CHAPTER 29 - Meet Again

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In an alleyway...

??????'s POV


I walked down the alleyway in anger as I examined my scratched face. Damn ungrateful cat! This what I got for helping you escaped before?!

I will kill you, animal! I will kill you!

I set that cat free so that he could beat Shinso to pulp but I got beaten instead! Why he is even in Shinso's apartment?!

Groans of frustration left my mouth as I made my way to my new 'home'. Ugh, getting kicked out of my own house suck.

I harshly slammed open the door, revealing the dark interior of the inside of the building. Two pairs of eyes -- red and yellow -- looked at me in shock.

"Nice tattoo you got on your face, brat" Crusty Handsman said mockingly at me. I could see him smirking behind his 'Father' hand mask. "SHUT UP!" I snapped, stomping my feet furiously. I took a sit on one of the bar stools and rested my chin against my palm, frowning and cursing under my breath.

"What the hell happened to you?" Shigaraki smirked again to provoke me. "None of your freaking business, Crusty Lips." I growled, hitting the counter lightly. Kurogiri gave me a deadly glare, warning me not to repeat my action.

"Well, whatever. I just wanna ask if you have seen that stupid cat anywhere. He escaped again." Shigaraki suddenly asked, making me choked on my saliva. I gritted my teeth in slight worry but not expressive enough for the two villains to notice it. "Ah, he is the one who gave me these scratches. Dammit." I cussed in despise. I just wanted to strangle that damn cat right now.

"And you didn't catch him back?!" Shigaraki yelled furiously. I rolled my eyes and ignored his death glare. "Oh, now you're being a cocky brat. Remember, Purple Head Ball. I never wanted you here AT ALL. But because you said you were willing to help us to catch that Shinso kid, I let you in. So, DO YOUR DAMN WORK RIGHT." He warned me, his voice sounded huskier than before

"Yeah, yeah..." I unenthusiastically replied to this man child. My mind kep thinking about Izuku.

"MINETA." Shigaraki called me out again in anger but I just ignored him as I lost in my own thoughts, constantly thinking about her.


Next day,
U.A High School,

Third Person's POV

The whole class was in awkward silence all the time except for the two lovebirds who had fun chattering and laughing. Midoriya and Shinso were the only ones who talked mostly in the class today. The others felt awkward to even speak up a word after Shinso's declaration.

"Midoriya." Todoroki called out the female greenette. Midoriya stopped talking to Shinso and turned to look at the bi-coloured haired boy with a soft smile. "What is it, Todoroki-kun?" She asked in cheerful manner.

"Wanna study together today after school? We can do it at my place." Todoroki kindly asked the forest haired girl, ignoring the deadly glare from a certain jealous purplette who was standing next to Midoriya.

"Damn, Todoroki still won't give up..." Kaminari whispered to Jiro. "This is not going end well..." Jiro whispered back, sweats trickled on the side of her face.

"I wonder why Todoroki-kun wouldn't move on..." Yaoyorozu questioned in curiousity.

"Well, Deku-chan gave a big impact in his life after all. We can't blame him for falling in love with her..." Uraraka stated, her eyes fixated on her best friend with a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

Well, all girls in the class were a bit, A BIT jealous with the curly haired-girl since she got the attention of the most popular boy in class.

The three; Shinso, Midoriya and Todoroki didn't realize their classmates were watching them intently. The Half-and-Half actually knew that Shinso was Midoriya's boyfriend. He was awared of that fact. Some of his classmates already told him to give up on his dream girl -- Midoriya -- but no, he wouldn't do that. He would keep chasing after her crush. He knew he still had a chance. Shinso and Midoriya were only dating, not married. So he would use this opportunity to win Midoriya's heart.

Midoriya fidgeted slightly after hearing his request, her eyes stared into Todoroki's. "That sounds great but..." She paused there and smiled at her friend sheepishly. "...I promised my parents to return home immediately after school end. I'm so sorry!" She apologized in frantic motion, repeatedly bowed to the fourth son of Endeavour, the number two hero.

Todoroki was clearly shocked with her instant rejection. Half of his body froze with his Ice, his eyes turned dead and darkened with hopelessness while his soul already left its vessel.

"To-Todoroki-kun?!" Midoriya screamed in panic, chibi tears falling from her green eyes. Shinso, who kept quiet all the time, shook his head. He swiftly gripped his girlfriend's wrist and pulled her into a tight hug. "That's what you get for trying to steal someone's girlfriend,Todoroki." He snarled, hugging her tighter.

"Come on, Izu. Let's go and see the teachers now. I'm starving." Shinso exclaimed before dragging Midoriya out of the class, leaving the rest of the wannabe heroes tried their best to return Todoroki's soul into his body.


Teachers' office room...

Aizawa stared at the two future heroes in silence. He was very shocked to hear about their problem -- Midoriya being stalked by possibly a villain -- just now.

"And where are these note and roses you were talking about?" The tired teacher asked for evidence. Shinso took out the said items from inside the paper bag he was holding with him all the time and put them on Aizawa's table. Midoriya only looked down in anxiety, feeling insecured about her own safety.

Aizawa picked up the note and read it. His black eyes slightly widened in disbelief. "This is real blood..." His words sent shivers down to Midoriya's spines. Her legs became wobbly that she couldn't maintain her balance anymore. She almost fell back but Shinso caught her just in time.

"Izuku?" Shinso called her out worriedly. "W...What did the stalker want from me...?" She muttered, tears rolling down her cheeks. Shinso looked at her sadly and patted her back to comfort her.

The Erasure Hero heaved a long sigh. Seeing a girl cried was the thing he despised the most but in Midoriya's case, it was different. He softened up all of sudden.

Aizawa patted Midoriya's fluffy hair gently, ceasing her cries. "This stalker won't even lay a finger on your hair so no need to cry. We, teachers will investigate this and catch the stalker as soon as possible." He said emotionlessly but managed to calm his student down.

Midoriya's lips trembled as she nodded as her response. Shinso smiled a small smile. "Well, you both can leave now. And Shinso, remember. We've training again today." Aizawa's words got Shinso worried. He was planning from today onward to walk his lover home but totally forgot he had daily training with Aizawa.

Shinso shifted his purple irises to Midoriya. She just smiled and mouthed, 'It's okay' to him. She didn't want to worry her boyfriend and got in the way of his training.

Shinso bit his bottom lip worriedly but still nodded. He then turned to look at his mentor. "I definitely will come, Aizawa-sensei." Shinso said before excusing himself along with his girlfriend.


A few hours later,
After school,
On way back to Midoriya's apartment...

Midoriya's POV

I breathed a heavy sigh, worry overpowered me. I kept peering over my shoulders and looking around my surrounding for every second. I couldn't help but felt insecured. Someone was watching me. I just knew it.

When I walked past te playground, a man with dark purple hair waved his hand at me in friendly manner. "Hey, Midoriya." Mineta-kun smiled at me cheerfully.

What is he doing here?!

Mineta-kun stood up from the bench and made his way toward me. "Mi...Mineta-kun..." I murmured his name in nervousness.

"Why are you walking home alone again?" Mineta-kun asked me questionably, raising his eyebrow. "I... I just feel like being alone, that's all..." I answered, averting my eyes from him as I clutched the strap of my yellow backpack.

"But two is better than one, right?" Mineta-kun exclaimed, grabbing my hand all of sudden before pulking me closer to him.


"Come on, Izuku. Why don't we go to a cafe and have a long chat? It had been awhile since we last seen each other and I missed you so much..." Mineta-kun gazed into my eyes pleadingly, his arm slowly made it way to wrap around waists.

"W-Wait, Mineta-kun, please let me go..." I begged, pushing him away from me while slightly blushing. "Aw, why? It won't hurt to spend time a bit with me, right...?" He whispered while getting closer to my ear.

I could feel his warm breath on my ear, sending shivers down to my spines. "Mi-Mineta-kun-- AH!" He suddenly bit on my earlobe roughly, causing me to yelp in pain. I instinctively activated Full Cowl and shoved him away from me and ran tpward my apartment as fast as I could. My heart was racing faster at this rate that I fekt like it was going to explode any second now!

I climbed up the stairs panickally and reached my hime at last in brief seconds. I slammed open the door and slammed shut it back in hurry. "Izuku?!" A man's voice yelled from the kitchen. I turned to look at the direction.

D-Dad and Mom!

"D-Dad! Mom!" I called them out in fear, tears flowing down my cheeks as I ran to my father. My arms quickly hugged him, burying my face in his chest. I started crying my heart out, fear overwhelming my whole being.

I-It can't be... Mi-Mineta-kun is...!!!

"Izu sweetie..." Mom rubbed my back to calm me down while I heard Dad grinding his teeth in anger.

"Tell me... Who is this little bastard that hurt you..."


AN- Lol, sorry for the late update! Shinso is gonna meet Izuku's parents in next chapter, not this one. Sowwy. TwT

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