CHAPTER 36 - Camping Trip

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Couple of weeks passed,
U.A. High School ground,

Third Person's POV

Midoriya ran bouncingly toward her female friends and hugged them so tightly, leaving Shinso alone with the boys in awkwardness. The purplette still did not know how to communicate with his male classmates without any help from his lover. It always ended up with childish fight whenever he tried to start a conversation with his male classmates.

What were they fighting about?

It was about a certain greenette, Izuku Midoriya.

Everything went just smoothly at first. They talked about common topics, until they reached the topic about girls. That was when, Bakugou and Todoroki began the war with Shinso.

Because the two were jealous of Shinso since he won Midoriya's heart.

The male violette heaved a quiet long sigh, scratching his pale cheek in puzzle as he only watched Midoriya talking to her female friends happily. 'Can't blame her for missing them...' He smiled to himself, happy in secret to see his girlfriend all bubbly and talkactive again.

Shinso felt someone tapping his left shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly. He turned to look at whoever was behind him. Turn out, Kaminari was standing there, grinning ear-to-ear like a dork. "Yo, Shinso. I see that you are alone." He laughed loudly at his stupid joke that only irritated the sleepy boy.

Irk mark popped up on Shinso's temple, trying his hardest to contain his anger. Kaminari began approahing him after he secretly apologized to the electric male about his rude behavior when he was still new in the class.

Kamimari sensed the tense air coming from Shinso. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Did I get the cat's tongue?" The blonde boy grinned again as a token of apology.

"If you already know then don't mention it anymore." Shinso said with a hint of annoyance. Kaminari patted his back while laughing again. "Why don't you come and hang out with us guys once in a while? It is bad to stuck with Midoriya 24 hours-"

"I will. If those two stop causing ruckus everytime I try to talk." Shinso cut him off, his eyes glaring dagger at a heterochromatic male and a porcupine. Those two, in short words, were difficult to deal with. They had not give up to win Midoriya's heart yet.

"Oh, Todoroki and Bakugou, huh? It makes sense then..." Kaminari sighed long, recalling all the unexpected moments of jealous Todoroki and Bakugou.

"Class A's bus is this way! Line up in seat order!" Iida began calling out to his classmates. "Let's go now." Shinso walked toward the bus first. "Oi, wait, Shinso!" Kaminari chased after him from behind.


(Timeskip to after they finish fighting Earth Beasts~)

A few hours later,
At the training camp in the forest...

Midoriya's POV

I tiredly walked toward the building but soon collapsed on the ground, exhausted after fighting non-stop from morning till just now.

"What do you mean by three hours?!" Kirishima-kun whined in protest. "That is the time it would have taken us. Sorry!" Mandalay cheerfully exclaimed, amused to see us very tired like this. "You were trying to boast about how much better you are? That is mean..." Sato-kun complained, already sitting on the ground.

I breathed out a long sigh and stood up back on my two feet, brushing off the dirt on my school uniform. Pixie Bob suddenly let out her chuckles. "But honestly, I thought it would have taken even longer. You guys did not have as hard a time beating my earth beasts as I thought you would. You guys are great... Especially..." Her blue eyes locked on me, Iida-kun, Todoroki-kun and Kacchan. " four!" She pointed her finger to us.

Pixie Bob licked her lips hungrily before jumping toward us. I stepped backward on instinct. "I'm looking forward to where you will be in three years! I call dibs!" She yelled energetically and began fussing over the three boys.

"S-speaking of "suitable age"--" My face got wrapped by Pixie Bob's paw, her face darkened with malice. "What about it?" She asked in husky voice.

"I-It has been bothering me for a while... But whose child is that?" I questioned them between ragged breath due to lack of air as my finger pointed to a small boy. "Oh, not one of ours. He is my cousin's kid." Mandalay answered delightly.

"Come on, Kouta. Greet everyone."

The boy only stared at me silently, his cap foreshadowing his eyes. I smiled in excitement and approached him. "Oh, um, I'm Izuku Midoriya from U.A.'s High School's hero course. Nice to meet you." I extended my arm to him to shake hand.

The boy's face turned a bit red and I heard him gasping lowly. He seemed shocked to me. "Kouta... Kouta Izumi..." He introduced himself, averting his irises from me.

Aw, is this the tsundere reaction I always saw in the anime?

He is so cute!!

"Kouta-kun, then?" I gave Kouta-kun my best smile and my attempt succeeded. He looked back at me and responded with a small smile.

Uwa~ So cute~ I wanna hug him so badly!!

Without I realizing, I was already reaching out my arms to Kouta-kun and pulled him into a warm hug. "I-Izuku-san?" The small boy stuttered.

I chuckled heartily and released him from my arms. "Sorry for doing that." I apologized in awkwardness. Faint scarlet shades decorated his chubby face. "I-It's okay." He replied shortly, again shifting his eyes from me.

"Oi, brat..." A husky voice spoke up from behind me. I flinched in fear when I felt two dark presences. I turned to look at behind and saw Kacchan with flashing bright crimson eyes and Todoroki-kun already activating his fire side.

"K-Kacchan?! Todoroki-kun?! Why you two--"

Kouta-kun stepped forward and pushed me aside slightly. He balled up his palm and punched the two where the sun did not shine. "Kouta-kun!" I gasped in shock at his action.

The two older boys held their 'sons' as their body trembled in agonizing, undescribable pain.

Kouta-kun dusted his palm and then turned to look at me back. "Izuku-san, are you okay? You are not hurt?" He asked me with a hint of worry.

"Um, I'm fine... Thank you...?" I tilted my head in confusion. I did not how to react to be honest.

I could sense a pair of eyes staring at me. I lifted my head up and saw Hitoshi staring at me, his face clouded with anger. He looked away as soon as our eyes met each other. I gasped loudly and tears threatened to spill out.

W-why? What did I do to him? Did I do something he hate?

Shinso's POV

What is wrong with you, Hitoshi? Come on, she only hugged that little kid. It was not a big deal.

Wrong, IT IS.

I hate it. I don't like the way that kid acts around Izu. He seems to take a liking in her... But he looks like he hates the boys.

Crap, will I suffer the same fate as those two if that kid knew I was Izu's boyfriend?

I slowly looked back at Izuku and saw the crystal shiny liquid flowing down her cheeks.

I quickly rushed to Izuku and patted her back, earning a glare from the boy. "Izu, what is wrong?" I asked her in gentle voice. "Y-you looked away from me just now... Have I done something wrong?" She sobbed out, her teary eyes gazing into mine sadly.

I sighed long and curved a smile at her. "It is nothing, really. Sorry if you feel offended about it." I assured my lover. I could feel three death glares from behind me but ignored them nonethelessly.

She is my girlfriend. Why should I be scared of them?

"Enough with this charade. Get your stuff off the bus." Aizawa-sensei spoke up l of a sudden. "Once you have put your bags in your rooms, we will have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, yoy will bathe ans go to sleep. Now, move quickly."

"Yes, sir." We all retorted in unison. "Let's go, Izu." I held Izuku's hand gently. "Okay..." She lowly answered. I stared at her in suspicion.

"Is something bothering you?"

Izuku bit her bottom lip when I asked her. She looked like she was in fear." For unknown reason, my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast..." She exclaimed worriedly, clenching her palm into a fist. "It might just be you were very tired of today, Izuku." I stated, thinking positively.

Izuku shook her head,  denying my statement. "But this feeling is the same as the one I had... When I had those nightmares..." Her words now put me in shock.

What... What does she mean by that?!


AN- I guess it had been a while since I update, right? I'm so sorry for not doing a special chapter for Shinso's bday! I was pretty busy with school, not to mention, I was sick--

I'm so sorry. ;-;

And I guess Kouta is a bit OOC, right? I kinda want him to be a soft boy around Izuku. I just... Love this idea XD

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