CHAPTER 42 - Never Expect

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Credit to @sukdraw from tumblr) ^~^


In a building...

Hisashi's POV

I averted my eyes from the other heroes who also gathered here for the rescue and cleanup mission. I turned my attention to All Might who was in his muscular from and Gran Torino, his teacher. My mind would not stop thinking about Izuku and Hitoshi.

As much as I still don't like that boy, I'm still worried... Izuku really treasures him, even Inko. It may pain Izuku if he is hurt by those lame scums.

Damn villains! Why the hell they target my daughter?!

"Why do I have to clean up after U.A.? I'm a busy man." Endeavor complained in dissatisfaction, scoffing. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Well, you know what, Mister Number Two Hero, without U.A., you won't get this far, okay?" I commented sarcastically, earning a glare from the also Flame Hero.

"Oh, cat got your tongue?" I showed to him my mocking grin. I heard about everything he did to his son from Izuku and ever since that day, my perspective about this abusive father changed.

Disgusting bastard who never appreciated his own children. If I have much more authority than you, I swear I'm gonna throw you into the sea.

"S-Starblaze, I don't think you want to mess with other heroes right now..." All Might shakily tried to stop me. I sensed the nervousness in his flashing blue eyes. "Shut up, All Might." I said harshly.

"Right now, we can't call heroes away from U.A.. Please look at the big picture, Endeavor." Tsukauchi calmed the situation down. Endeavor still had the same annoyed look on his fiery face.

The detective -- who was also All Might's best friend -- began the brief meeting. I wasn't really paying attention but I still listened to him.

Izuku, Hitoshi... We will definitely save you!


Villains' lair...

Midoriya's POV

Oh God... Did I pass out again...?

Oh yeah, now I remember... Mineta knocked me out of my consciousness just now!

Wait, Hitoshi--

My eyes shot wide open when I remembered about Hitoshi. I scanned this new foreign surroundings, only to see villains all over the place. And him too, tied to a chair next to me.


"Looks like you have woken up. Tch, took you long enough." Shigaraki husked out all of sudden, startling me. Sweats dripped on the sides of my head. "Tomura... Shigaraki..." I muttered, gulping down my saliva.

"What want from me?" I asked this hands villain nervously. Dark chuckles left his throat. "You really have no quality to be a villain." He mocked. "Because I don't want to he one!" I said back.

"Well, it wasn't like you are here to be a villain in the first place so that doesn't matter." Shigaraki tlited his head slightly. I could see his crimson irises staring into mine deeply.

"Then, why did you kidnap me?!" I questioned him in total cluelessness. "Eager to know, I see." He burst out his sinister laughters, laughing like a lunatic.

Wait... If the villains kidnapped me not because they wanna kill me or scout me to be a villain too...


"...don't tell me..." I gasped in disbelief when a rush of realization hit me. "We are gonna use you to blackmail Hitoshi Shinso." Shigaraki blurted out without hiding the fact any further anymore.

"No! What are you planning to do to him?!" I started to panic. I leaned forward, struggling to free myself. The chains connecting to my restraints rattled. "We want him to join our side." He said, smiling devilishly behind his hand mask.

"We know how close both of you are since you are couple..." Shigaraki smirked, getting up from his stool before making his way toward me. His cold delicate fingers caressed my cheeks, sending chills down to my spines.

Loud meowing suddenly echoed in the whole room. My heart dropped upon hearing that familiar meowing. A black cat hopped onto the bar counter. It was licking his fur to clean itself. "E.J....?" I mumbled in extreme shock.

"Oh, that cat." Shigaraki clapped his hand proudly. He walked back to the bar counter and stroked E.J.'s fur with cautious. E.J. stayed silent, his tired golden met mine. Somehow, I sensed sadness in his gaze.


How could he-- No, he had been following us... It was his mission... That is why he stayed... He stayed with me and Hitoshi.

Because we were the targets from the very beginning!

He must be the reason the villains found the training camp site!

Oh God, it was my fault in the first place... I was the reason everyone got caught in this...

And now Hitoshi's life is in danger, because of me!

"E.J.... Why... You...?" Tears welled up my eyes instantly. "Meow..." E.J. meowed sadly, his ears wilted down. "This cat is special... He has extraordinary intelligence and unique power." Shigaraki bragged smugly.

"Unique power? Could it be...!!"

"Yep, he got a Quirk dwelling inside him! In other words, he is a sentient Nomu, the first animal Nomu ever!" Shigaraki laughed out loudly, earning smirks from his comrades. "No way..." I wad in disbelief state.

I gritted my teeth in disappointment, frustration rose in me. My irises darted to Hitoshi who was still unconsciousness. The tears rolled down my cheeks, falling to the floor staining it.


Why, E.J...

Suddenly, someone knocked from outside the building. Everyone looked at the door confusedly, even me. "Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store." A foreign voice spoke up.

It can't be--

The brick wall was smashed to pieces by All Might all of sudden. Those villains began to panic. Someone unlocked my restraints and Hitoshi's. We finally got our freedom back. I turned to look at who was behind me.

And I saw familiar black curly hair.

Oh my... No way--

"Dad?!" I gasped in total shock, heard by the people around. Dad chuckled and nodded. He ruffled my hair before getting closer to my ear. "Bring Hitoshi out of here." He said. I nodded without hesitation

He is... Really Dad!

I never knew he is a pro hero! I'm gonna ask more about it later!

But when did he sneak behind me?

I rushed to the place Hitoshi was laying, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to carry him. "You can't run away anymore, League of Villains? Why? Because we are here!" All Might grinned victoriously at them. I watched the pro heroes in awe.

They look so cool! Oh yeah!

I heard humming sound coming from my lover. "Hitoshi!" I whispered yell in relief. "Izuku...?" He hummed again in confusion.

Thank God!

"The pro heroes are already here to rescue us so don't worry..." I told him as I was about to step out of the building when I felt my foor stucked to something. "What--" I saw purple ball under my foot.


Someone pulled me away roughly from Hitoshi, causing us to be apart. MINETA wrapped his arm around my neck firmly, choking my breath. "Izu! /Izuku!" Hitoshi and Dad screamed.

The pro heroes turned their attention to him. I coughed for air and started to feel slightly dizzy.

"Let her go!!!!!" Dad yelled furiously, activating his Quirk. "If you all attack me, you will hit this princess here too~" Mineta mocked them. The pro heroes and Hitoshi began hesitating.

What should... I do now?!


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