CHAPTER 35 - Summer Time!

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AN- *author-chan is found coma due to bloodloss after staring at Shinso's pic for 24 hours non-stop*


In the Shinkansen (bullet train),
Morning time...

Third Person's POV

"Hitoshi, you cheater!" Izuku whined in protest, crossing her arms in her chest as a sign of her rebellion. Hitoshi just used his Brainwashing Quirk to control Izuku during their UNO game so that he could steal some of her cards.

The said purplette chuckled and took the last cinnamon bun from Izuku's plate. "Sorry but my win~" He said and started eating the creamy bun. Izuku stared at her boyfriend in disbelief, tears slowly flooded her green eeys. "M-My cinnamon bun..." She sobbed, making Hitoshi felt very guilty now.

"Oh, hey, Hisashi. Looks like someone made your daughter cried." An adult man who bore a strong resemblance to Hitoshi, with the black eyebacks under both his eyes, spoke up in cheeky tone. Hajime Shinso, father of Hitoshi and husband of Mihoko was sitting beside Hisashi while Mihoko sat next to Inko.

Hisashi slammed close his book and glared dagger at the teenage boy, trying to contain his temper. "H-Honey, they are just teasing around, okay." Inko did her best to calm her husband down. Veins already popped up on Hisashi's forehead, his freckled face was on the verge of turning red out of anger.

Hitoshi noticed the black aura coming from Izuku's father. He immediately grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled her up from her seat. "W-what are you--"

"Let's buy more cinnamon buns for you." Hitoshi cut her off, pulling her closer to his body. Izuku's face brightened up. "Yay!" She beamed in happiness, locking arm with her lover. "We are going to get more food. See you later, parents." Hitoshi excused themselves and quickly walked away from the four adults before a certain overprotective exploded.


About a few hours later,
Okinawa Island,
Morning almost afternoon...

Midoriya's POV

I looked around this gorgeous island, gasping and squealing in happiness for a couple of times already. I could never grow tired of this beautiful view!

How long has it been since I last came here?! Or, maybe I have never visited yet?

Welp, who cares! All I want is to enjoy the trip with everyone!

My boyfriend, my boyfriend's parents and my lovely parents! This is going to be the best trip ever in my life!

But there is one thing that confused me.

From what I was informed by Aizawa-sensei, U.A. don't allow its student to go on a long trip during this summer vacation...

So how did we can--

"I got permission from Aizawa-sensei and Principal Nezu so no worries, Izu." Hitoshi wrapped his strong arm around my slender waists and pulled me closer to him. My face was buried in his exposed chest, causing me to slightly blush. "Oh, um, but how...?" I asked him in confusion.

"Well, since you were stalked lately... You said you have been having nightmare about the stalker coming after you, right? I don't think that is a good sign. You even looked more tired than usual. So, I asked permission to go on vacation, to make sure you forgot about those horrible things bothering you for a while... And the teachers allowed." He smiled kindly at me. My eyes slightly widened at his explanation. My arms moved on instinct and immediately tackled him to the ground, into a very tight hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Hitoshi..." I whispered into his ear, tears flowed down my cheeks. He chuckled in content and rubbed circle on my exposed back. Suddenly, I felt the string of my bikini loosened. I panickally let Hitoshi go and looked at him with red face.

Hitoshi was smirking seductively at me, his right hand holding the string of my bikini on my back that covered my chest while his left hand grip my wrist with gentleness. He slowly moved his head closer to my ear. "Since we stay in the same room, why don't we..." His last word turned my face deeper red.

"But T-Toshi, our parents are with us..." I stated in nervousness. His hot breath that brushed my ear almost made me let out a soft mewl. "They won't know if you don't make any naughty noise." He teased, smiling cheekily at me. "W-what do you mean by naughty noise? A-and you shouldn't say this out loud or..." I said fidgetly, my eyes looking around in complete fear.

"Oh, come on, it is just a joke..." Hitoshi said relaxingly while I was already panicking when I saw the flashing red eyes behind him. There was only one person who would get this mad.

Hitoshi, I warned you, sweetie.
I'm sorry I can't help you this time.

"YOU LITTLE..." Dad spoke up in dark tone, making me and Hitoshi flinched. "HOW DARE YOU RUIN HER INNOCENCE." He said again, this time in a very husky voice. I saw a wooden stick in his hand, the one he used to smash the watermelon just now!

That stick is as red as blood- Maybe the red colour came from the watermelon.

"Crap." Hitoshi cursed under his breath. "I told you we should not choose this topic to talk about..." I whispered to him carefully. Dad was already turning into his demon's form. I could see two horns and slight flame coming out of his mouth.

Oh, gosh. He is totally irritated! This is not a joke.

I was ready to book it. I grabbed Hitoshi's hand and hurriedly ran away from the scene as fast as I could. "IZUKU! GIVE HIM TO ME NOW!!!" Dad yelled and chased after us. "Wait, Uncle! What are you talking about?!" Hitoshi asked Dad half-scream.

"You were talking--" Dad suddenly stopped chasing after us, his eyes turned lifeless. I halted my pace and stared at Dad standing ther3 frozen like a doll.

Oh no, don't tell me-


itoshi now was the one who held my hand and led me. "We better hurry up and run away from him!" He exclaimed in panic. I breathed a soft sigh and chuckled at him.


Couple of hours flew by,
In their shared bedroom...

Third Person's POV

Izuku was sitting in front of the mirror, drying her curly hair with the hairdryer she brought. Hitoshi was staring at her the whole time. Seeing Izuku in bikini all day really tested his patience.

'Is she testing me? I know I have seen her without any clothes before... But seeing her in bikini...' He hid his face in his palms. 'Was a total bliss...!'

"Hitoshi?" Izuku's mellow voice snapped Hitoshi out of his train of thoughts. "Yes?" He said, almost stuttering. "I'm sleepy... Can we go to bed now...?" The sleepy greenette rubbed her big emerald eyes.

"Oh, yeah... I'm tired too..." Hitoshi whispered, his face turned red at Izuku's extreme cuteness. Izuku climbed in the bed and relaxed herself. "Uwaa~ this bad is so nice~" She purred out in pure happiness. "Hitoshi! Come and join me! It feels like heaven here..." She stated, still purring softly.

"Alright, alright... I'm coming." Hitoshi shook his head. Izuku sometimes was very childish. It was a side of her that not many people could see. Only with Hitoshi, her very closed friends and her family had seen it  hitoshi climbed in the bed too and laid next to Izuku.

"Good night, Izu..."

"Good night, Toshi..."

And they peacefully fell asleep together with the male cuddling the female affectionately.


AN- Hahahah, good night to me too cuz its night here! Sorry to cut this off short! I'm sleepy! 😪

And sorry if there are lots of errors and mispellings.

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