CHAPTER 22 - The One who Made Me Smile

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United State of America,

Hisashi's POV

Soft groans of relaxation left my mouth after I flopped myself on the cozy, luxurious bed. After an exhausted day, I finally had the time to rest myself. Two lovely women's face showed up in my mind.

Oh, Inko, Izuku... My lovely wife and my dear daughter... I miss you both...

My smartphone on the top of the drawer suddenly buzzed, gaining my attention. I grabbed it swiftly and turned on the phone.

Ah, Inko sent a photo!

A small smile tugged on my lips as my finger tapped on the bubble speech icon representing the message. My eyes were sparkling wit stars, eager to see my precious little daughter and my beautiful wife.

The picture finally finished loading, showing Izuku and a boy- What the, a boy?!

There is a boy in that picture! With Izuku?!

It was a picture of Izuku wiping off a purple haired-boy's mouth, they both were laughing happily that it ticked me off. And then I saw Inko's message.


Inko💎 : Hello honey~ Look at our little baby girl is all grown up now~❤ That's Hitoshi, the boy I talked about before. We're having dinner together! His mother is here too! Aw~ They are so cute, don't you think so, Hisa-kun?😊💕

Cute? CUTE?! This boy just stole our only daughter, Inko! I can't believe this happen while I was gone!

How... How can my little Izuku is with that boy...?

I better do something about this once I return!

You want my daughter, boy? Then you better prepare yourself... For the worst.

I groaned in frustration before my hand immediately threw the smartphone somewhere on the bed.


Back to Japan,
UA High School,
1-A Classroom,

Shinso's POV

"Huh?! Midoriya is not yours! Now let her go in instant!" Todoroki yelled at me, extremely pissed off. "Yeah, why did you keep taking advantage on Midoriya-chan?! You stole her first kiss and now you claim her as yours!" Hagakure for the first time, got mad at me.

"H-Hitoshi, please don't cause any ruckus..." Izuku, whose face was buried in my chest, whispered sadly, only loud enough for me to hear. "I can't promise, Izuku..." I whispered to her back, earning a sigh of disappoinment from her. I knew this was wrong but I just couldn't hold back it anymore.

They need to know... So that no more guy tries to flirt with my lovely brocolli.

"Well, she is my girlfriend. It wasn't wrong for me to kiss or hug her." I bluntly exclaimed, my violete eyes clouded with irritation.

"What--" My classmates gasped in total shock. "A-Are you both perharps... Dating...?" Yaoyorozu asked me nervously. I turned to look at her and nodded my head slowly. I released Izuku from my arms after I felt her hand tugging on my blazer.

Izuku took a deep breath, shutting her eyes tight to calm herself down. "Deku-chan... Why didn't you tell us?" Uraraka asked Izuku in sad tone, clearly offended. Izuku turned looking at her with guilt written on her face.

"I-I really want to tell everyone b-but not now... I just want you guys to get to know S-Shinso-kun better first... You guys have always thought of him as a b-bad person e-even though he wasn't..." Izuku was on the verge of crying since I noticed a tear escaped from her big harlequin eyes.

A rush of pity hit me, regretting my reckless action just now. All of them just remained silent which pissed me off a bit. A heavy sigh left my lips as I placed my palm behind my neck. I gently held Izuku's soft hand and led her out of the class.

"W-Wait, Hitoshi. W-Where are we going?" Izuku asked in surprise. "Cool off our head." I answered shortly as we both climbed up the stairs, heading to the rooftops.

1-A Classroom...

Third Person's POV

"I already told you guys we should just leave them alone." Tokoyami shook his head as he reminded the others in Midoriya Protection Squad. They all stayed silent, feeling very triggered with Tokoyami's words.


School rooftop,

Shinso's POV

"Hi-Hitoshi...?" Izuku called out my name in confusion after I pinned her wrists to the wall. I didn't speak a word, my purple irises gazed into her green ones.

"Izuku." I whispered her huskly name into her ear. "Let's stay here..." I told her as my hands traveled to her slender hips. "Hi-Hitoshi... You okay?" Izuku asked me nervously.

No, I'm not, Izu... I'm hurt... My heart is aching...

I... I just want to be together with you right now..

I licked the shell of Izuku's warm ear, causing a tiny moan to escape her lips. "Ah, Hitoshi..." She murmured my name between her ragged breath. I slowly got closer to Izuku's freckled face and locked my lips with her soft ones. Our tongue battled for dominance, desperately to win this game. I placed my hands on Izuku's hips while Izuku placed her palms on my chest.

After a few sweet seconds, I broke the kiss with a string of saliva connected to our lips. Both of us were breathing heavily. "I'm sorry but I really need you now, Izu..." I whispered to her in apologetic tone as I buried my face in the crook of her neck. Izuku's warm hand ruffled my unruly hair.

"No, it's alright. Do you want to sit down?" Izuku asked me kindly. I nodded and then broke apart from her.

Izuku sat down on the concrete floor, her back leaning against the wall. I sat next to her but then I laid my head on her laps. I groaned softly, feeling comfortable. "E-Eh?" Izuku looked at me confusedly.

"What? I want to sleep..." I told her before a yawn escaped my mouth. "I don't want to see those guys for a while... They are such a pain in the neck." I complained chidishly, reaching out my hand to her face. I stroked her soft cheeks as my gaze met hers.

"I don't hate them. Just annoyed." I groaned in irritation. "Why don't you try get along with them?" Izuku said softly, her slender fingers ran through my messy purple hair to give me comfort. Her gentle touch really made me felt sleepy.

"Easier said than done." I didn't agree with Izuku. A soft sigh left her plump lips. "I guess you just need time to get along with them... You're a good guy. They still haven't noticed it yet, that's all." Izuku spoke up in her mellow voice.

"Yeah, thanks for being there for me..." I mustered a small smile, a smile that only people closed to me like Izuku had witnessed.

I rarely smile... But Izuku always make me smile...

"I will always-- AHH!" Izuku suddenly screamed, made me immediately sat up myself. "Izuku, what's wrong?!" I asked her half-scream, worry clouded my face.

"N-No, it's just my head..." Izuku assured with a small smile, trying to hide her pain. "Izu, I think you should rest in infirmary..." I suggested. I didn't want to see her falling sick again.


"No arguing. I will take you there. Here, hold my hand." I reached out my hand and Izuku held onto me gently. I pulled her up carefully. Izuku's face looked very pale which worried me more.

She is fine this morning... Did her cold attack again?

We both walked away from the rooftops, heading to infirmary.


League of Villains' Hideout...

?????'s POV

"Ah, she is reacting..." I spoke up in husky voice while smiling in delight. "Huh, you would go that far for a woman?" Shigaraki snarled as he took a few sips of his liquor.

"Well, for a forever single guy who has no love experience,you won't understand me." I laughed at Shigaraki who already sent a deadly glare to me.

"I'll do anything to get her... Because she is made for me. She is the only one who treated me differently." I told Shigaraki as I recalled the time I spent with her.

I'll definitely get you... And kill that Shinso bastard for taking you away from me!


AN- I guess you guys can already guess who is this mysterious villain up there, right?~

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