School,

Midoriya's POV

What is wrong with me? I feel dizzy all of sudden... I just recovered from the cold but now I feel like getting cold again...

I was laying in the bed and Recovery Girl was doing a check-up on me. "Hm, it's just fever. But you still need to rest for a while. Shinso, you can return to your class now. Don't worry, leave Midoriya dear to me." Recovery Girl spoke up kindly, assuring nothing was wrong with me. I looked at Hitoshi and he didn't seem to listen to Recovery Girl.

Ah, please don't pick a fight with a teacher...

"Hitoshi..." I called him out in weak voice, signifying him to return to class like Recovery Girl instructed. He heaved a long sigh, hesitantly nodded his head to me which made me curved a small smile filled with relief. "Fine... Take care of yourself, Izuku." His warm hand ruffled my hair full of affection before walking out of the infirmary, heading back to 1-A Classroom.

"You two seem very closed. Is he your boyfriend now, sweetie?" Recovery Girl asked me with a small smile. I tried myself to show a sheepish grin at her. "Um, yeah..." I shyly answered her question, my fingers scratching my brocolli hair in embarrassment.

"Does All Might know about this?" Her next question made me choked on my saliva. "U-Uh, not yet... I still can not find the right to tell him..." I said in nervousness. Somehow, I felt like I better kept this silent first than telling All Might.

Oh gosh, I felt the same feeling I got when Mom told Dad about me and Hitoshi...

"You should not keep this secret for too long. He will find out eventually sooner or later. Or do you want me to tell him in your stead?" Recovery Girl kindly offered to help which caused me to freak out. "I-It is fine! I will tell All Might myself--" I started coughing a lot out of the blue. My chest felt heavy and my head kept throbbing achingly.

This pain... The same one I felt during the time I has fever... Ugh, I just want it to go away!

"Oh dear! How can your cold get worse in just few seconds?" Recovery Girl clamped her palm on my forehead, feeling the rising temperature of my body. I was huffing and gasping for air, my breathing became more and more ragged every single second timed passed.

What is this feeling? My body... Feel so hot... I... I need to release it...

"Ha... Ha..." I panted heavily which got Recover Girl worried. "Midoriya, I don't think you can continue your class in your current state. I have to do futher check-up on you. Your condition is very unusual today." She stated in concern but I couldn't pay attention to her words as I was very dizzy. All I could think of right now was Hitoshi.

Hitoshi... I... I want you...


After lunchbreak ended,
1-A Classroom...

Shinso's POV

I slided open the door and the first thing I saw was All Might, standing in front of the class. He greeted me with his usual wide grin. "You finally come Young Shinso! Oh, where is Young Midoriya? I assume that she was with you since she wasn't here." All Might asked me, slightly sounding concern when he mentioned Izuku's last name. All eyes were locked on me, glaring deadly as if I was their target or something but I didn't give a damn care about them.

"Midoriya... Feels a bit under the weather so I accompanied her to infirmary just now. Recovery Girl told she has to rest herself for a while before returning to lesson." I said in sadness, feeling lonely when Izuku was not by my side. She was the only who talked to me in this class after all.

All Might's face turned a little bit pale when I finished my words. "I see... Alright, thanks for informing, Young Shinso! I will go visit her later. Now come in and return to your seat." All Might gave me a big smile while his hand gestured to my seat.

I heaved a silent sigh before walking back to my seat which was behind my lover's one. Seeing the chair empty really did give me sad feeling.

I slowly pulled the chair, not wanting to cause any noise and sat on it. All Might then proceeded to continue the class like usual. I intently listened to him, hopefully time would pass faster as I waited to see my precious girl again.

All Might's POV

Poor my girl... I never knew she is still sick. She looks very energetic and cheerful as always when I met her this morning. Maybe she forces herself to come to school.

I will visit her after class end...


A few hours later,
After class end,

Shinso's POV

I walked through the hectic hallway heading to the infirmary to see how Izuku was doing when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw All Might walking closer to me.

"Hey, Young Shinso. Are you on yoru way to visit Young Midoriya?" All Might gave me a friendly wave. I juat responded with a nod. "You too, All Might?" I stared at him. The way he talked about Izuku sounded like the two were very closed.

"Yes." All Might gave me a 'thumb-up'. "Then we can go together." I offered, finally smiling at the number one hero.

We both walked side-by-side together, silence filling the atmosphere. It was a quiet journey to the infirmary. Without I realizing, we already arrived at our destination.

All Might opened the door and entered the infirmary first, followed by me from behind. Recovery Girl looked very concern, her eyes darted Izuku who was laying in the bed. She was panting heavily.

"Young Midoriya, what in the world happened to you?" All Might uttered in sadness before approaching her. "Her fever kept getting worse as the time passed. She hasn't cool down even a bit." Recovery Girl explains in worry.

"Izuku..." I whispered her name and held her soft hand in mine. Seeing her in this state really hurt me. Isn't there anything I can do to help her ease her pain?

"Toshi..." I heard Izuku murmured my name weakly, startling me and the other two pro heroes. "My, my, she finally spoke up. She can't say even a word just now." Recovery Girl looked relieved upon seeing Izuku slowly opening her eyes half-lid.

"Young Shinso, you live near Young Midoriya's residence, right? Can you take her home?" All Might requested, clearly concerned about Izuku. I nodded to him in agreement. Well, that was my plan from the very beginning.

"I will gladly escort her back, All Might." I smiled at the Symbol of Peace slightly. Izuku suddenly moved her hand, making me turned to look at her. "Looks like she really wants to go home. You can leave now, Shinso " Recovery Girl announced.

I helped Izuku got off of the bed and carefully assisted her to stand straight. She clutched onto my shirt to support her body. As soon as we got her position right, Izuku hesitantly let go of me.

"We will take our leave now." I bowed to the two heroic figures before holding Izuku's warm hand and left the room, with Izuku remained silent all the way back to our home.


A few moments later,
Shinso's apartment,

Shinso's POV

Izuku was laying in my bed weakly, her breathings seemed more ragged than before. I stared at her in pity, worry filling my purple eyes. I then glanced at the note left by Inko-san when we arrived just now.


Izuku dear,

I'm so sorry to say this but I have to leave you by yourself for a while. I just got a call from your father, informing me that he left earlier than he was scheduled to so I need to go to Tokyo immediately and pick him up there tomorrow. You can stay at Hitoshi-kun's place first. I will be back by tomorrow's morning!



Okay, dear, Author-san. Why did you always do this to us when we needed Inko-san the most? You were so cruel. I bet you were planning something in your dumb mind.


"Toshi..." Izuku's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes, Izu? Do you want to eat anything? I will get it for you." I offered, displaying a warm smile to show Izuku I was here for her.

Toshi again? Now, that's rare. She always called me "Hitoshi" and hearing her said my name in that tone... Kinda make my heart beat faster.

Izuku fragilely reached out her hands to my shoulders and suddenly pulled me into the bed. She got ontop of me, sitting on my waists, her half-lidded emerald eyes gazed into mine deeply while her face was flushing bright red.

"Izu, what are you--" Izuku suddenly connected our lips together, catching me off guard. Her hands still gripped my collar firmly.

Okay, what's gotten into her?! THIS IS NOT NORMAL!

Izuku broke the kiss, a string of saliva connected to our lips. She started undoing her button and tie,discarding her blazer and collar shirt and tossed them somewhere in the room, revealing her upper body to me. I blushed at this unexpected sight and quickly looked away.

"Izu, put on back your clothes!" I yelled in embarrassement. Izuku's soft hand cupped my cheeks and forcefully turned my head facing her.

"Toshi..." Izuku whispered huskily into my ear.

Wait... She is not having a fever... Is she--

But how?! How did this happen to Izuku?!

I gripped Izuku's slender wrist and tackled her down on the bed with me on top of her now. I stared at Izuku in disbelief. "Izuku, stop joking around. This is not funny." I warned her.

If she is teasing, then she used the wrong way to tease me.

Izuku only responded with a small smile before wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm not joking, Toshi... I... I want you to touch me... And I want to touch you..." She muttered in desperation. My cheeks and body started feeling hot as I couldn't hold back my desire anymore.

D-Damn it, how did we get into this situation?

"Izu..." I called her out in wants and needs. She hummed, pushing me closer to her.

If this is what you want... Then I... I will...


But this is wrong...!


"Make me yours..." She whispered seductively, making me lost my mind. I discarded my tops, locking her lips with mine before we both...

Make love.


Third Person's POV

The mysterious man gritted his teeth in anger upon hearing their voices. He quickly left the apartment in irritation, thinking about his failure and planning for a new evil scheme.


AN- OH MY GOSH. I'm so sorry for the late update! I fell asleep while writing yesterday! So sorry! T-T

Anyway guys! Don't panic yet for what had happened between the greenette and the purplette! You guys will understand later why Izuku... Is acting very out of character today. :D

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