CHAPTER 28 - The Stalker

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Third Person's POV

Hisashi stared at the slightly cracked phone screen. He "accidentally" gripped the phone too powerful with his fingers that he cracked the screen. His 'Overprotective Dad' was eventually on after the phone call ended just like that. He could tell it...

Izuku was staying at her BOYFRIEND'S HOUSE.

The cracked phone immediately was thrown to the floor, shattering into million pieces. The curly black haired-man messaged his aching head with his thumbs and index fingers. This whole situation was stressing him to the point he couldn't sleep peacefully at night, even though his lovely wife was together with him.

Sure, Inko already told him Hitoshi was a good guy with kind heart, but his heart just couldn't accept it. It was really difficult for him to fully trust people. Why? He didn't even know himself. It was his nature, his trait.

But in this case -- Izuku having a boyfriend -- was a different. The overprotective father couldn't help but had a bad feeling about this.

"Hisa-kun, how is the call? Is Izuku doing fine?" The chubby woman around her forty asked in gentle voice as she made her way toward her husband. "She is fine and totally happy staying with her boyfriend." Hisashi frowned, rolling his black eyes in annoyance. He flopped himself on the king sized-bed, his back facing his wife.

"Aww, why are you so mad, honey?" Inko chuckled teasingly before sitting in the bed. "She is too young to fall in love and has a boyfriend. She should have been focusing on her studies and us first, not chasing after love." Hisashi exclaimed in irritation.

"But we started dating when we were in high school--"

Hisashi turned his front body facing Inko and said, "That's a different story, Inko. Modern teenage boys these days aren't trustworthy! They just love to take advantage of girls, not loving girls sincerely! I have seen many heartbroken girls being dumped by their boyfriends like rags! And what he impregnant Izuku? What if..." Hisashi kept going on and on about his opinion, slowly turning into mumbling to himself. No wonder Izuku mumbled a lot.

Inko heaved a long sigh. This was the only side of her husband she couldn't understand. Either he was possesive or oveeprotective of his family, she couldn't conclude it. She just hoped Hisashi didn't do anything harmful to Hitoshi that could hurt Izuku's feelings.

"Hisa-kun, I can't deny what you said, dear. But not all teenage boys are same. I don't think I can change your mind. I want you to see him with your own eyes and leave the rest of your decision to be decided by yourself." Inko calmly spoke up, a small smile mustered on her face.

Hisashi remained silent as he stared at the green haired-woman. Inko smiled again before kissing his left cheek surprisingly. "I'm gonna pack up our belongings first. You just rest, okay, sweetie." She stated, getting off of the bed and walked toward their luggages.

Hisashi blushed madly, cupping his freckled cheek in happiness. It was pretty rare for Inko to make the first move and he really loved this. "You really know how to soften me up, huh, Inko..." He shook his head and smiled at himself.



ack to Shinso and Midoriya,
A few hours later,
Shinso's apartment...

Shinso's POV

I was watching a hero movie together with Izuku. We both were cuddling each other, blanket wrapping our bodies to keep us warm. My strong arm locked around her thin shoulders while her head leaned against my shoulder. The cats -- Mikorin and E.J. -- were both asleep together on the other couch.

I didn't watch the movie at all. My eyes were glued still on this beautiful forest haired-girl I was cuddling. She was the reason I was distracted from the television. I kept stroking her mossy green hair gently, she responded with hums of pleasure.

I smirked a bit, a mischievous idea popped up in my mind. I lowered my head to match with her height and bit her warm earlobe teasingly, earning a yelp of surprise from my girlfriend.

"Ah! Hitoshi!" Izuku snapped in anger before smacking my arm lightly. I chuckled and lifted her body up, setting her on my laps. I wrapped my arms around her waists lovingly. She was puffing her cheeks and it was so adorable.

"Sorry, love. You're just too tempting for me not to do anything." I softly whispered and bit the shell of her ear once again. "Hi-Hitoshi!" Izuku yelled so loudly, her face burnt up with crimson tints.

"Okay, okay. I will stop now." I apologized before attacking her neck with storm of kisses. Izuku shook her head and giggled gleefully, feeling a bit ticklish I thought. Perharps caused by the kisses since my lips were brushing against her smooth, fair, white skin.

Suddenly, we heard glass shattered noise from outside the apartment, frightening Izuku. I glared at the door in anger. It must be Izuku's stalker or random delinquents trying to prank us.

"Hi-Hitoshi, I'm scared..." Izuku confessed in fear, her hand clutching onto my hoodie, trembling. "It's okay, Izuku. I will protect you." I whispered words of comfort to calm her down.

E.J. woke up from his slumber all of sudden. He hopped off from the couch and ran toward the front door. His action made me felt more nervous and mad, realizing that there was definitely someone out there.

"You stay here with Mikorin, okay. I will go check what is out there." I said calmly but Izuku seemed very anxious. "Hitoshi, don't go... I... I have a bad feeling about this..." Izuku whispered sadly, burying her face in my chest.

"But Izu--"

A loud growl was heard from the front door. It must be E.J.! What the heck happened?!

Cats only growl loudly when they sense danger or threat. Don't tell me...

Damn intruder! What he wants from us?!

"W-Why E.J. is acting like that? That's not normal--" I quiet Izuku with a deep kiss. "I told you, don't panic, Izuku. I will do anything I can to protect you from your stalker or whoever outside." I said after breaking the short moment kiss.

I placed Izuku aside and got up from the couch, slowly and sneakily walking to the front door. E.J. kept growling furiously which was a bad news. I stopped behind my male cat and stared at the door in nervousness, sweats trickled on my temple.

I won't let you hurt Izuku, you freaking stalker!

I saw my metal bat very closed to the shoeracks so I grabbed it, holding my weapon firmly in my hands. E.J.'s fur was standing up since he was in his danger mode too I guess. My eyes fixated on the door. Gulping down my saliva, I spinned the doorknob before kicking it with all strength I had.

I saw a silhoutte of a man, perharps teenage boy around my age but couldn't make up of who it was since it was tll dark outside. A smirk curved on his lips, sending shuvers down to my spines. Before I could swing the bat to smack him, E.J. jumped onto that man's face and began scratching him mercilessly. "E.J.?!" I yelled in shock, not expecting him to attack first.

I guess I'm not needed here...

That stalker writhed in agonizing pain, blood flowed down on the side of his head. Feelimg satisfied with his work, E.J. jumped away from the man's face. Before that, he SPITTED his saliva on his face.

That mysterious man growled before fleeing from the scene. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I picked E.J. up, petting his head. "You're a hero now, buddy." I smiled at him and he meowed loudly. "Meow!"

I then shut the door close again, and then walked back to Izuku. I saw her sitting on the couch still with Mikorin in her arms. I placed E.J. down since he kept struggling in my arms. This one didn't like being held. "Hi-Hitoshi! Are you okay?! You are not hurt?!" She frantically asked me with tears in her eyes. She put Mikorin down and ran to hug me.

I smiled softly and hugged my love of life back. She was sobbing so loud. "Izuku, don't worry. The stalker is gone." I said to calm her. I heard Izuku gasped. She raised her head up and stared at me in disbelief.

"W-What-- Did you kill him--"

"No, no. E.J. beat him to pulp." I exclaimed, laughing ny heart out. That incident just now was the funniest thing I have ever witnessed with my own two eyes. A cat beat a man? Heck yeah!

"H-huh?" Izuku hummed in confusion, turning to look at E.J. who was cuddling with Mikorin lovingly. Their tails wagged happily.

Her jaw thrn dropped to the floor. I wrapped my arm around her waists and rested my chin on her shoulder. "He may still come after you, Izuku, but I will protect you from him." I whispered, pecking her plushy cheek.

We can't do this alone.
I need to inform All Might and Aizawa-sensei tomorrow...


A/N- Lololol, sorry for the late update! I was writing and accidentally fell asleep. I don't even remember when! XD

I will update again today, maybe two more chapters update (If I'm not lazy) :3

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