CHAPTER 37 - What Are You Doing Here?!

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In the hot spring,
Female's side...

Midoriya's POV

Ahhh~ This feels so good.

"How are you feeling, Kouta-kun?" I asked Kouta-kun who was sitting in front of me while I brushed his back. Me and the girls -- in addition of Kouta-kun -- were in the hot spring at last, after going through such a harsh day.

Kouta-kun did not answer my question. Instead, his face brightened up deep scarlet while a trail of crimson liquid dripped from his nostril. I started to panic and grabbed a towel to wipe the blood off.
"Oh gosh... Is the water too hot for you...?" I sighed in worry. Kouta-kun's nose suddenly began bleeding really freaked me out. Maybe the temperature was too high for him.

"N-no, everything is just f-fine..." Kouta-kun stammered, his body began shaking violently. "Aww, you poor thing!" Hagakure-san giggled at him all of a sudden, earning a confused stare from me. "Kouta-kun, you bad boy~~ That is not good you know~" Now it was Ashido-san's turn, smirking mischievously at us.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them puzzledly, tilting my head to the side a bit like an oblivious child. "Midoriya, you are cruel, cheating on Shinso like this." Jiro-san teased, snickering with a hidden agenda behind it. My eyes shot wide open at her exclamation.

"Shinso...?" Kouta-kun looked up to me in curiousity, signalling for an explanation. "Well, he is--"

"Yep, Shinso, her boyfriend~" Ashido-san cut me off, giggling and laughing along with Hagakure-san. Kouta-kun looked so extremely shocked. He stared at me with a hint of sadness. "You have a boyfriend...?" He asked, lowering his childish voice. I nodded my head lightly.

"It is okay, Kouta-kun, there are plenty of women out there." Ashido-san patted his small back reassuringly. I was confused to the core at their strange conversation. I felt left out...


In the boys' side...

Shinso's POV

I relaxed myself in the hot spring, but two dorks ruined my time. "Stop freaking pushing me, Half-and-Half Bastard! I can't see Deku!!!" Bakugou, who was leaning his ear on the wall to eavedrop on the girls, pushed Todoroki aside who was doing the same thing. I shook my head in maximum irritation already.

What the hell are they thinking, trying to eavedrop on Izuku?! I'm right here and they still try to mess with me! Why didn't they just give up on Izuku already?!

"Stay away, Bakugou. I almost can see her just now--"


"....💢💢💢" Triple irk mark popped up on my temple since I could not contain my anger anymore. "D-dude, chill. They are just fooling around... Hahahah..." Kaminari tried to calm me down but hell no.

"You two, stop already!" Iida pulled the two idiots away from the wall. He might notice my anger and made a move first before I did.

I scoffed and sunk back into the water. Everyone (except the two obsessive dorks-) sighed in relief, including Kaminari who was beside me. Can say that he was the only guy friend I had in the class.

(I hope you don't read it as "Gay friend", readerstachi. This has happened many times to other readers before 😅😂)

I looked up to the starry nightsky, silently enjoying the glimmering view. A small smile appeared on my tired, pale face as my mind wandered, only thinking about Izuku...


A few hours later,
Girls' room...

Midoriya's POV

Ugh... I need it... Restroom...

I dazzily woke up from my slumber after mother nature calling me to rise up. I sleepily got up from my futon and walked toward my yellow backpack in slow motion to take out a towel since I was going to use the bathroom.

Slowly, I zipped open my yellow bag and tucked in my hand into it, looking for towel while relying on my instinct only to seatch for it. It was completely dark in this room and I could barely see anything.

As I was looking for the towel, I felt something furry and fluffy in my bag. "Wah!" I whispered yell and retracted my hand instantly, gasping for air due to panic. My heart was beating so rapidly while my breathing became ragged.

W-what is that in my bag?! So furry... And fluffy?

I built up courage and shakily looked at whatever was inside my bag. My mouth went wide open when I finally found out what was the thing.

"Nya~~" E.J. popped out his head out of my backpack, innocently meowing at me. "Shh!!!" I quickly shushed him, placing my finger on my lips as the sign. He tiltes his head.

"E.J., what are you doing here, IN MY BAG?" I whispered yell, still shock at this discovery. I didn't realize he was in my bag!

I already opened it before I went to the hot spring and he wasn't in there-- Then where did he pop up from?!

I sighed and stroked E.J.'s head gently, earning soft purring from him. He licked my finger, telling me he loved my touch. I awkwardly smiled at this sneaky cat.

I hope Aizawa-sensei doesn't kill me if he finds out about this...

"Meow..." E.J. nuzzled on my fingers adorably. I sighed again and took him out of my bag, placing him on my laps. "There, there." I stroked his silky,shiny black fur more. He purred in content and slowly, slept on my laps. My vision became blurry all of a sudden.

Guess I will go to toilet later...

I yawned and started to get sleepy again...


Next day,
Early morning,
Boys' room...

Shinso's POV

"Wow, where did this guy come from?!"

"Man... We are screwed if Aizawa-sensei sees him..."

"You guys, stop bullying that cat!"

"Hey, isn't this little fellow Shinso's pet?"

Why are they so noisy...?

I let out a sleepy yawn after my slumber was interupted with the noise of my classmates chattering and talking loudly. I rubbed my eyes to adjust my blurry eyesight.

I slowly got up from the futon I was sleeping on and approached the crowds. They looked like they were panicking about something.

Why is everyone gathering in the middle?

"Hey, guys....." I stayed silent when I saw a black furball in Kaminari's hands. "....E.J.....?" I tilted my head in confusion. Am I still sleeping and having a dream right now?

"Oi, Shinso! What is your cat doing here, roaming in our room?!" Kaminari snapped me back into reality by repeatedly slapping my cheeks. I shook my head and stared at E.J. in disbelief.

"....that cat bit my toe...." Todoroki husked out, glaring at E.J. deadly.

"This stupid furball scratched my freaking face!!!!!" Bakugou yelled furiously and was about to yank E.J. but I picked him up swiftly.

E.J. looked up to me with his tired eyes. "Meow.." He unenthusiastically purred at me. "What are you doing here, buddy? And how did you come..."

"HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN A BLACK CAT AROUND?!" Izuku's voice rang in the room as I heard the door slammed open by her. She was panting heavily and sweating bullets all over her body.

"Midoriya?! / Izuku?" Me and Kaminari called her out in surprise. "Meow!" E.J. jumped out of my hands and ran energetically toward Izuku.

"Thank goodness, you are here!" Izuku picked E.J. up and hugged him tightly in her arms. "Izuku, did you bring him here?" I asked her to confirm.

Izuku shook her head. "H-he snuck into my bag..." She whispered to me nervously.

Woah... What a clever cat...

I chuckled dryly and patted E.J.'s head three times. "Jeez, this isn't funny! Please help me hide him somewhere!!" Izuku smacked my chest strongly, puffing her cheeks in annoyance.

"Sorry, sorry, I will help..." I said sheepishly, agreeing to Izuku before she smacked me much stronger.

How did he sneak into her bag...?

I checked Izuku's bag before we went to school since we helped each other packing our stuffs.

This cat is so mysterious.


A/N- Hey guys! Nice to meet everyone again! Sorry that this chapter is boring-- Next chapter, I will make it much more interesting!

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